Chapter Two: A New Journey

Vaati and everyone else were currently hiding out on a riverbank far from Canterlot as Applejack fished her sopping wet hat out of the water and tossed it onto her head. "Everypony okay?"

Still somewhat disoriented, Rarity muttered, "I think my bottom's on backward."

"We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!" Pinkie exclaimed, still in shock.

"We gotta go back there and fight!" Rainbow declared angrily. "The monsters are gonna need our help!"

"You saw the size of those goons!" Spike shot back. "Even the monsters were having trouble with them! You seriously want to go back?"

"So now what?" Applejack asked. "We can't hide here forever, and let's be honest. We can't go back."

"You're right. We can't."

The rest of the Mane Six turned to see Princess Luna joining them, with Vaati and Twilight right behind her, both looking pensive and worried.

"They're after the power of the Four Princesses," Luna continued gravely. "If we go back now, they will have it."

"You saw what those Crystal Orbs did to Celestia and Cadance," Vaati interjected. "We were lucky that the Triforce of Power is strong enough to destroy them, but I can't protect both of you at once."

"That is not the only reason," Luna replied. "There are more airships on the way. This is a large-scale invasion. We will need reinforcements if we are to retake Canterlot and prevent them from conquering more territory."

"And the only way to do that…" Vaati surmised.

"…would be to split up," Twilight finally spoke in a quiet, resigned voice.

Everyone looked mildly surprised that she had spoken. She'd been quiet since they had gotten out of the river. "Luna, Princess Celestia said something about getting help from the Queen of the Hippos. What did she mean by that?"

"Hippos?" Applejack asked in confusion.

"You know, I hear they're surprisingly graceful for their size, but they're always hungry!" Pinkie dropped a random fact on them, which was ignored by everyone save Spike, who repeated worriedly, "Hungry?"

"No, not Hippos," Luna corrected, turning her head towards the nearby river. "Hippogriffs. Half-pony, half-eagle, related to both ponies and Griffons. They live far past the Badlands in the Mysterious South, but we have not heard from them in many years."

"So Celestia wants us to find these Hippogriffs and bring them to our aid," Vaati clarified.

"B-but to do that would m-mean…leaving Equestria," Fluttershy whimpered.

"I'm not even packed!" Rarity gasped.

"I understand you're scared," Luna said. "And nopony else has to go. My sister left the task to me, so I will complete it alone, if I must."

"You're not serious, are you, Lulu?" Vaati replied. "There's no way in the Dark World I'm letting you go alone."

"I'll go too," Twilight vowed, regaining her determination. "The further both of us are away from Equestria, the safer we'll be."

"Then our course is clear," Vaati declared, looking up at the distant Canterlot, the stormclouds still gathered while airships continued to pour in more troops. "We need to find the Hippogriffs and warn the rest of Equestria about what's happening. Luna, Twilight, Spike, you three and I will head south and find the Hippogriffs. On the way we'll make contact with the Changelings in the Badlands and the Lizalfos Tribes in the Haysead Swamps. Meanwhile, Pinkie, I want you to go north. The Moblin Tribes make their homes on the grasslands not far from Cloudsdale. After you've delivered the message, go further north to the Crystal Empire and inform Prince Armor of the situation. Given what they've done to his wife, I'm sure he'll be more than eager to join the cause. Rainbow Dash, given you're by far the fastest out of all of us, I want you to go to Griffonstone and get help from the Griffons. They still owe us for saving them from Twinrova. Fluttershy, go to all the wilderness areas near Ponyville, like Rambling Rock Ridge and the Everfree Forest. Tell the Diamond Dogs that Equestria needs their help once more, and then find Volvagia and the Helmaroc King. We'll need their help against the enemy's airships. You know where Volvagia is, but the Helmaroc King, I believe, has made the Everfree Castle Ruins his lair. Rarity, I want you to go west. The Darknut city of Lupay is in the Smokey Mountains near Tall Tale. Rally their troops, as I'm certain they'll want to rescue their leader. Finally, Applejack, I want you to meet up with anyone who's managed to escape Canterlot and organize them into an effective militia. When we have all completed our objectives, we will lead all our armies to Ponyville, where we will prepare for the final assault on Canterlot."

"Um, Vaati, darling, are you sure splitting up is the smart thing to do?" Rarity asked uncertainly.

"He's right, Rarity," Twilight said. "We don't have a choice. We need all our friends and allies for this, and their territories are scattered all over Equestria."

"Also, the five of you are safer without us," Vaati pointed out. "Right now, all they care about is capturing Twilight and Luna. They'll completely ignore your activities, so you should all be able to get help without too much trouble."

After a moment of silence, the rest of the Mane Six all lightly nodded in grim acceptance before sharing a group hug with the others.

"Y'all take care'a yourselves, alright?" Applejack said.

"We'll all be back together before you know it!" Pinkie grinned, always cheerful despite the situation.

"Please be safe," Fluttershy whimpered. "We're all in this together."

"We'll all be fine," Rarity confidently said. "This is not the first time we've saved Equestria, after all."

"Don't you worry about me!" Rainbow declared smugly. "I'll be back with the Griffons before you guys can blink!"

"I love all of you," Twilight said, her voice breaking as unshed tears swam in her eyes. "Good luck."

"Remember," Vaati reminded them. "Once all our armies are rallied, we rendezvous at Ponyville. Good luck, everyone, and…" At this, Vaati actually looked a little sad. "May the way of the Triforce light your path."

They all tearfully smiled and embraced the Wind Mage as well, who for once just sighed and said nothing, accepting it without complaint.

After they broke apart, Applejack sighed in resignation. "Well…let's do this, y'all."

They all muttered melancholy farewells and finally all split up, walking or flying away from each other to each save Equestria in their own way. And every one of them felt a keener sense of loss with every step they took, glancing frequently over their shoulders until they all finally lost sight of one another.



It had been a very long, very difficult battle for everyone involved. But in the end, with more and more Storm Grunts pouring into the city, it had just become impossible to hold it. To make matters worse, the bridge that led to the secret entrance to the Crystal Caves had been taken out, making an evacuation impossible. In a last-ditch effort to save as many allies and civilians as possible, Shanzom and his Wizzrobes had all mass-teleported away, taking all the surviving monsters and as many ponies as they could with them to parts unknown.

But many others had been left behind.

These unlucky ponies were now being led in chains by the victorious forces of the Storm King, grunting and laughing as they randomly wrecked party supplies in the process.

Observing it all from the castle balcony, Commander Tempest scoffed, turning away from the scene. "All this power, wasted on parties."

She walked into the throne room, passing by the crystallized forms of Celestia and Cadance as her horn sparked. "When there are far greater uses."

Two Grunts promptly entered the room, one carrying a glowing bottle of potion that was belting out a ringtone like a cellphone.

"Well?" Tempest snapped when the Grunts hadn't done anything further. "Answer it!"

The Grunt popped the cork and poured the potion into a sieve, covering their faces and stepping back in reverence as the wispy form of their fearsome leader took shape.

"Where am I supposed to be looking?" the Storm King spoke irritably, his forehead obscured as he looked around. "I never understand how this spell works. TEMPEST!"

"Over here, Your Excellency," Tempest called out in a world-weary voice.

"Where?" the Storm King grunted, still not quite in focus.

"Over here."


"No. No, right. Look right."

"My right?" the Storm King asked, his face finally visible.

"Yep," Tempest affirmed.

"Oh, there you are. Here's the deal, I'm in the middle of a big rebrand here. "The Storm King" is tracking well as 'intensely intimidating'. But you know what? I need to back it up. You know what I need to back it up with? A STORM! That'd be great! You promised me magic that could control the elements, and right now I'm holding a what? A branch? A twig? Bluh!"

"That would be the Staff of Sacanas, Your Excellency," Tempest replied, reining in her annoyance at having to repeat this information yet again. "And it will channel the magic of the four rulers of this land. You'll soon have the power of a hundred armies."

"So that would be a 'yes' on you locking down the four pegacornicuses or whatever you call them?"

"Give me three days," Tempest vowed. "I'll have everything ready for your arrival."

"Remember, Tempest," the Storm King growled. "Only I have the power to make you whole. Make this twig work, and you'll get your reward. Fail me, and your horn won't be the only thing that's broken."

"It won't be a problem."

The Storm King immediately perked up, but the spell appeared to be starting to break down. "Great! I'm ready to power up, crash and bash, and be the biggest, baddest bugaloo!"

The spell abruptly fizzled out, taking the Storm King with it.

"Sorry, bad spell service," Grubber apologized. "Ya want me to call him back?"

"Do you have the other two Princesses?" Tempest asked instead.

Grubber immediately broke out in a nervous sweat. "Uh, well, funny story. It kinda seems like they…may or may not've, y'know, gotten away…a little bit."

Tempest just glared at him.

"They…kinda got help from that weird guy with the horns. Kinda reminded me'a the Storm King a bit, y'know, but…he's already got the power to back it up."

Tempest continued to silently glare.

"Look, I know you're disappointed. But I got one word for you. Spongecake."

He promptly held up the aforementioned confectionary.

He was promptly zapped with magical electricity for his trouble.

"I need all four for the Staff to work!" Tempest stressed, glaring up at the two thrones.

"Hey, I know!" Grubber replied, trying to be helpful. "I want the Storm King to fix that crazy horn as badly as you do! It looks like a crackly, chipped tooth on the top of your head, and you know ya don't look good in hats."

Tempest whirled on him, magic sparking out of her horn in dangerous amounts. "Those Princesses are not gonna keep me from getting my horn back! Prepare my ship!"

"Yipe! R-right away!" Grubber yelped, running off.

Tempest sighed, forcing down her temper. "Please…how far can those cake-stuffed idiots get on their own?"


As it so happens, they were actually making good progress.

Vaati, Luna, Twilight, and Spike stopped first in Appleloosa, purchasing more water and food. Then they ventured into the Haysead Swamps just far enough to reach the main settlement where the various Lizalfos tribes came together to meet and trade.


Volga Village

Lizalfos, Dinolfos, and Darkhammers all nodded in respect as Vaati and his entourage made their way into the center of the village, where the chiefs would meet this time of year to discuss inter-tribal matters.

"Well, well, well," a familiar Aerolfos declared as they entered the meeting hall. "Prince Vaati. It's been a long time. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Vaati inclined his head in respect, understanding now that such things were common courtesy amongst royalty, to imply equal standing between one another. "Hail, Sul-Kat-Na, Son of Dragons. Hail, wise Chiefs of the Lizalfos Clans."

The chiefs of the Gecko Lizalfos, Iguana Lizalfos, Dinolfos, Daira, and Darkhammer tribes, seated around Sul-Kat-Na, inclined their heads as well.

Given that Vaati was more experienced with monsters, Luna and Twilight let Vaati do the talking.

"I come on behalf of Equestria," Vaati began. "A new foe calling himself the Storm King launched a surprise attack on Canterlot Castle yesterday. Two of the Princesses were captured, and they are set on conquering all our lands and peoples. We need your help."

The other chieftains began to talk among themselves, hissing, spitting, and clicking in their own reptilian language before Sul-Kat-Na held up a hand to quiet them. Leaning forward in his seat, the Aerolfos chieftain and High Chief of the Lizalfos spoke in a measured tone unusual for lizardkind.

"Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship…two years ago, you made me a promise. You vowed you would free us all from the curse of Demise. To bring our peoples, long-bathed in darkness, back to the light." He paused for effect. "You kept that promise. We owe our entire livelihoods to you. To repay that debt, we will follow you into the gaping maw of the Dark World itself, if need be. And we will do it because we choose to, not because we have to."

Twilight smiled in elation as Sul-Kat-Na leaned back in his seat. "Your call to arms has been answered. The Lizalfos will fly to your aid."


Changeling Hive, several hours later

"The Storm King, you say?" Queen Chrysalis spoke from her throne as several of her Changelings milled about, listening to the exchange.

Sometime after Ganon's defeat, the Changelings had interacted so much with the Equestrians that they had figured out how to share their own love with one another instead of merely consuming it. The news had traveled quickly through the Hive, and before long the Changelings had started changing form, losing their withered, black appearance for something far more colorful and pleasant to look at. Chrysalis, at first, had been resistant to the idea, as it meant that her minions would gain some independence of their own. But that all changed when they began to share their love with her. Realizing that the Hive was still loyal to her, Chrysalis broke down and truly accepted the power of love into her heart, changing along with them. She now was white with an iridescent shade of green in her carapace. Her mane and tail were still green, but her gossamer wings now looked much more fairy-like, and her legs no longer had holes in them. As a result, she had ceased to be so rude and condescending to everyone around her, and thus became easier for foreign dignitaries to deal with.

"I've heard some about him," Chrysalis continued.

"What can you tell us?" Luna asked, maintaining her diplomatic politeness.

"From what I've heard," Chrysalis explained, idly eating a heart fruit from one of their life-giver plants, "he's been gathering power and influence for years down in the south. Once he gained possession of an artifact called the Staff of Sacanas, he made his bid for Equestria."

"What's the Staff of Sacanas?" Twilight asked, having never heard of it despite all the books she had read.

"It's apparently a staff that was made specifically as a countermeasure against you alicorns," Chrysalis answered. "It drains your magical power much like Tirek did, and whoever controls the staff would have the combined powers of all four of you at their disposal."

"So that's why they're after us," Luna surmised grimly.

"Does this…Storm King," Vaati asked derisively, "have any power of his own?"

Chrysalis smirked. "As it so happens, no. Without the staff, he's just a giant monkey with an even bigger ego."

Vaati shared her grin. "I thought so. Just a wannabe who wants to cash in on my reputation."

"I've heard, though, that he's got a good-sized army at his disposal," Chrysalis pointed out. "Can I assume you're here because you need our help?"

"Yes," Luna responded, and she got down on her knees and bowed humbly. "I know that the history between our peoples is colored, and even though we've more than made up for it, I humbly apologize regardless for not offering your people friendship sooner."

Chrysalis sighed and answered with blunt honesty, "Before Canterlot, I would have been too proud and arrogant to accept it. But that doesn't matter anymore. You need our help. You have it."

Luna smiled as she stood up straight. "On behalf of the Royal Family of Equestria, I thank you, Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings."

"Lead your forces to Ponyville," Vaati informed. "That is where everyone is supposed to rendezvous before we launch the assault upon the Storm King's forces."

Chrysalis stood up from her throne and inclined her head to the other royals. "We'll be there."


With both the Changelings and Lizalfos now alerted to the threat of the Storm King, the four of them now trekked across the vast deserts of the Badlands. All of them were sweating and panting, too exhausted to fly any longer. Vaati sighed heavily as he took out one of the canteens, cooled it with some light ice magic, and took a long swig of it before passing it over to the others. The canteen was returned to him empty.

"We've got three full canteens left," Vaati panted. "I don't know if that will be enough to get across the whole desert."

Luna coughed a little. "And it's too dry here for water magic. Not enough moisture in the air, and we've yet to encounter any oases since we left Changeling territory."

"We just…have to keep going," Twilight wheezed.

"Ugh," Spike groaned, his tongue hanging out. "Sand…nothing but sand." He plopped to the ground, exhausted and dehydrated. "Nothing but sand…and this rock…and this road…"

Suddenly the others all perked up.

"Road?" Vaati asked as they all looked down at their feet.

Indeed they had just ventured across a cobblestone path that led into the distance.

"L-look!" Twilight marveled, depositing Spike on her back. "A city!"

Looming over them, partially obscured by a passing sandstorm, was a huge but dilapidated city-structure arranged in a vaguely tree-like shape. It looked like more and more buildings had just been piled on top of one another over the years, creating an almost-steampunk atmosphere. Steam and smoke billowed out from various places, and a number of airships were anchored on the top levels or coming and going with goods.

"It looks more like a dump," Vaati coughed, unimpressed.

"Be wary," Luna said as she took the lead. "There are all manner of thieves, pirates, and other disreputable individuals who call this place home. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Take care not to draw attention to yourselves."

"We should be especially careful," Vaati agreed. "According to Chrysalis, the Storm King has been gaining influence down south. This place could already be under his heel."

He and Luna both took off all their royal jewelry and stowed it away. Luna, meanwhile, summoned a cloak and wrapped it around herself, hiding her face beneath a hood. Catching on to what she was doing, Vaati drew his hood up around his own head.

Twilight and Spike gulped and fell in behind Vaati and Luna as they hiked towards the city.


A pair of Bokoblins snorted laughter as they stuffed a freshly-caught bird in a cage as Vaati and his group passed by.

"Don't worry," one Bokoblin snickered mockingly. "We'll let ya go."

"To the highest bidder!" the other Bokoblin cackled.

"Hmmm…interesting," Vaati observed, just loudly enough for the others to hear. "There's monsters all the day down here too."

"I hope they're still friendly," Spike gulped nervously, his eyes darting around.

"Ooh, hey, you with the horn!" a rat-faced creep behind a stall hissed at Twilight. "You selling?"

Vaati immediately got in the rat-man's face, his red eyes just barely visible beneath his hood. "No part of her is for sale," he spoke softly but menacingly. "Speak to her again and your life is forfeit."

The rat-man whimpered incoherently in reply, and Vaati curled his lip in disgust as he smelled a distinctive, ammonia-like aroma before leaving the creep to his business.

"So what's the plan here?" Vaati asked lowly, keeping his eyes on the passing crowds.

"The Hippogriffs live on Mount Aris, further south," Luna explained just as quietly. "It's a long way yet. It might be prudent to secure ourselves an airship."

"How?" Vaati asked. "All the captains are likely pirates who might try to hold us for ransom or even turn us in to the Storm King."

Luna smirked at him. "Do you really think a few pirates can possibly do much against two alicorns and the Sorcerer of Winds?"

Vaati grinned back before kissing her on the nose. "Point taken."

None of them saw a cat-man dressed in an old red trenchcoat take notice of them from where he stood by a stall. He swore he had seen the trademark gleam of gold hidden in the folds of the tall stranger's robes, which looked pretty fancy themselves. He also couldn't help but notice that the smaller pony without the hood had both wings and a horn. While he admittedly wasn't in Equestria much, he knew enough to know that a pony like that was unusual. There was also what appeared to be a baby dragon accompanying them.

"Interesting…" the cat-man muttered to himself, scratching his chin.

It seemed, however, that he wasn't the only one who had seen the glint of Vaati's horned crown sequestered in his robes. They all stopped as a large fish-man who vaguely resembled a River Zora got in their way.

"Hey, miss," the brute rumbled with a lecherous grin. "Someone like you don't belong in a place like this. That's a mighty-fine crown you're hidin' under them folds, by the way."

Vaati's eyes flashed as he took a threatening step forward. "Choose your next words very carefully, brute. I am not to be trifled with."

The fish-man recoiled a bit. "Whoa, you're a guy?!"

"Hey, that's some nice robes ya got, miss!" a turtle-like individual chuckled menacingly as a crowd began to grow around them. "How 'bout ya…take 'em all off? I'll pay ya good for 'em…extra if ya give us a show, hyeh heh heh…"

Twilight and Spike recoiled in disgust. Luna's eyes narrowed, and a light wind began to blow around the Wind Mage as more and more creatures gathered around them. "You want a show?" Vaati growled, his teeth sharpening. "I can give you a show, if you want. One you will never forget."

"Vaati, not here!" Luna hissed, putting a hoof on Vaati's arm in an effort to calm him down.

"How much for the giant gecko?!" someone in the crowd demanded.

"What?" Twilight spoke nervously. "Spike's not for sale."

"How much for your horn, pony?" another individual called out.


"You know, we could just take all of it, if ya won't hand it over," the fish-man sneered. "That'd be fine too."

Magic sparked in Vaati's hands and Luna's horn. "I dare you to try," Vaati growled.

But before a fight could break out, someone abruptly jumped down between them and threw his hands up.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" the cat-man cried. "Back up! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger!"

"This ain't any business'a yours, Capper!" the fish-man snapped angrily.

"Now just hold on, friend!" Capper declared, pointing at the fish-man. "You didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! And that lady's hair!" Vaati was close to fuming by this point, but Capper didn't seem to notice. "You think that's natural?"

He then whispered conspiratorially, "They're infected with pastelus coloritis."

The crowd all gasped in shock and horror, totally buying it.

"Now hang on!" Twilight began, stepping forward. "I've studied all kinds of diseases, and I know for a fact that…"

She was promptly silenced as Capper covered her mouth with his tail.

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Capper declared, regaining control of the situation. "As long as you're not covered in purple splotches…" As he said this, his tail flicked several drops of some spilled purple paint on the fish-man without him noticing. "…you'll be fine! Uh-oh."

The fish-man yelped, looking all over his body with terror. "Whu?! Whuuu-uuugh! What do I do?!"

"Enjoy your last moments," Capper replied sympathetically. "And don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off."

"AAGH! MY PARTS!" the fish-man screamed as he and the crowd immediately scattered and fled, leaving the five of them alone.

"Well, alright then," Capper coolly replied, straightening his jacket.

"Capper, was it?" Luna abruptly spoke. "Thank you for your help."

Capper chuckled lightly. "Nah, nah, don't thank me. Y'all looked like you were in a spot 'o trouble, so I decided to be a good Samaritan and help ya out. Now…what're a couple'a royals like you doing out in a place like this?"

Vaati sighed as he lowered his hood and put his crown back on his head. "It's a long story and no business of yours."

"Now, now, now, there's no need to be that way!" Capper chided good-naturedly. "Maybe I can help y'all, uh…"

"Twilight Sparkle," Twilight abruptly introduced, leaving out their royal titles. "This is Spike, Luna, and Vaati."

Capper smiled and inclined his head. "Well, it's very nice to meet y'all. Are you sure you don't need my help?"

Vaati thought for a moment before gesturing for the others to huddle around him.

"I don't trust him," Vaati immediately said. "I can almost smell the oil in his voice."

"I don't either," Luna agreed. "However, there's no denying things would have gotten unnecessarily complicated had it not been for him."

"I'm more than capable of handling these infantile thugs," Vaati growled. "And how dare they think I'm a woman!"

"You gotta admit it was pretty awesome how he handled those guys!" Spike spoke in Capper's defense.

"Look, we don't have to trust him," Twilight whispered. "But he might still be able to help us! What if he knows something about the Hippogriffs? Or better yet, what if he knows someone who can get us an airship?"

Vaati sighed. "I suppose you have a point. And if he tries to betray us, I can always just turn him to stone."

Unbeknownst to them, Capper, being a cat, could hear every word they said, and gulped at the last part. He knew then he was going to have to tread very carefully with these guys.

And unbeknownst to any of them, those two Bokoblins from earlier had been watching everything take place with looks of dumbfounded confusion.

"Think we should tell the Baron 'bout this?" one Bokoblin asked.

"Yeah," the other one muttered. "I think he'd wanna know if Lord Vaati was in town."


Capper led the fugitives of the Royal Family throughout the city until they reached what appeared to be an old, run-down windmill.

"Welcome, my royal guests, to my humble little manor," he proclaimed as he led them inside through a former cellar door. "Pardon the state 'o my litter box. I wasn't expectin' company."

Vaati, Twilight, Luna, and Spike all took a look at their surroundings as Capper went off into another room. While the place was somewhat cluttered, it wasn't necessarily a bad place to live. There were tons of shelves, some of which contained books, immediately catching Twilight's attention. Capper soon came back into the living room.

"So how might I be able to help y'all?" Capper asked them.

"We need an airship to get us to Mount Aris," Vaati replied. "We'd simply fly there ourselves were we not already exhausted from how far we've come as it is."

"Mount Aris, huh?" Capper repeated. "Now, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to find the Hippogriffs."

"You know about the Hippogriffs?" Twilight asked.

Capper awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "Yeah. Trouble is, they were some 'o the first victims of the Storm King's world-conquerin' campaign. No one knows what's become of 'em since."

Luna stomped a hoof in dismay. "Curses! We should have thought of that," she hissed to herself.

"Now, they might still be there on Mount Aris," Capper offered. "Nobody knows for sure. You need an airship? I can get you one."

Before any of them could inquire on whatever catch there might be, someone abruptly knocked on the front door. Twilight and Spike gasped, fearing they might have been found.

"Now that's weird," Capper muttered worriedly, going over to answer it. "I ain't expecting anyone else…"

As soon as Capper opened the door, he grinned weakly and stepped back as two fox-men in dusty cloaks and leather armor barged inside, looking rather unhappy.

"Fellas, fellas, fellas," Capper held up his hands in a way meant to be placating. "Whatever could your baron want with me now?"

"You tell me, Capper," a rough voice spoke as a third fox-man entered the house.

The new fox-man was wearing a light brown hood through which his ears protruded, which were pierced with several loops of gold. Three black-tipped tails trailed out from under his green cloak. Capper chuckled nervously as Vaati and the others quietly poked their heads out from the next room to see what was going on.

"A little birdie told me you're harboring some very special guests," the third fox-man said. "I thought I told you that nothing in this town escapes my eyes."

Vaati and Twilight couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"Aren't those…Keatons?!" Twilight whispered.

"Not just any Keatons," Vaati muttered, watching the exchange play out. "The one with the earrings…I know who he is."

"The Storm King's goons are tearing this town apart lookin' for them, you know," the Keaton leader continued, his narrow eyes boring holes in Capper.

"Look," Capper sighed, defeated. "Look, I know I owe you a lotta money, Baron, but surely you don't plan on handin' them fine folks over to the Storm King? I thought you hated the guy!"

"That depends on your answer," the Baron said, his voice like steel. "Are. They. Here?"

Vaati knew it was coming.

"Yeah," Capper sighed again. "Yeah, they're here."

The Baron promptly smirked. "I'm glad to hear you say that. Because I already knew they were." He then looked right over at where they were poking their heads out. "Come on out, Lord Vaati! Even you know better than to hide from the likes of the Keaton Cartel!"

Knowing the jig was up, Vaati and the others came out, joining them with tense expressions. "It's been a long time since we did business together, hasn't it, Prince Vaati?" the Keaton Baron greeted them.

"You're certainly a sight for sore eyes…Baron Wosu," Vaati replied.

The air was thick with tension as they stared one another down…

And then Baron Wosu chuckled in amusement, dispelling it. "When I heard you, of all people, were in town, I just had to drop in and say hi."

"Wait, wait," Capper interrupted, surprised at the sudden change as he looked between them. "You two know each other?"

"Once upon a time, members of my Cartel, myself included, worked for this man," Wosu explained. "I wouldn't be where I am now had it not been for him and that little purple pony next to him."

Realizing that there was no danger here, everyone finally relaxed as one of Wosu's bodyguards discreetly went outside to stand guard and shut the door behind him.

"So this is where the Cartel has set up shop," Vaati said, folding his arms. "No wonder you Keatons have been so hard to find since we killed Demise."

"In a town like this, business is booming," Wosu replied smugly. "The Keaton Cartel quickly climbed up the ranks, eliminating the worst of the local gangs and making the others our informants and business partners. Now we're on top of the food chain." He grinned as he spread his arms out wide. "This whole town answers to me more than it answers to the Storm King. Now, speaking of which…what might you and your lovely wife be doing in a place like this?"

"Equestia was just attacked by the Storm King," Vaati answered. "He conquered Canterlot and has taken Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance captive."

"Hmmm," Wosu growled in his throat, contemplating. "Just like Ganon."

"After the attack, we split up to go rally all the other monsters while we find the Hippogriffs," Luna explained.

"My friends are all over Equestria, trying to get all the friends and allies we've made on board with this," Twilight said, missing her friends. "But our mission is even more important."

"Uh, didn't you say the Storm King's goons were looking for us?" Spike abruptly spoke up in concern.

Wosu's expression became grim. "Aye, that I did. Commander Tempest is here with them, browbeating the townsfolk for information. And I hate to say it, but they're probably already on their way here."

"Then we need to go," Vaati answered, urgency in his voice. "We need to get an airship and get to Mount Aris."

Wosu thought for a moment before glancing at the awkwardly-waiting Capper. "Capper."

"Uh, yes, Baron?" Capper uncertainly asked.

"Do yourself a favor and make sure my royal friends here get an airship. Do that, and I'll wipe your debts clean."

Capper gasped. "Y-you mean it?"

"I'm a fox of my word, cat. Now…"

Suddenly the door burst open, revealing the Keaton bodyguard from before, looking alarmed.

"Sir, we have a problem!"

Suddenly blue magical electricity flashed from behind the bodyguard, launching him into the house where he crashed to the ground, groaning in pain. Twilight gasped as the culprit chuckled darkly.

"Tempest!" Twilight cried.

"You," Vaati growled, a demonic undertone coloring his voice.

The armored unicorn, flanked by two Storm Grunts, smirked evilly as she stepped into the house. "I found you at last. Did you really think you could hide from us here?"

"Commander Tempest, I presume?" Baron Wosu said, smoothly putting himself between Tempest and her targets.

"Don't make this difficult for yourself," Tempest replied lowly, her eyes narrowed and her horn sparking. "Step aside."

Wosu chuckled without any trace of fear. "You think you or your phony king are in charge here? Let me give you a little hint, little errand-pony…" Vaati's eyes widened as he saw a familiar nut slip out of Wosu's sleeve into his hand. "This…is my town!"

"COVER YOUR EYES!" Vaati yelled right before Wosu smashed the Deku Nut against the floor, creating a blinding flash of light.

"Oh sweet Faust, my eyes!" Capper cried in agony, rubbing his eyes.

Tempest screamed, her eyes burning as she recoiled, blinded. Her guards covered their faces and roared in pain, rolling on the ground. With them momentarily distracted, Wosu whirled around and yelled, "GO! We'll cover you!"

He then put a hand on the bodyguard who was still conscious. "Tell the rest of the Cartel it's time to remind the Storm King who really runs this town!"

Meanwhile, Tempest howled with rage as her horn went out of control, electric-blue magical volts flashing all over the place as she tried to blindly hit someone. Vaati knew they had to go while they still had the chance. With a powerful burst of dark magic, Vaati, for the first time since the final battle against Ganon two years ago, took shape as the fearsome winged eye and grabbed the still-blinded Capper with a golden claw before throwing himself out the window, taking out a good-sized chunk of the wall in the process.

"Luna, Twilight, let's GO!"

Luna dispelled her cloak and took flight as well, while Spike jumped onto Twilight's back before she too flew out the Vaati-shaped hole in the wall.

Tempest's vision finally managed to clear enough to where she could see that both her targets and her Keaton assailants were gone.

Tempest let out a scream of pure rage.

"Tempest, Tempest, Tempest!" Grubber cried out, waddling up to her. "I saw 'em! I saw 'em! They're headin' for the shipyards!"

Tempest gritted her teeth in anger, her horn sparking yet again. "Tell our troops to cut them off! NOW!"

"Uh, that's gonna be a bit of a problem…"

"WHY." Tempest whirled around and got right in Grubber's face, her expression outright psychotic. "WHY is that a problem?"

Mustering every inch of willpower he had not to wet himself on the spot, Grubber whimpered, "C-cuz these weird fox guys are startin' to come outta nowhere all over the town and they're attackin' our troops!"

"RRRAAAAAAGH!" Tempest screamed almost madly as she took off towards the docks.

Grubber stared at her retreating back worriedly. "Wow. She is not havin' a good day."


And that's the second chapter down, and I've already started on the third one. Bet you didn't see this coming, did you, splitting up the Mane Six instead of keeping them together? Well, how else are they going to rally all the other side characters that have appeared in the series? (that was my only beef about the movie, that none of the side characters like Discord, Gilda, and Thorax had any involvement)

I've been wanting to introduce Baron Wosu for a while, and I knew that that airship town in the Badlands would be the perfect place for an organization like the Keaton Cartel to set up shop, so this is where I decided to introduce him. Don't worry, this is not the last you'll see of the Baron. And we will soon see how the rest of the Mane Six are doing, and luckily for them, they got the easy jobs.

Or did they?