It was quite a journey for me. After we were put into ambulances, we were taken to a hospital. I was right. I had two broken ribs and a concussion. I had to get 10 stitches. I was very happy for the pain medication they gave me.

Brian came to visit me a few times. He kept me up to date about what was going on with Dom and Braga. Braga was going to be put in jail for a very long time. Dom was gonna be having a court hearing, which was today.

Brian was picking me up soon to go to it. I still had to take things slow to help myself heal. However, I didn't give a damn. I needed to be there for my brother.

We walked into the little court room again. The first time we did, it was for the trial. Brian testified on behalf of Dom. The places for us to sit were in a tiny room while the court room was separated. I smiled slightly to Dom when he looked behind him to see us. He was in an orange jump suit.

"All rise."One of the guards in the room stated. We stood up as the judge walked into the room. He sat down in his chair. "Please be seated."

We sat down again. Brian wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Please rise, Mr. Toretto."The judge said. Dom stood up from his chair. Tears were already welling up in my eyes and the sentence has even been stated yet.

"I've listened to the testimony and taken into special consideration Agent O'Conner's appeal of clemency on behalf of Mr. Toretto. That his actions directly resulted in the apprehension of known drug trafficker Arturo Braga." The judge began.

Brian squeezed my shoulder softly. "However, this judiciary finds that one right does not make up for a lifetime worth of wrongs." I squeezed my eyes shut trying to block the tears. Brian grabbed my hand tightly. "And as such, I find that I am forced to level the maximum sentence under California law."

Brian stood up and walked out of the room. "Dominic Toretto, you are hereby sentenced to serve 25 years to life at the Lompoc maximum security prison system without the possibility of early parole. This court is adjourned."The judge finished and banged the gavel down.

I stood up with tears falling out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I placed my hand on the window as Dom was turned towards me as guards put the handcuffs back on Dom. Dom mouthed 'I love you' to me. I nodded and said it back even though he couldn't hear me. They took him out of the room.

I walked out of the room sobbing into my hand. Brian was waiting outside. He pulled me straight into his arms where I clutched onto him and cried. "Oh God. He never wanted to go back there. He said he would die before he did. We can't just let him go there Brian."I said looking up at him.

He wiped my cheeks dry with his thumbs. "We're not. We're gonna need help."He told me quietly. I sniffled and nodded my head rapidly. "I know who to call."

We got into his car and I pulled out my phone. I dialed the number to Tego and Rico. "Hello?" From the sound of the voice, it was Tego. "Tego? I need your help. Please." I pleaded into the phone. "Bexley? Of course, of course. What do you need us for?" He asked.

"It's Dom. He's been arrested. He's going to prison. We're gonna get him out. I refuse to let him go back to that place." I told him. Tego talked to Rico in the background explaining what was going on. When he came back, he readily agreed saying he would meet us in a few days. Dom wasn't being transported until later this week.

I hung up and looked to Brian. "We're gonna get him back babe."He said reassuringly. I nodded and leant back in my seat.

"You know, once we do this, we can't come back."He said softly. I turned to him. "You sure you wanna help me? You won't be a cop anymore."I told him.

He smirked and grabbed my hand. "It's like you said before. I'm not a good guy pretending to be the bad guy. I am the bad guy."He said. I shook my head smiling slightly and leaned over to him. I caressed his cheek kissing him softly.