Cody woke up early the next morning, he sat up watching Rosita sleep for a bit, then slid into his chair, and headed into the bathroom, finished what he had to do. Cody then went into the kitchen, and made breakfast.

Rosita rolled a bit, trying to get off the bed after sleeping for a while. She saw Cody wasn't in bed, and wondered where he went. She got up, and walked down the hall smelling breakfast cooking. "Oh my." She smiled stopping at the doorway, seeing Cody putting some pancakes on the table, along with eggs.

"Morning, Beautiful." He smiled, kissing her.

"You made breakfast?" She smiled kissing him back.


Rosita smiled and looked over the food, then sat down. "Smells and looks amazing."

Cody smiled and sat next to her. "Though I'd get back into the hang of it." He took her hand, and closed his eyes.

They said grace, and ate.

"Figure out baby names yet?" Cody asked taking a drink of his milk.

"Not really.. We haven't agreed yet.." Rosita sighed.

"We will think of something." He smiled kissing her on the cheek.

"I hope so." Rosita said softly, and took care of the dishes.

Cody smiled. "I'm gonna go take a shower, and get into some different clothes." He said rolling out after helping her clean up the kitchen and wash the dishes.

"Alright." Rosita smiled, and went into the living room after washing dishes. She sat on the sofa, relaxing.

Cody got undressed, and wheeled his chair into the bathroom, over to the tub got he water going, and got on the long shower bench, he managed to transfer over, and got into the tub, and cleaned up. He grabbed a towel when he was done dried off moved his chair beside the bench, and started transferring himself back. His hand slipped, and he fell onto the floor.

Rosita jumped hearing the thud, she hurried to the bathroom, and tried opening the door. "Cody?"

Cody scooted away from the door a bit. "I'm…..alright...just….fell." he tried ignoring the pain in his shoulder.

"You fell?" She managed to get the door open a bit.

"Dont." He groaned. "I…." He sighed. "Rather not have you see me this way." He laid his head against the tub.

"I'm not leaving you alone in there." She said softly.

"Rosie." He let out a sigh. "You can't pick me up alone. I'm think I popped my shoulder out." He covered himself with a towel. "Go get Glenn or something." He wasn't thrilled with this.

"Let me look first." She bit her lip, worried.

"Fine." He moved his leg, and pulled the chair.

Rosita came in, and saw him sitting up on the floor leaning against the tub, covered with a towel, holding his right shoulder. He had a cut along side his head, and it was bleeding a lot. She was careful where she stepped, and went over to him. She touched his shoulder lightly, and nodded. "Yeah. It's popped out."

Cody looked down a bit, and sighed. "Shit." He leaned forward a bit, and slammed himself against the tub, trying to pop it back in. "I cant do shit!" He grunted out in frustration, and finally popped it back into place. He covered his face and sighed. "You should just leave me.. I'm a worthless husband.." He was finally breaking down about the whole accident. "I'm the reason I got into this fucking position." He rubbed his head. "Just leave me, Rosie."

Rosita bit her lip, watching him. "Cody…" She gently touched his face, and moved his head to look at her. "I'm not going anywhere.." She frowned slightly, wiping his face. "I love you too damn much to leave." She closed her eyes. "Don't ever - talk that way about yourself again." She moved closer to him.

Cody looked up at her. "I'm shit worthless. I can't even do simple things anymore." He sighed, and broke down crying.

Rosita held him close, rubbing his back kissing his head. "Shh.. You are not worthless.. You are, sweet - caring - funny as hell - you are the person I fell in love with. The person I'm still in love with , no matter how bad it gets." She wiped her face. "You're just going through a hard time right now. It will get better. It's going to take a while, but it will get better."

Cody sniffed a bit, and laid his head on her chest. "Getting hurt just piled up a hell of a lot of burdens on you - the house, the babies, stuff around the community.."

"We will work through it from the house, to the babies, and everything. We will be okay." She promised kissing him softly. "I love you Cody Daniel Greene, nothing will ever change that."

Cody sighed slightly. "I'm sorry hon." He wiped his head, and face, sighing. "I'm just a mess."

"It's okay - you have every right to be." She smiled slightly.

"I love you, Rosita." He said softly, and looked up at her. "Just scared - Can i be a good father? Or will i be a piece of shit…" he looked down. "Mine used to beat me."

"He did?" She never knew this, she glanced over his body, she knew he had scars but never knew from what. He wouldn't tell her.

"Yeah." He shook his head. "Uncle Hershel found out one night, took my away from the house, and tended to my burn wounds… He and aunt Mer fought to get custody of me.." He said leaning forward, he had a big bruise forming on his side from falling on the floor. "He'd get drunk - smoke, and then.." He shook his head trying to forget. "What If i fuck up and become a shit dad?" He looked at Rosita. "If I ever…."

"You're nothing like him. "She said softly, stroking his back and looking over his burn wounds. "You're not like him at all. You had Hershel and Meredith looking out for you.."

Cody was dealing with everything he had pushed away for a long time, he just had a hard time talking about them.

"Can I go get...Glenn?" She asked softly. "You need to get up off the floor.."

Cody nodded, and sat back. "Yeah...Go ahead."

Rosita kissed him softly on the lips, then left. She walked over to Maggie and Glenn. Glenn was awake feeding Hershel Jacob. She told him what happened. Glenn nodded, put the baby back in the crib, and left with Rosita. "How long ago did it happen?"He asked worried.

"About 20 minutes ago. He popped his shoulder out, but got it back in and broke down finally talking to me about everything." She said softly.

"Gotta be hard on him." He sighed, walking into the house, "Can't imagine going through it." He stopped at the door. " Hey man."

"Hey." Cody sighed. "Help this old man up?"

"Old? Shit you're younger than I am." Glenn smiled. Cody smiled back. He walked in and helped Cody up in the chair. "Rosita ran and got Doc."

"Thank you, Glenn. You're probably the only person I'd let see me indecent - well, beside Rosita." Cody smiled and laughed slightly. He went into the bedroom. "Wanna hand me my clothes?"

Glenn helped him onto the bed, and grabbed some jeans, a t-shirt, and boxers. "Here man." He turned around..

Cody groaned as got dressed, everything was sore. "Shit." He popped his shoulder back out. "Fuck."

"Good?" Glenn frowned.

"Popped my shoulder back out." He sighed sitting up. "Shit." He rubbed his face. "Thank you Glenn."

"Anytime." Glenn smiled turning around. "Back in the chair?"

Cody nodded and managed to get himself back in it. "Gonna go on the couch I guess."

Glenn followed him, and sat down on the other end of the couch. "Doing okay otherwise?"

"Besides losing my dignity?" He sighed. "Yeah. Just been a harsh few weeks.. " He frowned. "...Just feel horrible laying all this responsibility on Rosie."

"She can handle it. Besides - you're slowly getting back there.. Not like we can't help either." Glenn smiled. "You got a hell of a lot of people cheering you on.. For some reason, we all love you." He teased.

Cody laughed. "I'll need it." he nodded. "If, I ever turn out - like my dad…"

Glenn looked at him. "You're nothing like him." He turned to Cody. "Your dad was shit. I'm glad your uncle was able to help you out." He smiled - Maggie had told him about what her dad did for Cody.

Rosita came back with Harlan, and looked Cody over. He put a bandage on his head, and put his shoulder back in the socket. "Everything looks okay." He smiled. "Just take it easy."

Cody nodded, sitting back. He sighed. "Thanks doc."

Rosita and Glenn walked outside to talk. Harlan stayed and talked with Cody. He told him what happened, and how he's been feeling along with everything else. Harlan listened, and gave some advice, and if it got to bad, he could eventually go on an anti-depressiant, but for now it was going to be talking and therapy. Cody nodded. "Thanks Man." He leaned forward and hugged the doctor. Harlan nodded and hugged him back.

"Anytime. Just remember, you got all of us to talk to. Don't let these feelings bottle up okay?" He smiled.

"Deal." Cody smiled slightly. He felt better, but was still nervous.

The next morning, Rosita woke up with some contractions. She sat up writing them down how far apart they where. Cody sat up and helped her with them.