Outsider Chronicles: Hollow Hero

I knew that getting reborn into a world like Worm could be dangerous, but I wasn't expecting to get kidnapped by a crazy cult dedicated to the Endbringers to be used as a sacrifice. True, I'm now strong enough that no one will ever be able to permanently hurt me again, but I still could have done without the oversized needle to the heart.

This probably won't get continued, but its an interesting idea and it won't stop bugging me. With that in mind, lets get this written out and maybe it will leave me alone. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

You know, there are several things about dying that I never wanted to know. To start with, its bloody uncomfortable. Of course, being reborn is even more uncomfortable. Yea, I'm living proof that the Soul is real, despite the fact that I'm a sceptic at the best of times. Of course, that doesn't stop me from feeling like I've ether won the lottery or been sent here due to some horrific sin I committed in my last life. Why? Well, I'd been reborn in a world full of superpowered beings, but it wasn't one where heroes and villains balanced each other out and the heroes always win. It wasn't even My Hero Academia where EVERYONE has powers in one form or another. Oh no, I'm not that lucky. Instead, the world I now lived in was one where the greatest hero was actually its greatest potential threat and was definitely under threat from a bunch of OP monsters. Yep, I'd ended up being reborn in Worm. This is really gonna blow…

Man, I was right but I had no idea how right I could be. At first, everything seemed fine, my family was reasonably well off, I did well at school and everything seemed to be looking up. Then, my hometown was attacked. Not by an Endbringer, or even the Slaughterhouse Nine, but by a new group who apparently decided that the Endbringers were here to bring about Armageddon and the faithful would be raised to Rapture. Fair enough, the problem was that, in order to prove ones faith, you had to kill the unbelievers in various horrible ways. The result was anarchy, with more than a few people being taken in by the leader, a Father Comstock's, ramblings and joining the Cult, including my own mother. That lead me to now, tied to a post as the last survivor after the rest of the town who didn't jump on the crazy train had been either massacred or had escaped. I had no doubt that the few who had got away would try to call for help, but I doubted they'd arrive in time to save my sorry butt.

"Come now Alexander, stop being so stubborn!" shouted my Mother, religious fervor in her eyes, "You know the truth! Just accept it and walk with me into the light!"

I just fixed her with a flat look.

"I think I'd rather burn in hell than have anything to do with a God that would allow something like this," I said cooly.

Mothers face contorted into an ugly grimous and my breath rushed out of me as she kicked me in the stomach.

"Ohh, try that again, I almost felt it," I growled through clenched teeth.

"Why you little…!"

Mother raised the kitchen knife in her other hand, still stained with my Dads blood. I just stared up at her. If she was going to kill me, I wanted her to do it while looking me in the eye. However, before she could stab me, Comstock suddenly stepped out of the crowd and grabbed her wrist.

"Wait my child," he said.

"But Father…"

"Worry not, you have already done your part," said Comstock with a fake kind smile, "However, Alexander has not done his."

Mother hesitated, before bowing and returning to the crowd as Comstock turned to me.

"I really hope your not planning to waste your breath trying to convince me," I said.

Comstock smiled thinly.

"Of course not," he said, "However, even Unbelievers have their roles in Gods plan. You are a young, healthy man, which makes you the perfect choice."

He reached into his robe and pulled out a rather large needle full of a strange, green fluid that seemed to be glowing faintly.

"What is that?" I asked, eyeing the substance with no small amount of fear.

I highly doubted that would be good for me if it got into my body.

"I am not a fool," said Comstock, ignoring my question, "I am well aware that some of the Heathens escaped and that means that the Protectorate will soon be after us. However, I cannot allow those fools to stop me now. So, I shall leave them a little...gift. Congratulations Alexander White, you will serve Gods plan...as his Demon!"

He drove the needle into my chest and injected the glowing fluid straight into my heart. My body went rigid as I felt it rush through my veins, burning like fire. I have no idea what it was he gave me, but I'm pretty sure it was a Cauldron Viel. That was good news for me...and horrible news for him. As soon as I got loose from these bonds I was going to kiLL HIM!

The burning hit my brain and I screamed.

Comstock straightened, pulling the needle from Alexander's chest and threw it aside. He wasn't entirely sure what it was he'd just injected into the poor boy, but his visions had shown him that it would help stall the Protectorate. However, they had to leave now, before it could take full affect. There was no telling what he'd become after all. With that in mind, he turned to his flock and spread his arms.

"Here me my children!" he called, "You have all done well here today. Many of you have paid your toll and we have gained more Brothers and Sisters who will join us in Heaven. Now, it is time to leave this place and…"

He was cut of by a massive blast of force and a howl that was part Human part...something else.

(Might as well play What Can You See In Their Eyes from the Bleach OST for this bit. Thats the theme that plays when Hollow Ichigo is kicking the crap out of Ulquiorra)


Comstock spun around, just in time to see a massive blast of black and red energy erupt off Alexander's body as the thick chains keeping him tied up began to shrek in protest, joining the boy in the horrible howl that sounded like it was coming from the depths of hell. Then, the howl was muffled slightly as a strange, white substance suddenly erupted from the boys mouth, nose and eyes, quickly covering his face and shaping itself over his features. The boy howled again and pulled on his bonds, snapping the metal with ease and allowing him to fall forwards onto his hands and knees as his body began to change as well, becoming visibly more muscled as the colour leaked out of it, leaving it bone white except for a horseshoe shaped marking on his chest with lines coming out of it across his chest and shoulders and his hair rapidly grew out to his waist and turned white. Small tufts of what looked like white fur appeared around his wrists, ankles and neck. Then, there was a loud crack and the still writing fluid on his face erupted, forming a pair of forward facing horns, and solidified into a black and white, skull-like mask.

For a moment, complete silence filled the devastated town, broken only by the faint hissing of cooling ground that had been heated somehow by the transformation. Then, the monsters head snapped up, momentarily revealing yellow eyes, before he vanished and someone in the crowd screamed as the person next to them was sliced in half by a black sword that had appeared out of thin air in the Demon's hand. An instant later, someone on the other side of the crowd was relieved of her head and the crowd broke.

That didn't seem to phase the Demon however as he continued his rampage, using his sword, raw strength, claws, horns and bolts of black and red energy to slaughter the Cultists. Several were decapitated, more had their heads crushed into paste, a few were reduced to ashes by beams of crimson energy fired from between his horns and Alexander's mother had her heart torn out and crushed. All of this was while it completely ignored any attempt to pled or attack it. Bullets simply sparked off its skin like it was made of steel, blades broke on impact and it seemed to have some innate way of targeting Parahumans as the few the Cult had were killed before they could even attempt to attack him. The only one who managed to get a shot off, taking the Demons arm off in the process, was impaled on its horns and then vaporized after seeing the Demon simply regenerate its arm.

While his flock were being slaughtered, Comstock was busy running for his life. He had quickly realized that nothing short of complete annihilation would be able to stop the Demon. With that in mind, he took advantage of the distraction offered by his Flock and ran for his life. He could rebuild, start again. There were always fools willing to believe just about anything for salvation. All he needed to do was…


Comstock gave a rather undignified squeak and stumbled back as the Demon appeared in front of him with a dull thud of displaced air. The Cult leader stumbled backwards away from the horned monster and ended up tripping over his own feet as the Demon stalked towards him.

"N-no, stay away!" he gasped, "Y-you can't touch me Demon, I am Gods chosen...GLUMPH!"

Whatever he was going to say was cut off as the Demon suddenly appeared right in front of him and grabbed him by the face, throwing him away hard enough that he smashed through three walls before sliding painfully to a stop. Before he could recover, a clawed foot slammed into Comstock's chest, splintering what few ribs remained intact. The Cult leader watched in terror as the Demon bent over as red energy began to gather between its horns. Never in a million years did he believe that he would die in a place like this at the hands of a monster…


(end track)

The Demon twitched as a rubber bullet bounced off its mask. It hissed in annoyance as the orb of death between its horns vanished and it glanced over its shoulder. Comstock craned his neck to to see a group of PRT troopers led by Miss Militia, Assault and Battery, indicating that they were from Brockton Bay, the closest city to the town. Comstock never in a million years thought he'd be happy to see the Protectorate, but he'd take being sent to the birdcage any day of the week over facing off against the Demon again.

"Step away from him," said Miss Militia, her voice surprisingly calm considering the enemy she was facing down.

The Demon shifted and, for a brief moment, Comstock thought it was going to attack the Heroes. Apparently, they thought so to as they and the Troopers tensed. Then, Comstocks side erupted into pain as the Demon kicked him right in his destroyed ribcage, sending him flying to land at the Protectorates feet in a broken heap. Then, the Demon did something that scared Comstock more than anything. It spoke.

"There, I'm away from him," it said, its voice echoing and distorted.

Comstock wasn't the only one surprised as the Heroes looked just as taken aback.

"Wait, you can talk?" asked Assault, earning him an elbow from Battery.

The Demon scoffed and stabbed its sword into the ground, it before reached up to its mask. He pushed it up onto his forehead, revealing snow white skin, black lips and yellow eyes with black where the whites should be.

"Of course I can talk you moron," he said, his voice now less distorted but still not exactly normal.

Miss Militia frowned.

"Your a Cape?" she asked.

"Apparently so," said the Demon, "That moron injected me with something and this was the result. The idiot apparently didn't think I wouldn't take offence to being kidnapped, have my home destroyed and injected with glowing goo against my will."

"You did all this?" asked Battery, looking around at the devastation and many, many body's in various states of intactness.

"Sort of," said the Demon, "I think I went into a berserker state for most of it. Most of the ones in the Square were done by the Cultists, but the rest…?"

He gave a grin that made everyone present step back.

"You're damn right I killed them! They destroyed everything I cared about, murdered my friends and family, all for some madman with a god complex because he happens to have Precognition and a bit of charisma! Hell, the only reason I didn't turn that bastard into dust was because I don't feel like accidentally killing anyone just trying to do their job!"

He took a deep breath and fixed Miss Militia with an intense glare.

"With that in mind, what will you do now?" he asked, his hand twitching back to the hilt of his sword.

Miss Militia held up a hand, stopping the Troopers, who had tensed at the white Capes outburst, from doing anything stupid. She could tell that, while appearing (mostly) calm, the white Cape was on a hair trigger and wouldn't hesitate to attack if anyone pulled the trigger. If that happened, she wasn't sure if they could actually stop him. He was clearly a high level Brute at the very least, most likely with Mover and Blaster powers on top of that. All in all, not someone she wanted to fight with just three Capes.

That said, she knew that the PRT would want him brought in, even if the killings would likely end up being ruled as in self defence in exchange for him joining the Wards. Now she just had to hope that he didn't take the request to come in as a threat.

"For now?" said Miss Militia, "I'm going to ask you to accompany us."

White raised an eyebrow.

"Am I under arrest?"

"Not yet," said Miss Militia, "For now, I just want to get everything sorted out. I think we can rule this all as self defence if it does come to that, but before that, we need to get you back to HQ and properly questioned."

White stared at her for a moment longer, before he shrugged.

"Alright, thats fair enough," he said, "Lets…"


Everyone jumped at the sudden sound as a large crack suddenly appeared in White's chest.

"Ohhh, that can't be good," he muttered, "I think I'm about to pass out…"

Those words proved prophetic as his knees buckled and more cracks started appearing across his body, one of horns outright breaking off. Miss Militia jumped forwards as he treated on his feet, first falling to his knees, then forwards as bits of his body began to fall away. She caught him, just as a large crack appeared across his face, before his entire body seemed to shatter, leaving a normal looking teen in its place. Even his sword turned to dust, followed by the remains of his apparent Changer form.

For a moment, there was silence, before Assault broke it in a way that only he could do.

"Well, that was a thing," he said.

A resounding smack echoed around the destroyed town.

And done. Phew, well, that was certainly interesting. Like I said up top, I doubt I'll continue this since I really want to keep going with one of my actual Bleach stories. That said, knowing me, I'll probably end up continuing with this anyway…

So, before I sign off, a few things. First off, Alexander's 'Hollow' form. Its basically identical to Ichigo's second Hollowfication, only the red fur is white. It looks better I think. He has all of the powers displayed by Hollow Ichigo/Zangetsu, including Getsuga, Cero, Sonido and instant regeneration. That said, he ISN'T actually a Hollow.

Yes, Comstock is a reference to Bioshock, no I have no intention of adding it to this or any of my stories. I just needed a name for the Cult leader and that seemed like a good one. Incidentally, he is a Cape, but his power is just a minor Thinker one that manifests as something similar to Precog, although more along the lines of seeing vague visions of possible futures that only become properly interpretable after the fact. How he got his hands on a Cauldron Vail is unknown, although it was probably deliberate on someone's part considering how it turned out.

I'm not actually sure if Alex's power would be considered Changer or Breaker. He can only use most of his powers while in his Hollowfied state, although his regeneration remains intact, which I think would be classed as a Breaker. The Wiki's not being very helpful here.

Anyway, my confusion aside, I'm gonna sign of. Don't forget to leave a review on the way out!