Hello everyone! So this was just a random idea that popped into my head one day after noticing that no one (as far as I am aware) as done an AU/what if scenario quite like this one, so I figured why not give it a go! There is a story out there, but I'll leave a more detailed description about it and everything else at the bottom.

So here we are! Enjoy!

OH! and Spoiler Alert for anyone that has not seen RWBY V5 Ep12 yet, you have been warned.

The Dragon Falls

"Hello, Brother." Raven smirked from across the room, her red eyes gazing into his. Qrow took the time to assess the situation. The fact that Raven was here wasn't that much of a surprise, he did see her raven form in the forest earlier but still...

Her white mask sat in the middle of the table she had picked out, and her weapon placed on her hip. He didn't think she ever let it leave her side, and probably was next to her in her sleep.

Qrow sighed, "Raven." Walking towards her table across the room. He swirled the drink around in his hands, internally dreading this conversation. Raven only showed up when she wanted something or to gloat about something, so the question was, what did she want this time?

Her red eyes followed his every move, the sound of the chair scrapping across the floor could be heard throughout the empty bar. Raven only rolled her eyes as her brother stared at her, waiting for her to move the mask off the center of the table.

Only then did he sit down, "So… What do you want?" Straight to the point, just how Qrow knew she would like it.

"A girl can't just… catch up with her family?" she asked impishly.

"She can, but you're not." He retorted with a frown at her tone, "How 'bout we get on with it." Taking a swig of his liquor.

"Unless you plan on keeping these coming." He smirked right back, if she wanted to play around, so could he. Qrow placed the glass on the table with a thunk, signaling that it was her turn to speak. Like a little game they played, though only when Raven initiated it.

"Does She have it?" Raven asked, a frown on her face as Qrow ignored the question, choosing to trace his finger around the edge of the glass instead.

"Did you know Yang lost her arm?" He countered, continuing his tracing as crimson locked with crimson. He knew he had hit a nerve with that comment.

"That's NOT-" Raven moved to stand, her fist clenching.

"Rhetorical question." Qrow cut in, trying to ease the tension in the air from his games. "I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you bring up family then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist." He hated when Raven did this. And she seemed to be doing it a lot recently. Like with the Breach in Vale, or when Yang was disqualified in the Vytal Tournament. Hell, even when Yang had placed Ruby in a wagon to go looking for Raven herself. Raven didn't bother to ask how everyone was doing, how Yang was doing, just wanted to know what Salem and her cronies were up to, nothing more and nothing less.

"I saved her." Raven snarled.

"Once," Qrow answered, lifting his hand to hold up a single finger, "Cause that was your rule… Right? Real 'Mom of the Year' material, Sis." He reached for his drink again, only to have his wrist snatched by Raven as she stood, leaning over the table to do so. Guess the game is over, Qrow internally sighed.

"I told you Beacon would Fall, and it did. I told you Ozpin would fail and he has." She was rubbing it in his face now, "Now you tell me. Does? Salem? Have it?" She hissed the last part out, still holding on to his arm.

"Thought you weren't interesting in all of that?" Qrow smirked, intrigued by the turn of events. Raven frowned, of course she wasn't, but with the Fall Maiden going rogue and Haven being the next target, Raven was concerned that she, as well as the rest of her tribe, would become targets as well.

"I just want to know what we're up against." She growled. Raven was done messing around, done playing this verbal game with her brother. She just wanted to get her Intel and leave. Was she, as the Spring Maiden, in any immediate danger or not.

"Which we are you referring too?" Qrow wasn't done it seemed, which served only to piss Raven off as she threw his hand away.

"You should come back, Raven. The only way we beat Her is by working together." Qrow swirled the drink around in his hand, hoping that he could at least convince Raven to think about it. "All of us."

"You're the one who left." Raven accused, it almost sounded like she was still hurting from Qrow's betrayal all those years ago. "The Tribe raised us, and you turned your back on them."

Qrow took another drink. "They were killers and thieves." He still remembered the time when they were fourteen, going out on raids... The mental image of all those that he had to hurt, those he had to kill, just so that he could survive. He never liked it then, and now that he was a huntsman, he hated it even more. Sure, him and Raven were sent to Beacon to learn how to kill other huntsman and huntresses, but that didn't mean he changed his mind after meeting Tai and Summer. He knew that he couldn't continue to live like that. He didn't want to have to look into the disappointment of his friends eyes for returning to his past. So he left.

"They were your family," Raven half grimaced half snarled, her hand slamming down on the table. Never truly felt like family to him, not in the same way that being with Summer and Tai did. They were his family, not the tribe. That was something that Raven didn't seem to get.

"You have a very skewed perception of that word." Qrow replied. Raven didn't take it well, standing up to her full height to look down on him.

"I lead our people now! And as their leader I will do everything in my power to ensure our survival." She snarled at Qrow.

"I saw." He only nodded his head, the images of the destroyed town flashing through his mind. "The people of Shion saw too."

"The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules." Raven spoke, reciting the tribes basic rules. Rules that he never liked in the first place, regardless of how true they rang when natural selection was concerned.

"Well you've certainly got someone strong on your side." Qrow mused, glaring at his sister. There was someone that she was hiding, he was sure of it. "I've seen the damage."

Raven folder her arms as she turned away, "We couldn't have known that the Grimm were going to set in as quickly as they did."

"I'm not talking about the Grimm." Qrow growled back, frustrated that this game always played in Ravens favor. She could stall if she wanted, but he couldn't. Raven turned to look at her brother again as he continued to speak. "I'm not talking about you either."

If only you knew, Brother... Raven mused silently before walking back to the table to grab her mask, "If you don't know where the relic is, then we have nothing left to talk about." She glared at her brother, ready to leave. If only he knew her true strength. Of course that would require her to give up her final trump card, and Raven was not going to do that, she already had a nice set up with Vernal back at camp. Vernal was the only one within her tribe to know the truth about the Maidens, everyone else was just to believe that it was Vernal's semblance to use lightning, which, while technically true, not the whole story. It was safer this way, and her mask helped hide the flaming eyes that were a signature of the Maidens and their power.

Qrow reached across that table and laid a hand on her mask, "I don't know where the Spring Maiden is either… If you do, I need you to tell me." He begged, knowing fully that Raven wouldn't tell him regardless.

"And why," she pulled the mask out from his hand, "would I do that?" If you think that I will just give up my secret, my trump card against Salem! then you are sadly mistaken, Brother.

"Cause without her, we're all going to die." He frowned, he knew she was hiding something, but he just didn't know what it was. He knew she had the Spring Maiden, he could tell, but she wouldn't admit to it. Not yet, but he would follow his hunch to the very end.

A light went out on one of the other tables as she responded, "And which we are you referring to?" Smirking at him again as she threw his line right back at him. Qrow looked away in defeat. He expected her to create a portal back to her camp, instead he heard her stumble only slightly. He small gasp catching his attention.

Something was wrong.

Raven had felt it as she moved to put her mask on. It felt like a small pop, the energy being released and becoming a void of nothing. She felt hallow. Empty. She remembered this happening only one other time.

When Summer died.

"Raven?" Qrow called out. He moved to stand when she didn't respond. "Raven? What's wrong?"

She ignored him again, visualizing a face in her mind's eye, she clipped her mask onto her belt and reached for her blade, forming the energy within her body and swinging the blade through the empty air.

Nothing happened.

"Raven? What was that?" Qrow called more urgently, his hand resting on her shoulder. "Who was that for?" He had realized what she had tried to do, create a portal with a bond that no longer existed. A sinking feeling began to form in his gut, and Summer came to his mind the last time this happened. It had been the only reason that they had been able to confirm that Summer Rose was truly dead.

"Tai..." was all Raven said as she moved to create a different portal, this one successfully formed and she leaped through the portal before Qrow could ask her to clarify. That sinking feeling he had only grew. Something bad just happened in his family, he just didn't know if it was Tai that was the one that was in trouble, or if it was him whom the second portal was for.

She hummed as she cleaned the house, rearranging things for the thousandth time, but there was not much else to do here, no Grimm to fight, no evil baddies to stop, everything was peaceful and calm. She rarely received visitors, though that wasn't necessarily her own fault, it was difficult to make friends here or even meet friends here when all your friends and family were still alive.

Though the young girl that refused to leave Beacon Tower was someone she was still trying to reason with. Poor thing, she was so young too. She could tell from the way the young woman carried herself every once in a while that she was a Huntress. Or she was going to be before…

She shuddered at the thought of either of her two girls befalling that fate.

She sighed, looking towards the near empty portraits on the walls, white silhouettes outlining almost everyone but herself. Though, it was comforting to say the least, the white silhouettes meaning that everyone who lived within the house was still alive. A sad smile appeared on her lips as she decided to tend to the garden outside, one of her favorite pastimes. It wasn't a complete substitute for raising her two little girls, but the nurturing feeling was welcomed. Reminded her of raising her own girls.

The sunlight wasn't too bright outside, but its warmth was the same, breathing in the air she grabbed the watering can by the door and moved to fill it up. Her daily routine was always the same, but it helped to have some form of order in this afterlife. Sometimes she liked to visit her grave, and if she was lucky, she would hear her family talking to her from the other side. Ruby visited the most, but the stories she told and the adventures were always the highlight of her visits. She couldn't help but feel so proud of her little girl, getting into Beacon two years early was a true accomplishment, but that didn't mean she also didn't have risks associated with it. Of course she would be nervous for her little girl, becoming a huntress was a dangerous line of work, and sometimes fatal (she would know with her own first-hand experience), but that didn't mean she would stop her little girl from doing something that she loved.

A series of thumps and thuds pulled her out of her musings, and turned to the direction of the sound. The dying echos of a wail and gun shots filled the air for a moment, and a knot began to form in her stomach.

That sounded like...

She felt the knot in her stomach grow as she put her watering can down and moved to the other side of the house. There, she found a body slumped over and face down in the dirt. A wild mane blonde hair was the most prominent feature of this person, and the knot moved to her throat as she got closer to the body. They were older now, but she recognized that hair from anywhere, and tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes as one of her worst fears suddenly became a reality.


Summer choked down her sobs as she knelled down to pull her eldest child into her arms and clear the blonde hair from her face.

Her little sunflower was dead.

So yeah... That happened... I always wondered what would happen if Adam actually made good on his threat to Blake and went after Yang even after the Fall of Beacon. Anyways, I don't plan on making this one longer that a couple of chapters, but we will see, maybe you all will like the idea and want more, or maybe I'll somehow get inspiration to create a larger story out of it. You never know.

I think the only other story similar to this one was Yang dying at the Fall of Beacon due to her wounds... IDK the author and the story title right now but I know it exists, just can't remember right now, and too lazy to look it up... So yeah.

And for those following my other story, don't worry, I plan on updating that one soon. School, work, and life hit me like a freight train and didn't let up at all.

That being said, see you all next chapter! Peace!