Visit Hogwarts?

Note: This is based off of Fairyqueen101's story, "Hogwarts' Lords", since it was so awesome and hadn't been updated for 5½ years.

Basically, the Master is cured at the end of YTNW, and -insert how- they got to another universe (the Harry Potter universe). They decide to have fun. P.S: The Master is sane, and their back to being BFFs.

Bold is quoting Fairyqueen101 because, well, I don't know enough about DW, sadly… Anyhow, if she wants me to change it or take it down I'll go do that, since it was her brilliant idea in the first place. I just wish more people made stories like that, and finished it! .-.

Okay, I think the reason for using her words is because… I wouldn't have it any other way. It just stuck with me, I guess.

Start Date: January 5, 2018

Chapter One

"Thete! Let's go to another universe and mess around!" the Master whined for the fiftieth time. "You know, blow a hole through the universes the size of Belgium? Anyway, we did make a promise to visit every single planet in the galaxy. Why not just go to another universe?"

The Doctor definitely wanted to go to another universe and cause trouble everywhere. Perhaps the de-aging wasn't the best idea for the inhabitants of the other universe's well-being. Well, it wasn't really a de-aging, just that they looked younger. Both the Doctor and the Master looked eleven, which they both agreed was better for causing trouble. Everyone else had left already, leaving the two friends together, although some had thought it was a bad idea. They were correct, obviously, but Jack and the other Torchwood members had put guards on all exits surrounding the flight deck. Also, the TARDIS happened to be in another room.

"Let's do it," the Doctor said. "Glad your mind is cured from the drums, otherwise, we won't be having so much fun!"

The Master nodded before smiling. "So…"

"The easiest way into another universe would be to bind ourselves to the heart of the TARDIS…" the Doctor stated calmly.

"Set her to random…" the Master continued without missing a beat, both Time Lords falling into their familiar and missed rhythm.

"Jump her into the untempered schism outside the wreckage of Gallifrey…"

"And hope for the best," finished the Master as he started grinning the way only a madman could. The Doctor echoed it effortlessly.

The two ran from the flight deck of the Valiant (and here I am, forgetting where they were during the end of "the Last of the Time Lords"), jumped off (because, duh, it totally wasn't closed on all sides), and looked at each other as they hurled towards the ground. The ground, fortunately (but unfortunately), was still a very long way off.

The Doctor fumbled with his TARDIS key, summoned the TARDIS, and they fell inside. As soon as he got his bearings, the Doctor set the coordinates for Gallifrey, and the TARDIS disappeared.

-a little scene as he summons the TARDIS-

Jack looked up to hear the whooshing noise of the TARDIS as it slowly disappeared from sight. He looked at the guards, who were standing exactly where they had been.

"Did one of you let the Doctor out?" he asked Gwen.

"No," Gwen frowned. She ran into the room and yelled back at Jack, "They're gone!"

Jack and the other Torchwood members ran inside and looked around.

"But they can't have left! The TARDIS was outside, and none of us saw them leaving!" Tosh said, or actually, screamed. "The Doctor and the Master are good, sure, but they can't teleport! Or turn invisible! In fact, we didn't even see the door opening!"

By this time, Jack had walked to the window, which had been broken (and for some reason, despite being _ thousand feet in the air, the pressure wasn't killing them, maybe it's because of some air shield?), just in time to see the disappearing figures of the Doctor and the Master, with a TARDIS below them. They fell inside and the TARDIS vanished.

"They jumped out the window," Jack told his team calmly.

"Does that mean they're dead?" Owen asked.

"They used the TARDIS," Jack replied. "Probably off on another adventure."

The group stared out the window, just in time to see a gigantic portion of the sky just seem to explode. It was probably the TARDIS blasting a Belgium-sized hole into another universe, which somehow everyone could see. Fortunately, the hole closed up in a few seconds, otherwise Torchwood and UNIT would have problems for another few hundred years.

-back to the TARDIS (which, I guess, could be the future as well)-

"The coordinates are set at random, and she's going to fly into the schism in exactly 42.11 seconds," the Doctor yelled. "Let's get to the heart of the TARDIS, quickly!"

42.11 seconds later, the Time Lords hit the floor with a resonating thud and loud groans.

"Hey, I think we made it," the Master commented. "Ow..."

"Beats being exterminated any day, though," the Doctor replied, laughing as he helped the Master to his feet.

"You know, we're in this room full of angry-looking stick-pointing people, right?" the Master asked, hiding his grin. This universe seemed very fun, indeed.

"Hi friendly stick-wielders, my name is…" the Doctor began.

"Use your nickname, idiot" the Master hissed telepathically. "I don't think they'll take kindly to our chosen titles!"

" Theta Sigma," he continued, as if nothing had happened. "And this is Koschei. But you can call us John Smith and Harold Saxon! I'm John by the way." The Doctor waved at the wizards.

Maybe the wizards didn't like being waved at, or maybe they didn't like the name 'John Smith' or 'Harold Saxon', but either way, they began shooting colourful jets of light from all sides. Yes, the Doctor and the Master were surrounded by a group of confused and angry wizards.

Both ducked under and around the jets of light that raced towards them. The adults were in an uproar as two 11-year-olds escaped the most skilled attacks in an elaborate dance that had no blind spots. They were untouchable and invincible in the simplest way imaginable.

"Stop firing!" a really old looking guy yelled. Apparently, he was a man of importance or something, because the group of adults obeyed him without question. The two boys looked completely fine. In fact, they didn't even look tired at all.

The old guy looked at the boys carefully, after all, they could be with Voldemort or… no, Voldemort wouldn't use children, especially not muggle children. Well, they could be muggles…

"How did you apparate into Hogwarts?" a stern old lady asked. At this point, the Doctor and the Master had sort of been reading the old lady's mind, and figured out quite a lot of important information. For instance, her name was Professor McGonagall, they were wizards and witches, they apparently thought Theta and Koschei were non-magical people, and much more.

"Who in their right mind would name a school… Hogwarts?" they asked simultaneously.

The wizards and witches looked highly offended.

"Well…" Professor McGonagall began. "We're the teachers at this school. Believe it or not, magic exists. We are wizards and witches, and we," she gestured at the other adults and herself, "are the teachers of Hogwarts."

"If, perhaps, you have magic potential, you can attend school here. The next term will start in about two weeks," a squeaky voice called out. A teacher stepped forward from the crowd, and the Doctor and the Master looked down to see - "Professor Flitwick" - they telepathed to each other at the same time.

"I'm Professor Flitwick," he said, introducing himself. "Just so you know, I'm part goblin, in case you weren't aware of any other species. That was Professor McGonagall, the deputy headmistress."

"Haha. Aware of other species. Totally," the Master telepathed to the Doctor, both of them suppressing their smirks.

"Hi," the Master growled at Professor Flitwick in gobbledygook.

"Are you… speaking… the language of the goblins?" Professor Flitwick asked, looking very surprised. "I can barely speak the language, and I'm part goblin!" He turned to the other professors. "They're probably not muggles. Perhaps they should come to Hogwarts for the upcoming school year."

"I second!" Professor Dumbledore announced. They figured out the old guy was called Dumbledore thanks to his failed attempt at reading their minds. No doubt he would try again. "Professor McGonagall, please take the boys to Diagon Alley to buy their supplies. Thank you, and our staff meeting is over!"

"Come with me," Professor McGonagall said in her usual stern voice. "Do not fool around while you are with me. And hold on to my hand tightly."

They obeyed, and soon the professor disapparated and appeared in Diagon Alley (Dumbledore took down the barriers temporarily). Professor McGonagall barely hid her look of surprise when the boys looked completely fine.

"Do you not feel a bit sick?" she asked them cautiously.

"Sick? Why? The 'apparition'?" Theta, or John as he liked to call himself, asked.

"Yes. Most people throw up on their first trip. Others just collapse, but you two…" she trailed off.

"Oh," the Master said after a few seconds. "It was nothing, compared to Thete piloting the ship," he replied, sending the Doctor a little grin.

"Hey!" the Doctor yelled. "I'm not as bad as you are! Anyways, it's supposed to be piloted by six people! Mine is also a type 40, yours is a type 45!"

"Well, I'm not the one that landed in Cardiff instead of Naples, and 1869 instead of 1860!" the Master countered. The Doctor just glared at him.

"I'm just brought to places she thinks is important!" the Doctor said. "Um, where do we get supplies?"

Professor McGonagall gave them a list of supplies for first years. "Meet back here by 4:00pm, don't be late, here's some money from Dumbledore," she said, handing them a small bag of coins, and giving them one last look before disapparating.

"Doesn't she know it's only 10:39am?" the Master asked, looking at the list in his hands.

"10:39:32am," the Doctor corrected. "Well, not anymore. But there's probably a whole lot of wizard materials they use at…" he paused, swallowing slowly. "Hogwarts." Unfortunately, his mini second of preparation did not help at all, and both of them burst out into laughter, which quieted almost immediately. They were used to silencing themselves, after all. It helped quite a lot when they met the aliens that hated laughing.

"Okay. Let's see… money," the Master read aloud. "Well, Dumbledore gave us some, since they have a funding for children that require supplies… And then we need… BOOKS!"

They ran off to Flourish and Blotts, the bookstore, and promptly bought all the required materials for first year through seventh year, and a whole bunch of other books for fun. Actually… they just read the other books, super fast, so they wouldn't spend all the money.

Next, they bought the cauldron, and many other supplies, until the second to last item on the list: a wand.

"Cool!" they exclaimed simultaneously. Both ran to Ollivanders, and entered the small, dusty shop.

"First years, here for a wand?" he asked them. "Let's see… Which is your wand arm?"

The Doctor and the Master looked at each other. "Ambidextrous, but prefer right hand," they said, looking back at Ollivanders.

"I think these wizards, they're human, but they have a sort of low-level psychic energy around them," the Doctor thought. "Everything in the universe is connected by an unnoticeable field of psychic energy, and these wizards, using their wands that have mystic cores, can tap into it, using special words. They can then manipulate almost anything, since the wands.."

"Yes, I got it already! You know, it's only been half a second, but we should get these wands and go," the Master cut the Doctor off mid-sentence, earning him a pout from his friend. Meanwhile, a magic tape was going around measuring them.

Ollivander took out a box, barely began opening it when: "Is that for him, or for me?" the Doctor asked.

"Your friend," Ollivander replied, taking the wand out.

"Wrong wand," the two Time Lords said at the same time. "The right wands should be near the back of your shop," the Doctor said.

"Wow. Our wands are basically in a Bootstrap Paradox," the Master telepathed as soon as Ollivander left to see what exactly the Doctor had been talking about. "After our fun adventure at Hogwarts, we will travel back in time, and put our wands here, for our past selves to find it."

"Finding paradoxes in another universe, brilliant!" the Doctor replied aloud, just in time to see Ollivander come back with two old and way-too-dusty boxes.

"These were the only ones at the back of the shop," he said. "Are you sure? My grandfather had them, he said two of his friends gave it to him."

"Completely sure," they answered. The Doctor took the one on the right, and the Master took the one on the left. When they opened the boxes, they noticed the wands were nearly identical, with silver designs - Circular Gallifreyan - carved into the handle. The Doctor noticed that it was "Doctor" and "Master" respectively.

After a few minutes of silent wand-studying, Ollivander broke the silence. (Broke the Silence… would be better).

"You sure these are the right ones? When a wand chooses its owner, there's normally a spectacular display…" he trailed off, staring at the two wands, which were emitting a cheerful, warm-looking golden light, which faded after a few seconds. "Like that."

After they paid Ollivander for their wands, they headed off to the ice cream shop.

"Can't believe it's already a quarter to four," the Master said, buying some ice cream. "You have to admit though, those robes look horrendous!" The main reason why they had taken so long was because they had argued way too much with Madam Malkin.

"At least the ice cream tastes great," the Doctor announced. "Not half as good as the ones in the Alpha Centauri system, but still."

They had eaten their giant ice creams for fifteen minutes, having pleasant, not-threatening-each-other conversations, until Professor McGonagall showed up. When they spotted her walking towards them, they looked at each other.

"She's five seconds late," the Master said.

"Professor Dumbledore has decided that you will stay in the Leaky Cauldron, an inn, until school starts," Professor McGonagall began. The two troublemakers knew that a long speech was coming, so they tuned her out, instead focusing on some of the professor's possible futures. After all, if they just concentrated slightly, they could call up the entire 'conversation' from their subconsciousness. They began listening again in time to hear her say: "Remember, it's Platform Nine and Three-Quarters at Kings Cross Station."

She lead them to the Leaky Cauldron, booked a room for them, and then left to prepare for the start of the term feast. Meanwhile, the Doctor and the Master began studying the textbooks, learning all the information the first years would study. By five in the morning, they had mastered the first year charms, potions, defence against the dark arts, herbology, and transfiguration. They didn't bother with Astronomy or History - seriously, why would they? The Doctor and the Master, along with the other Time Lords, were literally the universal experts at that. They were. Even though troublemakers like Theta and Koschei never paid attention in class, they still knew just about everything.

Two weeks later, on September 1, they had finished the first year books through fourth year books. Sure, they could have finished the entire seven courses, but they just had to start an ice-cream fight, or release a dragon on the wizards - hey, it wasn't their fault they spoke dragon, and anyways, she was hungry. They were just bored!

Upon arriving at Kings Cross Station, they quickly found Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, casually strolling through the wall, and nearly getting run over by a redheaded boy who was pushing a heavy trolley filled with his supplies. The Doctor and the Master had backpacks, which were obviously bigger on the inside. An *cough, cough* undetectable extension charm, obviously.

"Watch it!" he yelled, turning to look at them. "Oh, sorry, first years?" he began to look a little nervous, and he seemed to be glancing at his friend. Most likely, he was in love with… her, but whether or not she returned the affection…

"Ron! Don't be so mean!" the girl chided him. "I'm Hermione, by the way. Third year. You two should probably board the train, they're leaving soon." With that, Hermione ran off and disappeared onto the train.

The Doctor and the Master quickly followed, passing many compartments (including one with a lupavariform), and finally sitting a compartment with a blonde girl in it. She was reading a colorful magazine, upside down, and looked up when they entered.

"Hi. I'm Luna Lovegood," she said dreamily.

"John Smith, and this over here is Harold Saxon"

"I'm Luna Lovegood, and please don't feel bad about giving me an alias."

Both blinked and stared at her, surprised, "Right, fine," the other said as he recognised her as someone with diluted Arcateenian blood.

The Arcateenians were also known as 'butterfly people' and shone blue. Being a highly telepathic race, their blood made humans aware of lies and gave them a natural shell of mild insanity to hide behind when they felt threatened. If someone trustworthy wasn't found for them to talk to properly after five to six years of hiding, then they would permanently act crazy, while in actuality be intuitive, resourceful, and extremely loyal.

"Well… I tend to go by the Master," the Master began. "And he's the Doctor. But we chose our favorite aliases so we don't seem as..."

"Alien-y," Luna said dryly, with a raised eyebrow. Both boys looked at her for a few moments then allowed grins to take over their faces.

"Glad that you're back, Ms. Lovegood," John said with a fist bump, "Do you know about…"

"The fact that my great-great-grandmother Alice was an Arcateenian," she asked, "Or the fact that if I had found no one in the next two years to confide in, I'd truly become what I was hiding behind?"

"Both, actually," Saxon interjected, "And… what is that?"

The train had just shuddered to a halt, and the compartment had become freezing cold, frost forming on the windows. Their breath became visible.

To read the whole dementor part, since I have no clue as to what would happen, (and for the next chapter I'll just start with something around "They left the train") just read Fairyqueen101's story. Seriously, it's AMAZING! I don't know why no one else has come up with an idea like that yet. *sighs* To Be Continued!

Current updating will be twice a year. Sorry for such slow updates, but I have _ other stories to work on.

January 10, 2018