Disclaimer: This is fanfiction, I'm sure I don't have to give you the low down on what I own and what I don't. All the original characters are mine.

Honestly, I've no idea where this fic came from. I ship Sacha with happiness hard. I ship Henrik with happiness too. It's populated with original characters and starts way before the shooting. I watched a lot of Holby and then stopped for a while but I recently started again and I just love it a lot. This all for fun and games and I'm no doctor so forgive my 'tv' medical knowledge :)

"Life is a highway, I wanna ride it alllll night loonnnggg."

The perfect song to stride into her new job Guinevere Rolechi thought as she stepped through the sliding door of Holby City hospital. Distracting, which was probably why a rather stern looking man in a car just managed to bump her. Guinevere didn't even bother to take her headphones out. She wasn't about to kill this good vibe. She simply mouthed an apology, smiled and carried on. She knew that Keller was going to be a world away from the Children's ward but that wasn't going to stop her geeing herself up with some upbeat pop songs. No better way to start the day as she was concerned.

"If you're going my way, I wanna drive it allll night lonnnggg."

She sang along, loudly as she entered the lift alone. There wasn't a soul in sight as the doors closed so she felt perfectly justified in letting off some of this excess energy. Air guitaring the moment it started and not feeling the lift come to it's stop.

"Life is a highwayyyyy."

She opened her eyes as she felt her phone vibrate to find a very amused looking Dom stood there with a raised brow.

"Well this is awkward." She grinned sliding a headphone from her ear. "I feel a little bit like the prime minister in Love Actually. At least I'm not doing a Martine McCutcheon, haven't sworn yet, saving that fuck up for later." Guinevere's head dropped back as Dom scoffed out a laugh. "Please tell me you're not the boss, and if you are maybe we can do a deal where you forget this happened and I come back out of the staffroom in ten, fresh and ready for work. Air guitar left in my locker." She joked. Shut up, shut up, shut up. Was all that was running through her head. She could see herself talking and talking bollocks at that, but she just couldn't stop herself.

The lift binged behind her again and Guinevere jumped out of the way as a familiar grumpy looking man stepped out of the lift.

"Good Morning Doctor Copeland." Henrik said stiffly hands behind his back. He looked over at Guinevere who was trying to place the man for a moment. "Ah I see you've met your new team member."

"Hanssen," Guinevere clicked her and pointed at him. "Explains the flash car."

Dom looked between them but Guinevere was quick to correct him before any insinuation could be made.

"He nearly ran me over this morning. Think I'm bruised, maybe there's a claim there." She teased.

"Yes, well Miss Rolechi I do hope you pay better attention to the patients than you do to the road." Henrik replied rather sternly.

"Oh of course, I care about them. Besides a little bit of getting run over in the morning makes the day more exciting." Guinevere replied. Inside she was cringing, telling herself to just stop. Stop right there. Stop talking, stop working, just allow herself to dissolve into a pile of atoms. He couldn't just fire her on the spot could he? At least she hadn't sworn at him. She usually got all the bad ones out in the morning before she went near the kids but around adults she sometimes had the mouth of a sailor.

Dom liked her already, she seemed a little eccentric with dark hair piled and scraped up into what could only be described as a very messy bun. He thought she looked a little Helena Bonham Carter. Especially with the floral scarf tied around her head and the sunglasses on top of that. With her choice of skirts and shirts she was definitely going to get along with Sacha and his eyesore shirts.

"Yes well, lots to do. Perhaps Mr Copeland can show you to the locker room." Hanssen said looking at Dom expectantly.

"Of course." Dom smiled, it wasn't like he'd been about to go down for a coffee or anything anyway. "It's this way." He added taking the lead. "Did he really nearly run you over?" He asked when they were out of earshot of Hanssen.

"To be fair, I don't think I was paying attention. Getting ready for the day." She said tapping her earphones. "At 42 this doesn't happen just by falling out of bed in the morning." She grinned as he leant next to the locker he'd pointed out as hers. "I didn't know it was him. I hope he doesn't hold it against me too much. I swear I'm a good nurse. I haven't killed anyone in years." She laughed and Dom scoffed out a laugh too. Shut up, shut up, shut up. She said to herself. Now was really not the time to introduce someone who'd just met her to her wealth of bad parent jokes.

"You must be replacing Nurse Derry then? Shame really she was lovely. Always baking. You don't bake do you?" He asked hopefully.

"Oh no, no you're joking right. I can only just make beans on toast and even that's pushing it." She joked.

"Shame." Dom sighed. "Back to bourbans and rich tea it is." He pushed himself away from the window and left the staffroom allowing her to get changed in peace.

"Fresh meats in." Dom said to Sacha as he rounded onto the desk and stole the cup of coffee that had been placed unattended on it.

"What's she like? She's not the grumpy one is she. Miss Trunchbull." Sacha asked in hushed tones.

"Seems nice, bit weird, apparently Hanssen nearly ran her over this morning. She doesn't bake I've already asked." Dom said as Sacha let out a groan.

"Suppose it'll be good for the waistline." Sacha said patting his stomach.

"Yeah but the éclairs from downstairs are never ever going to be a patch on those Rosie made. I mean I was hoping for someone who at least made cakes. Everyone makes cakes nowadays don't they?" Dom sipped at the coffee as Sacha crossed his arms over his chest and huffed again.

"If you really want good cake there's this little bakery about fifteen minutes round the corner. Up a side street, you'd never really know it was there to be honest. Their Victoria Sponge could have been baked by Mary Berry herself." Guinevere suddenly appeared in front of them at the reception desk. It looked like she'd attempted to do something more with her hair but it clearly didn't want to behave and so the scarf would have to do at holding it in place.

"Guinevere Rolechi, Miss. New nurse." Guinevere said holding out a hand.

"Guinevere?" Dom questioned, brows pulled together in a way that could have been either confusion or disgust.

"My mum was obsessed with Arthurian legend. I'm just lucky they didn't go with Morgeus. Most people call me Ginny, some people call me Rolli, my granddaughter calls me Innie so, you know take your pick." She shrugged with a smile.

"Sacha Levy, and this is Dom." Sacha said standing up to shake her hand. Dom nodded towards her.

"Boss man, of course." Ginny said.

"So, fresh blood, how are you finding the place?" Sacha asked rubbing his hands together. "Know where everything is?"

"I transferred actually, from Paedeatrics." Ginny replied. "So not entirely fresh blood, I am aware of where the pub is and the cafe which is great because I hate trying to find caffeine at a new job." Ginny beamed from ear to ear and Sacha felt immediately warmed towards her. Her reference from upstairs had apparently been glowing. She had an excellent track record with all her patients and their relatives and Paed's were apparently sad to see her go. He wouldn't admit to it but he still hadn't gotten round to reading the whole thing. He'd been worried she'd be the bulldog.

"Why the move here?" Dom asked lacking tact as usual.

"I was only on Maternity cover upstairs. Thank god my child rearing years are over. Don't get me wrong I love my granchild to pieces but at least I can give her back at the end of the day."

"You're a grandmother!" Dom raised a brow in shock looking her over again.

"I'm going to choose to be flattered by the tone of surprise." She almost smirked and Dom found himself warming to her a little more. "Yes she's four and my son is twenty-five." Ginny admitted giving them a moment to try and guess how young she'd been when she'd had James.

"You wouldn't go back then?" Dom laughed.

"Only to warn myself about being stupid." She said picking up a patient chart off the side and flicking through it.

"The folly of youth." Sacha grinned at her. He liked her already. She was going to be a warm and energetic presence on Keller he could already tell. He'd not been looking forward to finding out which nurse was coming to replace Derry. He'd been warned that a few of the nurses applying for the role were grumpy, strict matronly figures looking to leave a mark and take charge. He didn't want someone like that, they needed someone to fit into the team and do a good job.

"So-" She said holding up her hands. "I'm at your mercy, point me at a patient and I'll see what I can do."

"How do you feel about starting with Mr Brison's boils?" Dom grimaced.

"No challenge to great or to small." Ginny replied with a smile on her face.

A/N: Enjoyed? Leave a review! :)