I do not own the characters. Just borrowing for fun.

As the sun hit the lowest point in the sky before giving way to the night, a dilapidated bus came to a screeching halt on I-20 just west of Abilene, Texas kicking up centuries-old dirt. A commotion could be heard coming from inside the bus as the doors were thrust open and a young woman was roughly shoved out onto the dusty road.

"Hey, you can't do this to me! This is absurd!" the woman screamed as she landed hard on the ground.

"We don't need your kind bringing filth into our lives. Get out of here you pervert!" the driver snarled as he slammed the doors shut.

"At least let me get my guitar!" the girl yelled in desperation. She was a slip of a girl – about 5'2 and no more than 105lbs. She had long, wavy, chestnut brown hair, currently tied up in a bun, and blue eyes so dark they looked like midnight.

As the bus started to pull away, the passengers on the bus pitched her guitar case out of a window. Fortunately, the woman was paying attention and despite her near complete lack of coordination, she caught the case just a few inches from the ground. When things had started getting heated on the bus she'd had the wherewithal to sling her duffel bag and equipment case on her shoulders but the guitar had been a couple rows behind her up in the luggage rack. Checking to ensure that nothing was damaged she set everything on the ground and scanned her surroundings. She quickly began digging through her worn out canvas duffel to find her cellphone as the bus drove out of view. She pulled it out and sighed, "Well, shit." The phone was dead. She had no idea where she was in Texas and her one hope of using GPS had just evaporated into thin air. The last stop she remembered seeing was Fort Worth and that had been over an hour ago. She knew the next major city on the route was El Paso but that was many, many miles away. There was no way she could walk there. She looked around but there wasn't much to be seen. Not a single vehicle was on the road as far as she could see and there didn't seem to be any houses either. She was stuck in the middle of nowhere Texas and it was starting to get dark. "Okay, okay. Don't panic. You just have to start walking and hopefully you'll find somewhere to stay for the night," she said to herself to calm her nerves. With that, she set off down the road in the direction the bus had gone.

"Aubrey, pleaseeeeeeee. Pretty pleaseeee. I promise not to drink any more water for at least four hours."

"Fine, we'll stop. But I'm serious, Chloe. No more water! We are already two hours behind schedule and I will not allow us to fall further back."

As soon as the black Ford Explorer rolled up to the pump at the Texaco gas station a flash of red flew out of the vehicle and sped towards the restroom door on the side of the building. She pulled quickly on the handle but the door didn't budge. "You've got to be kidding me," Chloe huffed. She rushed to the store entrance - the bells on the door chimed, alerting the store attendant that he had a customer. He looked up briefly from his phone to the fiery redheaded young woman standing in front of him – well, dancing probably would be a better description of what she was doing. Chloe bounced from side to side trying to hold her bladder.

"Hi sir, can I please have the key for the restroom?"

"Restrooms for payin' customers," he replied in a thick Texan accent.

"Yes, of course sir. My friend, in the black SUV, she's buying gas right now," Chloe responded while pointing out the window to Aubrey.

The attendant nodded and handed her the key. Chloe ran back out to the restroom and quickly entered. Oh man, this place is disgusting. I would've been better off peeing outside. She finished up, feeling relief from emptying the full bladder she had held for the last hour. As she wandered back into the store Chloe noticed how out-of-date, or rather, vintage, this gas station was. It looked like nothing had changed since the '60s – old Coke signs littered the walls and there was a jukebox in the corner. It definitely gave a nostalgic feel to the place. She handed the bathroom key back to the clerk and bought a few snacks before returning to her blonde-haired, uptight, best friend.

"Chloe, please tell me you did not just purchase more food."

"What? Now I can't eat either?"

"If you eat, you'll get thirsty. If you get thirsty, you'll drink. If you drink, you'll need to pee. I told you we are not stopping until we hit El Paso," Aubrey screeched and began to gag.

"Whoa, relax Bree. Everything is going to be fine. Take deep breaths. I promise not to eat until El Paso. You know what, you've been driving for like 6 hours. I think it's my turn again. You lay down in the back and get a nap."

With that, Chloe took the car keys from Aubrey's fingers and opened up the back door for her friend. The blonde reluctantly agreed that she could use a bit of rest. They set off as the sun faded from the sky.

Oh God, this is so not good. Not good at all. I'm going to die out here. It was unsettlingly dark as the petite brunette continued her trek. It was also eerily quiet minus the sporadic cries of coyotes in the distance – at least she hoped they were in the distance. She had been walking for at least an hour and not yet come upon a place to stay for the night or to even borrow a phone to make a call. It didn't matter anyway. She had no idea who she'd call even if she could. She definitely would not call her father. He would just scoff and say I told you so. She could try one of her friends but they have no money to help her out and Atlanta is a little far away for someone to come pick her up. Besides, there was no way she was turning back now. Suddenly she began to see her shadow cast in front of her. A car was coming. Should I be excited or nervous? What if they're psychos or murderers? Just keep your head down and let it pass. You don't need some random stranger's help. The woman pulled the hood up on her sweatshirt and stood closer to the edge of the road as she continued to walk. The car slowly passed her and she let a sigh of relief escape her mouth. However, it was a moment too soon as the vehicle then stopped about 10 feet in front of her. The woman stopped walking, unsure of what to do next. She heard a window roll down and a soft female voice called out to her.

"Hi, are you okay?"

This could be a trap. There could be a big dude in there waiting to jump out and rob you. Don't respond. The SUV began to reverse towards her. She froze in place as the passenger window aligned with her body.

"Hey, did you hear me? Are you okay? Are you lost?"

"Umm, well it is kind of hard to hear you. Why are you whispering?"

"Oh, ha, well my best friend is sleeping in the back and I don't want to wake her."

"Uh, okay. I'm not lost. I'm fine. Thanks for asking. You can go now."

"Well, I think I might have to disagree. You are walking alone on a deserted highway at 9:30 at night. It's getting cold and you look like you're carrying a lot of heavy stuff."

Shoot, I hadn't noticed how cold it was until she said that. This stuff is pretty heavy and my feet are starting to hurt already. The woman pondered how to reply when the driver turned the overhead light on revealing the brightest blue eyes and most vibrant reddish-orange hair she had ever seen.

"Sorry, I forgot my manners. My name is Chloe. What's yours?"


"Well Beca, where are you headed?"


"Hmm, I think you're going to be walking for quite a while. And, those boots aren't made for walking."

Beca rolled her eyes and looked down at her ragged, black, leather Doc Martens.

"Nice reference. Yeah, you're right. They are not the most comfortable."

"So then Beca, are we going to sit here talking on the side of the road all night or are you going to get in so I can give you a ride?"

Beca looked up in surprise. This girl was being so nice - too nice. It made her feel uncomfortable. Nobody was ever nice for no reason.

"What's in it for you?" she asked skeptically.

Chloe chuckled. "Well, as I said, my best friend is asleep in the back. I could use some company to help keep me awake as I drive."

"Where are you guys headed?"

"We're going to San Diego. One last summer vacation before senior year!"

"Sounds like fun."

"I hope so. Though, Aubrey is going to kill me if I don't keep us on schedule. So what do you say? You want to hop on board the Chloe Express?"

Beca laughed. This girl was so cheesy but it was somehow cute. This was probably her only chance of getting anywhere safely tonight. She couldn't turn it down.

"Yeah, I'm in. Do you have room for my stuff in the back?"


Beca settled her guitar and mixing equipment in the trunk. Their luggage looked fairly standard. Nothing stood out as potential serial killer material so that was a plus. She grabbed her duffel and headed to the front seat to join Chloe.

"So, where exactly are we in Texas?"

"We're not in Texas… you think you're in Texas?"

"What? Oh my god, where are we then?" Beca asked with panic lacing her voice.

Chloe burst out laughing and conceded, "I'm sorry, I had to. You should've seen your face. I knew you were lost. We are near Big Spring, Texas. We have about five and a half hours until El Paso."

Beca stared at Chloe incredulously.

"That was not funny."

"Aww, I'm sorry. Don't be mad."

"Mhmm. Okay, so is El Paso your goal for the night?"


The car was silent for the next 30 minutes aside from the light snores escaping from sleeping beauty in the back. Beca stared out the window trying to come up with a plan for her next step once she reached El Paso. She couldn't afford to spend money on a hotel. She needed every last cent she had to get her career started in L.A. She figured she could probably find a homeless shelter to crash at for the night.

"You know, you're not really holding up your end of the deal."

Chloe's voice startled Beca out of her thoughts.

"What deal?"

"The one where you keep me company in exchange for a ride."

"Oh right. Umm. What do you want to talk about?"

"How about you tell me the story of how you came to be walking on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere by yourself in the dark of night?"

"Yeah, I don't really want to get into that at the moment."

"Too bad. Come on Beca, spill it."

"Ugh, alright. Here it goes…"

That morning at 7:00AM

"Come on Becs! You're going to miss the damn bus."

"Stacie, do you have to scream? I'm ready. Just finished putting my stuff in the car."

The two young women hopped into the decrepit station wagon and sped off towards the bus depot.

"You know, I'm really going to miss you. It won't be the same without you here. No more beautiful music coming out of your room. No more grumpy faces to greet me at breakfast."

"Aww, Stace. Come on; don't get sappy on me now. Besides, now you can turn my room into a makeshift laboratory and become a mad scientist."

"Ha ha, Beca. But seriously, I am excited for you. Hopefully, I'll soon be hearing your music coming out of my radio. Then I can take you with me wherever I go."

Beca smiled at the taller brunette. Stacie always had her back. They'd been best friends for the last four years and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't sad to leave her behind in Atlanta. But it was time to give her dream a real shot, so she was off to L.A. Her father had refused to help in her in any fashion despite the fact that he had promised if she tried college for a year. Apparently, he felt that Beca hadn't tried hard enough at the community college she attended for the last year. He had a new ultimatum for her on the last day of classes: Transfer to Barden for the next three years and get a degree for free. If she refused, he would cut her off completely. No more covering her half of the rent in her apartment with Stacie. No more paying for her groceries. No more bailing her out of jail – yeah that incident probably didn't help her case. However, as far as Beca was concerned, her father had basically threatened to disown her just because she wanted to follow her dreams. So she figured she'd save him the trouble. She went back to the apartment and talked it over with Stacie. Stacie assured her that she could cover the whole rent for a few months until she found a new roommate. They packed up her things, which didn't take long as Beca didn't really own much other than her laptop, mixing equipment, guitar, and some clothing. Stacie handled the clothing packing, claiming she knew how to make Beca look both hot and professional for the music execs. They then purchased a bus ticket from Atlanta to L.A. for the next morning. It all happened rather quickly.

"Well legs, I appreciate the vote of confidence but I think it's going to be quite some time until you hear anything of mine on the radio. Besides, you already have tons of my mixes – you can take me with you wherever you go now."

The girls pulled into the depot with about ten minutes to spare. Beca checked in and settled her things onto the bus. They stood together outside of the bus as the other passengers boarded.

"Ugh, I really hate goodbyes."

"You hate it because you know how much you'll miss me and you hate feelings shortstack."

"Yes, exactly. Feelings are stupid. And enough with the short jokes. It's not my fault you're a giant."

"Look at me Beca." Stacie put her hands on Beca's shoulders to get her undivided attention. "I am so proud of you. You are so brave and so damn talented it isn't even fair. Please believe in yourself and show those people what music can be like when someone with passion is behind it. You were born to do this."

Beca quickly blinked her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I love you, nerd."

"I love you too. Call me when you get there!"

Chloe gave Beca a moment before interrupting as she could sense her emotions rising with recounting their goodbye.

"Wow, Stacie sounds like a great friend but I don't understand. If you got on a bus this morning, why did I find you walking on the side of the road tonight?" Chloe furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Stacie is a great friend but she also enjoys a good prank. Most of the time, they work out fine and the consequences are minor. This one, unfortunately for me, went really badly."

Two hours earlier…

The bus had stopped in Fort Worth to switch bus drivers about an hour and forty-five minutes ago. It was a full bus after the stop in Fort Worth so Beca had an elderly woman in the aisle seat next to her. The woman had introduced herself as Tilda and told her she was heading to El Paso to watch her grandson graduate high school. Beca had smiled politely and then put her headphones on to rest. She began dosing off; listening to her iPod with her ancient duffle bag perched in her lap as she leaned into the window. Suddenly, there was a buzzing noise coming from Beca's lap but she couldn't hear it due to the headphones and being asleep. The buzzing continued and her elderly neighbor noticed, looking over to see where it was coming from. Tilda then observed Beca's hand in her pants partially hidden beneath the duffel bag and began screaming.


At the sound of yelling, Beca woke up and pulled her headphones off of her head onto her neck.


"Tilda, what's going on?"



Beca had then noticed the vibrating noise and the way her hand was positioned. Oh god. She quickly opened the duffle bag in order to find the source of the noise only to discover a large black dildo on top of her clothing. Tilda screeched at the sight of it. Beca dug further to the bottom, pulled out the remotely controlled vibrator, and turned it off.

"Tilda, please it is not what it looked like. I was not doing anything. I am not a pervert."

Tilda continued to scream until the bus came to a halt. Beca quickly slung her bags onto her shoulders as the bus driver grabbed her out of her seat and pushed her off of the bus.

"And the rest, as they say, is history," Beca finished with a dramatic flare.

"Oh my god. I can't believe they kicked you off the bus for that. They didn't even let you explain?"

"No, and I was mad at first but I can see how it looked."

"Yeah, so tell me why did you have your hand in your pants?"

Beca put her face in her palms. She was definitely regretting telling this story.

"Look, I always put my hands in my pants when I sleep. It's just something I've always done. It's comforting I guess. I swear I was not doing anything indecent."

"Ha, okay I'll take your word for it. In that case, I'm guessing the vibrator was Stacie's?"

"Yup, I gave her a really hard time about buying the remote controlled vibrator. I just couldn't see how that would be useful. She certainly showed me."

"And the giant dildo?"

"Oh no, that is mine."

Silence invaded the vehicle.

"Oh… that's uh, that's cool."

Beca tried to hold in her laughter but eventually snorted.

"Yeah, that's definitely not mine," Beca said with a hint of discomfort in her voice. "I hope she's not planning on getting it back 'cause I chucked that thing into the weeds."

Chloe giggled. "So are you mad at Stacie?"

"Nah, I know there was no malicious intent. It just backfired. Plus she'll probably feel bad enough when I tell her about it. No sense in being upset with her."

Chloe smiled. She had a gut feeling about Beca when she found her earlier. She could tell that Beca had a good heart. As she focused on the road ahead, she began to feel her eyes getting heavy. The redhead rapidly blinked her eyelids in an effort to stay awake. Beca noticed the girl struggling to keep her eyes open and decided to speak up.

"Hey Chloe, how long have you and Aubrey been driving?"

"We left Atlanta this morning as well."

"Have you slept at all?" the brunette asked worryingly.

"Nope. Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Yeah, well I'd rather we actually make it to El Paso instead of winding up in a ditch so how about you pull over and let me drive this last bit. What is it like 2 hours to El Paso?"

"A little less actually. I appreciate the offer but Aubrey would kill me if she found out I let you drive her car."

"Well, I think she'll be more upset if you crash her car because you were falling asleep," Beca reasoned.

Chloe thought about it and agreed. She pulled over and they hopped out to switch places. Beca finished adjusting the seat and mirrors. For once she didn't have to make too many changes since Chloe was only a couple inches taller than her. She had to admit she could see why Aubrey was protective of her car. The SUV was in great shape and very comfortable. As they pulled back onto the road, Beca got ready to tell Chloe it would be fine to take a nap but when she looked over, she saw that the redhead was already on her way to sleep. Beca smiled at the content look on Chloe's face before focusing back on the road. She hummed a melody she had been working on to pass the time.

As they neared the outskirts of El Paso, Beca felt an arm suddenly wrap tightly around her neck from behind her. She screamed as she noticed an Army knife clenched in the hand around her neck. Oh my god, this is it. This is how I die. This was a trap all along. I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down. Chloe opened her eyes as she heard Beca scream and took in the situation developing next to her.


"Chloe, this person has hijacked my car and kidnapped us! Let me handle this. PULL OVER!"

Beca abruptly pulled the SUV to the side of the road and put it in park. She looked pleadingly at Chloe as the grip around her neck tightened.


"Aubrey, seriously, let go of her! Everything is okay. Her name is Beca and I picked her up back by Big Spring."

At this Aubrey bugged her eyes out at Chloe. "YOU DID WHAT? ARE YOU INSANE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS? WHAT IF SHE'S A MURDERER?" She began to breath in short bursts.

"Hey, I'm not the one holding a large knife to someone's throat right now," Beca snarked.

Aubrey let go of Beca and continued to breath quickly as her skin began to lose its color.

"Uh, is she okay?" Beca asked Chloe as she rubbed her own neck.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. When she gets stressed out she tends to projectile vomit," Chloe stated nonchalantly.

"Dude, what the fuck? Do I need to move?"

"No, she's getting better at controlling it. Right, Bree?"

Aubrey glared at Chloe and continued to slow down her breathing.

"Sooo, should I keep driving?"

As Chloe began to nod her head, Aubrey calmed herself enough to speak.

"Absolutely not. Get out of my car now!"

"Bree, you're being rude."

"Aca-scuse me? I'm being rude? You picked up a stranger and then let them drive my car!" Aubrey shouted.

"Look it's no problem, I'm getting out right now. Just let me grab my things."

Chloe grabbed Beca's arm and told her to wait outside the car for a moment. Beca nodded and walked to the back of the SUV. She could see that it was probably another 20 miles to the city center and she'd definitely prefer not to have to walk but she would if need be. She looked at her watch and sighed. If she were still on the bus, she would've been close to the Arizona border by now. Besides finding a place to sleep tonight, she also needed to figure out how to get to L.A. She really didn't want to spend money on another ticket but she might not have a choice. As she pondered her decision, she could hear muffled yelling from inside the SUV. A minute later Chloe rolled down the window and told Beca to get in the backseat. Beca hesitated a moment before doing as she was told. She noticed that Aubrey had climbed up into the driver's seat and was making a lot of adjustments. She must be tall, Beca thought to herself. The SUV made its way back onto the highway and the awkward silence in the car became stifling. As the city buildings loomed into view, Aubrey spoke up for the first time.

"I'm sorry I held a knife to your throat."

"No problem, Rambo," Beca replied with a smirk.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Well, Beca, where should I drop you off?"

"Aubrey!" Chloe hissed


"Anywhere, in the city center will be perfect. Thanks," Beca responded.

"Bree, I told you about her predicament. I don't think she has money for a motel let alone another ride to L.A." Chloe said to Aubrey in a hushed voice as if Beca couldn't hear every word she was saying.

Beca cringed. She hated pity. She'd experienced enough of it when her mom died. It was part of why she liked Stacie so much. Stacie didn't know Beca before her mom had passed so she never looked at her the way everyone else had.

"We're not going to L.A. Chloe. Besides you don't even know her." Aubrey shot back in a whisper.

"Look, guys. Really, I'm fine. Can I just borrow a phone for a moment?"

"You don't even have a phone? How is that possible?" Aubrey questioned.

"I have a phone but it's dead. I just need to look something up," Beca responded with irritation in her voice.

"Here, Beca. Go ahead."

"Thanks, Chloe."

Beca typed into the phone rapidly as Aubrey drove the SUV into downtown El Paso.

"Okay, if you just make a right up here, I'll be good to get out at the corner."

Aubrey slowed the car and stopped at the corner.

"Well, thanks so much for the ride. Have fun in San Diego," Beca called out as she got out of the vehicle. She walked to the back to grab her guitar and mixing equipment out of the trunk. When she turned around she was startled to find herself face-to-face with Chloe. The sight caused her breath to catch in her throat. She hadn't been able to really see Chloe's face on the dark roads but in the light of the city she was stunned. Chloe was gorgeous. Her hair was even more flamboyant and her eyes were like topaz. Chloe enveloped Beca in a tight squeeze, further shocking the tiny brunette.

"It was really nice meeting you, Beca. Are you sure you're going to be okay? Where are you going to stay?"

"It was nice to meet you as well. Yes, I'm sure I'll be fine. I have a friend nearby I can crash with for the night. Thanks again."

Chloe patted Beca's arm and headed back to the vehicle. Beca watched as she climbed into the SUV and they took off around the corner heading for their hotel. She hoisted her bags up onto her shoulders and began her walk to the women's shelter she had looked up on Chloe's phone. It was only a couple blocks away. Luckily, when she arrived there was a bed available despite the late hour. She got settled, immediately plugged her phone in to the outlet, and promptly fell asleep.

Across town, Chloe and Aubrey finished getting ready for bed in their cozy hotel room.

"I still cannot believe you picked up a hitchhiker," Aubrey mumbled as she brushed her teeth.

"She wasn't hitchhiking. She was walking and clearly needed help."

Aubrey spit into the sink. "Semantics. That was seriously risky, Chloe."

"Look, I'm sorry that I upset you but I won't apologize for helping Beca. There's something about her…"

Aubrey looked over at Chloe on the bed applying lotion to her skin. She had that look in her eyes. That dreamy far away look she got whenever she had a new pet project.

"Chloe, no."

"No, what?"

"I know what you're thinking. That girl does not need you to save her."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Bree. I just think she's interesting. Besides, I didn't get her number or her last name so I can't even contact her."

"It's probably for the best. Did you see those ear monstrosities and all that eyeliner? She's a little too alternative," Aubrey stated with disdain. "It's 3AM, we are way behind schedule. We need to be on the road again at o-nine hundred so time for lights out."

Chloe tossed and turned for the next five hours worrying about Beca. Something told her that the brunette had lied about having a friend nearby. Frustrated by her restless sleep, Chloe sat up quickly and reached for her phone. She opened up the web browser but Beca had closed it out from whatever page she had been on. Maybe she didn't delete the browsing history though. Yes! Here it is. Beca searched… homeless shelters. I knew she was lying. Chloe looked at the clock. It was just about 8AM. She quickly threw on her clothes and grabbed the car keys before she rushed out of the hotel room. She pulled up outside of the shelter about fifteen minutes later and prayed that Beca had actually ended up here. If not, she had no idea where to find her. She walked in the front door with two coffees in her hands and approached the reception desk. A Hispanic woman in her forties greeted Chloe.

"Good morning, miss. How can we help you?"

"Good morning," Chloe responded brightly. "I'm looking for a friend of mine. She might have come in last night. Tiny brunette about my age goes by Beca – she was carrying a guitar and a couple other bags. Have you seen her?"

"I'm sorry miss, but we can't give out any information about the women who may or may not be staying here."

Chloe looked crestfallen. Of course they wouldn't give her that information. It was naïve of her to think they would.

"Okay, I understand. Can I give you my name and number, and if you see her, you can just pass it on?"

"No need for that Red. You found me." Beca called out as she rounded the corner. She had heard Chloe's cheery voice while packing up her bags on the other side of the wall.

"Beca!" Chloe squealed as she grabbed the small woman the best she could while holding the coffees.

Paola raised her eyebrows in alarm at the gesture and gave Beca a questioning look.

"It's okay Paola, I know her," Beca assured the woman with a smirk.

Chloe let go of Beca and handed her a coffee. "Here, this is for you. I wasn't sure how you take it so it's black."

"Black like my soul. That's perfect." Beca cheekily responded. "So, what's up? Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing. Why did you lie to me?" Chloe looked at Beca with hurt in her eyes.

"You're killing me Red. Look, I didn't want you to worry about me so I told you I had a friend nearby. I'm fine though, really."

"Okay, so how do you plan to get to L.A. now?"

"Jeez, so many questions. Are you always this persistent?" Beca deflected.

"Yes, I am. Now answer the question."

"Truthfully? I don't know yet."

"Well, I do. You're coming with me!"

"Uh, I thought you were going to San Diego?"

"We are but I figure you can ride with us until then and hopefully figure out a way to get to L.A. from there. What do you think?" Chloe held her breath waiting for a response from Beca.

"I think I want to know if Aubrey knows about this new plan."

Chloe muttered.

"What was that?"

"No, she doesn't know yet. But it will be fine."

"Yeah, the last time I trusted you regarding mommy dearest, she nearly slit my throat."

"Beca, don't be so dramatic. Aubrey was not going to actually hurt you. Please ride to San Diego with us. I know I can convince Aubrey to let you join us."

"Yeah, and how do you plan to do that?"

"Easy, I'll appeal to her baser instincts which are punctuality and efficiency. If you come with us that is an extra person to drive meaning we'll cut down the amount of time it will take us to get there. Aubrey won't be able to resist that logic," Chloe replied confidently.

"Yeah, that would work if Aubrey was actually open to letting a stranger drive her car. I think last night is a good indication of how she would feel about that."

"Are you always so pessimistic? Come on, don't you want to get back on the Chloe Express?" Chloe sported a mega-watt smile and wiggled her eyebrows.

Beca couldn't resist Chloe's bubbly positivity. Besides, this way she could sit in a comfortable car for the remainder of her journey and she wouldn't have to spend more money.

"Okay, you win. Let me grab my things."

"Yay!" Chloe exclaimed and clapped her hands together. "Come on, hurry. We need to be back at the hotel and ready to go in 25 minutes."

Chloe pulled into the hotel at break neck speed telling Beca to wait in the backseat while she handled Aubrey. Beca was more than happy to oblige and not be a part of that conversation. Ten minutes later, Aubrey's green eyes were shooting daggers into Beca's as she placed her luggage into the trunk. Chloe hopped into the front passenger seat and gave Beca a reassuring smile as Aubrey opened the driver's door. Beca figured she should try to break the ice and thanked Aubrey for allowing her to ride along. Aubrey merely grunted in response. It was going to be a long ride to California.