They're in the library, studying for another of Sir Theodore's tests - aren't they too old for this? Surely they are too old for this - when a stray thought distracts Jane from her book.

"Gunther, what did Aditi say to you before she left?"

He's completely engrossed in his history text, not listening to her at all, and it takes him a moment to look up. "I am sorry, Jane - what did you ask?"

"Before Aditi left with her father, we exchanged gifts. She gave you the backgammon board and whispered in your ear. What did she say to you?"

He thinks for a moment, digging around in the far corners of his memory, then his eyes go wide. He glances away, unable to meet her eyes, and flushes so hard his ears turn pink.

Jane cannot help but think he looks very much like a rabbit caught in a snare. Ears and all.

"Oh, I- uh-" he clears his throat and runs a nervous hand through his hair. "I cannot tell you, Jane. I do not think it's appropriate - "

Interest piqued, Jane leans forward. Why the reticence? It was unlike him.

Well, now she had to know.

"Come now, Gunther, you do not think I will get jealous, do you?"

"No, it is not that. It is just -" He shifts uncomfortably - closes his book and sets it aside - almost as if he was in real danger of bolting.

Jane cocks her head and her eyes narrow - a hawk who has sighted her prey. "Well then, spit it out."

Gunther hesitates for a moment, trying to decide if he should confess, or if it is better - safer - to leave her annoyed. "She said," his throat bobs as he swallows, "she said, 'now you and Jane will not have to get out of bed to spar.'"

Jane blinks slowly, trying to make sense of his words. you will not…

Understanding clicks in place, and Jane feels a blush of her own coloring her cheeks. Of all the things her gentle - and apparently astute - friend might have whispered to Gunther, that was not one she might have suspected.

"Well, then," she replies, looking down at her book and struggling - then failing miserably - to suppress smile that tugs on the corners of her mouth, "You had better teach me to play."

A/N: Jane, making herself sick for nothin'. Drop me a review, they make my day!