Chapter 7: No Stars Steering

(I have had about a million requests for this one, so here you go! Enjoy.)

Ichigo made a sound of surprise and instant objection as Grimmjow opened a doorway out of the underground cavern and dragged him through, then threw him down on the sand so hard that it exploded around them, flying in all directions.

"What the fuck?" the hollow yelled, "What the everloving hell? You're the hollow I mated with? But that's just not possible!"

"You're telling me?" Ichigo shouted back, "I thought you were dead, asshole! You'd think that if you were alive and you…you…"

Grimmjow's lips curled into a wicked sneer.

"What? Fucked the living daylights outta you?" he snickered.

"SHUT UP!" Ichigo roared, "There's no way I'd let you ever put your hands on me! You're crazy! This is insane!"

"Oh, you think this is insane?" Grimmjow snorted, "It gets better."

"What do you mean?" Ichigo asked, picking himself up off the ground, "How does it get better? Although, I know you mean it's worse."

"I'm surprised, cause usually you're as slow as shit understanding anything."

"Hey! You wanna stop insulting me and just try to focus for a second? You were telling me this gets worse. How does it get worse?"

Grimmjow's angry blue eyes narrowed.

"See, I was in my Pantera form when I fu…erm…when we mated, so you're probably not just having one little brat, you're having a goddamned litter!"

"Wh-what?" Ichigo asked, paling and putting a hand to his head, "Hey, I don't feel so good."

"Not surprising," Grimmjow snorted sarcastically, "and I haven't even started yet."

"It gets worse?" Ichigo said weakly.

"Hey, uh, you're looking like you're gonna puke. Like, turn around, so you don't get me, okay?"

"Jerk!" Ichigo hissed, turning away as his face went grey and his stomach lurched.

"Ugh," Grimmjow grunted, grimacing as Ichigo dropped to his knees, heaving, "Jeez…you're a fucking shame."

"Bleagh!" Ichigo spat, "You did this to me, stupid! It's your damned fault."

Grimmjow started to answer, then made a face as the ginger haired man threw up again.

"What the heck?" Ichigo panted, "Is this some kinda revenge cause I kicked your ass or something?"

"Huh? Hell no!" Grimmjow snarled, "You think I'd wanna do that with you, you little shini-human-hollow shit? I don't even know what you are. I wouldn't wanna screw you!"

"You think I'd wanna do it with you?"

Grimmjow rolled his eyes, shook his head and sighed in annoyance.

"Hell, I don't think it really matters what either of us wanted. We fucking mated and now we're having midget mutations. And you might not remember us making the little demons, but you're sure as hell gonna remember how many times were gonna have to do bonding, cause we'll usually have sex after that."

"Bonding? More sex? You think I'm gonna do any of that with you? You're out of your mind! I'm not letting you touch me again. You come near me or try to lay a hand on me, I'll really fucking kill you this time, you perverted freak!" Ichigo yelled.

Grimmjow crossed his arms, glaring at the ginger-haired man as Ichigo dragged himself to his feet and started to stomp away.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Anywhere you're not!" Ichigo steamed.

"We're in the middle of freaking nowhere, and you don't have a way to open a garganta or a map to tell you where to go. And you're heading towards nasty bastards that you don't really wanna meet."

"If they're not you, I'll take them!" Ichigo shouted, flash stepping away.

"What the hell?" Grimmjow gasped, his eyes widening, "Ichigo!"

Using his sonido, he hurried after the angry youth, spouting obscenities all the way. Ichigo continued to flash step forward, unleashing equally scathing words.

"No damned way I'm going anywhere with that jerk. And no way he's touching me again. Moron. Who does he think he…"

He broke off and skidded to a stop as a huge canine form rose up in front of him and a feeling like ice filled his veins.

"What is…?"

He almost jumped out of his skin as Grimmjow's arm wrapped securely around his waist.

"Take it easy," the sexta Espada breathed into his ear, "That's a fucking spirit wolf. His scratch'll poison you, and his bite will make you one of them. Just relax. He won't attack because he respects my power."

"What're you talking to me like that for?" Ichigo snapped, struggling slightly, but watching the wolf with wary eyes as it raised its snout into the air and howled.

"We'll back away slowly," Grimmjow instructed him, his voice remaining oddly calm and quiet and his eyes trained on the wolf in front of them. Ichigo's breath caught as he spotted more dark forms approaching them.


"I got it. Trust me. I won't let them hurt you."


"Hang on."

Ichigo heard the hollow's sonido engage, and he felt himself swept along in Grimmjow's tight embrace. He blazed across the darkened sand, holding Ichigo against him, and not slowing until he found a little cave that had no fresh reiatsu around it. He carried the stymied youth into the cave, then let him down onto his feet. Ichigo swallowed hard and stared wordlessly as Grimmjow turned a wary blue eye on him.

"You really wanna die that bad?" the hollow asked, his voice still deadly calm and serious.

"You, uh…you act like you actually give a damn," Ichigo said more quietly.

"Yeah?" the sexta Espada huffed, looking away, "That's just because, now that we did this to ourselves, we can't undo it."

"What do you mean by that?" Ichigo asked, sitting down on the sandy floor of the cave, "I mean, yeah, we're having some kids now, but after I have'em…?"

"What? You think fate's gonna make it that fucking easy for either one of us? You think either one of us gets to just walk away?" Grimmjow sighed, looking annoyed, "We're among the most powerful hollows. We bond with one mate. That's it. After that, there's no one else. Ever."

"What? Are you talking about kids?"

Grimmjow let out a disgusted breath.

"It's not just the kids. You and I are bonded. We're connected with each other. As we bond more for the kids that are growing in you, we're gonna get closer in our heads too. We're gonna sense things…where our mate is, if they're in trouble…if they're with someone else."

"Ugh, really? Damn!" Ichigo said, shaking his head, "Is there any way out of it?"

"Heh, just one," the hollow huffed, smirking sarcastically, "We can die. That's about it. Other than that, we're as chained as a married human couple."

"Huh," Ichigo mused, looking down at his slightly glowing belly, "Wow…"


Ichigo remained silent as Grimmjow moved closer and sat down beside him. He turned sideways and met Ichigo's eyes, his own betraying more than a little anxiety.

"You were throwing up before," the hollow explained, "I'll need to bond with you."

Ichigo gave him a conflicted look.

"But, you said that it would…"

"Make us horny, yeah," Grimmjow agreed, "But, even though it will be a pretty damned strong impulse, I'm not gonna touch you without your permission."

"You did before," the ginger-haired man complained, "That's how we got into this mess, isn't it?"

"Fool," Grimmjow chided him in a half-hearted tone, "First mating isn't a matter of choice, not for either of the couple. It's a matter of fate."

"Right. Like you and I would be fated for something like that," Ichigo huffed.

"We're both powerful," the Espada reasoned, "Our power was radiating real strongly around the battleground. I dunno why it happened. It just did. No way to go but forward from here. We have to bond. If we don't, you'll have stronger and stronger symptoms, until your body is overwhelmed and you just…die."

"Yeah? I'd like to avoid dying if possible."

"Do you wanna avoid it enough to stay close to me and do what I tell you?"

"What? I'm not gonna…!"

"Ichigo, you're knocked up by a hollow. You've gotta know that there are rules in Soul Society about that."

"Yeah, but I'm a human."

"No," Grimmjow corrected him, "You're some kinda weird hybrid freak that doesn't follow the rules. They don't like that. Central 46 has a habit of handing out death sentences to freaks like that. It's not safe for you to go back."

"Kisuke was taking care of that, before you dragged me away," Ichigo reminded him.

"Urahara can't give you the infusions," Grimmjow said sternly, "Only I can do that. We get one shot at this, so we'd better not screw up."

"I don't get it," Ichigo said, frowning, "Why do you care about me or the kids? I mean, so it means you won't have another mate, but it's not like you wanna raise these kids with me or something."

"I don't know what I wanna do. I'm just making shit up as I go along, but…I'm gonna stay with you."

"But, why?"

"Because I want to, that's why!" Grimmjow snapped, "Now, stop asking stupid questions and let me see your belly."

"No! I don't wanna…"

"For the bonding, dummy," Grimmjow said impatiently, extending a hand and sliding it under Ichigo's clothes.

"Just my belly, dickhead," Ichigo warned him, "I'm slapping that hand if it goes any lower."

"Like I'd wanna play with your puny little stuff," the hollow teased.

"Bet yours is smaller than mine, little kitty," Ichigo snickered.

"Don't call me that."

"Don't put your hand near my dick!"

"It's not anywhere near your dick! It's on your stomach. Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate."

"On what? Are you already wanting to have sex with me?"

"What? Hell no! I'm trying to focus on where the reiatsu needs to go. Be quiet and let me do that!"

"All right. Sheesh, fine!"

Ichigo quieted, his golden brown eyes watching Grimmjow's hand as blue light leaked out and seeped into his stomach.



"Do you know if the kids we have…?"

He paused and swallowed hard.

"Do you, um, know if they will be…hollows?"

Grimmjow continued to quietly infuse Ichigo's soft, white belly with his reiatsu.

"Well, they'll be at least part hollow," he reasoned, "because both of us have that. I don't know if any human or shinigami will come through."

Ichigo gave a long, shuddering sigh.


Grimmjow looked up at him for a moment.

"Sucks, huh?"

"Yeah," Ichigo answered, his eyes clouding miserably, "I guess I don't dare go home til I know for sure."

"Probably best," Grimmjow agreed, "But, since I'm kinda looking out for you, you can come and stay with me."

"What? In another cave?" Ichigo asked gloomily.

"Nah," the hollow laughed, withdrawing his hands, "I don't live in a cave."


"Tier, Nel and I fixed up Las Noches. I have a nice place there. We also have good healers. It's the only place that's not in chaos. We keep it well shielded. We can go there."


Grimmjow frowned, studying Ichigo's downcast expression.

"What's wrong? Homesick? You can't go there. But, look, I'll tell you what. If you want me to, I'll get word back to your friends, then they can come and see you here. Except maybe for that blue-eyed cutie who was touching you before."

"Huh? Tetsuya?" Ichigo chuckled, "He's just a friend. He was healing me."

"I don't care what he was doing. I don't want his hands or anything else on you."

"Tetsuya's harmless," Ichigo laughed, "And my cousin, Kuri, likes him."

"I don't like him or your cousin, so they'd better just…"

"Damn, you talk like a jealous husband!"

"Hey asshole," Grimmjow snapped, "As far as the rules of hollow mating go, I am your goddamned husband, and don't you forget that!"

"Oh, you think that putting kids in me gives you the right to tell me what to do?" Ichigo seethed, "Think again!"

"Look, you're riling out reiatsu, and I'm already having to work a little to not start having sex with you. Stop it, all right?"

"You started it! You went on and on about Tetsuya and…"

"SHUT UP!" Grimmjow snarled, stopping Ichigo's words with a savage kiss.

Ichigo's first impulse was to struggle, but as the hollow's rough lips found his, he felt an electric jolt in his loins. He sucked in a shaky breath through his nose, quivering as Grimmjow's tongue thrust into his mouth and curled around his. The hollow's hands pushed him down and Grimmjow climbed on top of him. He realized, too, that he had somehow shifted to hollow form, and a little hiss escaped him. The sound of it only seemed to rile Grimmjow even more, and the aggressive glint in his icy eyes turned almost deadly. Ichigo's fingers clenched and twitched, growing into claws that tore at the blue-haired hollow.

Grimmjow hissed and swore at the pain, but captured the ginger hollow's wrists and held them down while he positioned himself. And despite the threat of his claws, the ginger hollow's face was a mask of wantonness. He snapped and bit at Grimmjow's mouth, then screeched wildly into it as the sexta Espada joined their bodies.

"S'okay," Grimmjow panted roughly, moving his hips with near desperation, "I got you. Take all you need."

His eyes glazed over and his mind dimmed as the two writhed heatedly together.

Damn, Ichigo! Your body feels so good. I don't wanna like this, but I can't deny how much I want it.

Amidst the chaos in the ginger hollow's feral, golden eyes, he spotted the signs of deep, erotic pleasure.

"Doesn't look like you mind that so much," he groaned, grinding harder as Ichigo's pale hips rose to meet each hard, fast thrust, "Damned beautiful…"

He felt the breath being sucked out of his lungs as Ichigo's claws dug into his shoulders, tearing at his flesh and the ginger hollow's shriek sent their undulating bodies into orgasm. Grimmjow's mouth clamped down on Ichigo's as hot, white reiatsu cracked furiously around the two, then slowly faded, leaving them in a messy, naked tangle. Grimmjow was still too exhausted to move when Ichigo's hollow mask shattered, and his body returned to its shinigami form.

"Eh, s-sorry," he muttered, blushing and pulling free of Ichigo, "Things got kinda…"

"D-don't worry about it," Ichigo said in a shaky voice as he sat up and wrangled his clothes around his semen spattered body, "I don't think either one of us was really in control."

"Well, your reiatsu seems stable now," the Espada said, looking away so Ichigo wouldn't see his guilty expression.


Ichigo gave a piqued sigh.

"I should go and try to find Kisuke and the others."


"What?" Ichigo said, frowning.

"You heard me," Grimmjow insisted, "You wouldn't be able to fight off a fly right now. We need to go to Las Noches, where I can protect you."

"Well, what if I don't want your protection?" Ichigo asked angrily, "I have friends looking out for me. I don't need…"

"It doesn't matter," Grimmjow said, matter-of-factly, "The laws of the hollows, the laws of Hueco Mundo say that if you're having my kid, that makes you my mate, and it makes me your superior. You have to do what I say."

"Well, I'm not just a goddamned hollow!" Ichigo shouted, "I'm a shinigami and a human too!"

"And you're making too much damned noise!" Grimmjow scolded him, "Do you really think you're safe back there, anyway? Those guys can't protect you! I will!"

Ichigo met Grimmjow's eyes warningly.

"Kisuke protected me from Aizen…and that's a whole lot more than you could ever do. Now, get outta my way."

Grimmjow's blue eyes flared and his hands clenched into fists. He started to answer, but was dropped in his tracks as a heavy shock went through his body.

"Grimmjow!" Ichigo called out.

"Ichigo," Kisuke answered, sounding out of breath, "Sorry. It took awhile to catch up with you. Are you all right?"

"Yeah," Ichigo assured him, giving the group of friends behind him a little smile, "Looks like I found the father of my kid…erm…kids."