
I do not own Harry Potter, unfortunately. Every characters are owned and originated by JK Rowling. This is a post war fan-fiction.

I deeply apologize if there will be some grammatical errors. Any errors will be corrected in the future.

Chapter III - Six Teacups

May 20, 2001

Investigation Department, Ministry of Magic

This is one of the least expected sight Harry Potter would see.

Blaise was leaning over Luna who was lying submissively under him on his mahogany desk in his small office. His left hand supporting his weight and his other hand was groping on whatever it was Harry did not want to know. Luna's blond locks was sprayed all over the desk like a nymph, her pink muggle blouse was unbuttoned showing more of her pale skin and her yellow undergarment. He'd bet that Blaise's hand was groping her-. Merlin. Harry chose to focus his attention on her radish earrings instead.

Both didn't seem to notice his entrance, as Blaise was so enthralled in kissing the life out of his girlfriend. Harry felt a blush crept up his cheeks, and fought a gulp down. The image…. Merlin! He realized he'd had enough, and decided to let his presence known. He coughed.

Blaise jumped away from Luna hitting the nearby office lamp and a photo frame on the way. Luna gazed at Harry like she was not caught in such a state worth a scandal. She smiled. "Hello, Harry."

Harry suddenly found Blaise's shelf interesting. He kept on coughing.

"Merlin, don't you know how to knock, Potter?" Blaise angrily pointed his wand at Luna and fastened her buttons in small flicks. She tied her hair in a ponytail, and jumped off from the desk. That sinful desk.

Luna brushed her skirt and tucked her blouse inside it. Blaise helped him smooth her blouse. In exchange, Luna brushed her hands on Blaise's hair and arranged it back to its decent state.

Harry gulped uncomfortably and remembered that time when Hermione kept his hair cared for when they were in their Horcrux hunt. Merlin, he missed her. He shook his head and watched the couple.

An odd couple indeed. Luna smiled at Blaise and placed a soft peck on his cheek. He bowed slightly to adjust to Luna's height. She whispered something that made Blaise smile and kiss her hand. Momentarily, he forgot his anger and found the display amusing. Who would have thought this Slytherin will fall in love with Luna, who, back in their Hogwarts days was the subject of their taunts and pranks? On the other hand, Harry cannot question Luna's choice. The girl was so optimistic that she always finds the good in others, even in the people who tormented her in Hogwarts.

"Having a good time watching us, Potter?" Blaise asked raising his brow. Harry shook his head.

"I guess I have to leave now. I have to go to Hogwarts and help Neville in the greenhouse. There are gnomes all over the plants. There's a new patent that lessens the activity of the gnomes, a pretty interesting concept from muggles." With that, Luna walked towards Harry and kissed him on the cheek. He patted him on his shoulder, and Harry stiffen. He certainly needs a good long hour under the cold shower. That image was disturbing, okay. It was like seeing your sister inside a boy's room, while the said boy was snogging the life out of her. That's it. He heard Luna left the room and closed the door.

"I'd love to see what's on your mind, Potter." Blaise snarled as he noticed the rigidness of Harry. Harry exhaled the breath he's been holding. Blaise looked like he was about to combust in anger, but decided to forget about it.

"Why did you remove your team from the investigation?" It's Harry's turn to snarl. Blaise sat on his chair as if not hearing Harry. This aggravated the Boy-who-lived more and walked angrily near Blaise's desk. "I believe I asked you a question, Zabini."

"I believe I heard you, Potter." He calmly answered, staring at Harry in the eyes. "The Chief of the Investigation Department is hardly pleased with my team. I had to remove them from this case."

"Them?" Harry asked.

"Them, Potter. I will stay in this case, as much as I believe you loathe the fact." Blaise cockily gestured for a single couch opposite his desk. "Be my guest."

"And what do you have in mind, Zabini? Do you realize we have to start from scratch and you just bloodily dismissed your team? I didn't know you believe in yourself that much that you think you can do this alone!" He screamed, still standing.

Harry had learned a lot from the war, one of this is that if you want to be heard and impose power – you have to stand, so he refused giving up power, he refused sitting. A particular lesson he got from Hermione along with Mad-eye's constant reminder of "Constant Vigilance."

"Relax, Potter." Blaise said.

Suddenly, the door screeched open. An old woman came inside holding a tray of Tea with – Harry counted six cups? There were too many cups. The old woman, Criselda as indicated in her name plate put the tray on Blaise's desk a little too soundly. The cups shook. She muttered a 'you should remember that I am not your assistant' before leaving the room. Blaise gestured for Harry to take the couch again, but Harry stood his ground.

"Feel free." Blaise calmly poured tea on two cups. He pushed one in front of Harry.

"What are you playing at, Zabini?" Harry asked narrowing his eyes on Blaise. He's been calm, since Harry decided it was time to break the ice. It was like a calm before a storm, and Harry knew that the wizard was plotting something in his head.

"A tea party, Potter. Would you play with me?" The wizard chuckled. He is bloody mad! Harry pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Relax, Potter."

"I don't have the ti-" He was about to burst when he heard the screech of the door again accompanied by a loud bickering.

"Ah. Here they are." Blaise stood staring across Harry.

"What? Who-" Harry turned around and there he saw an angry Ron and a chuckling Malfoy. Pulling them apart were Theodore Nott and Seamus Finnigan. What in the bloody hell?

"Here, Potter is my new team and surprise-surprise, it includes you!" Blaise delivered in a sing-song voice. What the bloody hell?

He immediately grabbed Zabini's collar and with his might he pulled the wizard off his feet. It didn't matter that the wizard is taller than him, but Harry just cannot accept this! He just cannot! He aimed his closed fist at Blaise's smug face. "What made you think-"

"Ah-huh. Potter, I don't think I would do that. Besides, it's not entirely my department's idea, but the Minister's." Harry lowered his fist and his hold of Blaise. "I believe you were all notified this morning."

This time, the objection came from Ron. "Harry! Is this real? I received a letter this morning." He asked. "I mean, I believe I left my job-"

"You did leave your job, Weasley, but according to Minister Shacklebolt and your prissy brother, I quote: Mr. Weasley is not a retired Auror. He may have left his post, but he is still an Auror." Blaise corrected. He walked back to his desk, this time, leaning on the fine mahogany piece.

Harry shook his head. The involvement of Seamus and Ron, he'd understand. Both of them were there when Blaise broke the news on Hermione's case, but why are the two Slytherins present here? He can't bloody team up with Malfoy and Nott! They cannot be trusted! He was certain that them being in a team will only result to blood shed or perhaps, a third wizarding war.

"And your two lackeys?" Harry pointed at the two smug Slytherins. The smug on Draco's face was immediately replaced by a scowl. Theo Nott was about to hold his arm firmly, when Draco raised his hand telling him to stop.

"First of all, Potter. We are not Blaise's lackeys. Unlike both of your friends here," he eyed the two Gryffindors. "we have brains."

Ron struggled out of Seamus's grip, but failed miserably.

"Oh, brains, Malfoy? Nott here, I believe he has. You? I'm not so sure. Maybe, you do have one, but your brain is deeply fried like your heart." Harry shot back.

"Ouch, Potter." Draco touched his chest, faking his pain. "Is your head aching now, because of the extreme effort you exerted in composing your comeback?"

"No, but your face will hurt, I swear if I-" Ron struggled, but Seamus was too strong. "Seamus, release me."

"Sounds very Gryffindor of you, Weasel." Draco said tapping his fingers on his chin. "If you punch me? I forgot how barbaric you could get.

"I doubt you could punch me any stronger than how Granger slapped me, that one did hurt. You? I don't think so." Draco mentioned. "I suddenly miss Granger. I wonder if she would get up, if I knock on her gr-" Harry noticed how Blaise's expression changed at Draco's mention of Hermione. He saw a spark of wonder, but it was immediately replaced by a mask of amusement.

Ron's eyes darkened. This time, Harry knew Ron would definitely punch Draco's face. See this, Zabini? Too much for hoping that this team could be civil, if this is what you're plotting. He helped Seamus pulling Ron away.

"Don't you mention her name. Don't you disrespect her! You hopeless, pathetic Death Eater."

At this, Harry knew things would get out of control. He tightened his grip on Ron, who continued to struggle. He could feel Draco being restrained as well. The blond was pushing him away from Ron, but someone pulled him from them. Harry turned to see that it was Theodore Nott restraining his friend. Blaise was just watching them, just watching… Malfoy.

Why isn't Zabini doing anything?

"Enough!" Theo screamed. "I said enough!" He screamed louder. Both stopped from struggling. Both panting real hard.

Ron remained silent for a while. Harry and Seamus realized it was time to release him, and when Malfoy saw it, he managed to slip his arm from Theo. The ferret smoothed his sleeve as if Theo made a crease on it. He turned around to glare at his poor friend, who in return mouthed a slightly harsh 'watch it'.

"I agree with Theo. As much as I find this very, very, very entertaining," Harry saw the short movement of Zabini's eyes to Draco. "We are not here to compete on who's better in composing insults.

"You are here at the Minister's orders. We are to form a new team for Hermione Granger's case." Zabini said. He walked back to his chair and took it comfortably. Seamus pushed Ron further in the left side of Zabini's office until they reach his bookshelf. On the otherhand, Theo pulled the still incensed Malfoy to sit in the chair originally offered to Harry. From his own spot in Zabini's office, he heard Malfoy say 'I am not a bloody child, Theo.'

When he saw that everyone seemed to drop their bickering, Harry turned to Blaise. "It is in my assumption that Ron and Seamus were chosen, because of my involvement and because they are aware of the latest progress in Mione's Case."

Blaise chuckled. "Woah. Potter. I was not informed of how little it is you find your friends. They were chosen simply because they are qualified, trustworthy and reliable."

Harry sneered. "Don't you think I know that? Maybe they are even more skilled than I am. I am not doubting Kingsley's choice of Ron and Seamus, but Merlin forgive me if I question the credibility of Nott and more importantly, Malfoy."

He heard someone thrust his fist on a wood. He didn't even bother to look back to know it was Malfoy. "I know they are your friends and they're loyal-"

"Are you questioning my professionality, Potter? Because if you do, I'll be glad to inform you that both were chosen not because they are my friends, but they are also as skillfull as Weasley and Finnigan. Theo, here, as you know works closely with Kingsley Shacklebolt. He can be our eyes and ears with the Ministry's opinions, he can immediately get legal permissions for investigations and is capable of doing all Ministry related tasks. Merlin, I even believe that this guy can take the Ministry off our backs in this investigation!

"And Draco here, was a trained cursebreaker. His skills could even get him to the Investigation Department, if not only for his mother's desire for him to just stay at home and learn to handle their family's businesses. We could use his skills to check the evidences, to make sure we are not missing anything anymore." Blaise sighed. "They were the minister's choice anyway, friends or not. I swear if one of them messes up, they'd wish they did not do anything."

It was like a knowledge buried in the depth of his mind and someone had pushed it back to the surface. Both Slytherins were on several trials during Hermione's passing and even after their trial Harry decided that both were not worthy of his attention. He was busy moping on Hermione's death that he did not pay attention to the lives of his former classmates. He could bet he had read it once or maybe heard it from some people and knew how Theodore Nott, reformed Death Eater was earning his way up to the Ministry and Draco Malfoy, the notorious young Death Eater and reformed at that was doing a great job in handling their family's properties.

"I'm sure they all have a choice, they would not want this. I am confident that Ron and Seamus will stand by me through this and accept the case." Harry heard Ron and Seamus voice out their agreement. "This is Hermione we are talking about, Zabini. We care about her, we need to know the truth, we need her justice. She is our friend. I hardly believe you would care for those things, if all you did was bring her suffering. Please don't justify for your friends, I need to know their choices and why."

"We're still human, Potter." He heard Theo say. He turned around and saw him leaning at the armrest of Draco's couch. "Whether we are her friends or not, we care because she is human too. Nobody deserves that, much as everyone in the war. I care for what she deserves.

"Plus, this case will do my credentials good." Theo shrugged. Of course, you started at something convincing, but ends up sounding so conniving.

All eyes went to Draco next waiting for his answer. Harry could see how trapped Draco was, the guy felt the immense pressure of the stares directed to him. He would open his mouth and close it as if he's contemplating on what to say.

They were expecting something as meaningful as Theo's but-

"I chose to join this investigation group, because I don't like staying at home listening to my mother ramble about Astoria's horrible choice of flowers and how Astoria is spending our money buying things that are not needed in a wizard wedding. I also don't want to accompany Astoria shop for the upcoming nuptial." The blond said and all Harry could feel was remorse. So much remorse.

He expected Draco's lack of care, but he never expected his disrespect in this case. Clearly, he opted to join the team to get away from his problems and thought it would be a big escape goat. Harry laughed in disbelief of what he's hearing. This man is impossible. Oh, well. Who was he kidding? This is Draco Malfoy, maybe reformed, maybe repenting for his sins, but his views on muggleborns, much more on Hermione never changed. Why would this man care?

"I can't say your reason helped, Draco! Merlin, can't you even think of any acceptable reason in front of Granger's friends?" Blaise said frustratingly. He raked his fingers through his hair messing it up again completely.

"What would I say? Should I lie? You should know why I accepted this case in the first place. Blaise, you knew that girl is the bane of my existence, if I lie I'll just let her be even in death." Malfoy stood up and Theo seemed to give up restraining his friend. He flopped down the couch Malfoy vacated and inspected his nails. He ignored the exchange between his friends.

"See this, Zabini? These are the choices I was talking about. It's either you care or you don't. All I'm asking for are people who will take this case seriously like it matters, because it matters to some people, to us!" Harry said.

"Clearly, Malfoy doesn't give a fu-" Ron seethed.

"You know what? Fine." Malfoy raised both of his hands in surrender. "It's much easier this way: I don't have to justify my motives to Saint Potter. I don't bloody care anyway if Granger gets her justice. I don't even give a single fuck if she's still out there, which is impossible because she is already rotting wherever.

"And why don't you all just move on? I'm sure there are more ladies around than pining a fuck on a mudblood. Your delusions that this case is not yet over are merit-worthy. I'm done with this." Malfoy stalked to the door, attempting to leave. The git!

As if it was all in a bucket of water that came pouring down over Harry. All of the memories of Malfoy tormenting them, tormenting Hermione- calling her names, calling her mudblood came crashing and he could feel that the same thing was happening to Ron. His friend was already running to the blond git, but it seemed that the door won't budge. Malfoy continued to turn the knob around and speak the appropriate spells, but it just would not open.

He turned around to look at Blaise whose eyes were transfixed to the door. Zabini must be trapping his friend on purpose.

It was when a loud bang occurred that Harry diverted his attention to Ron who successfully reached Malfoy. Malfoy's head had hit the door and he was laying shaking at the fine emerald green carpet. Ron clutching his collar as he places multiple punches at the blonde.

"You-fucking-arsehole. She-should-have-not-defended-you. She-should-have-not-testified-for-you." Ron said all the while throwing punches at every word.

"Ron, stop!" Harry pleaded running to his friend and pulling him from the battered blond. "He's not worth it."

Blood was trailing down Malfoy's forehead and lips. Blond hair was stained crimson. His left eye started to swell. Despite of the damage Ron had inflicted, he still looked at them in his familiar vexing way. Malfoy sat up and spitted on the carpet, as he fixed them with a final taunting look. Clearly, not worth it. The blond stood up limply and walked out, shutting the door loudly.

Theodore Nott shrugged.

That was chaotic, Blaise concluded. It was a terrible headache-inducing meeting.

As it was, no one decided to leave his small office anymore after Draco's remarkable and infuriating exit- he'll make sure to badger Draco about his behavior. That git never really grew up. Hermione Granger's team is now composed of him, Potter, Finnigan, Weasley and Theo. At least, there was another Slytherin, someone to side him in arguments, a thing he assumed they will always have.

They were blessed of almost an hour of silence after that loud slam of the door that could almost alert the whole Ministry. Potter was pacing, Theo napped on the couch, Weasley staring blankly at the wall while Finnigan healed his broken fist. He just sat there watching everyone, waiting impatiently for someone to speak. No one did.

Until he decided to break the silence, offered them tea – which they all refused and told them of his plans with this new team. He filled them with a false tale on how they were all chosen, except how Minister Shacklebolt had his hand in picking Finnigan and Weasley.

Blaise was the one who picked Theodore Nott and Draco Malfoy. His choice was challenged by Robards and it took days to have the approval of the Wizengamot. He stood before them, justifying as to how both Ex-Death Eaters will be beneficial for the case. He focused on how they will be of use strategically. On the afternoon of May 19th, before he called it a day, he got the approval of the Wizengamot, but there are some conditions to be complied.

The new team will be given Six Months to finish the case, determine the culprit and gave them the appropriate sanctions; at the end of every month, they were required to fill the Ministry with updates regarding the case; everything should be legal and the investigation should be limited and bounded to the law; should the team fail to accomplish any of these will result to the case being dismissed without proper trials and investigation.

They were informed of these, right when Blaise broke the silence. He had a fair share of complains from Weasley, but Potter helped him in silencing his best mate with the 'At least we were given these.' Tirades. Weasley complied, after that.

He sighed and stared at the board covered with a plain white cloth- his private board.

"Nice to see you again, mate." He greeted and pulled the white cloth covering it.

After the capture of Mulciber and Avery, he thought his private board would finally get its rest soon. Funny how he thinks that if the board only has feelings, it will definitely whine in disappointment. Since the start of Hermione's case, his private board accompanied him. This was where he pins all the evidences, clips all the articles until he made a web of evidences and a map of possible culprits. Now, he had to unpin it all to give space for the new ones.

He whispered a charm and carefully plucked the pins with her hands. The pins flew all the way to a small wooden box and all the articles, photographs and evidences flew to the opposite side. They landed on a small brown carton box. Until the board was all clean of all marks, he casted a charm to label it again. On the top of the board it says: CASE 51893: THE MURDER OF HERMIONE GRANGER'S SECOND INVESTIGATION.

He pulled his marker from a nearby document filer, Accio-ed the photograph of Mulciber and Avery from his previous investigation and pinned it at the topmost corner. Underneath it, he labeled: Mulciber – Memory charm from Avery, Avery – Memory charm from who?

He took one step back and examined his board, his board that has a duplicate in his small office in the Ministry. Anything he writes in it, anything he posts in it will definitely appear in its twin. Should he take the risk? No. Not this time. This board will only be for his use in this secret room in Zabini's family library. No one should know how he will take this investigation in his own hands secretly. Anyone might be.

He whispered the appropriate enchantment to separate this board from its twin. Before he left the privacy of his secret Intelligence room.

An elf popped into his view as he reaches the living space of their library. "Master." It bowed in courtesy.

"Poppy." He greeted and flopped at the couch facing the fireplace.

"Poppy is here to inform Master of the continuous floo-calls we receive in the central floo. Should Poppy open this floo here, Master?"

"Of course, they wouldn't stop." He rubbed circles in his temple.

"Is Master having a hard time? Poppy will get a Pepper-up Potion. Master should wait-"

"No, Poppy." He sternly said and saw his personal elf shake. What a nice way to dismiss an elf, Zabini. He could practically hear Granger inside his head. "I mean it's alright, I don't need a Pepper-up Potion. Just don't open this floo, in fact just close all of it."

"Yes, Master." At that, the elf vanished in a small pop.

Blaise had been receiving several letters through owls and floo-calls from the time of his duty at the Ministry until he got home. He suspected that the Boy-Who-Lived was having a hard time ignoring the letters as well. Journalists had been pestering both heads of Hermione's case incessantly, when the Ministry announced that the investigations will not cease even after the capture of Mulciber and Avery.

The news of Blaise having all of his previous team members dismissed from the case did not help the aversion of the Journalist's courtesy. He silently thanked the Ministry and the Wizengamot for their discretion of Blaise's new team. Otherwise, it will cause them a lot more trouble than what it is. The Reporters and Journalists were comparable to the forest wolves hungry for flesh.

When he's at home, he just needed some quiet and peace, a thing that the Reporters and Journalists will never understand. He sighed.

"Silencio." He casted on resignation that he will attain such peace not relying on a spell.

He walked towards the marble desk of his mother, where he keeps an enchanted bottle of Odgen's Old Firewhiskey. It was enchanted to be small and refillable, a gift from Old Odgen himself. "When will Granger let me be at peace?" he complained chuckling.

He poured himself a glass of Firewhiskey, when he noticed that the second drawer of the desk was unlocked. He pulled it and to his surprise found Draco's book. Must be, Poppy. He thought.

Why Draco is not yet coming back to retrieve his book, Blaise has no idea. Certainly, after his display of childishness at his office, it would take time for him to show his face to Blaise. That's how his blond friend is. You can never really change a rich, spoiled, prejudiced prat overnight.

He traced the intricate title and name engraved on the hard cover. Jane Grant. Grant, Grant. I'm sure I have heard of this before. He shook his head and pulled the book out of the drawer. He opened it and purposely skipped the first two pages where the contents will be placed as well as the name of the publisher.

"To My Northern Light, WM."

WM, must be initials of a lover. He thought and proceeded to the next page.


The Institute

The darkness covered the entire Institute. It was ruined, devoured, devastated like they really meant to wipe it off our world. The sunlight that I used to watch from the small window of my room was never the same. It used to greet me a well morning, but it eventually changed to wishing me a safe night. The soft air that used to brush my cheeks with warmth was tainted with the distinct smell of rust on iron, the smell of dried blood. The lands that used to be filled with grasses was covered with thick suffocating dust, smoke and the wounded. This was not the Institute. It was an end. It only meant that.

He closed the book and placed it back inside the drawer. No, he definitely won't open it again. He doesn't like the picture being relived in his mind in every word it contains. He couldn't bring himself read the next page, when the first page already contained his monster. Blaise's monster, his memory of the war.

Why Draco owns one, he wasn't sure. He has known Draco since they were in their nappies, much like how he knows Theodore Nott. The Nott and Malfoy family are severely tied, because of their involvement with the Death Eaters and Voldemort, where Zabini family was tied with them, because of business and pureblood beliefs.

Maybe he wasn't always there for Draco when they were at school. Draco was pretty much surrounded by his useless lackeys all the time and he only got to watch out for his friends when Draco informed him of the personal task given to him by Voldemort and Theo's involvement with the Death Eaters because of his father.

Blaise never felt so scared to lose people in the war.

He stayed low, never siding with anyone until they were forcibly locked in the dungeons for not caring. That time, he decided to get involved and had chosen the winning side. He was worried for his friends, but at least If one of them survives in the good side, that one can save both.

Then Blaise was there, pretty much involved himself in Investigations until he got an apprenticeship in the Investigations Department some days after the war. The Ministry was desperate for people, and Blaise jumped right into the opportunity. Hermione Granger died and he got the case immediately. What a big case for an apprentice. As the muggles would say: Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Blaise saved Theodore. Justified for him, contradicting evidences against him until the Wizengamot charged him of being guilty for the use of Unforgivable. That's just that. Theodore wasn't really evil, if you ask him. It wasn't hard with Theodore. What was hard was saving Draco. The man wouldn't speak, wouldn't want to relive his experiences as a Death Eater, all because it was horrifying. Draco Malfoy will be forever haunted by the experiences he had in the dark side of the war. He lived in the darkest and no good heroes would have the knowledge of.

So Blaise couldn't decipher why Draco would own such a book that will relive his nightmares. What was running inside his head? He'd give all his fortune just to know what was running inside his blond friend's head. Just a peek would do.

Is it healing? Is this his form of moving on? A book?

Blaise would definitely spend more time with his friend, even if it means to get into everyday argument with The-Boy-who-won't-fucking-die. He will bring Draco back to his team.

He immediately wrote a letter to Padma, Luna's friend and the current manager of Flourish and Blotts.

Dear Padma,

A favor from an old friend. Do you still have a copy of Life Without Magic by Jane Grant? I would like to purchase one, if it is. I will drop by your shop on Saturday. Will bring Luna with me.



So it was a lengthy chapter. Sorry I haven't updated last week. I was arranging a wedding and to tell you honestly I've been editing the draft of this chapter for about four times. Haha. So tell me about it?

Thank you for your comments! I'd love to hear more from you!