"So what's so important?" Korra asked, now having had the time to change into something that was a little more appropriate than just an overcoat.

Mako took a deep breath. "It's Bolin. He got arrested a while back, and was put in the stir for 25 years, no chance of parole."

"Damn." She knew that was bound to happen one day, and in fact, it had happened multiple times before, even to herself, but 25 years was a bit extreme. "What'd he do?"

-"Some schmuck at a party thought he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, including to Opal, and you know how Bolin gets when that's the case. She told the guy off, didn't work, then Bolin told him off, still didn't work, so Bo punched him in the face, and the whole thing turned into a brawl." Korra smiled, because she know Bolin was freakishly strong and had one hell of a good punch. She didn't envy whoever had been on the receiving end. "Anyway, it turned out to be some rich punk, who lawyered up afterwards and had him thrown in the slam."

Their mutual attention was briefly drawn to the stairs, where Asami was now coming down, also properly dressed now. No underwear should really be for Korra's eyes only. She sat down next to Korra and intertwined their hands, before nodding to Mako to continue. He seemed hesitant though. "You sure about her?"

This actually kind of offended Korra, and judging from her bitter expression, it did so too with Asami. "Excuse me?" they asked in unison.

Mako kind of rebounded, knowing that probably wasn't the best way to phrase it. "It's just... Korra, we go way back, and I'd trust you with my life, but I don't know Asami, and you only met her a few days ago. What I'm about to tell you isn't exactly legal."

Korra scoffed. "Most of what we've done since we met wasn't legal, and yet she's here. I trust her." She glanced over to Asami, who threw her a quick smile.

After a few moments of thought, Mako nodded. "Okay. I want to get my brother out of the slam, Korra."

"Then I'd suggest a good lawyer, not someone who came to squat here in a stolen car."

-"I'm not talking about the legal way."

Korra sighed. "Yeah, that's what I was afraid you were gonna say. You really want to go and bust him out?" Mako's silence was more than enough confirmation, which didn't bode well. "Look, you know I love Bo and I'll help you get him out, but we can't just do this flyin' blind. We need a plan, a solid one, probably some more people too."

Mako nodded. "You're right. I know we can count on Opal to help us, got anyone else in mind?"

"How about we don't give Opal a Tommy gun, not unless you wanna get us all shot before we come within a hundred miles of that prison," Korra smirked.

It made Mako chuckle. "You're right on that, but we are gonna need extra muscle. Keep your eyes open?"

"Definitely," Korra nodded. "Where'd they put Bo anyway?"


"Good, means we can easily escape to Louisiana. Asami and I have a bit of heat on us back in Texas, so it's probably best that we stick around here for a bit," she continued, squeezing Asami's hand.

Mako nodded in agreement. "Okay. I'm actually on my way down from Nebraska, so I'll go and find Opal, see if she knows anything we don't."

"Sounds like a plan. Now how about we pop open that moonshine I left here last time?" Korra asked with a crooked grin. Asami seemed surprised by this, and Mako just gave an appreciative nod. She walked over to the corner, and stepped on a loose floorboard, revealing a couple of jars of moonshine under it. "Now, drink up."

The week was mostly spent in bed. Asami frequently woke up with Korra already between her legs, but somehow could never really be bothered to tell her off. There were worse ways to wake up than with an orgasm.

That, and she actually learned how Mako and Korra kept up their lifestyle: stealing. Obvious at first glance, but there was a catch: they couldn't just steal everything. Asami closely observed as Korra kept the grocer busy as Mako stealthily swept a few items away. It was impressive, and after a few days, Korra asked her if she wanted to have a go at it, which meant Asami stole something for the first time in her life: a pack of cigarettes. Not exactly groundbreaking, but it did give her a rush of actually doing it and getting away with it.

All in all, using a combination of paying for and swiping stuff, she gathered a full new wardrobe, all the groceries they would need, notebooks to journal in, and a few other things to make her life more comfortable. Korra handled most of it, having developed a pretty keen sense over the years when it was safe to steal and when it wasn't worth the risk. No sense getting caught over a bottle of perfume.

And living with Mako and Korra was its own kind of entertaining. They went way back, that much was plain as day, and developed quite the rapport over that time. Surprisingly enough, he didn't expect Asami to do any of the cooking, and did most of it himself. Sure, Korra wasn't too bad, but as it turned out, Mako was actually a really good cook.

Which made it a little sketchy that her lover hadn't exactly tried to keep quiet when Asami had just made her come, trapping her between the bed and herself. It was a beautiful sight, seeing Korra so relaxed after an orgasm.

-"You know, I feel bad for Mako," she murmured half into her pillow, half to Asami.

"How's that?"

The outlaw chuckled. "Because I don't think we really tried to keep it down a little over the past week now that he's here too."

Asami smiled. "Hmm, maybe," she said, not really mustering the energy to care. "Then again, he did interrupt us first, so maybe it was a bit of revenge for us."

-"Maybe. Might have overdone it a little." Korra rolled onto her back, not caring one bit that she was fully exposed now and that Asami had hogged the sheet. At the same time, the pale woman let her eyes roam down her lover's body, taking her time to appreciate her strong arms, firm breasts, the trimmed patch of hair between her legs, and the toned legs themselves. Korra was simply put stunning, and it was a genuine mystery to Asami how she hadn't figured out sooner that she liked women this much.

"Do you want to go again?" Asami asked on a seductive tone while letting her finger trace circles around Korra's belly button. Partly to get her riled up, partly so that she could enjoy the sensation of those ridges left by her abs.

The outlaw smiled back. "As much as I would love to, I think I prefer breakfast right now. Bring you some in bed, so that you can stay here... Wait for me, just like this... Think of what you want me to do when I get back... And leave Mako a fresh pot of coffee and some breakfast. In my experience, making someone food is an easy way to earn forgiveness."

Asami laughed out loud at this. "Now that certainly sounds like a good plan." She rolled over and pressed a kiss on Korra's lips, before moving down a bit and softly nibbling on her ear. "And don't wear too much, it'll just mean more work later..."

Korra blushed, but did oblige, grabbing just her pants and a shirt from yesterday, and shot her lover a wink before disappearing down the stairs to make them breakfast.

After Korra's lovely breakfast in bed, and then some more breakfast in bed, they made it downstairs properly and Asami chuckled at the sight of Mako, who looked like death incarnate, sipping away at his coffee in a chipped enamel cup while smoking a cigarette.

-"Mornin'," Korra cheerfully greeted him, feeling quite energized herself.

He slowly looked over, clearly not pleased with her happy-go-lucky tone. "You two kept me up all damn night."

"At least Korra made you coffee," Asami tried.

-"I am leaving today, because I cannot take that shit again. And I'm taking your Cadillac, you owe me at least that much."

Korra chuckled and nodded at the same time. "Yeah, I suppose that's fair enough. But if you're going to Opal in Houston, you might wanna switch cars at some point. We stole it in Texas, they'll be on the lookout for it there."

Mako sighed as he took another sip of coffee. "Yeah, I guess I'll figure something out. But Oklahoma's big and I don't want to have to do it in that fucking Ford again."

Korra laughed again as she glanced over to Asami. "Well, shit, I just got rid of one of those. Tell you what, I'll give you the keys if you give Asami a gun."

After a brief moment, Mako shook his head. "Sorry, can't do. Only got the one, and I need it."

Korra thought for a moment and decided to make a counterproposal. "Tell you what, you help us knock over that gun shop we kept walking past, the Caddy and half the guns yours."


The plan was pretty straightforward; walk in, Korra and Mako distract the owner for a bit, pull their guns on him, Asami keeps watch outside, and once they have everything they want or can carry, whichever one comes first, make a run for it.

They took Mako's Model A Ford, and were lucky that they could park right on the curb outside the shop, which was hard to miss thanks to the revolver-shaped sign hanging over the door. "You ready for this?" Korra asked Asami.

She took a deep breath. "I think so."

Korra nodded. "Wait next to the door, keep the engine running, and give us a whistle when you see the law, okay?" Asami gave her a slight nod, upon which Korra smiled. "Come on, one more kiss for good luck." That soon came, and Korra smiled, because that was a damn good kiss, even though when she pulled away, she could see Mako rolling his eyes.

-"Don't get shot," Asami chuckled.

"I'll try not to."

Right before they walked in, Korra looped her arm through Mako's, making it appear as though they were a couple. The shop itself was fairly small, one wall stacked with shotguns, not her favorite, and a couple of glass counters, guns on display inside them. "Morning," the owner greeted them. "How can I help you?"

-"I'm looking for something to keep the house safe," Mako said. "Something small enough to keep in the nightstand, preferably."

The owner smiled. "Well, for that, I can recommend the Colt M1911. It comes with a .45 caliber round, lot of stopping power in a small package." He walked over to one of the displays, took a key out of his pocket and unlocked it, which was the moment Korra and Mako decided to act.

They both drew their guns on the man, and the moment he saw that, reached behind his back, but Korra stopped him. "Don't. Brave people die, cowards live." She reached around instead, taking his revolver out of his belt and quickly emptied it, making sure that only she and Mako would have the loaded guns. "You got this?"

-"Yeah, I do," he answered, upon which he pulled a length of rope out of his rucksack to tie up the store owner.

Korra set to work on the now open gun cabinet, loading all of the pistols into Mako's bag, plus a significant helping of ammo. She also spotted a couple of Tommy guns and decided to take a pair of shotguns with her as well, just in case. Saw the barrel off, that's a lot of punch in a small package. "Okay, I got everything we need, let's go."

They decided to use Mako's blue Ford as their getaway car, since Korra would be ditching that thing as soon as humanly possible. They quickly made their way back to the safehouse, and couldn't hear any sirens yet. Still, no point in waiting around until they did hear them, so they quickly grabbed everything they had already packed, and made an even split of the guns and ammo on their way back to Mako's car. It was stashed a couple of blocks away from the safehouse, just in case they did get cops on their tail.

"So, Houston, huh?" Korra kind of confirmed with him.

-"Yeah, I'll keep Opal company for a while." He realized what he said just a moment too late, as both Korra and Asami raised an eyebrow at him. "Not in that way, come on." The women both chuckled, but he wasn't wrong, Korra knew Mako would never do that. "So where will you go?" he asked.

She thought for a moment. "Well, we ain't gonna break Bolin out with just the three of us, that's for sure. We need another gunner and a mechanic wouldn't go amiss, so there's only one place we can go: Memphis."

-"We're going to Tennessee?" Asami asked.

"Yep. Gotta go pay a visit to an old friend. I know it's far, but we need that extra hand."

Mako nodded. "You're not wrong there. Good luck, Korra. I hope you can bring him on board."

She smiled. "So do I. Try to stay out of trouble, okay?" she said while hugging him goodbye.

-"I should be saying that to you. Take care."

Yes, this is actually happening. I am reviving this story, because I am not done with it yet. The reason I put it on hold for as long as I did is... extremely personal and not really something I'm willing to share here, but suffice it to say, writing no longer felt like escapism, and this particular story was just not the kind of subject I wanted to be writing about with everything going on in my life at that time.

But that's almost a year ago now, and in the end, everything worked out for the best, so when I saw that one of the prompts for Korrasami Month was a Prohibition AU, I remembered this story. I read through all of it again (all two chapters, wow, that didn't take very long) and the drafts for this one, and thought "You know, I do still like it." So I started expanding, tweaking, adding a few bits, and before I really knew it, I had a new chapter, and reinvigorated my interest in continuing it. So while I still can't promise a neat weekly update schedule, I wish I could, I will do my very best to not make you wait another year between updates. Take care, folks!

PS: If you can figure out who Korra and Mako are talking about in that last bit, great job, you have my permission to treat yourself to a cookie.