
May, 2010

"Harry, it is good to see you," Hermione said, hugging Harry tightly before sliding gracefully onto one of the benches. They had picked a quiet muggle pub at which to meet so Harry could avoid the wizarding press. They had been doggedly following him since he had returned to London the previous week. The Mastin trials had finally come to a close in April, fittingly near the one-year anniversary of Alec's murder.

"Hey, mate," Ron grinned, hugging Harry with a couple of hard affectionate thumps to the back. He deposited himself onto the bench next to Hermione.

"Thanks for meeting me on such short notice," Harry said with a smile, sitting down opposite them. "How are you two doing?"

"We are great," Hermione said, reaching over to Ron to rest her hand on his. "How are you holding up?" she asked.

Harry felt a brief twinge of irritation at her concerned expression, but the waiter appeared to take their orders, effectively halting their conversation at that point. They had come to this particular pub many times before, so they all ordered without even considering the menu. "I heard you had some good news, Hermione," Harry started after the waiter had left, intentionally ignoring Hermione's previous question.

"Hermione was just promoted," Ron said eagerly. "To apprentice undersecretary for the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot." Ron grinned at Hermione who smiled back.

"That's brilliant, Hermione," Harry said enthusiastically. "Moving into the Wizengamot, huh?"

"The chief undersecretary kept coming to ask her questions over the past year so finally decided to hire her instead of making the trek up three stories every twenty minutes," Ron said with a chuckle.

Hermione lifted her chin in pride. "I am starting next week." Suddenly the familiar glint Harry knew all too well from school flashed in her eyes. "Did you know that they have never actually documented how many Wizengamot members there are out of concern for their safety? The number of members is never consistent either."

Harry grinned as he tuned out Hermione's lecture on the history of the Wizengamot. He had missed sitting here, across from his friends. When he lived in London, they had weekly dinners and lunch dates regularly, especially once Hermione started working in the ministry. It used to be one of his favorite times of the week. Occasionally, Teddy or Alec would even accompany him, and those tended to be the best nights.

Harry looked down, stung. He wondered if he could return to that usual routine, knowing that it would never been the same as it was. How could he live in this city without Alec? The thought was suddenly terrifying and paralyzing.

The arrival of their meals was a welcome distraction from Harry's thoughts. He always ordered the shepherd's pie in the past, and looked down at it sitting in front of him. He told himself he didn't feel nauseous and that he used to love this dish, so he had no reason to hesitate. After a few bites, he found he was able to successfully keep the food down, but it definitely didn't taste as good as it used to.

As their conversation moved away from the Wizengamot, Ron began to tell Harry about some new products he and George were developing. They had finally perfected the extendible ear for law enforcement use, and had received a contract to develop a few other surveyance instruments. Harry was genuinely happy for them, but he couldn't help feeling left behind. They were moving forward in their lives, constantly for the better. That wasn't to say it would always be like that, but it left Harry feeling even more hollow.

Before Harry had gone to America, he had held a clear understanding of his path in life. He knew that after he moved up a few more ranks in the next ten years, he was en route to becoming the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. But somehow that life, as well as the lives sitting across from him at the table, felt distant and strange. Just two years ago, it seemed so perfect at the time, though Harry knew he had been unhappy in a different way.

But he also used to have Alec by his side.

Harry's eyes fell on Ron's thumb that was gently stroking the back of Hermione's hand subconsciously. Suddenly the empty space next to Harry on the bench felt oppressively large. He shifted. He had his two best friends with him again. He should have been able to pay attention and care about what they were saying, but he couldn't bring himself to even meet their eyes.

Instead, he found himself thinking about when he told Draco he had been unable to summon his patronus. What would be Hermione and Ron's reaction if he had told them everything that what had happened in that cave? Ron would have been likely confused, Hermione would have probably given Harry a helpful book he would never read. Both would look at him like he was broken and unable to take care of himself, and likely would have even blamed themselves for not recognizing that he was unhappy. He found himself resenting that even his best friends had expectations for his performance and his abilities.

Draco didn't.

"You okay, Harry?" Hermione asked suddenly, interrupting Ron's recitation of the latest Cannons quidditch game. He snapped his jaw shut and frowned at Harry who didn't look up from his hands.

"I am moving to America," Harry blurted out quietly.

"What?" Ron and Hermione both said at once.

"President Fontaine offered me a job." In truth, Fontaine had offered the job several days ago, but Harry hadn't been sure he wanted to take it until now.

"That's great," Hermione said, reaching across the table to place her hand on Harry's arm. He looked up at her, attempting to smile.

"Why?" Ron asked as if stung.

"I...can't be here." Harry glanced at the empty space next to him on the bench as if that would explain it. "I thought enough time had passed."

"You...miss Alec?" Hermione asked gently.

Harry's eyes snapped up to her in irritation, but he managed not to snap at her. What she said was true, but it made him feel weak. "People don't recognize me in America as often. I don't have to hide in muggle pubs," he said. It was true, but it wasn't the main reason.

"What is the job?" Hermione asked as if trying to correct her mistake of bringing up Alec.

Harry was able to smile more honestly this time. "I am supposed to say I will be a sergeant, but let's say that my actual position is 'Unspeakable.'" In truth, he would take over the department Wiggs secretly worked for, but he couldn't say that to even Hermione and Ron. Everything else aside, Harry really did like working with Wiggs. He was genuinely excited to become Director of the Underground Department, the American version of the Department of Mysteries. Instead of Unspeakables, the Underground aurors were affectionately known as Forgettables by the few American aurors who knew about them. Most of the Congress didn't even know about the secret department, making the reason for their nickname obvious.

"That's great, mate!" he said, clapping Harry on the shoulder. His smile turned to a grin with Ron's enthusiastic response.

"When do you leave?" Hermione asked.

"In a week, I guess."

"Where are you going to live?" Ron asked.

"Er, I don't know." He didn't want to admit that he had only made this decision in the last ten minutes. "I will probably ask Draco if I can stay with him," he said with hesitation. He considered hiding it from them, but knew they would find out eventually.

"With Malfoy?" Ron asked incredulously. "Didn't you get enough of him during your investigation?"

"As it turns out...no," Harry said with half a shrug. "We were...pretty good roommates."

"You don't want your own place?"

"I...don't think so," Harry said, shaking his head as he realized this to be true. If sleeping alone in Grimmauld Place for the last week was any indication, he was pretty sure he couldn't sleep in an empty house anymore. Harry hadn't realized how he had taken comfort from knowing Draco, Wiggs, or Hedge slept in a room nearby. Now he just had to get Draco to agree to it. "Anyway, he's not so bad."

"He's Malfoy!" Ron exclaimed indignantly.

"He's been there for me," Harry responded a bit more waspishly than he intended. "I didn't mean it like that," he added hastily when he noticed the hurt look on Ron's face. "I just mean that...we get along now, is all." It helped that Draco knew exactly what Harry had gone through over the last year, and did not walk on eggshells around him like Ron or Hermione. Harry would never tell Draco to his face, but he now considered him one of his closest friends and confidants.

"If you are sure," Hermione said uneasily. "We will miss you."

Harry's expression softened. "I will miss you guys too, but America isn't that far away," he offered hopefully.

"What about Teddy?" Ron asked.

Harry frowned. It was unfortunate that Harry would miss out in the last summer before Teddy went off to Hogwarts. "Andromeda said that he could visit me during at least one of the school breaks."

"That sounds great," Hermione said supportively. "Once you are settled, we would love to come visit."

"Thanks, Hermione, that would be perfect."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

April, 2011

"Are you sure?" Draco asked.

Harry finished cleaning his glasses before pushing them back up on his nose. "I am sure." He pushed a hand through his hair, one indication that he wasn't actually sure. Draco decided to take him at his word and nodded.

Draco tucked the thin scarf he wore closer to his chin, better positioning it under his robe. When Harry lifted his arm, Draco rested his hand lightly on the proffered elbow without hesitation. Bracing for the crack of apparition, Draco tried to imagine where they were going. It occurred to him that he knew very little about Harry's life between Hogwarts and when he joined the investigation, so he had no hint as to a their destination. Draco also wasn't one to pry into what Harry didn't want to share, but hopefully Harry wasn't expecting comfort in their journey. He should know by now after living with Draco long enough that sympathy wasn't Draco's greatest strength.

When they hit the ground, they were standing at the base of a small hill surrounded by trees. An old fence comprised of two roughly split wooden cross beams circled the area and led down to a small cottage at the end of a gravel road. Farmland extended beyond that, leading to a small village in the distance. Other farm cottages dotted the gently rolling hills in the opposite direction, though that view was largely hidden by the small copse of trees surrounding the hill.

"Where are we?" Draco asked, impressed with the country beauty.

"Ireland. That cottage was where Alec stayed when he was under auror protection," Harry said, indicating towards the nearby cottage.

"You buried him here?"

"Yes. I bought it not long after we moved in together in London. I planned to surprise him with it when...well, it doesn't matter now," he said with a sad smile.

"It's beautiful," Draco whispered. It was quiet except for the birds who flitted amongst the trees. Draco turned back towards the hill to see Harry already climbing towards to a small tree growing at the top. He followed him, glancing around to find a gravestone. They walked about the tree and Draco finally saw the small headstone.



Draco stood next to Harry for a long time, silently staring at the small stone. He frowned, unwilling to look at the man next to him.

"Thank you for coming." Harry's voice was quiet.

Draco nodded once. "I am sorry." It felt dumb to say it, but Draco didn't know what else to say.

"He was wrong, you know," Harry said after a silence.

"Who?" Draco asked, looking at Harry.

"Mastin," Harry said, not looking back at Draco. "He told me he wanted to see me angry. He said anger made the most powerful magic."

Draco raised an eyebrow at Harry. They hadn't spoken about that day since the trial. "Doesn't it?"

"No. Tom Riddle didn't get that either. I was angry, yes, but that wasn't where my magic came from that day. It was the same thing that my mum used to save me when I was one."

"Love?" Draco asked, feeling silly as he said it.

"Yes. Dumbledore was right. It is the strongest form of magic, one that people like Riddle and Mastin can never understand. I know you were probably afraid I would've killed him, but I couldn't have. Not with that magic." He shook his head slowly as he spoke.

Draco nodded and looked back at the grave. "You are a very strange wizard, Harry Potter."

They were silent for a second before Draco felt a warm hand take his, threading their fingers together. He looked over at Harry sharply, surprised.

Harry chuckled lightly and gave Draco a disarming smile. "Let's go home."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Author's Note: That's it! Please let me know what you thought! For my first attempt at a fanfic, I feel pretty good about it, but I am kind of glad that it is done. :X

Let me know if you want an "Extras" chapter that will contain background information on the story. Research I did, a couple deleted scenes, what was cannon, what wasn't, spell translations, that sort of thing.

Thanks for reading!

To the Reviewers: Thank you to Anne and Aerind for the lovely comments! I am glad you both enjoyed the story and couldn't put it down. I had a hard time putting it down as I was writing it!