A/N: I wasn't convinced that I was going to continue this one. But while I write these stories for my own amusement, I genuinely want you to enjoy them too. So, we're going to dive back in and wrap this one up.

This is longer than I intended. I've somewhat veered away from whatever this story was originally supposed to be about, then I remembered that I really just write these for the fun times. So really, who cares about the plot? That's a lie. I do. I care about the plot.

Even so, a working knowledge of episode 3x24 "Sans Voir Pt. II" (and the subsequent revelation in the season 4 premier) will help you follow along with the beginning of this chapter.

This story continues to be rated M.

It was all too much. All of it. The hardest part of this job wasn't getting shot at or nearly blown up. The hardest part came later, when the adrenaline was no longer pumping and she had time to really think about the close calls. She tried not to. She tried to think about something else— anything else. Long runs, hard workouts and bad TV really helped distract her most evenings. But this time it wasn't enough. Maybe that's because it wasn't over yet. Because they were still right in the middle of an operation; one that required them to play along in all aspects of their lives, and one that could go wrong in so many ways.

Their team leader was in a holding cell for shooting a man on live TV. Or at least, that's how it appeared. Part of Kensi wished that Callen really had shot Janvier. He certainly deserved it. But they were after a bigger fish, and that's just how it worked.

She loathed this bad guy in particular. Not only had he killed Renko and Hunter in cold blood, right before her eyes, but he had tried to blow them up earlier that day. She remembered how she felt when she thought they had lost Sam in the blast, and that hurt. But what really tugged at her heart was the sight of her partner, cut, burned, and crumpled on the pavement next to her.

Fortunately, they had made it out alright and he was currently sprawled out on the couch beside her.

"Stop picking at it!" she scolded him as he poked at the fresh stitches on his upper arm.

"But they're itchy!" Deeks whined, smiling innocently from behind his messy, golden locks.

She leaned over to him and rolled the sleeve of his t-shirt up so it didn't rub against the bandage on his arm. "There!"

She saw his nostrils flare as she brushed against him, and saw him turn his head away almost imperceptibly as her face neared his. He had gone from relaxed and playful to stiff and uncomfortable in half a second, and she knew why.

It hadn't been long at all since they had slept together. Okay, if she was being honest, since she jumped him. Twice. But the days that had passed since then had been tense. Deeks had heeded her request to not talk about what happened between them. In fact, for a day or two, he barely spoke to her at all, which was what Kensi had always been afraid would happen. But he quickly returned to his normal, flirty, inappropriate self; her usual insufferable partner who liked to make a show of displaying affection when they were undercover.

Still, she felt like she had led him on. Not physically, obviously, since she actually given in to what they had both apparently wanted, and slept with him. But rather, she teased him emotionally. She didn't do it intentionally, of course. And to be fair, it was as hard on her as it was on him. But she was supposed to be a professional, dammit. And professionals don't fall in— don't develop feelings for their partners.

But there was really no point in trying to fight it anymore. She had waited patiently for over two years for the attraction she had immediately felt to pass. It hadn't. Instead, it evolved into more, and now she was undeniably head over heels for him.

As she watched her dorky partner continue to pick at his bandage despite her warnings, she thought about how easy it was to forget that he was invested in this not-a-relationship too. Oh, how selfish the brain can be when it tries to protect the heart.

She still didn't know what she wanted. And she still thought this was a terrible idea. But she cared about him, and had come to the conclusion that she owed it to him to at least talk it through.

"So. How have you been?" she asked him casually as if making small talk in an elevator. The nonchalant tone of her voice masked the apprehension she felt, and seemed to catch him off guard.

"Uhh. Other than a little singed, I'm good. You?" he answered, a little confused.

How thick he can be, she thought to herself. Shouldn't it be obvious what I meant? After all, they'd spent their whole day together. She already knows damn well how that went.

Returning the suspicious glance he was giving her, she answered, "Um… Fine. But, I meant… since… what happened…before…"

Kensi kicked herself inwardly at her lack of eloquence. Some how, she couldn't bring herself to say it.

"Since what happened?" he asked, eyebrows raised quizzically.

"You know. Between us?" she clarified as simply a she could. "A couple weeks ago? After the house sitting case?"

"Is this… are we talking about this now?" Deeks asked, shifting on the couch so he could face her better.

She sighed, shrugging, "I suppose we should."

"We don't have to… if you really don't want to," he said softly. "I can just pretend it never happened."

"Really? You could?" she asked in mild disbelief.

"Well… Honestly, no," he admitted. "But I could still make it seem that way. And I would, for your sake. And for the sake of our partnership."

Shaking her head softly, she stated, "But you don't want to have to do that."

"No. I don't."

Kensi paused. He was waiting for her to continue, but she couldn't form the words for what she really wanted to say. Instead she said, "This is a bad idea."

Again, Deeks required clarification, and she didn't blame him. He asked, "This… being what, exactly?"

"We're both emotionally compromised right now," she replied, listing the reasons they couldn't do what she hadn't even suggested yet. "We can't start something up."

"Maybe…" Deeks agreed. Cocking his head, he countered, "But we were fine a couple of weeks ago when we played house."

"Yeah, but—"

"And don't try and tell me again that you were just 'deep into your character.' Because I'm not buying it," he asserted, not giving her the chance to argue.

Again he paused, waiting for her. And again, her words failed her, "Deeks…"

"Kensi," he repeated her name back to her. Peering at her sadly from his blue puppy dog eyes, he softly asked, "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"Ok. I know that was a broad question, so let's simplify it," he admitted. Motioning between them, he told her, "You're attracted to me, you care about me, and you like spending time with me."

"Those weren't questions," she pointed out.

"I know. I was just stating the obvious," Deeks replied with a grin.

Kensi laughed genuinely, despite her conflicted emotions. He could always make her laugh.

"It's the same for me, by the way," he told her. Deeks paused and took a deep breath before continuing, "So… Do you want give this a try? Do you want to be with me, or not?"

Kensi paused and took a slow breath. All of the sudden she felt like one of the suspects she'd seen him interrogate dozens of times. He'd played along with her poor attempt at deflecting and making excuses, and now he'd hit her with the tough question. One she knew the answer to, but was hesitant to admit.

"I do care about you," she told him. When he didn't immediately react she went on, "Too much. You understand?"

Deeks nodded slowly, staring her down with a gentle gaze. "I get it. No really, I completely understand. I know exactly how you feel."

"Then you know why this is so hard," she pleaded with him.

"I do," he agreed. Kensi didn't elaborate, so he offered her an alternative, "You don't have to answer now. I can go if you need more—"

"Yes!" she said suddenly, cutting him off.


She repeated, "Yes."

"Yes, you need more time… Or, yes…?" he trailed off, not finishing his guess at her meaning.

"Yes. I want to be with you," she clarified. Now that the words were out there, she found it easier to go on, "I want us to be together. I don't know how this is going to work, with our jobs and the team—"

"Forget about them for a moment," he interjected, waving away her concerns with his hand. Peering at her with a hopeful smile he asked, "You want to do this? For real?"

Kensi smiled back and nodded, "Yeah."

Taking her hands in his and scooting closer he went on, "You have any idea how happy that makes me?"

Catching his contagious smile, she grinned broadly in turn and joked, "Would it be too corny if I told you that I want you to show me how happy you are?"

"Nothing is too corny for me," he reminded her as he leaned in closer to kiss her.

It wasn't their first kiss, but in essence, it was. Those lips she'd dreamed about many times and embraced only a few times in a fit of passion, were now hers to claim; sweetly, and slowly. Their hands roamed each other's legs and torsos. She wanted to feel more of him, but they were still seated next to each other on the couch. Shifting her knees under her body, she pushed on his chest and shoulders until he lay back on the cushions, never once tearing her lips from his.

Deeks grunted as he hit the pillows under her weight. His arms wrapped tighter around her waist as he pulled her against his body. Kensi could feel beneath his jeans that he was already hard, and it made her even hotter for him.

In some ways, this was easier— they had already had sex so she wasn't as inclined to play the waiting game and see where they stood in their newly founded relationship. She wanted him again, right now. There was no doubt in either of their minds where this would lead.

Kensi wanted to move things along, to move them to the bedroom. But his lips were addictively soft. His fingers, which had snuck beneath her shirt, traced deliberate paths across her skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Deeks must have had the same thoughts, for it was he who first broke their kiss to speak.

"Should we, uh… Do you want to head back to your room?" he asked tentatively with a suggestive grin.

She considered attacking his mouth again and taking him right there, too impatient to wait. But the possibility of sprawling out on a bed was too tempting to pass up. So, she started to roll off the couch and simply answered, "Yeah."

Deeks followed half a step behind her, holding tight to her hand as she dragged him down her hall and into her bedroom. Using the force of her whole body, Kensi tugged on Deeks' hand and slingshotted him onto the bed. He bounced onto the mattress, and she chased after him, climbing into his waiting arms.

Deeks laughed at her enthusiasm and started to say, "Well that was—"

But she didn't let him finish. Instead, she melded her lips to his and cupped his face, forcing him to fall further back under her full body weight.

The dance of tangled limbs and shifting bodies as they scrambled to remove their clothes while still remaining on the bed, was accompanied by a chorus of grunts and wet smacks as they struggled to keep their lips together as much as possible. But Kensi soon found herself pinned beneath him, and her legs wrapped automatically around his bare body. She could feel his erection there; hot, hard and pressed between their lower abdomens.

She slid her hands from his back to his shoulders so she could reach between them. But he took it as a sign that she wanted him to go down. So he began to shift down her body, and she did not complain as he left a trail of wet kisses on his way.

Deeks took his time meandering along her torso. He of course paid extra attention to her breasts, taking the time to coat each with his tongue and lips. And along the midline of her tight stomach, he paused to flick the crystal of the ring dangling in her naval.

Finally he reached her hips and spread her legs open. He brought his face to her, and his hot breath on her most sensitive of skin sent bolts of anticipation through her whole body. He wasted no time in lapping his tongue between her folds and coaxing her clit further out of its hood. Kensi moaned in delight and ran a hand through his hair, gently massaging his scalp as he entranced her with his mouth.

"God, Deeks! That feels so good," she told him, urging him on.

Deeks groaned in appreciation and feasted on her all the more passionately. He upped the tempo from the slow pace he had been maintaining, licking at and sucking on her clit and folds even harder. Kensi was starting to really feel the edge of an orgasm approach, and could barely contain herself. As the waves of pleasure began to crash over her, she started to buck up against his face. He had to hold her legs down with his arms to keep her from inadvertently pushing him away.

The entire time she came he kept his mouth on her, helping to draw out the sensations. Once the flutterings had subsided and her sharp breaths had slowed, he finally kissed his way back up her body.

Impatient to finally use her mouth again, she rolled him over as she brought her face down to his and captured his lips in a hungry kiss.

Deeks smiled against her lips and groaned, "Hmmmm. You ready for more?"

"You know I am," she answered, as her fingers found and wrapped around his rock hard cock.

"Where do you keep your condoms?" he asked through breaths made shaky from her touch.

"I actually don't have any," she admitted.

"Fortunately, I have one," he said through a grin as he started to pull away.

"Great!" she replied, clutching his shoulder to stop him. "But so you know, I'm on the pill. I don't really need to use one. Unless you have… a reason to."

"Nope. Selfishly protecting the world from the awesomeness of having little Deekses running around is my only reason," he answered with a laugh.

"Ha!" she barked out incredulously as she rolled on top of him again.

"So, why did we use one before?" he asked curiously, even as he shifted beneath her straddled legs.

Kensi was amazed that he could maintain a conversation like this with his hands on her breasts and his cock pressed against her wet heat. She used her hand to guide him to her entrance and told him, "Not really something I wanted to discuss in either instance."

"Fair enough. You know—"

"Shut up, Deeks!" she commanded right before kissing him again.

Her sharp breath turned into a moan as she sunk down onto him, taking his thick length all the way inside. He thrust up a few times before she began to roll her hips; slowly at first, then with speed as she bounced up and down on top of him. She steadied herself with her hands on his chest, putting her body on display for him and reveling in the look of pure bliss on his face.

Kensi was gratified to find that there was still so much passion and heat between them, and that they hadn't gotten it out of their systems the last time they fucked. Instead, she felt closer than ever to him and knew that despite reservations about mixing her personal and professional life, she'd made the right choice.

With this in mind, she dropped to her elbows so she could kiss her partner. He met her lips eagerly, and wrapped his arms around her back, holding her down as he started to slam up into her with speed.

She had more or less collapsed on top of him, just dead weight moaning with increasing desperation as she fought to stave off a second climax. She wanted this feeling to last longer, so she tore her lips from his and latched on to the base of his neck.

Deeks growled in response and used his leverage to roll them. He pulled out to sit back on his knees, and honest to god, she whimpered. If he noticed, he didn't make any sarcastic remarks. There was an intensity in his eyes as he met her needy gaze and brought them together again, and she moaned at the sensation of being filled once more after having been momentarily empty.

This time, from his position on his knees, he rocked his hips slowly and used his hands to pull her by her thighs in a steady rhythm against him. Kensi had a moment of respite from the intense sensation that threatened to wash over her again, but after a couple minutes more of feeling the friction of his cock dragging against each ridge inside her, she started to lose her composure.

"Deeks, faster!" she pleaded, no longer wanting to deprive herself of a blissful release any more.

"You want it harder?" he asked, bending over and placing an arm on either side of her body.


And he wasted no time in giving her what she desired. With speed, he hammered down into her, hitting the right spot within her while also rubbing against her clit. Her inner muscles started to convulse and she gripped tightly at his arms and shoulders. She was unable to keep herself from calling out.


"Come on!" he whispered harshly. "Come for me!"

And with a louder than expected cry, she did. Her heart raced and her muscles tensed, and Deeks continued to pound away as she came around him. She was barely able to move as the electric heat coursed out from her center and spread to every inch of her body.

She wasn't even that aware of Deeks' labored breaths and louder grunts until she felt another hot gush inside of her, and heard him call out, "Fuck, Kens!"

And then he was still. Both waited for their hearts to slow as her fluttering inner muscles were joined by the occasional twitch of his softening cock.

It had never been like this with anyone else before. She had never felt so completely satisfied. Kensi had absolutely no desire to move from this position. But after several minutes, the cold had set in.

They each took their turns getting cleaned up for bed. Deeks had no sleep clothes at her place, and so climbed back into bed in only his boxers. With the room still and quiet, they settled into each other's arms for the night. But before sleep could claim them, Deeks broke the silence.

He whispered to her, "Kens, can you do something for me?"


"Don't… run away this time?" he requested uncertainly.

She turned to face him in the darkness, and responded, "I didn't run away. I don't run away from things."

"I know… just… promise that you'll stay?" he asked.

"It's my house. I'm not going anywhere," she reminded him, smiling to reassure him.


"Okay. I promise," she relented. She accepted and returned the brief kiss he offered her before asking in turn, "Deeks?"


She sighed and held him tighter, "Try to get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow."

A/N: Well, there's another "missed opportunity" checked off my list. Hope you liked it. On to the next story.