Ah, the Tournament of Power. How great a concept that became a mostly dull let down. For those of you who clicked this story to read, there will be a couple things to explain about it:

One – This story will be labeled as a Naruto fic, but that is ONLY because there is not enough crossover labels for account for all 8 of the series to be used here. Since Naruto has the most stories generated, I placed it here for the higher traffic. However, this is entirely out of the way this site functions. Let it be known that NO part of it being labeled under "Naruto" means that they are the protagonists. This story is not based on any one side's perspective. Being labeled "Naruto" does not affect the result of the tournament.

Two – This idea was created by me and one of my best friends. We love analyzing feats and abilities of characters... well him more so. What we did was one day we sat down and listed out eight different franchises that were in some way close to each other in either raw power, speed, or capability of fighting each other. Of course, this meant that they were series WE were familiar with. As such, if you have criticism on a choice or feel conflict with me on whether another series should have been used, keep in mind that either the series you're thinking of didn't truly match up competitively or we simply didn't know enough on that series to use it. Also, each series must be capable of supplying a FULL TEN MAN TEAM. Cannot tell you all how many candidate franchises failed that part. Once a franchise is selected, we looked at that universe as it was at its finish. That means no cherry picking members. Example for Naruto: There will not be Adults Naruto and Sasuke, Ten Tails Madara, and Kaguya picked from different time periods. All members of the teams were picked from who and what is available at the end or CURRENT time in their respective stories.

After my friend and I had selected the franchises and talked through who would be chosen for each and every team, we set the tournament up, initially starting each team in a different corner of the battlefield, then divided things up as such: People who charge in and are bloodthirsty acted first, People who are cautious and think things through were second, and people who would purposely avoid combat or stand still were last. From there we went through the list from fastest characters to slowest characters to see who acted first, rolled dice for which team starting area they went to, then rolled who they went after in said area. From there, he and I discussed how the fight would go, who would win, whether the fight would outlast the other battles happening around them and take longer, and how injured the winner(s) would be. Afterwards, we held debates over different fights with the intention of seeing who would win. Some characters would obviously gather intelligence while others would be more active, and when they were active without a clear cut direction to go, the dice came back to decide where they decided to go and who they encountered that was left.

So, any who read this should know that, this entire story is simply me transcribing how this tournament went. I already know who won. I have the entire chart my friend and I kept track of everything with. I know EVERY fight that happens and in what order. This story is simply made because I loved the result and wanted to write it out. Also, some fights will be mentioned, or cut to, just to show the results, mostly cause I would literally never get a dent through. I will write about the main showcase fights, and get more detail as the numbers die down.

Three – No one should get upset over certain circumstances that happen to characters. If a character went into a bad situation and got taken out earlier than wanted or if circumstances have someone you hate winning, keep in mind that we randomized where people would go when they had no clear direction but would still be active. The character probably could have won or lost had it not been for some situations. This means no, "BULL! This guy could NEVER lose to him!" as a comment please. Keep in mind these people are near each other in feats and turning it into a story should provide clear context as to how the fight played out when my friend and I discussed it. Also, be expected to not know certain abilities of characters. After all, with 80 people in this tournament that we did research on and had knowledge of, it was an absolute cluster to keep track of. With that said, let us begin this introductory chapter.

The World of the Void

Black. An endless blankness that encompasses an entire reality. This location sits, knowing no action, reaction, or presence. Except, that is, of the Angel and Gods that float in place. It seemed as if only hours ago, the grand event that took place here came to its spectacular climax: The Tournament of Power. The two gods of all, bother curiously or stupidly named simply "Zeno". The two had gone on excited for days about the event. Excitement that could not be calmed. The smiling steward floating near them listened to the nonsense babbled incessantly. That is, until Zeno said the words...

"Let's have that again!" One screamed excitedly.

"Yes! Again! Again!" His 17 year older twin from the future exclaimed.

The angel seemed to frown. "If so, I'm sure we could have new contenders, but the other universes under our care will take a long while to recover."

The two childlike gods held only blank expressions of misunderstanding. "Oh..." They sounded in unison. The angel closed his eyes for a second, this grand priest thinking.

"Well then, perhaps we should find other universes to take their place?" The two perk up instantly, asking for him to do it. He chuckled with a smile. "I'll have to see what else is out there to use. I'll have the preparations to happen in approximately 50 Earth hours. Would that be agreeable, sir?"

The two gods light up. "Yes! Do it!"

"Yes Yes!" The other agrees.

With that, the Grand Priest smiles and teleports. For the first time since he can remember, finding worlds not a part of the 12 that Zeno currently reigned out. Two hours for him to locate these worlds' beings in place of Kais and Gods, giving each universe 48 hours to pull together 10 fighters.

Hokage Office

A tall blonde sat in his chair, annoyed with the large pile of paperwork in front of him. He sighed to get through the next batch, the door opening as a tall black haired individual in purple blue clothes, his bangs covering one eye. The blonde smiled. "How's it been, Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded. "Another location searched with no answers." He closed his eyes with a sigh. "I stopped to stay home a few days. Which reminds me." He looks at the papers. "When have you been back home."

The blonde rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Hey now, don't be like that!" They both chuckle, eyes closing in sync for a split second as their senses shift entirely.

The two find themselves in a blank white world, a mental mindscape. They both look around, startled. This only happened once before to them...

Naruto called out, calm. "Sage Gramps?"

Indeed, in front of them floated in the lotus position an old and powerful sage. More specifically, the Sage of Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. "I apologize for the sudden intrusion, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha... but our world has an issue come to its attention."

Palace of the Soul King

The blank floor is suddenly occupied as a pair of feet land, a tall high school graduate looking man, bright orange hair. The orange haired man looked with an uncaring expression. Ichigo Kurosaki stands in the room occupied by what looks like a frozen mannequin, the Soul King, and the Soul King's most powerful guard, a large bearded man with a bright looking smile. "Kurosaki! It's great to see you. I apologize for having you come all the way here."

The young man, although having a friend demeanor, bristles. "I never like what you have to tell me so go ahead and out with it. Orihime and I were supposed to have a movie night." He states, the faintest hint of red on his cheeks, though his expression doesn't change in the slightest. Always so serious!

Ichibe, in answer, appears at the boy's side and pats his head rather roughly. "Ah, come on! Lighten up. How often do we ever get to say hello?!"

His answer is a hard fist in the face. The orange haired boy growling out. "Damn it, you're annoying. Now out with it."

The older spirit male chuckles at the humor created, but sighs. "Boy, you've become the strongest being on this planet... There's no one else to trust with this than you." He sobers instantly, standing up with no damage and frowning. The two lock eyes as Ichibe proceeds to explain the message given to the Soul King...

The Spirit World

"A Tournament?" A young man calls out in the office. This rather spacious office is occupied only for a blue ogre man, a desk with various documents, a chair with the world's ruler sat on it, and a young man. The ruler in question, a baby with purple clothing and a large hat that adds considerably to his height. The young man wears blue jeans, a white shirt under a brown jacket, and is topped with raven hair. "You called me here for a tournament? I'm all for beating a demon's ass, but last I checked, the demon world has been pretty peaceful."

The baby sweat drops nervously, somehow speaking fine with the weird pacifier in his mouth. "I'm afraid this isn't a regular tournament... It's putting more in danger than I can possibly imagine, so it's much more than you could think."

The man bristles and calls out. "What was th-" He stops, catching the ominous tone. "Wait a second, explain, Koenma."

"Yusuke Urameshi, I'm telling you to gather a team. We need everything."

Unknown world on the Outer Rim

A cliff, overlooking a massive rocky landscape. Peace. The only life for miles a single man with a scruffed beard, hair hidden under a hood. His eyes closed with his breathing nearly impossible to observe. In front of him, invisible to the eye, three presences. An elderly figure in center, face the picture of grim nature, a concerned Father. To his left, a young woman, embodiment of light, his Daughter. To his right, trembling in tense anger, his dark Son. The three celestial spirits seem to disappear, leaving the man.

A voice calls out, a long dead mentor. "It's all up to you, Luke."

The man's eyes snap open. He gets up and moves down the hill, seeing his ship, an X Wing. He stops just beside the ship, pulling a comm device from his belt. He activates it and speaks. "Jaina … It's your uncle. I need you to listen to me. We have a problem."

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

A fist pounds a table, a roar sounding through the entire mess hall. A man with salmon, pink colored hair calls out. "These guys want to see a fight! I'll give em a fight!" He screams at the spirit inside the hall, a young looking girl who happens to be older than everyone present. The young mage, alight with fire in determination, calls out. "Anyone who threatens our world can taste my power." He smirks. He wouldn't be Natsu god damned Dragneel if he didn't get pumped when something bad was on the horizen.

The guild around them smiles, but is still concerned. The girl, Mavis Vermilion, calls out to them all. "This situation is more grave than any you've faced before, but I have the utmost confidence in you all. Now, here are the rules."

Mibu Village Gates

A tall man adorned in the garb of a samurai with full back length black hair steps through the massive gates into a village. His sword, Tenro, a weapon tied to the soul of its creator and the former king of the Mibu clan of samurai, had called to him. The man scoffed for a moment before a maniacal grin forms.

"'No killing.' What a joke. 'No non-natural flying.' This sounds both boring and exciting." His eyes glow a demonic red color, seemingly always pulsating with energy. "Only ten warriors, though. Guess I'll take everyone on while the other nine watch." He says cockily. He then sobers slightly. He stops inside the gate, looking forward at a man with a similar build to him and similar look in every way, save for short black hair and a gentler look to him. The man looks at him. "Kyo?"

Kyo Mibu, the current Crimson King, smiles at his kind childhood friend. "Kyoshiro, gather everyone. We need to get ready for a slaughter." He gestures to his black Masamune.

Gosei's Cave

A cave lit with only a select few lights, walls lined with figurines with a few consoles made from stalagmites in the center of the room, color filled the room. Reds, blues, greens, pinks, yellows, and shades. On the wall, a massive solid face made of an odd substance sits with glowing eyes, reminiscent of a tiki head, speaks without moving its mouth, a deep voice echoing in the room. "A dire situation. Can you gather a team? Can you handle it?"

The lone man in the room, short spiky hair, a black leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, stands with a bright green flash coming across his eyes. He nods and turns away, in his left hand a white and silver saber, the hilt shaped into a tiger's head. "I've gathered ten guys for something like this before."

"Good luck, Tommy."

World B

A single man stands in a small altar, the rock up above the shallow water that surrounds the area for miles, with the exception of the cliff face a distance behind him. The world is dimly light, clouds blocking the sun save for a few spotlight locations filled with light, one of which being the altar decorated with the tall knight in shining armor. The warrior gazes up, a voice coming from above.

"I must call on you, yet again. . ." A tiny orb falls from the sky, the warrior catching it skillfully and glancing at it. "I trust your judgment. Build your team." The man looks to the sky, the picture of determination, as he nods, turning around and channeling the power of the orb forward, creating a portal as he steps through.

World of Naruto

Naruto and Sasuke step back into the Hokage's office, they'd been traveling through use of Naruto's Flying Thunder God technique. Naruto sighed. "Ten warriors. . ."

Sasuke sums up. "With the other Kage, that makes six in total for us. Kakashi volunteered immediately, making our count seven."

Naruto grunts. "We need three more." He stares Sasuke in the eye. "I don't need to be told that we need Sakura. Her healing will make the team stronger. This is also for the fate of the universe, literally. The more power the better." He crosses his arms. "Rock Lee it is."

Sasuke nods. "I'll get inform them. You find the tenth member." He leaves, putting Naruto in a sticky spot. He sighs and waits a few seconds, the person on his mind entering the door.

The pineapple haired shinobi known as Shikamaru Nara enters, stroking his beard. "So, we got ourselves caught up in a sticky situation?"

Naruto nods. "I need you to be our tenth member."

Shikamaru stares hard. "You think I have the power necessary? You told me what was happening before you went to inform the other villages."

Naruto nods again. "Power isn't the only thing we need. We have power covered. We have strength, speed, recovery, tricks, and more. Right now, we need a cool head to organize behind."

Shikamaru keeps eye contact, seeing exactly what is meant and nods. Even he wouldn't be relaxed in this situation. "This'll be a drag." He then smiles. "But I'll do everything I can."

The two shake hands as they leave the room. On top of the Hokage building, Naruto and Shikamaru look forward at their team:
Sasuke Uchiha.

His wife, Sakura Uchiha.

Jonin, Rock Lee

Former Hokage, Kakashi Hatake

Kazekage, Gaara of the Sand

Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi

Mizukage, Chojiro

And Raikage, Darui.

The group of ten gathers in a circle. Shikamaru glances between them all for only a few seconds before speaking. "All right, listen up!" Their attention falls on them. "There will be seven other teams to contend with. The only way we win is through teamwork. The only one that is allowed to go solo is Sasuke." He gestures to the Uchiha. "Gather intel on the enemy, strike if necessary, and report back to us. The rest of us shall divide into two groups." He looks to the Leaf ninja. "Sakura is our main priority protection. Guard her with your life. Kakashi knows every perceivable way an enemy can come at us, and Lee can ramp up power with gates to surprise any attackers. You three will stay together with myself, where I'll use my power to hinder enemies that approach us. Naruto" He looks to his Hokage. "should stay close as well. Once Sasuke has reported back with intel, Naruto will head out with Sasuke to take out priority targets." He looks to the other Kage. " The rest of you should stay together as a second team, a vanguard. You can head back to Sakura for healing, but you can act as a four man squad for a typical mission formation. Gaara's defensive sand, Darui and Chojuro as your frontline attackers, and Kurotsuchi for support. You should be fine."

Everyone nods. They all come together, Sasuke revealing his covered Rinnegan eye as a portal opens in front of them. Naruto calls out. "Then lets go."

World of Bleach

Well, this was annoying. Ichigo quickly ran the situation across his most trusted friends. He considered his options as they came to mind. Rukia and Renji were quick additions to the group. Number count: three. Uryu, for helping to defeat Yhwach, was also an easy pick. He considered Chad and Orihime for only a split second and disregarded the options. Chad assured him that there were better choices, despite his disappointment at the statement. He knew it was true, though. With only four members gathered, they turned to the next two people that they trusted with all things. Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin. Kisuke for once had an actual serious attitude, so that helped speed things along. With that, they finally turned towards Soul Society for the remaining members of their forming team.

Standing in the hall with the 13 Captains, the first eager volunteer shocked precisely no one. "HA! I'll take down the entire lot of them for ya." Kenpachi Zaraki, the eye patched warrior, called. "I'll slaughter them all."

The second volunteer surprised a few, but not enough for a large reaction. "Hmph, if called for, I shall enter as well." The simple statement by Byakuya Kuchiki. Possibly because both his lieutenant and his sister were already on the team, he might have felt responsibility to enter as well.

The third captain volunteer was more surprising. Having fought alongside Kenpachi and Byakuya in the final battles against Yhwach's forces. "I'll fight whatever threatens us." The stoic response from the teenage looking captain, Toshiro Hitsugaya. He joins on as the ninth member of the team.

With the number almost full, Ichigo turns to the Captain Commander, Kyoraku. The one eyed commander looks between the remaining captains. Several good choices remained. Mayuri, Shinji, Soifon... No, this was not a simple battle that could be lost and recovered. This was a simple pass or fail survival test for this universe. That meant that they needed the absolute strongest team possible. That meant the same man who was instrumental in Ichigo's victory over Yhwach.

A black space is the next destination. A man strapped and covered to a chair, unable to move in any way, shape, or form. His brown hair showed as the rest was covered in plain white clothing. The man looked up as the opening appeared, in stepping, who else, Ichigo Kurosaki. "Now, this is surprising." The man states. He smiles at the visitor. "What situation could be so bad that you'd willingly come in here to see me?"

Ichigo stared hard at him. This wasn't simply seeing him in the heat of battle and working together out of on the moment desperation. This was deliberate interaction. Ichigo hated that. "Aizen, we need you to fill out our team."

He takes the time to explain the situation, at first noting the smile on Aizen's face, but noticed the smile fade as the talking continued.

"And that's the situation. It's ether help us, or sit here potentially getting destroyed if we lose." Ichigo's hand clenches into a fist, stating fiercely. "Though I will never let that happen, it would be peace of mind to bring out everything we've got!"

Sosuke Aizen smiles, his answer simple.

Half an hour later, the team assembles at the edge of Soul Society, Ichigo bursting out his Reietsu and entering his soul reaper form, his twin swords out. He looks to everyone else. Everyone stood ready. They were wary of Aizen, but they look determined to win.

Kisuke exchanged a glance with Aizen, one looking proud and unconcerned (Kisuke), and the other annoyed from the past (Aizen). Kisuke began. "Alright everyone. Let's do what we can, how we can."

The door like opening in the air appears as all ten step inside.

World of Yu Yu Hakusho

Yusuke sighed. He'd sent out messages to everyone he could think of. He couldn't imagine why no one had shown up ye- "Urameshi!" The loud proclamation knocked away his boredom as one of his best friends came, the red haired man's man, Kazuma Kuwabara. He seemed out of wits. "You mean to tell me the entire world is in danger?! Come on! You don't have to make up dumb stuff to get us all together!"

Yusuke smiled at his friend until the bluff call. "It's the truth you idiot! When would I kid about that?" Yusuke is surprised as the two's long red haired friend walks around from behind Kuwabara. "Hey, Kurama. Good to see ya, man."

Kurama nods. "I wish it wasn't under such circumstances."

Kuwabara rolls his eyes. "Come on, you can't believe this stuff."

"I made sure Koenma's information was sound." That made the orange haired tough guy gawk.

"It's true, you fool." The three look up, finding a short black haired made with a white clothe covering his forehead standing in a tree. "I already went myself to speak with him. This is serious."

Yusuke smirked as the three called out. "Hiei." He simply nodded in acknowledgment. Beside him was another redhead, a lady with what looked like a scope over her right eye. Yusuke commented, surprised. "Mukuro. Surprised you came."

She nodded at him. "I wouldn't sit by and let the universe die." She look down the dirt road leading to the clearing they stood at. "He wouldn't either."

Entering the clearing was the next person Yusuke had contacted, Yomi. The man who defeated him in the Demon World Tournament not too long ago. Yusuke smiled. "And now, we have 6. How's your son?"

The newcomer smiled respectfully. "He is growing stronger every day." He looks between them. "Is this all we have?"

Yusuke smirks as the four more seem to approach. "So Rinku is left out, huh?" They all glance at four newcomers.

Jin, the irish speaking wind demon, Toya, the cool headed ice demon, Chu, a tough demon with a specialty with knives, and Shishiwakamaru, a sword wielding demon with control of spirits. The four of them arrive and exchange pleasantries. Chu answers Yusuke, "Aye, we four got first dibs on this. So, what's the issue, again?"

After a brief recap, the ten nod to each other, knowing that they each are to rely on each other for this coming fight. Yusuke speaks up. "Alright, guys. The universe is counting on the ten of us. No screw ups. You ready!"

They all flex their energies, crackling the ground around them. With that, they walk onward.

Galaxy of Star Wars, Planet Yavin

Having landed his fighter in a clearing, Luke sits still, waiting for those he requested to come. One was already there, but hadn't made small talk, given the tense level of distrust there. Luke would only meditate to keep himself and things around him peaceful. Another ship lands nearby, Luke looking at it, already knowing each member that steps off. It's a small transport.

First out is one of his first students, Kyle Katarn, who walks over to greet him. "Master Skywalker." Kyle states, though Luke smiles. Kyle takes note of the man in the corner, wearing his robe. "... Care to tell me why HE is here?"

Luke glances at him, the dark cloaked man keeping his distance. "He helped me when Ben and I faced a celestial by the name of Abeloth. He's powerful enough to be a great asset. Nothing more. Nothing less. He's untrustworthy, but considering the odds and stakes, he's in no hurry to die." He calls out to him. "Isn't that true, Krayt?"

The Sith lord slowly steps over. "I do enjoy living. I help, and I walk away unharmed when this is over."

Darth Krayt steps away from them as the rest of the members unload from the transport. Master Kyp Durron, Master Corran Horn, Master Cilghal, Luke's sister Master Leia Solo, and Luke's own son Ben Skywalker. Luke looks at Kyle. "Where's Jaina?"

Kyle answers, his eyes never leaving Krayt. "She's getting our tenth member." He confides to Luke. "It's a bit... concerning to think something of this scale is possible. I mean, the force even seems outdone by what you describe."

Luke nods. "It seems that way, yes." The two notice a new ship approaching the clearing and landing. Luke vaguely recalls the ship. "Well, she thought the same was as me." Kyle sends him a questioning glance, and Luke gestured to Krayt. The answer let Kyle know that this ship didn't belong to someone friendly. "The Slave 1."

It lands, a woman exiting the ship, brown haired, and she approaches. Jaina Fel-Solo looks to Luke. "Uncle. I brought our tenth member."

Luke comments. "A bounty hunter? One that tried to give your dad to Jabba once?" His tone obviously meant to criticize, though mostly in jest. He knew the thought process. No one else in the galaxy has had as much experience fighting different types of enemies and has enough equipment on hand for all situations.

Jaina comments. "He's trained me before, so he didn't need much convincing. Plus,-" She looks at Krayt, a slight bit of anger showing. "-I don't seem to be the only one thinking that way."

Their tenth member steps off his ship, decked in full Mandalorian armor. Boba Fett finishes checking his tools. His voice is obscured by the helmet. "So, no killing?"

Luke, Jaina, Kyle, and the approaching Ben all shake their heads."

Boba Fett simply answers. "Set to stun then." He switches the gun's settings.

Luke breathes in and out and connects with everyone with the force for a brief moment. "You are all shaken by this coming battle. Trust in the force. We can win."

World of Fairy Tail

Natsu punches his right fist into his left hand. "I think we have our ten." He looks down the line.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, hot head." Gray Fullbuster comments with a smirk. "You won't get a crack at anyone once I fight."

Lucy Heartfilia steels herself, the blonde yelling at the two. "Keep your anger on the enemy. We can do this!"

"I won't let you guys down." A younger blue haired girl says to the guild mates remaining behind. Wendy Marvel, the Sky Dragon Slayer looks determined and shares a reassuring glance to her friend, a white cat named Carla.

A rare find in the day to day guild life, Gildarts, a rugged man praised as one of the strongest in the world, smirks. "I say we keep our heads on right and nothing will stop us."

The blonde Lightning Dragon Slayer, Laxus Dreyer, stands coldly. He nods to his team, showing them his full concentration on the task at hand. Near him, a spiky black haired man filled with piercings says his goodbyes to a short blue haired mage. The Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel Redford, smirks in confidence to the rest of the guild. "I don't think anything can stop us."

The next two, Jellal Fernandez and Erza Scarlet, stand ready, Erza commanding them. "Everyone get ready. We're heading out now." She turns to the man, a blue haired man with a tattoo around his right eye. "Thank you for helping."

He smiled. "I've helped under the guise of being Fairy Tail before. I'm happy to do my part."

The final member of the team drinks a full mug of ale and slams the mug down. The short old man calls out. "Alright, children." He glances at them, seeing nothing but confidence. After Alvarez, he knows they're ready for anything. Makarov Dreyer smiles himself. "Let's give the other universes the power of Fairy Tail!"

World of Samurai Deeper Kyo

Kyo steps forth, his sheathed black masamune in his left hand, and his wild black hair hanging. He walks up to Kyoshiro, the two standing together in wait. The group before them were the same four who fought alongside Kyo for years. Known as the Four Kings: Hotaru, the fire user member of the Mibu clan, a light brown haired individual wielding a katana with a double blade attachment on the hilt, the other side being a knife. Akira, the blind ice user who wields two wakasashi. Akari, the crossdressing feminine looking man who wields a staff and healing abilities. Finally, Bontenmaru, an older rugged shirtless man with a cloak over his shoulders and an eye patch, his wooden sword at his side.

Hotaru dryly comments on them standing there. "So, we starting or what?"

Akira sighs. "We need ten warriors, don't we?"

"Who said we need that?"

"Kyo did?"

Hotaru glanced at Kyo. Like a complete airhead, he seemingly forgets about the argument and greets Kyo. "Hey, Kyo. So we starting this or what?"

Kyo smirked at them all. "It took you long enough to get here." Akari swings her staff at Kyo, but he catches the tip without looking at her.

Akari pouts. "Darn, I thought after all this time you'd have forgotten to look out." She sighs, thinking she would have finally fulfilled that promise. What promise you ask? That if she ever managed to land a hit on him, he would marry her. Erm, him. Uh, just her. We'll stick with that.

Tokito Mibu, a young looking girl with shoulder length silver hair with a tomboy look crosses her arms at them. She'd been traveling with Akira and heard the summons. She stood off to the side as Bontenmaru greeted and checked up on her, the two conversing. She seemed irritated and snappy, but he was patient and easy going.

The next person was a young man with a halberd like spear, another weapon made by Kyo's master. On his head with a red and black bandana. Benitora, or Red Tiger, is what likes to be called. He glances at Kyo and calls out happily at him and Kyoshiro. "Hey! It's been too long." He grins. "So, we're all getting back together, huh?"

Akira chuckles at his arrival. "Yeah. We'll see if you'll he useful." They two face each other, only to end up fist bumping, enjoying the competition.

Next to arrive in the village is a long haired gentle, good looking man, wearing a pleasant samurai garb. His sword strapped to his side. At his side, a young white haired boy with red eyes identical to Kyo's stands, wearing a long sleeved shirt and shorts, his sword strapped to his back. The taller man stumbles over as if drunk with a plastered smile. "Kyo! Kyoshiro! Everyone! How long's it been?"

The boy next to him, Sasuke Sarutobi, dryly comments. "Lord Yukimura, you shouldn't drink before battle."

His leader, Yukimura Sanada, chuckles. "My, my, little Sasuke, shouldn't you be finding a young girl instead of fretting over me." He waves his hand to shoo away the conversation as the kid sweat drops. He looks to Kyo, his face sobering. "So, is it as bad as the message sounded?"

Kyo frowns for a moment. "Unfortunately, yes."

Yukimura nods. "Then we shall make sure to defeat anyone in our way."

Akira smirks. "That makes ten. Let's get going."

Hotaru speaks up at him. "Hold up, we're still waiting for someone." The complete opposite of the previous argument …

Benitora comes in on Akira's side. "Yeah. We can't bring 11 people. We're ready."

"Hotaru's right." Kyo comments. They all look at the eleventh member in the clearing. A white haired man with a sleeveless blue shirt. "Shinrei, nice to see you." The water user, brother of Hotaru, who uses two styled dagger like swords.

Shinrei stands with them. Everyone does a head count. Kyo, Kyoshiro, Benitora, Sasuke, Yukimure, Hotaru, Akira, Akari, Bontenmaru, Tokito, and Shinrei... Tokito speaks up. "Wait a second, we can't have 11 people."

Kyo speaks clearly to her. "That's because Shinrei is going. You're not." She bristles.

"What?! How so?"

Kyo explains. "We're going into this together. As such, I'm taking only those I absolutely know and can work with." He frowns, expecting her response.

"This is a tournament of POWER." She sends a worried glance at Bontenmaru. She's faced his full power before and crushed him. She would be a much better choice than him at least.

Kyo senses her intention. She and Bontenmaru have fought before and she's stronger than a couple others. However, his stands by his decision. "None of us are being left out."

Bontenmaru speaks up to Tokito. "Hey, don't worry. I know it's me you think should stand out." He locks eyes with her.

Hotaru and Akira both answer at the same time. "If the Four Kings will fight, they'll ALL fight."

Tokito sighs, defeated. "Whatever." She glares Bontenmaru. "Don't you lose."

Bontenmaru places a hand on her shoulder with a smile. "I'll be sure to hit them a couple times for you."

The ten selected warriors move to leave, the stubborn angry girl pouting with worry as they go.

Shinrei and Hotaru exchange a glance. Shinrei comments. "I would have swapped out Bontenmaru for her."

Hotaru states back. "And that's why you're a bastard."

World of Power Rangers

Tommy sits at a juice bar, waiting for those he called. A man sits next to him. Tommy Oliver smiles. "I thought you'd be late like last time."

His best friend smiles, wearing red. Jason Scott states simply. "You didn't think you'd do this without the original red ranger, did you?"

The two turn around, inspecting the next person who entered. This time, a man their age wearing green and black. He looks at them. "Reminds me of the Zeo days, huh?"

They both call out. "Adam!" With a smile they hand shake.

The next two into the bar war cop like uniforms with red hates. One states. "Well, looks like we're interrupting a band get together."

Jason reaches out, shaking one's hand. "Wes." Tommy shakes the other's. "Eric!"

Eric comments, serious as always. "So, I certainly hope we have more coming. Will be hard to fill a ten man team with five people."

They hear a car outside and exit the bar, seeing a familiar red 90s style cruiser. Lightning Cruiser to be exact. A black man in a blue shirt and silver jacket gets out. Adam greets him. "TJ! How you been?"

TJ smiles back. "Cruising." Another man, long hair both blond and brown, wearing the same as TJ but a red shirt underneath, approaches Tommy.

"Have we gotten everyone yet?"

Tommy shakes his head. "Not yet, Andros." The group looks over as another individual lands. The man in a uniform with red trimming, greets them.

"Hey guys. Shane." He introduces himself.

Tommy smirks. "I send Conner to get you, and you get here first?"

As if for comedic timing, another young man arrives in super speed. Conner sees Shane and sighs. "Darn it." He looks at Tommy, who smiles at him.

The final arrival is the youngest of them all. A plain looking guy with black leather jacket over a red shirt, similar to Tommy's getup, approaches them. They turn as the guy seems overwhelmed, the only one present still in college age. Tommy salutes him. "Troy."

Troy smiles. "So, we doing this?"

Indeed they were. The group forms a circle. Tommy explains. "We'll be forming into two groups, five man teams."

Jason speaks next. "Tommy will lead one group, I'll take the other. Tommy's team will include TJ, Andros, Adam, and Conner."

Tommy finishes. "Jason will take Wes, Eric, Shane, and Troy."

Everyone nods to each other. They nod and all teleport.

World of Final Fantasy

Warrior of Light returns to Cosmos. In his team, he's found all that's needed. Squall Leonhart was his first choice, a fellow leader and experienced army man. Squall recommended Zidane Tribal from there. The next choice was Cloud Strife, who then lead to them recruiting Cecil Harvey, Tidus, and Firion. Next recruit was Lightning Farron, who in turn lead to them recruiting Noctis Lucis Caelum. Finally, they recruited Kain Highwind.

The group, mostly silent, know the significance of what was coming. This wasn't too different from the few times Cosmos has recruited them already.

Squall and Zidane stay close to one another. Cloud, Tidus, Firion, and Cecil group up. Warrior of Light leads them off standing in front. Lightning and Noctis group together, with Kain going solo just like the Warrior of Light. They're ready. With a single flash of light, they're gone...


The stage is set. Everything is completely fixed to pristine condition. The two Zeno's and the Grand Priest float, awaiting the arrival of the universe teams. And with that all eight teams arrive in unison. Team Naruto with the Sage of Six Paths appearing in their stands, Team Bleach with Ichibe appearing in the stands in place of the Soul King, Team Fairy Tail with Mavis in the stands, Team Final Fantasy with a more human sized Cosmos appearing in their stand, Team Yu Yu Hakusho with Koenma in their stand, Team Power Rangers with Alpha 5 and 6 both in place for Gosei and other spirits, Team Samurai Deeper Kyo appears with Sakuya the seer up in their stands, and finally, Team Star Wars with the Father appearing in their stands.

The Grand Priest smiles. "Hello everyone, welcome to the Universal Tournament of Power." He appraises them all. Not up to the same standards as previously seen, but who knows. This could be surprising. "Allow me to restate some of the rules before we move on to the tournament."

He gestures to the stands. "The goal of this tournament is to knock out all opponents. As you can see, this dimension is void of all things, and you will fall continuously for all eternity if you fall off. That is, you would if not for our presence. When one has fallen off the stage, we will transport them to the stands representing your side." They all look around to the stands, some of them looking around the battlefield for a tactical layout.

He continues. "Restrictions include the following: No killing, as the intention is to known all your opponents from the stage. No flying through supernatural means. This means unless utilizing a tool or natural wings, you cannot fly. However, if you have an answer to this problem to fly anyway, you are allowed to do so. Originally, we had a rule of no tools, but due to the last tournament we held having many exciting things come of it, you ARE allowed to bring items that embolden your power and skill."

He then looks them all in the face. "And you might all wish to know, the tournament held last here had a time limit of 48 Earth minutes." Everyone was shocked at that and concerned. He held a hand up to squash questions. "This time limit has been removed for this tournament. You shall fight until only a single universe remains, and whoever is left of the winning team shall ask something they want to happen, and Lords Zenos will make it happen."

He addresses them all. "Does anyone have any questions?" There are no sounds that come, everyone looking across the large field around them. One side of the arena having a large set of pillars that hold a second level along that one side. The Grant Priest never stops his smile. "Very well then..."


Team Naruto:

Naruto Uzumaki

Sasuke Uchiha

Sakura Haruno-Uchiha

Kakashi Hatake

Rock Lee

Shikamaru Nara



Gaara of the Sand


Advantage: two of the top five strongest members of the tournament and variety of abilities for each fighter.

Team Bleach:

Ichigo Kurosaki

Rukia Kuchiki

Renji Abarai

Uryu Ishida

Kisuke Urahara

Yoruichi Shihoin

Kenpachi Zaraki

Byakuya Kuchiki

Toshiro Hitsugaya

Sosuke Aizen

Advantage: two of the top five strongest members of the tournament. Powerful abilities but heavily specialized fighters.

Team Fairy Tail:

Natsu Dragneel

Gray Fullbuster

Lucy Heartfilia

Wendy Marvel

Erza Scarlet


Jellal Fernandez

Gajeel Redford

Makarov Dreyer

Laxus Dreye

Advantage: Adaptable powers and odd ways of fighting.

Team Yu Yu Hakusho:

Yusuke Urameshi

Kazuma Kuwabara









Advantage: Superior teamwork and powerful finishing moves.

Team Final Fantasy:

Warrior of Light

Squall Leonhart

Cloud Strife

Zidane Tribal



Cecil Harvey

Noctic Lucis Caelum

Kain Highwind

Lightning Farron

Advantage: Summons, each member is resilient and has high durability feats.

Team Star Wars:

Luke Skywalker

Jaina Fel-Solo

Kyle Katarn

Darth Krayt

Leia Solo

Kyp Durron

Ben Skywalker

Corran Horn


Boba Fett

Advantage: Most organized group that is used to following orders on battlefields. Strongest fighter in the tournament. Luke Skywalker to this tournament is like Jiren in the actual tournament.

Team Power Rangers:

Tommy Oliver

Jason Lee Scott

Adam Park

Wesley Collins

Eric Myers

TJ Johnson


Shane Carte

Conner McKnight

Troy Burrows

Advantage: Zords. Best teamwork of the tournament.

Team Samurai Deeper Kyo:

Kyo Mibu a.k.a Demon Eyes Kyo

Kyoshiro Mibu

Hotaru a.k.a. Keikoku Mibu





Yukimura Sanada

Sasuke Sarutobi

Shinrei Mibu

Team Advantage: Fastest fighter in the tournament in base form. Hax moves that circumvent conventional durability.