A/N: Around this time last year is when I started publishing Believe in You.

Now that I look back on it, Believe in You is one of the best stories I've ever written. The first five Chapters were amazing. But after that... I got burned out. I didn't take adequate breaks because I was more focused on getting consistent Chapters out to all of you instead of getting quality Chapter out to you.

I'm so sorry. For everyone who loved that story. I did too. From the bottom of my heart.

But enough about that. What's done is done. Pulled by Fate is what I hoped Believe in You would've been. A story about four teenage boys who barely understood the world in the first place having to save it all. From Aliens. With psychic powers.

This time, I'll be sure to make this the best there could be. Although I'm scared it's not good enough, not on level with my past story, I'll make it the best I can.

Hope you enjoy the start of my new story, Pulled by Fate!



The world was ending.

The worst decision was the only decision. It had to be done; so much so it wasn't a choice anymore. The world had to be ended.

Darkness, destruction; it enveloped the world. Nothing could be seen, for there was nothing to see. Except for one last light, the light of the thing that ended everything. It faded, slowly, leaving emptiness behind.

The end couldn't be avoided. Everything about it, all of it, was fate.

Chapter 1: Only Slight Amnesia

It seemed fate planned the weirdest of things sometimes.

Of course, that would be if you believe in such a thing as fate. Ninten didn't really think it existed. Maybe in some bigger plan, but he didn't think everything he did was planned out by some deity or whatever.

But that was before two kids suddenly appeared in his backyard.

It's not like it was a "hey, sorry, our baseball accidentally flew in your yard" by your neighbor kind of thing. Ninten had never seen these two kids in his life, and they looked extremely out of place. One had light blond hair, and the other had bright orange, almost red, hair. In a neighborhood where most people didn't even stand out in appearance — heck, himself and his best friend both had normal black hair — it was very unusual.

And to make matter even weirder, these kids were found asleep in his backyard. Asleep, coming from seemingly nowhere.

If that wasn't fate, or something, Ninten didn't know what was.

"So... what are we gonna do with them?" Ninten asked, looking up at Ness. Ness just looked over and gave him a confused shrug.

"Uh, well, this is your backyard..." Ness pointed out. He looked back at the two passed out kids. "So you kinda have to make the decision."

"Dude, just because they were found in at my house doesn't mean I know what to do with them. You're older than me, you do it." Ninten shoved Ness on the shoulder.

"Wha- Okay, true, but by like a month. That doesn't make a difference." Ness tried to glare, but Ninten saw right through it: then again, it was kinda hard to be mad when there's still two random, passed out kids in your yard. "I still vote you do it."

"You're smarter."

"Your backyard."

Just as Ninten was about to counter with something else, movement flashed from the corner of his eye. Instantly they were both staring back at the two kids, one of whom — the blond — was finally moving.

Ness and Ninten glanced at each other awkwardly as the kid seemingly became more and more aware of his surroundings. Or just conscious. They debated through looks whether they should leave or not, but curiosity got the best of both of them. These kids were technically infringing on Ninten's property; he, by that logic, had a right to know what was going on.

Finally, the blond noticed the two of them. He visibly jumped back, fear showing through in his eyes. Ninten realized that this was probably a bad idea as soon as Ness did by the look they shared in a split second, but it was too late to back out. The blond grabbed the red-orange haired kid's arm — subconsciously, it looked like — and shook it. By the look he had on his face he was obviously trying to will the redhead awake but the plan wasn't working out too well.

"Um, hi!" Ness spoke first. The blond's eyes only widened in fear even more and Ninten gestures for Ness to stop, but his friend only shot him a look that said "what else do you want me to do?". "I-I'm Ness. He's Ninten. And you?"

"U-Um..." The blond shook even more. "L-Lucas. I-I think..."

"He thinks?" Ninten whispered to Ness, trying not to let the blond hear. Ness shrugged.

"Maybe he passed out?" Ness whispered back. "Temporary amnesi


"A-Am I... i-in your way?" The blond — "Lucas" — asked, putting Ness and Ninten's attention back on him.

"Well, um..." Ninten trailed off. "How do I put this... You're kinda... you two kinda passed out in my backyard."

"B-But... I've never... I..." Lucas looked around. "W-Where are we...?"

"Um, Onett. You've never heard of it?" Ninten's expression turned incredulous as Lucas shook his head. Ninten turned to Ness once again. Ness, by his face, had absolutely no idea what to do either.


"W-Well, um, hopefully you'll remember Onett soon?" Ness laughed awkwardly, and Ninten cringed inwardly at how apparent it was that he had no clue what the heck was happening. "Um, by the way, who's that?" Ness pointed to the redhead that was still asleep.

"O-Oh, that's my brother." Lucas went and shook the redhead again, obviously trying to get him to wake up so he could get out. "I remember that for sure." He seemed to whisper that to himself.

"Well..." Ness shrugged. "I guess we should've leave." That was a cue for Ninten to awkwardly turn, regretting every fiber of his being for being curious. He shrugged right back, trying not to sprint away like he wanted to.

He thought he could feel the eyes of the blond — and maybe the redhead, if he decide to get up – burning into his skin, which didn't help the fact he already regretting this. Of all places to pass out and lose your memories, why did they have to choose his backyard, for goodness sake? They had anywhere else. Literally anywhere Onett.

When they finally got back to the house in what felt like forever, Ninten collapsed into the grass. "Why did we do that again?" Ninten asked as Ness sat right next to him.

"I don't know, but I'm glad we did," Ness said. Ninten gave him an incredulous look.

"What do you mean? We didn't find out anything, so if you ask me it was a waste of time and a mystery." Ninten looked at Ness. "...You think we should've helped them?" He realized, speaking in a whisper.

"Well, it's hard to explain." Ness out his head in his hand, which Ninten knew from experience meant a ramble was coming. "I don't know what we could've done to help them, especially since they seem to have amnesia and are scared of us, but... well... I think I sensed PSI from them."

Ninten could only stare. "Well why didn't you tell me earlier?!" He finally managed out after a few seconds.

"*How* was I supposed to tell you?!" Ness shot back. "I mean, they were kinda right in front of us*-"

"There's this thing called Telepathy, maybe you could've used that-"

"I didn't know if they could use it or not yet! What if they could? Then they could hear us talking about them!"

"...Alright, good point." Ninten lied down on the ground. "But still. We could've done... something."

"What were we supposed to say? 'Hey, I know you have amnesia right now and don't know where you are, and I've never seen you before in my life, but you also have this psychic power thing that probably shouldn't exist'? Where we would even go from there?"

"...Why do you have to be smarter than me?"

"Whatever. It's not like we're going to see them again anyways." Ness stood up. "Well, I guess that was our fun experience of the day. Let's go do something else."

"What else is there to do?" Ninten stood up too, looking off into the road in front of his house. "I mean, that was probably the most exciting thing we'll do all day."

"Well, there's gotta be something. I don't feel like standing here all day."

Suddenly, Ninten felt something tackle his back. He was knocked onto the ground, breathless. He heard something growling right over him, and as he regained his breath and rolled over, he saw that it was a dog, the intent of murder in its all red eyes.

...Well, this might be more exciting than finding two random kids in his backyard.