
'It's time to wake up.'

'You're… you're dead.'

'I know right? I'm not sure what's going on.'

'Well at least I know I can dream. '

'Is that what this is? But how can we both be-'

"Good Morning captain. How do you feel?" The computer sounding voice woke Nanette with a start.

The day before had been one of freedom, learning the bridge controls, communicating with dozens of players, figuring out the best course. Everyone had opted to stay on-board. As for being captain, the vote was unanimous. Besides, the ship wouldn't function without an active captain.

"Hello.. fine I guess… what time is it… and who is this?"

"The time index is now 0600, and I am your personal computer assistant." said a dull sounding female voice that perfectly complimented that the hospital white décor of the captain's quarters. The walls were lined with electrostatic l-e-d-s, glowing with computer panels and highlighted by holographic controls.

"Thanks umm, computer, woman, person. It was then she remembered the basic hud given to players in the game. Apparently the code had recognized her as a player and assigned her one, it usually took a few hours to generate the data needed to create an assistant customized to each user.

"You're welcome, but I am not a person. What would you like for breakfast?"

"Wow… I could eat a horse..."

"Generating horse based-"

"No.. wait! That wasn't a literal command."

"Sorry Captain."

"How about bacon, eggs, some toast? And don't call me captain."

"Understood Captain."

"I just…You know don't have to call me that."

"Your player id indicates that you were the last to come aboard with the rank of Lieutenant, and my algorithm's are programmed to recognize your inputs as the designated highest ranking officer with capacity. Federation maritime law designates you-"

"Whatever, just call me Nan, ok?


"Now what are you… exactly? The old ship didn't have… a whatever you are."

"I am Journalistic Integrated Logistical Processing-" The computer began a long list of adjectives that quickly blended together.

"I'm just going to call you JIL ok?"

"JIL, understood. According to protocol, The crew is to be awakened in approximately 12 minutes…"

"You know what… let them sleep. Actually, it's the first sleep any of them have had in… "

It was then that she considered what time actually meant in this new universe. They were still going by a 24 hour clock, so it wasn't so strange. Still was it 6 o'clock where ever the 'real' Nanette was?

"JIL where are we?" She asked as a small white panel near a window slid open to reveal a tray of perfectly cooked eggs, bacon, with two toasted bread like squares, complete with butter and jelly. She sat down as a holographic display lit up next to her.

"You are in quadrant 001, sector 12, mark 1343. Closest system is Pythagoras, with seven uncharted worlds. This region of space is claimed by the Hegemony of Mark, and the Union of Suckmybal. Average user score 212345, playtime 2302 hours. Number of players not including those on board the Callister… 32."

"2300… Is this a newer region?"


"Well.. at least we won't have to worry about Pirates for the moment."

Nanette quickly finished her breakfast, relishing the taste of what was supposed artificial food. She remembered that the company had responded to complaints about the lack of taste and smell to the synthetic food. Apparently the update had corrected that.

The well corridor was alive with the sound of music emanating from somewhere in the distance. It was a jazzy sound of a trumpet a pleasant piano in the background. It was then Nanette noticed something else. People… other people. Not the stolen people she'd met when being introduced to what was meant to be her own private Tartarus. A work crew had pulled a panel open, and were chattering about the latest mission.

"Hi?" She said sheepishly to one handsome ensign who was working on a panel.

He immediately snapped up and saluted.


"Ok, whoa… take it easy. Who… who are you?"

"Ensign Junero Frost sir!"

The officer had an odd look to him, almost too perfect. Like someone's idea of a beautiful futuristic human would look like. A sheen that was almost… That's when she remembered. NPC's, the game had programmed NPC characters that would act as crewmen to assist running the ship. They weren't too deep. A few lines of dialogue, rarely involved in the main plot, vague characters with randomized stats and zero agency.

"Well then… um, carry on." She said play acting along.

She headed down other corridors, encountering random crew, some alien, some not. She counted a few dozen, then she heard the sound of heavy garage music coming from down the corridor.

Apparently someone was up.

The door slid open to Shania relaxing on a couch in the crew lounge, the lights were low, and she was staring out the window.

"Hey you!" She said pleasantly.

Nanette then saw Kabir at a computer counsel, he turned and smiled.

"Captain on deck!" He said slightly happily, and then walked over to give her a hug.

"What's the hug for?" Nanette responded laughing.

"I don't know, maybe saving us from a literal hell?" He said beaming.

"I didn't- I mean it wouldn't have worked if everyone hadn't helped out."

"Yeah, but you still came up with the plan. Far as I'm concerned you saved us." Shania said getting up from her position.

"It's freakin' bonkers right? I mean here we are in the bloody game. I only ever played the demo, and now I'm in it right? I mean it's loco...but it beats being abused by that big headed pillock." She continued.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Probably still sleepin'. I have to tell you, that was the best sleep of my life." Shania chimed back.

"What about…Walt?"

"We scanned, but if he made it through, there's no way to know if the new program reintegrated him or just deleted him because of the permadeath protocol." Kabir offered.

The door slid open, and the rest of the merry crew walked in.

The chattering and embracing commenced anew.

Elena, and Kabir spoke at length about their first night of this new reality.

Elena had been already asked out by the young NPC doctor, though the program hadn't given the man a name. Kabir and Nate managed to figure out that the ship was a little different then the default game ship, with upgraded weapons and shields, probably due to Daly's special improvements.

Nate walked in with a girl who had literal cat fur for skin and a tail. Her wide eyes were human, though her nose and ears was somewhat feline.

"See you later…" the girl said as she saw all the senior officers had gathered, and sauntered off.

"You to." He replied with a small handsome smile.

"Whoa… really? Oh my god Nate." Shania said with a cocked head incredulous at Nate's predilections.

"What, I dig furries… " Nate replied, sheepishly.

"Ok… cat people aside… this reality is pretty freakin' great." Kabir said folding his arms.

"So this is life now…?" Nanette said off-handedly. Picking a tuft of fur from Nate's shoulder.

"Guess so. I mean it's not too bad. The food tastes like food. The game has a variety of sweet settings, and the music is on point" Shania said boldly.

"Also sex." Nate said smiling broadly. Shania giggled and elbowed him.

The crew busied themselves with eating and relaxing. Nanette sat with Kabir, trying to figure out what was in store for them.

"You never read the full manual?"

"I mean I downloaded the trial version, and but only to check out the code…I'm not a big fan of sci-fi"

Kabir nodded, clearly trying not to judge.

"Well, the whole game has some pretty cool-"

"Does earth exist in Infinity? I mean could we go home?" Nanette inquired cutting him of slightly.

"Home? Actually, in this game earth is a lost planet, destroyed by an environmental disaster,"

"Damn… global warming? I always knew-" Shania

"Space parasite zombie invasion." Kabir announced dramatically.

"Ok, that's different." Nanette offered.

"But humans survived, mostly thanks to a host of aliens… and the Federation of course. The game is set around a crew of intrepid humans and their missions to keep the Federation and humanity safe."

"So, there's no going home in here.. What about the real world?"

"You mean reintegration? I don't know. It's theoretically possible, but how would that even work? We don't have brains to be downloaded into, and even if we did, there's no way to know what would happen."

It was then that the computer chimed in.



"Nan, there is an incoming message from Fleet command. Admiral Foalsely. "


"Fleet command, it's the hierarchal structure we put in the game that represents the coalition of peaceful planets established in 21XX -" Nate began rattling off.

"Oh my god… did you memorize the whole thing?" Shania said mouthing the word nerd to Kabir.

"Umm, yeah, it was my job." Kabir said proudly.

"Nevermind…" Shania said, realizing she was outnumbered by nerds.

"Kabir put a pin in reintegration. Ok… I'll take it In here JILL."

A small screen snapped to life with an imperious looking man on the other end. He looked like Morgan Freeman with a neon colored afro. A took Nanette a moment, but then she quickly realized it was Morgan Freeman. The music in the lounge shifted from jazz, to a more somber space fairing epic sound.

"Oh… nice music que. Totally set's the mood." Shania said, seemingly excited by the change in score.

"Hello…?" Nanette asked carefully.

"Lieutenant Cole, I see you've assembled your team, excellent." The morgan freeman-esque character said frankly.

"My team?"

"Yes… the senior officers."

"Right.. oh right. Ahem… my Team."

"Why does he look like Morgan Freeman?" Shania asked in a whisper.

"They must have really upped the celebrity budget," Nate responded.

"As of right now, I'm granting you a field promotion to Captain. The federation is in desperate need of good captains, and I'm sure you'll do us all proud." The older man said smiling in a way that seemed to convey confidence. The other members of 'the crew' smiled, as the man continued. The music que in the background shifted to mission theme, a brassy number with heavy bass that seemed to signify importance.

"No rest for the weary I'm afraid. I've got a mission for you, and it's not going to be easy. A Zerkonian freighter carrying a secret cargo that is above top secret will be arriving in sector 342 in 12 hours. You are to rendezvous without, and transport the cargo to its final destination, Marva 7."

"Sir… what's the cargo?"

"That's need to know information Captain. For now just make sure it arrives safely. Saberian battleships have been spotted shadowing the freighter, and as you know the situation on Marva is tense. The cargo needs to arrive intact, otherwise these peace talks could turn ugly, and a war could break out between the Legion of Suckit142, and the Hegemony of Aholes. Foalesly out."

The screen cut out, and the music que faded.

"Screw this." Elena said folding her arms, and shaking her head.

"Wait a minute." Kabir chimed in.

"You are not considering this?" Elena asked.

"There are a lot of things to consider." Nanette replied.

"It's a stupid side quest." Nate offered.

"Actually it could be on the main quest line, there's no way to tell." Kabir countered.

"So what if we just blow it off?" Nanette inquired.

"Then a full war could break out, and I don't think I have to remind you, we aren't immortal." Kabir added.

"Are you sure? I mean are we sure we aren't like gods… or something?" Elena asked.

"Well, codes been overwritten. Whatever mods'-" Nate offered.

"Don't even say his name." Elena countered.

"So…say a war does break out and people start shooting, we could be vaporized." Nanette replied.

"So we have to go along with this dumb ass game, still?" Elena

"Well when we complete missions we xp and sp." Nate answered.

"Oh my god, I'm asking a question. What the hell does that mean?" Shania shook her head.

Nate spoke up. "We can level up our characters, increase our stats, and buy new equipment. If we don't were going to run into gamers that will run circles around us."

"But you programmed the game, can't we like… cheat or somethin'." Shania protested.

"Of course, but were modded now. If we get caught…we could be banned, and I don't even know what happens then."

"I say we do it. Then we'll figure out the rest later ok? I mean it's just a standard escort mission, what could go wrong?" Nanette asked.