That night everything was lightless. The entire rebel base was covered in this dense fog that blinded anyone to their surroundings. I only woke up the pain pulsing through my chest. When I heard his voice again I thought it was just another bond moment. However, my surroundings stayed loud and nothing went quiet.

After training all day, the Jedi books, though informative, betrayed my mind and put me to sleep. We should've been safe in the outer rim on a planet no one needs anything from. The base was mostly little huts congregated around a larger building, blending into the environment around us. Trees taller than I could imagine covered every inch of this place. This asylum was hidden around the pools of water, deep as the trees are tall. We only went out during the day to be able to see where we were going. One wrong move and you were lost to the carnivorous planet.

Now the flashes of blasters flew all around the base. The soft clunk of the stormtroopers boots pressed on murdering those in their beds. No one had time to scream. No one realized they had to scream. The First Order was here stomping through the rest of the resistance. Smoke mixed with the fog blending grey and white against the pitch black moonless night.

My quarterstaff held strong in my hands I began to push through the stormtroopers walking toward me. Two fell before my body betrayed me and froze. The red crackle of a lightsaber appeared before me from the man who asked to join him not so long ago. His hand moving the force to hold my body in place, his lightsaber humming on the side of his body, and his mask again covering his face.

"She lives." His joyless voice commanded the attack. "Kill the rest." My heart beat faster than my chest could handle. No. I would fight. Panic rose through my body and I only saw Kylo's hand come closer to my face before everything went black.

My eyes reluctantly opened. A groan came from my throat as if I was purely exhausted. A white sterile room surrounded me, and my body sore and unable to move trapped on a bed much bigger than I've seen. My clothes changed to a black night dress. The sheets the same silk fabric that seems to cover my body. To the left, the wall closer to the bed with window staring out at the stars. I was on a ship. The unnerving wave of motion should have warned me. To my right the door many steps away. A metal chair next to the bed with a black heavy cloak laying across it. My eyes closed again not able to hold themselves open and my body unable to react to what I remember happening.

The light reached my eyelids again. The room has been turning from dark to light. I notice the changes but haven't enough energy to actually open my eyes. I remember walking into the fog from my small hut into the sounds of blasters. I remember everything but I can't find enough strength to do anything about it. Where am I?

"Supreme Leader, everything tells us she is fine."

"Does she look fine?"

"Uh… well… Sir… she." I could hear someone gasping for air before shadows took me under.

"Ben, she'll wake up. Trust her." Leia's voice. A little piece of joy reached my heart. At least she was alive.

My body was shaking or was someone shaking it? Two hands grasped around my shoulders pulling me up and down. "Wake up scavenger! Wake up!" His voice seemed much softer than the last time I heard it or when he came to the base. The shaking stopped and I heard boots walk toward the window. Is everyone dead? Was I the only one taken alive. What would he want from me? Something was attached to my arm coldly hanging down. My throat parched, unused. I could finally feel my breath. My chest rising and falling, filling my lungs pushing the nightgown over my ribs. Just open your eyes. Why couldn't I open my eyes? I didn't want to sleep anymore. Wake up Rey! Wake up! Open my eyes. Cloudiness fogs my brain once again and I fall into the orbit of sleep.

The door slams shut and my eyes open wide. I blink over and over again to lubricate my unused eyes. An ache pushes into my head. A needle stuck in my arm connected to tubes hanging off of a metal ring. The sheets seem the same, the dress the same all in the sterile room. Breathing burns my mouth like sand had been burning the inside my throat for months. My hand goes to my head bringing the tubes closer to my body. Everything has a light ring around it. Am I dead?

"Please stay calm." A voice beams through the room.

Every time I try to speak only a heavy air escapes my mouth. I try over and over to just say a simple word. "Hello?" My own voice quiet and raspy.

"Do you know who you are?" The voice inquires. I nod my head in response. Where am I? I feel a tired weight against my eyes again. My hand too tired to keep itself by my head leaned back down to the side. My breathing became heavy again and my eyelids covered my eyes.

What felt like seconds later I could hear a sorrowed voice. "Rey. Please, Rey. Open them again. Just open your eyes." Ben.

I moved my hand to grab empty air next to my bed. I am in here Ben. "Ben," I whispered. I can't tell if I said it loud enough or if my lips moved. A haze surrounded my thoughts. Words sounded dysfunctional and all of a sudden everything seemed new.

"Rey. I am sorry. I was so angry. I pushed the force too far. Rey? Open your eyes." Rey. That name sounded so familiar. I know that name. His voice disappeared and my mind drifted again. He has such a nice voice.

My eyes opened like it was just another morning. I put my hand and tried to slide my body up to sit up. My breathing slow and deliberate. "Water." It came out slow and more quiet than I wanted. "Water." I tried to say louder. The room stayed silent, other than the need of my breath, for minutes or longer.

The door smashed open. A man in all black, a scar going across his face, and hard boots walked straight towards me. "You're awake!" My eyes blinked to focus on his face. His face was strong and determined but there was a softness behind his brown eyes. With the door wide open, a man in a white suit walks into the room.

"Supreme Leader I am going to move her. I will have to touch her." He tells the man in black like he is asking permission.

"I'll move her." The man in black insists to raise me up against the pillows and frame of the bed. Sitting up, the weight seems to take a break from my chest but the burden of my shoulders holding me down. The man in the white suit brings me water with a straw. And takes the tubes from my arm. The coldness of the water down my throat catches me off guard and I cough most of the water over my black dress.

"Slowly." The man in the white tells me. He holds the straw up to my lips. "Little sips." The man in white seems kind and gentle. While I am taking my little sips, the man in black seems angry at how the man in white helps me. "Feel better?" The man in white asks.

"Yes." Though harsh and rough I vocalize my answer.

The man in white turns to the man in black. "I will go back to watching her vitals sir?" The man in black nods and the man in white walks out the room closing the door.

"Rey? How do you feel?" The man in black sits on the chair next to the bed. His black gloves scrape against each other covering his hands. Whose Rey?

"Tired," I answer. Maybe he just got my name confused. I wonder if he personally sees all patients.

"Don't close your eyes just yet, okay?"

"Ok." An awkward silence passes. His intense look pierces through me. Wait. Who am I? What's the last thing I remember? The man's hand went to brush something off my cheek. His hand lingered and cupped my jaw, his glove rough against my skin. The metal chair clinks as he lands into it, still watching me from a few feet away.

"Can I lay down?" He smirked as he immediately got off the chair, removed the pillow, placed his hands under my legs and neck and laid me back down. I was so tired that I had to close my eyes, against his request.

The light was seeping in my eyelids. I blinked a few times to adjust the halos that surrounded the lights. The room was light and slightly cold. My hands went up to feel the skin of my face and around my neck. I slowly sat up waiting to notice something familiar. Where am I?

There was a wheelchair next to the overly large bed. I tried to grab it and lift myself toward the seat but my strength was nonexistent. I ended up leaning over the side of the bed staring at the floor. WIth any strength that I had I put both my hands on the bed and raised myself up throwing my back on the bed. Now, my legs were straight but my body uncomfortably crooked.

The door swung open after what felt like minutes. The man in all black with the scar across his face came straight for me. "Here," He whispered as he rearranged me on the bed, sitting up. He sat on the corner of the bed looking inquisitively at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak." A small smile came across his face.

"You wouldn't wake up. I tried everything." He must be really dedicated to his patients. Though, he didn't seem to be a man who would waste resources on just a girl.

"I'm awake now. Thank you, doctor." His head slightly turned and shook only once.


"Oh. I am sorry. I just assumed since you came to check on me that you were-"

"Do you not know who I am?" He interrupted. His deep voice slightly quivered.

"I thought-."

"Rey, whats my name?" He demanded more harshly.

"I don't-"

"What is my name?" He insisted. "Tell me my name." His hand grasped the edge of the bed in anger. I just shook my head in response. How was I supposed to know his name? He deserted the bed and walked toward the white wall in front of me, slammed his fist into the wall, and yelled for someone to get down here.

Only a few seconds later a man in white shuffled through the door. When the door closed behind him he was being dragged through the air toward the man in black. The man in white, arms painfully shifted at his side, his neck strained up and mumbled out, "Sir, she technically is fine. There is nothing I can diagnose her with except for minor memory loss."

"Minor?" The enraged man in black put his hand down and the man in white fell to the ground. Before I knew it the man in black has his hand stretched out toward me. While I felt a little pain, the longer the man stared at me the more fierce he looked. "There is nothing." He sighed with a hateful gasp.

The man in white had crawled back to his knees gazing at me from across the room. "Leave." The leader's voice boomed through the room. The other man scurried out. "Rey, you are in a first order ship, under my protection. I am Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader." He sat down on the corner of the bed just looking down at me. "What do you remember?"

"Well, sir" He flinched at me calling him sir. "I remember waking up here. Thinking you were a doctor just personally checking on your patient. My name is Rey. I remember sand, heat, and screaming to a ship flying away. I remember scavenging. Honestly, it's all a little fuzzy. How long was I sleeping?"

"Three months. Do you know about the First Order, the resistance?"

"They sound familiar. As you said, I am on a First Order ship." My voice softened. "And you are Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader. Why am I under your protection?"

"You…" It seemed like he didn't know how to respond or was hesitating for some dramatic effect. The man was coarse but the lines on his face told a different story. He had a scar across his face that had healed but left a pink reminder of what had happened. I wanted to reach out and touch it just to see if everything was real. The gloriously dark brown eyes edged on a soothing side. If I looked at them long enough I could get lost.

"I knew you." He seemed too familiar, too close. "I know your scar. I know that it goes down your chest. Were we intimate?"

"Almost." A smirk reached his lips giving away at some secret I didn't know. His gloved hands fumbled with each other close to his body. "You have much to relearn."

As he headed out the door I begged. "Please stay." I reached out my hand toward the man who was already off the bed. He brought a warmth, a comfort to the room. I wanted to cling to the hope that he knew who I was. I remember the little facial quirks he makes. It seems that him being in this room makes me feel less like a patient. 'I don't want to be alone."

"I'm coming back. I am going to get you some water, some food." He nodded as if trying to persuade me that it was the right course of action.

"Blankets?" It was cold in space.

"And blankets. Just don't fall back asleep."

So...I had this thought. I feel like I want to keep writing this one but I am not sure. Review and tell me what you think! I am also writing another Reylo fic, Please, but right now that is a hot mess. Enjoy!