A/N: I'll try to make this short so you all can get to the update. Sorry it's so late I had a lot going on and I really appreciate your patience. I made this chapter extra long to hopefully satisfy you all until my next update which I am hoping I can finish by next week (Although it might be shorter than this one). Since I'm on break I hope to dish out one chapter every 1-2 weeks. I'm glad you're enjoying the story and hope you continue giving me feedback on my work! Until next time!

What to do

Sara had been pacing for the past hour, it was unlike Anastasia to come home so late. A million thoughts went through her head. The most prominent one had to do with Ana being taken by the same men who were after them in England. She thought to go into town and look for her but by the time she got there, they'd be far away from them. She didn't feel like anything had happened. She froze, what if the town's visitor took her. She was near hysteric but tried very hard to keep calm. She's alright, she's alright. Suddenly, there were small footsteps outside. Right before they hit the door she threw it open and looked down to find her daughter smiling up at her.

"Anastasia, where have you been?" She nearly cried at the sight of her.

"Sorry mother, I was playing," Ana said softly. Suddenly, Sara felt a throbbing in her head just like before. It's close. She looked out into the distance between her home and her eyes fixated on a tree.

Constantine hid behind the tree. He didn't know why since he was at a safe enough distance that no human could see him but he felt that the woman had looked right at him.

The first thing he noticed about the woman who Ana called, "Mother," was that she looked incredibly beautiful. It was hard to deny, if he hadn't heard the steady beat of her heart he would have immediately presumed so. Her skin looked like ivory and her eyes were as blue as her daughter's. Her creamy brown hair was long and flowed down past her shoulders and she looked a little younger than he did. He had lived for centuries but was turned in his late 20s. But the thing that left him more curious, was the way she had immediately looked to where he was. As if she knew he was there. No one had ever done that not even a tracker. Ana was gifted but perhaps her mother was just the same. A sudden fear crept over him at the thought of being found out by her mother. He and Ana stayed in a bubble cut off from the rest of the world. He didn't want anyone to burst it. Instantly, a primal and protective instinct took over at the thought of Ana being ripped away from him. He almost growled but caught himself. He gripped the sides of the tree a little harder causing the wood to crack. He froze feeling the eyes of the woman again piercing through the tree and staring right at him. She can't see you. He told himself suddenly, Constantine closed his eyes as a breeze blew the scent of the small duo his way. He inhaled slowly drinking in the honey-sweet air that was the scent of their blood. Restrain yourself. Do. Not. Harm. Them.

Sara began dusting off snow from Ana. She tried not to shake and remind herself that her daughter was safe.

"Were you playing with anyone?" She stared into the distance again. She didn't know how but she knew the immortal was there. But why is it so close?

"No, it's snowing so I made snowmen and knocked them down," Ana lied with ease, outside, Constantine was slightly concerned at how easy it was for her.

"Love, please don't stay out too late anymore alright?"

"Yes mother," Ana chimed.

"Now, go on and wash up," Sara watched her move up the stairs and took a seat. She held a hand to her frantic heart and willed herself to calm down. Come now, Sarafina, don't lose your composure over something so trivial. She shut her eyes and tried to drown out her paranoid thoughts. Her head continued to ache but all she could sense was curiosity from the being. She was too panicked to find where exactly the immortal was and didn't want to provoke it. She shivered at the memories of blood and screaming.

Before, she used to help Maxwell to prevent innocents from being killed during the hunts. She never likes to use her gifts… they just reminded her of her life before becoming Ana's mother.

Still, though she couldn't drown out the images. Being alone in the house made it harder. But being outside made her more paranoid. She got up slowly, Ana was already in the bed they shared fast asleep. She walked over and moved a stray golden curl away from her face. Being near Ana calmed her down. She was everything to Sara.

Sara laid down next to her daughter and slowly drifted off to sleep, putting her panic and the looming immortal out of her mind.

W hen he finally heard the breaths of Ana's mother even out Constantine finally ventured toward the small cottage, curious. He leaned against the wall where a patch of dirt was. I assume this was supposed to be a garden. He leaned down against the wall and sat down against it. Constantine listened to both their heartbeats. He sat in the same position for the majority of the night. There was something soothing about humans. Perhaps it's the nostalgia. He mused.

He sat there for hours, so still, he was sure his presence couldn't be felt. The night was still and he assumed cold. He worried about the two humans inside the small cottage. Are they warm enough?

Just as he got up to leave, he heard a shift in the pace of Ana's mother's heartbeat. It started to quicken. He listened and heard her mumbling, "Wait, please...stop!" Suddenly, she started gasping. He then heard footsteps and saw a soft light coming from inside. He got up, careful not to make a sound, flicked his wrist, and manifested a small butterfly made out of ice. He instructed it to go to the window. It obeyed. He placed his hands over his eyes. Another talent Constantine's gift had was that he was linked to his creations, he could see what they saw as long as he placed a thin layer of ice over his eyes. He saw the woman, slender, her hair flowing down her back sit in a chair and drink a glass of water. She looked frightened. She swept her hair over the side and he noticed a mark on her shoulder, it was one he knew well. The mark looked like a vertical crescent moon, it was the mark he has seen on the coven of witches known to his kind as their creators.

Suddenly, he realized why Ana and her mother were running, their bloodline was full of gifts, most of which were hard to be hidden away from the public eye.

S ara got up and grabbed a wooden box she had hidden away, her head began to hurt again but she didn't think about the vampire her focus was on the box. Her brother made it for her, it was the only thing excluding its contents, that she had kept all this time. Before Ana, it was the only thing she protected. Inside there were letters from her family, documents full of notes her father had taken. A few documents had proof of her ownership of their home and some gold in pouches. Finally, there was a brown book with a crescent on it that she picked up.

She opened her father's diary reading a page she had marked dated before her and her brothers were born.

I have created a name for myself apart from that of my bloodline. The monsters are real, and my ancestors were responsible for this plague. I watched my grandmother and father suffer because of the gifts they were born with. I pray that the child inside my wife, my child, could somehow escape the fate that seems to be the curse of my lineage.

I was born with the ability to determine where these beasts are and read their intentions. My sister had the ability to see the future and she was killed along with my entire family. Here in Italy, there is a group of vampires that I've investigated. It seems to be a group in power, I live here but made sure to stay a significantly large distance away from them. We've crossed paths when they slaughtered my family. Hopefully, they don't find my new family…

She flipped ahead to another page she had marked.

Felix, Vincent, and Sara were playing in the field today. They looked so happy. Felix is strong and he always protects his siblings. Vincent, although not on the same level as his brother, is smart he's memorized every herb he's encountered. Although the boys fight quite often, they seem to only agree on one thing, their love for Sarafina. She's the youngest and most gifted of the three. I used some blood magick when she was born to ascertain her gifts. Vincent has the ability to heal, from what I've gathered and Felix has his strength. When Sara was born, the spell I cast revealed that her role was creation. She, like me, could sense the beasts that live in the shadows but she's going to start something, something that even I can't stop. If the vampire kings find out about their existence, they won't stop until they're all dead. Until my bloodline has no hope of rising from the ashes….

She slammed the book shut. A fate that even father couldn't protect me from…

Sara knew that Ana's existence was part of this fate, that her role in this world was to be Ana's mother. But she also knew that Ana's gifts scared her. Not because she thought her precious light would turn against her but because Anastasia was the embodiment of her siblings as well as herself. Sara had a feeling that this meant she would pose a grave threat to the kings of the underworld and Sara knew that no matter how hard she tried or how far she ran...she couldn't protect her from them.

What can I do? What could I possibly do to erase my ancestry from her, to wipe clean the slate that seems to be so stained with blood and history?

She closed her eyes and heard a soft voice in her head, barely a whisper in the night.

"Sarafina, you have... to move forward…" She looked up waiting to see her brother Vincent's face in the darkness but there was nothing but darkness. The reality mixed with images of the past made Sara do something she hadn't done since Anastasia was born, they made her tremble with terror and sob.

Constantine watched her, this beautiful woman, still radiant even in tears...and he wondered what left her so terrified. He felt the sudden urge to comfort her, to shield her from all that terrified her and caught himself. You don't even know her. She's what stands between you and Ana. Still, he felt sorry for the woman whose body shook with each silent cry.

He got up to his feet and walked away, feeling that this moment should be spent in private.

T he next morning, Ana rushed out the door eager to meet her new friend. Sara continued to sense the presence of a vampire and wondered why it hadn't moved on yet.

Constantine cherished the days he spends with Anastasia. He always waited in town for her, carefully cloaked and always with warm treats in his cold hands. He listened for her small heartbeat to get louder in his ears and she always smiled at him. "Sorry, were you waiting long?" It still intrigued him, how concerned she always was for his well-being. Ana had noticed that he always acted coldly toward her when they'd meet, responding with, "Oh, so you've shown up again."

It always caused her to giggle because she knew he had been waiting for her. He always walked ahead and reached his arm out to her waiting for her to hold his hand. Whenever they were together Constantine spoke to her about his travels. He realized quickly that Anastasia Cullen had known very little about the world she lived in. She was always sealed away from the moment she was born. He found it tragic but every time he resented her situation he remembered the terrified and grieving mother from that first night.

It wasn't until about a week later that she realized that Anastasia always headed in the direction of the beast.

"I'm leaving mother!" Ana called, Sara rushed to the door blocking her daughter's path.

The small child stood, not looking in her mother's eyes and waited.

"Anastasia, you're always so eager to head outside...who are you so eager to meet?" She smiled.

Suddenly Anastasia felt an aura she rarely felt from her mother and realized that she was using her own gifts to determine if she was lying.

"I have a friend that I met in town," She replied.

"Who?" Ana stayed quiet, "Anastasia, you know we're not supposed to be making friends here," Sara sighed.

"That's not fair," Ana whispered.

"Darling…" Sara sighed. It was hard to say no to Ana and under the circumstances that they lived in it was hard for Sara to shield her from the realities that they were facing.

"It's not fair," Ana said louder surprising her mother, "I'm not a bad person! Neither is my friend and just because we're different it doesn't mean that I don't get lonely! Papa already died and John goes on trips all the time and you don't like to do anything!"

Anastasia knew that she was acting childish, that this was unlike her but she didn't want Constantine to go away and she didn't want her mother to take her away from him. She loved her mother but it was hard for her, this small child to try and understand the world she lived in. She didn't know about sides and the supernatural or witches, all she knew were the things she saw with her own eyes. She knew Constantine was nice and that was all that mattered.

Sara was at a loss, Anastasia had never acted like this before. It hurt her to see her daughter lash out at her. She had always presumed that Anastasia would remain by her side no matter what, but this new side of hers made her feel like maybe one day Ana would resent her for the life they had to live and the thought alone frightened her more than the vampires she met in the past.

"Do not raise your voice at me, Anastasia," Sara snapped, overwhelmed with fear and insecurity. "You know very well why we can't mix with the populace of this town, if we're discovered, we'll have to leave!" Her heartbeat began to flood her ears and her voice rose, "Do you want that? Do you want someone else to die? Do you want your father's sacrifice to be for nothing? Do you want to lose everything?" She cried out.

Ana stayed frozen in front of her mother. When Sara was done yelling, she couldn't think anymore. Do you want someone else to die?

To lose everything!

Anastasia understood a lot of things someone her age probably shouldn't and she'd got through things that normal humans wouldn't go through. But, at that moment all she understood from her mother was that she was the reason for all of the misery that they experienced. For her father's death. She always thought it was her fault but no one ever directly blamed her until that moment. At least, that's what she was thinking.

This was one of the few things she didn't understand. All her life Sara feared her past and that fear is what she was projecting onto her daughter. She was yelling at herself rather than the small blue-eyed girl in front of her.

The two stood in the doorway staring at each other. Ana was the first to break the eye contact as she wordlessly weaved around Sara and turned the doorknob.

"I'll be home later."

Sara nodded. She felt horrible as the door shut behind her. She never yelled at Ana and never wanted to and she didn't want to limit her freedom the way hers had been.

She sunk down to her knees and started to cry again because there was so much she didn't know how she was supposed to protect Anastasia without imprisoning her. She had no family to turn to for advice, no one who understood what it meant to be different and hide parts of themselves. She missed her home, her family but she knew she couldn't go back. Time, she thought, can't be reversed.

Ana stomped over to town, she was angry and frustrated. She didn't understand why her mother had gotten so angry at her. She couldn't understand how bad her presence was on this planet. She interpreted her mother's reaction as a way of saying that she was bad.

I'm not bad. I'm not bad,

It was difficult for Anastasia, to comprehend the complexities of human nature, so difficult that she resulted to blaming herself. All the young girl could think was that every bad thing––her father's death, her mother's fear, people's view of Constantine––occured because she was alive. If I wasn't here...Mama could be happy.

The emotions were too much for her, after all, she was a child, not even 10 years of age. Ana then remembered that Constantine said that her blood tempted him and she didn't want to hurt anyone.

So, Ana sat down on the ground and began to cry. She pressed her knees to her chest and began to slowly rock back and forth silently apologizing for anything she might have done to those she cared about. Mostly, she cried because she couldn't understand the way the world seemed to work.

Constantine waited pastries in hand and realized that Anastasia was later than usual to town. Perhaps she finally came to her senses. His cold heart sank at the thought of the little girl tiring of him. Anastasia Cullen, wasn't like a normal child. Children grow weary of things quite easily but this one, this one is cunning. Ana understood more than any other child her age. She's far to curious to grow weary, the vampire reasoned. He tried to quell his panic...It's just a human. Suddenly his mind flashed back to her mother and the mark on her back. Not entirely human. He couldn't recall if Ana had the same mark but he had a feeling she did.

I didn't think that the Crescent bloodline still thrived. He mused. Perhaps I should ask Ana more about it.

Just as he thought it, a small breeze blew and with it came Anastasia's scent. Constantine noticed that the pastries in his hand were cold. Something that rarely happened especially with Ana. He listened but there was too much commotion around the town that he couldn't make out anything in the distance.

He tossed the pastries aside and walked in the direction of her scent trying to listen for her voice.

It wasn't until he was a good distance from town that he heard her small voice, or rather her whimpering and sniffling. He silently reprimanded himself for worrying about her. After all, he was a vampire and there was no reason for him to concern himself with a human's tears. But this was Ana, someone, he realized he cares about quite dearly. He listened for any other voices, hoping she wasn't taken by anyone but heard nothing, not even a separate heartbeat. He was curious as to why the girl who faced his bloodthirsty nature, without batting an eye was crying.

He stepped around a tree and found the golden-haired girl propped against it, Her head was in her arms, her knees against her chest.

"I've never heard of anyone keeping a vampire waiting for something as silly as this," He mused, crouching down to meet her eyes.

Ana was surprised to see him and embarrassed that he heard her crying. Her blue eyes widened at the sight of him.

"W-what, h-how did you find me?"

"Haven't I told you? Your scent is easy to pinpoint," He ruffled her hair, "I can find you anywhere little one."

Ana smiled softly back at him.

"Now, are you going to explain to me why you've kept me waiting? Or rather why it is you're crying here all by yourself?"

She shook her head and looked down. Constantine sighed. What to do...He got up took his coat off and wrapped it around the girl's shoulders. She looked at him and quickly looked away from his piercing gaze. This was uncharacteristic of her, her usual exuberant attitude had completely disappeared, all that remained was the girl in front of him. It was difficult for him, a vampire so used to slaughtering those that caused him to have the slightest annoyance, unable to do anything for this child. It frustrated him, a feeling he hadn't had in a long time. He didn't know how to deal with all of the emotions that Anastasia brought into his being.

He sat down next to her. "Well, I suppose I'll just sit here until you tell me then."

He looked down at her smiling, she almost smiled but remembered her mother's words and put her head down again. Constantine frowned and leaned his head against the tree. "I'll be here, remember vampires don't sleep. I have all the time in the world to listen."

He looked at her waiting for some sort of response but she didn't move. He sighed again, closing his eyes and placing his head against the tree.

The two sat in silence, Ana had done her best to stop crying. She didn't know how to face Constantine, she was afraid he'd be angry at her too.

They stayed like that for what felt to Constantine like hours. It wasn't until he was ready to say something that Ana began to speak softly. "I got into a fight."

"Hm," Constantine nodded, "Did you win at least?"

"No," She whispered holding back tears.

"Did you get hurt? Did they hurt you?" Constantine said almost frantic, he looked around sniffing for the culprit but the only thing that permeated the surrounding area was Ana and her scent. His throat burned with both fury and thirst. He silently willed himself to calm down.

"No…" Her voice grew quieter, "I fought with my mother," Her small hands balled up into fists.

"Oh," Constantine felt relieved but concerned at the same time, "What happened?"

"She's angry with me...because she knows that I have a friend…" She stole a glance at Constantine, scared that he'd be angry or worse, run away.

"Hmm, I see," He paused wondering how to deal with the current situation.

"I promise I didn't tell her who you were! I didn't say anything!" She exclaimed, frantic.

"I'm not angry at you little one, calm down," He ruffled her hair, something that had become habitual for him. Her entire body seemed to relax he noticed that her rapid heart rate had decreased since he arrived. "Your mother must be worried about you, I suppose it's only natural."

"Why do suppose?"

"Well, I've never really understood human relationships, Anastasia. In my world, things aren't like that."

"But you've had a mother," Ana said giving him a puzzled look.

"Yes, but that was a long, long, time ago," He replied. At this point, he couldn't even remember her face or what features he shared with the woman.

"It still counts!" The girl asserted. He chuckled.

"I haven't been human for centuries Anastasia," She tilted her head, confused as to why he was mentioning this, "I've lived amongst vampires, and the ones that I've interacted with haven't exactly had their eyes set on blending in with the masses," He chuckled at her confused expression, "I mean humans, vampire lifestyle is different, we're bloodthirsty beasts, and the ones I've met are hyper-aware of their positions on the...food chain and enjoy their superiority," Some more than others. "For the most part, all vampire relations are strictly power based."

"That's not very healthy," Ana pointed out.

"You're correct. But cherie that's how things work in my world," She got up and sat in his lap. For a moment he was surprised, he still wasn't used to Ana's boldness or the emotions that she made him feel.

"Is that how you think?" She asked leaning back to look up at the immortal.

"It used to be," He replied looking down at her. "Now, I seem to be a lot more concerned with human affairs."

"You understand human affairs, you're just learning how to fit in," She pointed out poking his cheek.

"I suppose you're right Anastasia," He sighed smiling softly at her. "Now why don't we go pay a visit to your mother?"

"What? b-but you said it'd be bad if you talked with more humans!"

"Well, is your mother able to keep a secret?"


"And she doesn't necessarily know about my...nature does she?"


"Then it seems that we have nothing to worry about," He said lifting her up as he stood up so that she was once again on his shoulders.

"But… don't you need…" The child grew silent for a moment, "Blood?"

"Ana, I've already fed today and I don't have any trouble with you sitting on my shoulders...if I lacked in self-control I wouldn't be able to be around you this long," He frowned...How long could I restrain myself…

"Okay," Ana said warily. She knew that despite his protests the vampire was having trouble with her scent, but she really wanted him to stay with her so she listened to his denial. "What about your eyes?"

"Hmm…" Constantine paused and Ana rested her head on his humming softly, the sound was better than any instrument. He set her down gently and she walked around so she was in front of him and she stared up at him, waiting. He considered his options. Red eyes aren't common for humans. Non-existent actually... He placed his hands over his eyes coaxing a thin layer of ice to spread around his pupil. He removed his hand and looked down at Ana.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "They're grey now!" Constantine was trying to remember if grey was common. "It's better than blood red," Ana chimed reading his concerned expression. She nodded to reassure him. He smirked. Once again a human child is comforting me.

"Alright then off we go," He reached for her hand but she shyly looked at the ground.

"Can I… can you…" She looked at him, hoping he wouldn't say no. "Can I ride on your shoulders?" Her blue eyes stared straight into his.

He smiled and wordlessly lifted her so that she was on his shoulders again, careful not to grab her with too much force. She giggled, it was such a beautiful sound to him. She rested her head on his shoulders and told him more about her mother: the food she cooked, how smart she was, how she never liked to leave the house. As much as Constantine wanted to resent the woman he found himself wanting to prove himself worthy of keeping Ana safe. Deep down, Constantine didn't want to let go of Ana but he knew he had to, it nearly broke him just to think about it. He shoved the thought of separation away. Is this what it means when humans say to cherish their time. Time, he was coming to realize really was an unwelcome curse, a predator in waiting. The ice around his eyes felt light and it was clear enough that he could see without the tint of grey he had placed on it. Ana rested her head on his humming again.

He walked on, careful not to jar Ana out of her comforted state. As they approached her house he grew more wary, if Ana is hurt, I won't forgive her. He resolved that this visit would determine his plan of action for the small child he'd come to adore. He would not be blinded by anything, he'd protect his newfound friend, no matter the cost. Even if it means taking away someone she loves? His better half asked. His mind froze, She'll hate you for it. He felt torn. His desires and Ana's conflicted, there wasn't an ounce of hatred or pain when she spoke of her mother. There was marvel, adoration, some sadness but mostly...there was love in her voice. Love that he almost envied.

They came to a stop in front of the walkway leading to her cottage. Constantine set her down gently and she turned toward the door walking slowly as he followed her. He listened for her mother.

He heard a heartbeat, quick with heavy breathing and he heard her hand trembling on the doorknob. She tapped her foot on the floor. The woman was nervous...Perhaps she knows that I'm here.

Ana knocked and he heard a large sigh before the door opened slowly.

Constantine was still taken aback by her mother's beauty. He'd seen it from afar but up close...it was difficult for him to remember his objective. He made the mistake of inhaling and their combined honey sweet scent filled his entire being and his throat ached for more than just a taste of the air. He made himself calm down.

"Anastasia," her mother said, he noticed that she pretended not to notice him and that she was still nervous. Her voice was as sweet as her scent.

"Hi Mama," Ana chimed. Only when Ana looked back did her mother look up at him. While Ana turned she shot a menacing glare at him, it momentarily stunned him but only for a moment. He smiled, Alright. Two can play at this game. He was in for a challenge with this woman, she wanted to feign ignorance...to act as if she knew nothing. He didn't know if it was for Ana or for herself but, he was determined to win her favor, he didn't want to kill her. He wanted to hate her because she was the only thing keeping Ana from him but he didn't want to kill her. Why must human affairs be full of such conflict? He was in for a rough evening with them, he noted as the sun began to set on the cloudy day.

"Oh," Sara said, feigning surprise. Quickly masking her furious glare before Anastasia could spot it. She turned toward the immortal. So he was closer to her than I thought. "I'm sorry did my daughter cause you trouble in some way?" His eyes flashed with a hint of anger at her.

"No Mother, this is my friend," She stared at her mother and Sara saw the hint of challenge in her daughter's blue eyes.

"I suppose this is who you've spent so much time with," Sara said softly, hoping that it wasn't true.

"Yes," Ana chimed, smiling.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but I didn't want Ana to get into any trouble," He smiled, revealing his perfectly white teeth.

"Oh, how thoughtful of you," Sara beamed. For an instant, Constantine was struck by how beautiful she was when she smiled, even though she's putting on a show. Her eyes shifted from sweet to mischievous, "Why don't you join us for dinner?"

Ana froze, unsure of what to do. Constantine had never eaten in front of her before, she didn't know if vampires could eat human food. But, Constantine didn't hesitate. "I'd be honored."

Sara smiled again and led them inside, there was tension in Ana's posture and Constantine ruffled her hair to reassure her. She relaxed but remained wary.

Sara had made stew and served a bowl to Ana and Constantine setting some bread on the table. She sat down. Both mother and daughter watch Constantine as he lifted the spoon to his lips with soup and vegetables on it he ate it chewing slowly. The food tasted vile in his mouth, his first instinct was to spit it out but he noticed the smug look in Ana's mother's eyes and immediately he felt the need to beat her at her own game. He swallowed smiling despite the agonizingly horrible taste and crave for blood he had. "Delicious," He said.

"I'm glad you like it Mr…?"

"Just Constantine is fine, madam," He smiled forcing himself to eat more of what he was served.

"I'm Sarafina...Sarafina Cullen," She made sure to use a different last name just in case he was working for those who had harmed her in the past.

Ana stared at her shocked, her mother had never used her father's last name before and she wondered why she was lying. She stayed quiet, trying to gauge the aura of the room.

"So what brings you to our little town?"

"I was traveling and decided to remain in town for a while," He winked at Ana who beamed at him.

Sara had never seen Anastasia so happy before. Ana was always a very happy and light child but now, she was glowing with joy. It made Sara angry and frustrated because she couldn't make her daughter feel like that even on their best day. It made her even more angry that a bloodsucking demon was the one to put that smile on her face.

"How about you?" Constantine said snapping her away from her thoughts. She turned her eyes to him, "What makes a mother and daughter live so far away from town," Fury and anguish flashed within Sara.

"We enjoy the simple life," Sara responded a coldness in her voice. Constantine smiled, amused at the emotion lacing her words.

"Interesting," He smirked, even angry she still looked beautiful. He silently cursed himself for being so drawn to her.

They ate in silence, Sara insisted on Constantine eating a second helping, which he agreed to. Here I thought humans had no way to torment vampires.

When they were done Anastasia showed Constantine a few of her things and insisted he read her a story in front of the fire place. Sara watched them. She focused on Ana's excited tone, the glimmer in her eyes, the flush of her cheeks. It pained her. Being a mother was difficult especially when there were so many dangers for them. She stayed in the same room with Constantine and Ana playing the part of the oblivious human. I'll give her this night.

She was conflicted because Ana was so happy and Sara knew that she had to protect them. Even if it means ruining her happiness? Her heart ached. He could tell them, the monsters of my past could find me or worse...he could kill us both. Vampires took what they wanted, She didn't know how he changed his eye color but was sure that it was an illusion.

"Time for bed Anastasia," She said softly, walking over ready to lift her into her arms. Constantine lifted a yawning Ana up before she could and cradled her.

"I'm not...tired," Ana whimpered struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Your eyes say otherwise little one," Constantine chuckled. She shook her head furiously trying to shake away the fatigue.

"Just a...little longer…please…." He started at her with so much adoration it made Sara's suspicions pause...why did he look like that. Vampires feel nothing Sara you know this. A voice echoed in her mind. Her memory flashed back to a time when despite her pleas, her wished weren't granted. Don't be fooled.

"I promise I won't leave," Constantine whispered to her sensing Ana's fear of waking up to find him gone. She only nodded with a small smile relaxing in his arms and drifting to sleep. Sara reached for her and something flashed in Constantine's eyes, "I can take her, wouldn't want you to strain yourself," She paused wary of his intentions before nodding and pointing upstairs. He walked slowly up each step careful not to wake the small child in his arms. Her golden curls flowed down his arm and she snuggled up against him. He placed her gently on the bed being mindful to cover her with a blanket he saw on a rocking chair. She only frowned when he set her down. Even in her sleep she's aware of my presence. He smiled his fingers drifted across her rosy and chubby cheek. His throat burned when he inhaled the scent of the room. He closed his eyes willing his control to remain checked. When he moved back downstairs he noticed that Sara had moved to the kitchen washing the bowls that were used for dinner.

He approached her pausing a few feet away. "Your daughter is lovely," He said.

She whipped around a knife in her hand. "Exactly, my daughter. You're lucky I didn't rip out your dead heart when I had the chance." He froze shocked at the menace in her voice, "I know exactly what you are vampiro sporco. Your trick with your eyes didn't work. I'm sure the food tasted foul to you. I don't know why you're here or what you want but if you ever come near my child again, I'll burn you to ash."

"Amazing how despite knowing how happy your daughter seems to be you want to take her only friend," He bit back.

Neither knew but they had both planned to end each other for Ana's sake.

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep her safe," She seethed. "A mother must protect her own, she might not know what's best for her but I do."

"Oh? From where I'm standing you've really done well," He glared, "Here in this home all alone, she's a child for god's sake! You let her wander around alone without a care because you're too afraid to face your own demons!"

"The only demon here is you."

"And yet you are the one who has done her the most harm."

Sara flung the knife at him which he caught with ease, and before she could blink he had grabbed her and pressed her against the wall, careful not to make too much noise. Tears burned her eyes. "She's lonely, she thinks she's some sort of monster because the people around her keep going away. All she does is think about you and you've just been thinking about yourself." She kicked him as hard as she could but he stood unfazed.

"What do you know about my life? Absolutely nothing," She seethed, "you're not even human."

"Neither are you," He said in a hushed tone, "At least not fully."

She froze fear suddenly flooding her body. He knew.

"Don't worry I don't plan on telling the quaint little town."

"Then what do you want?"

"To protect Anastasia," He said bluntly. "She deserves more than this simple life."

"You don't think I know that? That I feel guilty every day because I can't give her more? That I cursed her with this bloodline," She choked out. His mind flashed back to the night before, when she was sobbing on the table. His grip on her softened before completely letting go of her. Instead, he pressed his hands against the wall behind them caging her in.

"You feel guilty yet you do nothing to change your circumstances," He said.

"I can't," She snapped, anger taking over the fear. "Don't act like you're a saint when you slaughter mass amounts of people. I'm sure Ana isn't the first child you've had in your predatory sight," she glared and suddenly his hands were back on her wrists.

He moved closer so that he was inches from her face. "I would never harm her" He growled, letting go of her wrists again so that he could prevent his hands from crushing them.

"You don't actually control that do you?" She growled back placing a hand on his throat. "All you think about, all you survive off of is blood."

Her hand was cool and suddenly, despite his fury his mind drifted back to how beautiful she was. He glared at her unable to respond. Sara was panting with anger. Her hand still on his throat. She noticed that his skin was cool and smooth. Up close, she was able to focus on his features.

It was the first time she actually looked at him. She noticed his skin so pale and smooth, the sharpness of his eyes, the way that his black curls flowed, resembling silk. She wondered if his hair felt how it looked. Her hand drifted down his throat and rested on his chest, right where his heart was. No heartbeat. She observed. Something felt different. Her anger dissipated and only intrigue remained. Constantine's features softened his lips parting as he looked at her with a different kind of hunger. Her hand felt warm against his skin, it was soft as it drifted down his chest, she smelled amazing, almost sweeter than Ana. Her blue eyes, once blazing had softened as she watched him. Her brown curls framing her face and her skin glowed even with the light from the fire in dimly lighting the room. Her cheeks, a beautiful soft pink. Her teeth were perfect and her lips looked as soft as her skin did. Without thinking his hand drifted down her arm softly. Sara didn't react but she observed that just as he could be rough like he was when he grabbed her wrist, he could be gentle. It was something she thought impossible for vampires. Her heartbeat quickened as she grew nervous. She didn't understand why she felt more relaxed with his touch. Constantine, on the other hand craved more but couldn't comprehend the why.

I was here to access her...prepared to hate her...to decide what was best for Ana. To take her away for my sake.

I was ready to kill him. He's a monster just like the rest. He's only hunting us.

So why do I feel so drawn to her? He thought, taking a step closer to her their bodies only a breath away from each other as she pressed against the wall. Her eyes glinted with something he couldn't quite pinpoint. Her heartbeat drew him in...

So why...why can't I hate him? Why am I relaxing? Why am I so intrigued? Her fingers moved a stray curl away from his shoulder, lingering to feel just how soft his hair was.

The two couldn't look away. Their eyes boring into one another, Sara's heartbeat quickening as Constantine used his other hand to caress her face.

"Sara," He whispered not daring to startle her. His voice is like velvet, she thought. She was getting drawn in, like prey to a predator.

"Hmm?" She hummed, her hand letting go of the strand and pulling her hand back. Constantine nearly lost it, her voice like the sound of a violin and he felt colder without her touch. He wanted more, he wanted her closer. He never felt like this...not even with Ana. Sara's eyes were full of question, the blue shifting hues from the once blazing shade to a softer one. She was waiting for him to say something, to direct her attention to more hateful emotions rather than the confused ones that she was feeling. But he remained quiet his own questions reflecting back at her.

He was at a loss and so was Sara. Neither knew what to do, they were in a conflict with themselves and didn't know how to bear the complicated and conflicting feelings that had erupted within them. She was to one to finally pull her eyes away, her long lashes fluttering her out of the trance she was in.

"You...you should go," She whispered.

"I didn't...I'm sorry if I was harsh...I just…" He was lost, he didn't know how to react anymore.

"I…" She began, looking at his arm still caging her in, he pulled back and she walked toward the fireplace. She reminded herself of her past and why she should send him away or kill him but she couldn't bring herself to do it. The vampire intrigued her. "Do you intend on meeting Ana tomorrow?" She turned to face him.

He nodded.

"Pick her up here...you're right...I shouldn't let her wander by herself but I just… I don't want…" Tears burned her eyes. She was frustrated, with her feelings about the vampire and her inability to properly protect her. Constantine was in front of her in seconds shocking her with his speed. He wiped a tear from her cheek. He closed his eyes.

"I'll help you...take care of her while she's out…" He stared at her, "Will you let me? Can you trust me?"

She backed away from his touch and he watch a million emotions drift from her face. Stay safe Sara. Someone from her past whispered. You can't trust anyone, love. Remember that. There's always a motive. She bit her lip. For so long Sara had been running from everything, she kept the world at a distance and now, the very thing she should run far away from was in front of her, trying to take care of her. What was his motive? Could she really trust him?

His eyes looked desperate. He wanted her approval. He wanted her to say yes. He didn't know why but it was important to him.

Sara opened her mouth but, the words never emerged. She only nodded.

Constantine moved a little closer but she turned away looking at the door, she was afraid that if he touched her any further things would go downhill. He followed her gaze and understood, she wanted him out. He nodded and sped out so quick she blinked and he was gone, the door left wide open. She walked over and closed it careful not to wake Ana with the noise. She sunk against it burying her head in her hands. What did I just do? She could still feel his presence, sense him running away from them and deep down she longed for him to return.

Constantine stopped running, images of Sara flashing in his mind. His throat burned and he went to the outskirts of the town hoping a hunt would quench his thirst, but after he drained three potential bandits dry and turned them into flecks of ice, he still felt unsatisfied. Thoughts of Sara flooded his mind. She had infected him just like Ana had except with Sara it was worse… with Sara, he wanted more than just her presence.

Now, what am I to do?