We open our story to a lovely park where we find two people, a father and son, playing a game of frisbee. One of them is a middle aged man with a small goatee in a white t-shirt, gray hoodie, and blue jeans with boots, and the other is a small boy with a head of unruly green hair in an All Might hoodie and black shorts with red shoes. These two are Hisashi Midoriya (Looks like Rob Lucci from One Piece) and Izuku Midoriya, the reason these two are in the park are because they are having a day out with just the two of them. It's been a years since the discovery of Izuku being quirkless and when Hisashi heard the news, he was devastated because he knew how much Izuku loved heroes and how much he wanted to be one, it broke heart to know that his son's dream would never come true but he wouldn't let that happen. Using his job in traveling, Hisashi discovered something that could make Izuku feel better about his situation and when he had the chance, he flew straight home and to his family, saying he wanted to spend the day with his little ball of joy. The day had been wonderful, they went to the zoo to admire the beautiful animals, movies to watch the latest hero flick, and a family fun restaurant for lunch. Now, we see the two playing without a care in the world as the sun was in the afternoon sky, forgetting the fate that fell upon the boy and just enjoying spending time together. Hisashi threw the frisbee to Izuku, who stumbled a bit and fell but caught the disk. He went to his son and sat next to him on the ground and picked him up to put him on his lap.

"Great catch, son!" Hisashi said with a smile.

"Thanks, dad! I didn't think I could but I got it." Izuku replied with a big smile.

"Hahahaha, I knew you could. Now how about we get some ice cream to cool off from that fun, huh?" the father asked.

"Yes!" Izuku replied with a big smile.

The father got up with his son in his arms and walked down the street to an ice cream shop they passed on the way to the park. The arrive and enter to find a few partons enjoying delicious frozen treats. Hisashi approached the counter and got the attention of the cashier.

"Welcome, what would you two like?" The cashier said with a smile.

Hisashi turned to his smiling son and asked, "What treat do you want, Izuku? Pick any you like."

Izuku looked up to the display above the counter and searched the treat he wanted, when he found it, he turned to his father and said,

"I want that one!"

He pointed to the board and what Hisashi saw it was the parlors #15, a double decker ice cream sundae covered in chocolate sauce, whipped cream, wafers and sprinkles. Hisashi turned to his son and said,

"Are you sure, Izuku? It looks like a bit much for you"

Izuku kept his smile as he answered his father.

"I know, that way I wanna share it with you, dad!" He said.

Hisashi's hearted warmed at the sentiment and turned to the cashier.

"You heard, my boy. One #15 please!" he said with a smile of his own.

The cashier smiled at the father son moment and replied, "Coming right up, sir."

He walked to the back and told his one of his 3 co-workers to prepare the sundae. A few minutes later, the father and son where sitting at a table with the big treat in front of them and eating it. Izuku smiled didn't leave as he was enjoying the treat, not just for it's sweetness but for the fact that he was sharing it with one of the most precious people in the world to him. The two ate in glee until they heard a disturbance outside, they turned to see a hero(Endeavor) and villain(Enel from One Piece) in combat as people started running to safety. Hisashi did the same as he picked up his son and ran out the shop with the other patrons. They ran as the fight spread to the entire street, destroying the ice cream shop, care, and surrounding landmarks. The villain was losing and needed a way to get away. He then turned to the people running as some of them tripped and fell, including Hisashi and Izuku. The villain charged up with electrical energy and released a wide dome of energy that was growing and reached for the people who tripped.

Hisashi looked to his son as he fell from his grip when he tripped.

"IZUKU!" he shouted as he ran to his child.

Hisashi threw himself over his son and protected him as the blast consumed him.

-Timeskip, 3 hours later-

We now look in a hospital where Izuku has bandages on his arms and head as he comes to. He looks around and sees no one except his mother, Inko, in a red jacket, green dress and a green purse, who was sleeping in a hospital chair with tear stains down her eyes.

"M-mom?" he said in a weak voice.

The noise was enough to wake the mother up as she rubbed her eyes and turned to her now awake son.

"IZUKU!" she scream as she jumped from her chair and grab him a hug.

She was crying a bit but was happy to see her son is alright. The hug broke as the doctor came in and saw the two were awake.

"Glad to see your awake, little boy." she said as walked to the Midoriyas.

Izuku was looking around, searching for the last person her saw before the fight between the hero and villain.

"Where dad?" Izuku asked.

The mother and doctor went stiff from the innocent child's question and turned to him with sad looks, which confused the day. Inko decided to be the one to tell him and said, "Izuku, sweetie, something happened. Something that was very bad."

Inko was doing her best to hold back her tears as she continued, "Your father is - is gone."

Izuku was confused by his mother's answer and asked, "Gone? Did he have to leave for work somewhere?"

Inko cried a bit more as she said, "No, Izuku, not like that. Do you remember that pet goldfish you had and one day it stopped moving?"

Izuku then pieced together what his mother was saying and started to cry himself, "You-you mean- No. No. It's not-"

The boy was cut off by his mother hugging him and rubbing his head. "It's alright, Izuku. It's alright."

The boy then cried even harder as his mother joined him. The doctor looked at the two in sadness as a tear fell from her eye.

-Timeskip 2 weeks later-

The Midoriya's have just gotten home from the funeral of their loved one, Hisashi, with sad looks on their faces. They are know seen sitting on the couch in silence over the service and simply ponder with their thoughts. Inko looked around the room and saw her passed husbands work satchel open and something gift rapped inside. She walked to it and grabbed the gift which had a note to her and Izuku.

"Izuku, it looks like your father brought something home from his travels. Would you like to open it?" she said as she looked at the sad child.

Izuku turned to his mother and gave a small nod, telling her he wanted to open it. She walked back and sat down on the couch next to him, opening the gift to show it was a old looking book. They looked at it with confused looks as Inko opened and read the letter out loud.

"Dear Inko and Izuku,

If you're reading this, then I have left to do more work but before I left, I wanted to give Izuku something special. When I heard the news about Izuku being quirkless, was horrified and sadden but I wouldn't let my son or anyone else make him give up his dream. So, I did some research and found out a select few had to ability to use a scientific power known as "Alchemy" and helped others with it in the past. Through this, I researched my family history and found one of my ancestors had this ability and that it had been pasted down for ages coming to Izuku. With this discovery, along with this book on type of Alchemy, I knew Izuku could use this to fulfill his dream and become a hero. So, take this book, find which type you want to use, and become not just a hero, but a man that I have always been proud of.

Love, Hisashi."

The two then started to cry at the warm words the letter said as Izuku took the book and gripped it to his chest. Inko then placed the letter down and turned to her son, who had a small smile on his face.

"Thank you." He sniffles before finishing, "Dad."

Inko grew a small smile on her face, knowing that her son's dream has been renewed and her husband is still loving them even when he's gone. She then hugged Izuku, as he still held the book. The young child was exstatic of this gift and would make sure the world would know what a quirkless person can do.