Hey everyone. Before the chapter starts, I want to make a quick announcement. My character 'Vinny' is now going to be named 'Brett.' I'm changing the name of the main character to that from now on, but I don't know how to change the previous chapters without re-writing them. Not only that, but it was confusing to tell whether Vincent or Vinny was talking.

Thanks for understanding,


P.S, your spouse can be anyone in this chapter, but Leah is the spouse in the story because she's my wife in the game. ;)

Brett wakes up and walks around his house, and eventually sees he has mail! He opens the letter and sees it's from Jodi.

Dear Brett...

Vincent's birthday is in a week! It's because of this that we ask a favor for you...

We're going to throw Vincent a surprise birthday party! We've gotten the streamers, the party supplies, the presents, and everything is under control. However, we know you and Leah can bake a mean cake! If you don't mind, can you make a cake? It can be anything you want, just have it be three layers.

Sorry for the trouble!


After careful research, Brett finds a book in the museum's library about special events.

Many special events hold many special moments. One of these things is a layered cake. These take a couple days to complete, or should we say they CAKE a couple days to complete!

The bottom layer typically has a regular cake on it, but the top layer is where it's at!

There are two types of layered cake. The first one is a birthday cake, and takes about 5 days to complete. The second cake is a wedding cake, which takes 2 weeks to complete!

The book has some tips and tricks. Either way, Brett knows how to start the cake.

Not Successful

"Everyone, he's coming!" Jodi says, looking outside the window and seeing Kent. Suddenly, everyone gets quiet in excitement, and crouches down in separate areas.

The door opens up, and Vincent roams around.

"Woah dad, everything's dark! I would've thought Sam would be in here pla-" Vincent gets cut off by noises.


"AUGH!" Vincent screams. He runs around, into his room. From there, everyone hears loud crying.

"Oh my goodness!" Jodi screams, running into Vincent's room. Then, there's tons of awkward silence as everyone takes in what happened.

"I didn't think that would happen..." Leah whispers into Brett's ear.

There was tons of awkward silence, until Jodi finally came out of Vincent's room.

"Sorry everyone. Vincent... wanted to have a private celebration tonight. He didn't expect the surprise, and got overwhelmed with anxiety... luckily, he can have a couple slices of cake, so maybe that will cheer him up..."

Nothing done at all

Same as the last moment, but it's even worse because there's no cake.


Brett and Leah arrive at the party, and Jodi comes up to them.

"Hey guys! That cake looks awesome! I know Vincent will like this!" Jodi says enthusiastically. Brett then very carefully hands the double-layered cake to Jodi and she puts it straight up on the kitchen counter.

From there, everyone starts to celebrate and dance, but up until someone notices a small strand of blonde hair coming up.

"They're coming!" Jodi tries to say as quietly and loudly as possible. Suddenly, everyone shuffles their feet and gets so excited. The room goes pen-drop silent as they all hear the muffled voices outside.

"Vincent, wasn't today fun?"

"Oh yeah dad, I had the best time of my life! I didn't know there was some place this fun outside of Stardew Valley!"

"Yeah! Miss Penny's mom even drove us there! I didn't know it was so close!"

"Yeah, Jas! That was cool." Kent chuckled. "But I'm going to wait here for a second, sound good?"

"Ok, Mr. Kent!"

Little feet shuffle to the doorknob, and it starts to jiggle.

"Jas, can you open it? I can't reach."

"What does Miss Penny say you gotta ask?"



The door jiggles some more until it opens, and both of them walk into the room.

"Woah! It's dark in he-"


Vincent's eyes widen and he freaks out.

"AAAAH! OH MY GOSH!" he screams at the top of his lungs, collapsing on the floor.

The room goes dead silent as Jodi slowly goes up to Vincent.

"Sweetie... are... are you ok?"

"that cake..." Vincent softly utters


"The cake... is... ENOURMOUS!" Vincent screams, jumping up to his feet.

Everyone erupts into laughter as Vincent rushes over to the cake.

"Who did this?!"

"Mister Brett and Miss Leah did!" Jodi sweetly responds, noticing Kent coming back in.

"Thank you SO MUCH Mister and misses Leah and Brett! This is awesome!" He shouted, hugging both of their knees.

From there, everyone dances and has a good time. Vincent continually looks back at the cake once in a while, but still remains around Brett and Leah.

"Miss Leah, how did you manage to get a cake on another cake?" Jas says, holding two dolls in her hands.

"Magic!" Leah loudly whispered.

"WOOAH!" said Jas in amazement. "So does that mean that if I was magic, I could make two dolls into one?"

"Maybe!" Brett giggles with Leah.

"Alright everyone, time for Vincent to blow the candles out!" Says Jodi.

They all surround Vincent, who squints his eyes shut as hard as he could, ready to blow onto the candles.

"What did you wish for, Vincent?" Says Penny, patting him on the back.

"I can't say, Miss Penny. If I do, it won't come true! You've seen Cinderella, right?"

"Oh, my bad!" Penny giggles.

what a great way to spend a night...