Come to think of it, I'm the biggest walking mess as a writer. I have many stories to finish and people that enjoy them.

Warning: I'll use the English names for the original Digidestined, but some attack names and such will remain faithful to the Japanese dubbing. Reason being I watched a subtitled version of the show after many, oh so many attempts to find a decent set. And the reason I'll stick to the English names is because I like them. Sue me.

Also, Naruto's partner – as you may have guessed it if you've read the summary – will evolve into a LadyDevimon. If you know the evolution line, you won't confuse a certain Digimon a Digidestined has with Naruto's. Same Digimon but only species-wise, with different personalities and different evolution lines.


"Let's see, what jutsu should I learn?" grinned an enthusiastic boy dressed in an orange jumpsuit.

Holding the biggest scroll there could be, he unfolded it, trying to find a specific set of words. And it was then that the chaos theory struck. By mere chance and his excitement, he accidentally dropped the invaluable item. Cringing as it rolled on the floor, most likely staining itself and leaving several parts unreadable, he knew he was as good as dead. Fear overwhelmed him, his mind started to crack at the horrible ways that a mistake like that would punish him. Boiled, deep-fried, or even worse, forever-


Fear and utter despair took the backseat when something fell from the scroll's inside, a pitch-black device with a small square screen surrounded by a red circle. The buttons were red too and it wasn't anything like what he had seen. Curiously, he held it and shook the small item, but it didn't make a sound. Observing it with narrowed eyes and knitted eyebrows, he pressed a button, but nothing happened. Giving it a good hit didn't make it react. Staring at it further was, of course, useless.

Logically, he tried talking to it, "What're you?" he reached into his jacket for a kunai he had just in case. As he took it off, he placed the item on his lap, near a certain seal... And it finally reacted, with a bright dark purple light emanating from its screen, the seal on his gut glowing along it! Despite how many answers he wanted, all his mind could tell him to do was to scream at an unbearable pain. Clutching his stomach, the blond fell on his knees, his jacket on the floor and over the scroll, while he kicked the ground, further ruining it by kicking up dirt.

When it was all over, a scar-faced shinobi found a useless scroll that a certain traitor couldn't even use, a blinding light, and no sign of the boy. Fortunately, the boy's jacket had a note where he wrote the place that he had been at, the name of who called him here, and a reminder of what he did it for. Needless to say, the guy responsible faced the consequences. But the boy's disappearance raised too many eyebrows, but the leader of the village he was from was worried over something else, something far, far worse. He knew something was hidden deep inside the scroll, and legends said it could forever change their world.

Whether it was for the best or worst, only one way could tell, and the one who'd take it was hearing his name.

"Naru...up... Wake... Wake up!"

Jolting into a seated position, the boy gasped as he felt his goggles slide down to his neck, resting on his black tee. After rubbing his face to try to get his bearings, he found two odd, or rather extremely odd, beings. One looked like a puppy with bunny ears and tail, rosy cheeks, a gold collar, and pale fur. The other was a head, the only way to describe it. Its small body bounced up and down with a childish voice as he and the other cheered for his awakening. The living head had dark orange fur, almost red, black beady eyes, and black fox ears.

Eight seconds of staring later, the kid rubbed his forehead, "My dreams are getting weirder."

"Oi, please wake up!" the red ball exclaimed with a boyish voice.

Blinking twice in a millisecond, the blond let his brain process what happened, "You talk!?" he jumped back, crawling over his back until it hit a tree, "W-what kinda demon head are you!? Are you going to take mine to switch it with yours!? And what's with the puppy!"

The red ball of fur turned to said puppy, "I told you he was loud..." he whispered before turning to the boy, "Good morning, Naruto. I'm...Kitmon."

"And I'm Salamon, pleased to meet you." The puppy cheered with a girl's voice.

"H-how do you know my name...uh, Kit?"

"That's Kitmon." The fox plushy said with a frown, "And I know because we're partners. Salamon has been waiting for you for far too long."

She grinned, "Thanks to you, I can get stronger. Far, far stronger."

"As do I." Kitmon beamed, "So, Naruto, see that Digivice on your hip?"

He stood up and grabbed the item that brought him trouble. "Ah, this is the blasted toy that hurt me!" he glared at it, throwing it up before clutching it when it fell as he looked at a tree, "Goodbye."

"Wait!" Salamon jumped, clinging to his arm, which threw him off balance and made him fall face-first on the ground, the Digivice still clutched in his hand.

"What now!?" he asked, annoyed and with his face covered in dirt.

"We need that Digivice to become stronger!" Kitmon exclaimed, both angry and scared, "Don't drop it, for everything that may be dear to you!"

"But this thing only caused me pain, and you two don't look that tough." He bluntly told them, squinting his eyes, "Matter of fact, I think I could've beaten you when I was four if I kicked you."

Salamon's eyes hardened, but Kitmon's words whispered into her ears calmed her, "Don't take it personally, we have to wait to show him."

"But he..." she got a look from Kitmon that told her to be patient, which she did after gulping her anger, "Fine... Naruto, you better don't doubt our words. We'll show you what we mean. After all, we're all partners now. Never underestimate us, alright?" the way she spoke was almost regal, despite her words not being eloquent and her voice being childish, she still had an elegant tone. Almost high and mighty.

Naruto was stubborn, "Listen, I don't get why you're trying to sound so strong or get stronger, but there's no way I can help you. Besides, I need to get home and see if I can fix a big mess I made..." he had flashbacks of the horrible punishments he could face, cold sweat dripping down his face, "Taking the longest route."

"You're not home, you're on File Island." Kitmon said, "You've been sleeping for quite a while."

"How long?" Naruto asked worriedly before looking up at the sky, and then let out a terrified scream complete with head-grabbing, "Oh crap, it's day already!? Old fart Sarutobi's going to kill me! Scratch that, he's so going to boil me alive and then deep-fry me as if I were a fishcake and he wanted to try a new recipe! I'm dead, I'm oh so, so, so dead!"

Salamon stared in disbelief, feeling somewhat ashamed that Naruto started running around in circles like a headless chicken, "Is this the one who's our destined partner?" she struggled to use words, but that high and mighty tone seemed to stay, replacing the childish one she used. If her partner was going to be so thickheaded, she needn't baby-talk him.

Kitmon shook its head...er, body, "Like I told you, this won't be easy." He made sure only Salamon heard him before turning to the uselessly panicking boy, "Yo, Naruto! If you want to make it back home, we need to get stronger!" that made the boy pause his running and screaming.

"Wait! What!? Really!? How!?" he asked at a machine gun rate.

"By fighting and beating strong Digimon like us with your aid, of course." Salamon answered with a sweet smile.

"Digi-what?" he asked, confused.

"Digital Monsters like us, or Digimon for short." Kitmon explained, "Using that device of yours, we can use their powers to get stronger. And if we're strong enough, we can use our powers to get you back."

"Alright, that's a... Wait, a second." He worriedly examined the two before them, "I know I'm not the strongest guy around, but you two are kinda...squishy. I don't want some Digimon to smear you on the floor. It also doesn't help you two are cute... I'd rather have you as pets than as combat buddies."

"Once again, do not look down on us." Salamon's eyes turned sharp, rather intelligent as she smirked, "I'd even wager a bet with you that if given the chance we'd more than surpass your standards."

"For now, we need to be wary of a Digimon called Devimon." Kitmon told him, "He's someone Salamon here has been targeting and who needs to be taken out quickly."

"Wait, why should we fight the guy?" Naruto put his hands on his hips, "Sure, I want you to be stronger if it'll really help me get back home, but who the heck's that guy? What's even going on?"

Salamon glared, surprising him at the coldness in the eyes of such a cute thing, "The sooner he's deleted, the better. Such a dastard has been corrupting Digimon for his own selfish gain. Granted, I know I am not a Digimon to act like a righteous hero, but nothing could make this entire island more joyous than his demise."

Naruto was stunned coldly, "Yikes... Why do you have to be so cute and scary?"

"From what she's told me, he does what he does because he's a jerk." Kitmon replied, "I do not know why you're here, but beating that guy should be our top priority. After all, you being a human makes you that guy's main target and sworn enemy."

"I see." Naruto thought on it, "Guess I can't let him get a jump on me, but I don't want you to get ahead of yourselves either. At least let me help. So far you're making it sound like you need to do all the work. I may suck at classes, but I'm confident in my taijutsu."

"Tai...what?" Salamon asked.

"It's hand-to-hand combat." Kitmon explained.

The fur ball's words drew Naruto's attention, "How do you know that?"

Sweating slightly, the tiny Digimon made up a quick reply, "I'm smarter than I look."

Rubbing his head, Naruto pointed something out, "Then how come Salamon-chan knows Devimon but you don't?"

"W-what do you mean?" the kit Digimon asked nervously.

Putting his thumb and index finger on his chin, Naruto recalled something, "You mentioned Salamon-chan told you of him. If the entire island knows him, what's your excuse?"

Salamon stepped in with a sweet smile, "Kitmon is still a small child compared to me. He does know a few things I don't so we can help you together as partners."

While everyone would've seen it as a lie, her poker face and sweetness easily fooled the most foolish of shinobi in training, "Huh, makes sense. A saying goes that two heads think more than one...right?"

"And such is the case here, our dear partner." She smiled cutely, fully tricking him.

Kitmon inwardly sighed in relief, 'She's good. I'll have to avoid playing shogi with her.'

Sitting down, the blond looked at his partners, "Anyway, what're we supposed to do? It feels like every time I ask you guys something there's two more questions I'll have to make later."

Salamon put on her sweet smile, "Gain enough power to defeat Devimon, use whatever means necessary to explore the world outside this island, and hope for the best but prepare for the worst."

"Do you have any kind of boat for part two of that plan?" Kitmon asked.

Salamon stared quizzically at him, "What is a boat?"

And just before the boy and the fur ball could ask what she said, a loud sound alerted them of bad news. Naruto had heard it before in his village, but at a much quieter scale. It was the sound of wings flapping at high speeds. But the kind of wings he was thinking about were of bugs and beetles, and yet the sound he and the others heard was of something far, far bigger.

All of a sudden, a shadow rushed past them, and they saw it, a gigantic stag beetle with four long arms, no eyes, and black markings on its head, "What the-" Naruto exclaimed, swiftly having Salamon and Kitmon a step ahead by tackling him and covering the blond boy's mouth with one of Salamon's paws.

"Silence, that brute was Kuwagamon, a mindless beast. If you draw his attention, he could kill us by splitting us in two with those pincers." The puppy-like being told his wide-eyed self coldly.

That attitude made him shiver. Sure, Salamon was adorable, but the icy venom on her words spoke of untold horrors if he didn't comply. Perhaps it was his intuition finally working, or something else, but he could feel that she was dangerous and yet not quite. Almost ready to put a finger on it, he decided not to think too much of it. She kept her cool and managed to be in control of her emotions.

"Believe it or not, this place is inhabited only by Digimon like us or that bug." Kitmon told him, "Ask Salamon if you want to, you're the only human we've ever seen here."

Once Kuwagamon was gone, Naruto was free to ask, "Wait, if that's a Digimon...are there others like it?" he felt scared. He didn't even get to graduate ninja academy and he'd have to fight those things? On what planet did that make sense? Were his two partners really serious about getting strong enough to fight monsters like that gigantic beetle?

"And far worse, with Devimon as a prime example of the worst this world has to offer." Salamon answered with her eyes icily observing the direction the bug flew off into, "So far, we're safe. Fortunately, brutes like Kuwagamon are simple-minded. Dare I make a bet, I'd say he's already chasing something that is thankfully not us."

"What could he be chasing?" Naruto asked.

"Lunch, if I had to guess. Be happy it's not you." Salamon commented nonchalantly as she walked away with her head held high like a princess.

Kitmon went after her, hissing through his teeth as he whispered at her, "Don't you remember our plan? Why are you acting like this?"

Scoffing softly, she turned her nose, "I desired a proper partner, but if this one is going to be such a dolt, I won't bother acting like some lowly Piyomon. I shall admit I need him, I just won't keep such bad acting." And then she was shocked when she was picked up by the blond she badmouthed, "W-what are you doing!? Unhand me right now, this is unlike a lady like-"

"You sure talk a lot." Naruto told her with a glare that was rather adorable for a kid his age, but still managed to shut her up, "Listen, I don't know what your problem is, but I can't have that oversized beetle take a bite out of you two." He had also picked up Kitmon, placing him under an arm at his side while he had Salamon sit on his shoulders, her front paws on his head, "Should anything happen, I think I'm fast enough to lose him. Besides, we'll move faster my way."

"What do you-" Salamon's voice sunk back to her throat when the boy leapt to the top of a tree with a single kick to the ground, "AAAAAAAAHHH!"

Her rather unladylike scream was thankfully unheard by Kuwagamon. Naruto just landed on a branch and jumped to the next, repeating the motion to move at high speeds while she held on to him. Kitmon thanked his partner's strong arms keeping him in place. Salamon was starting to cry from the shock, the speed, and the acrophobia growing deep within her thanks to the boy's actions. But to the boy it was an amazing and enjoyable feeling to stretch his arms and enjoy the wind against his limbs mid-fall until he jumped to the next branch.

But as he moved forward, a sound increased behind him, "Are you joking!?" he asked and turned to see Kuwagamon behind him, "How'd he spot me!?"

"Possibly because you're jumping high in the air!" Salamon snapped, angry tears in her eyes mixing with terrified tears from the jumping.

"No, I made sure to move away from him, so-" he cut himself off when the large beetle flew at him, forcing him to jump even higher. Observing how the large Digimon cut the tree they stood on like hot butter, Kitmon gulped, Salamon's eyes widened, and Naruto's butt was clenched. And the bug Digimon circled around them in the air, going back for another attack.

Suddenly, the blond was snapped out of his thoughts by Kitmon's words, "Use its ugly mug to jump away from him!"

Using his head and taking heed of the fur ball's advice, the instant Kuwagamon was close, Naruto planted his feet on its eye-less face to jump behind him. Simultaneously kicking the Digimon, of course. Such action forced the gigantic bug off course and made him crash into a tree. It snapped in two from the strike rather than the sharp pincers on the beetle's mouth. Clutching a branch with his free arm while Salamon held on to his head and Kitmon remained safely secured in his other limb, Naruto observed the bug closer.

"Do you guys see those burn marks on its chest?" he asked his partners as the enormous Digimon got up.

Salamon noticed what her partner talked about, "Dare I say it, we may have found what angered this brute. This simpleton sustained damage in a recent battle..." a glint came to her eyes, "Perfect."

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked as he looked for the quickest escape route.

"It's wounded, meaning we can take him and grow stronger." Kitmon answered with a smirk.

Our hero grew immense hatred for the idea, "Like I'm letting you two become its chew toys!" he snapped at his partners, "Look at that ugly thing, it'll spit you out and down a hill!"

The ugly thing heard him and didn't take kindly to the description given to it by the boy. Charging again, Kuwagamon flew and cut the tree Naruto and his partners were on, forcing him to jump away. The tree's top half fell off while Naruto landed on a branch on its lower half and jumped away. Dead last or not, he was physically fit enough to dash around from branch to branch at high speeds, keeping good distance between himself and Kuwagamon.

However, Salamon did not approve of his plan, "What are you doing? That Digimon's single-celled brain can't come up with decent strategies, let alone put up a proper battle given his state. If you wish for us, your partners, to grow stronger and aid you get home, then let us fight. How difficult is it for you to grasp such a-"

"I'm not letting you fight for me!" he shouted at her, silencing the cold Digimon, "And don't think I don't trust you or whatever! Be strong however you want, but I've my pride! If anyone's going to fight to get home it's got to be me!" his words had her shocked and silent.

Kitmon snapped back at him, "Last I recall, you don't even have the right to call yourself a ninja! You're not a shinobi or even a genin! How can you be so stubborn!?"

"Like I care!" he yelled and jumped over another of Kuwagamon's attacks, "I've failed all the tests and even messed up the only chance I had to make up for it! It's my own fault I'm stuck here, so I want to fix it! If I can't do things on my own..." he glared at the charging, giant stag beetle, his Digivice glowing red, "...I wouldn't be worthy of earning what I want!"

Jumping at Kuwagamon, Naruto reared a foot back, his body and Kitmon's glowing as he kicked the enormous Digimon and made it crash through a tree!



What kicked Kuwagamon looked nothing like Naruto or Kitmon, but a mixture of both. Wearing the same pants, but colored black and missing the shirt, with the boy's goggles on its forehead was an anthropomorphic fox with a body as tall as Naruto's and a single swishing tail as long as said body. It stood on its hindlegs, which possessed the typical paws, but these were pitch black.

Its upper body was exposed, covered in crimson fur with long arms that reached its knees, and sharp black claws on the hands. It had a fox's head, a feral one with crimson eyes with human pupils, black marks around the red orbs, and long fox ears. What really stood out to the Digimon still riding its shoulders was the fact the humanoid fox carried a wooden sword. It was a bokken, a training sword used by samurais.

"Feel...weird..." the were-fox mumbled, holding his head with a hand, and finally looked at it, "M-my hand! My body! What..." he gasped, looking all over himself, "What happened to me!?"

Inside his head, he heard a new voice, "Naruto, that you- us... What happened to us!?"

"Kitmon!?" the blond asked, shocked, "Oi, why am I furry!? Why are you in my head!? Can this make any sense already!?"

Kuwagamon started to get up, and looked even angrier than usual, "Let's save that for later." Kitmon said, "For now, this form is my body and yours making a new Digimon... Let us call ourselves... Kuramamon."

"Call this whatever you want! I don't want to look like this!" Naruto's anger was mixed with fear, confusion, and mostly despair at his bizarre situation, "I'm too young to start shaving! Not to mention, I would get mauled back home if they mistook me for a demon fox!"

"Kuramamon, he's coming!" Salamon's words snapped both Kitmon and Naruto out of their stupor, Kuramamon acting and jumping over the beetle's next attack, "Now, unleash your powers! Look deep within you and-"

"Wait, what, how!?" Kuramamon asked in one go.

Sighing, Salamon clutched his head and pointed forward, "Let your Digimon side take control and attack for you, then. I know Kitmon's in there."

"But I can't-" said fur ball started, having taken control of Kuramamon's body.

The sound of trees getting sliced alerted them of Kuwagamon's charge, so Naruto took control and thus Kuramamon leapt high into the air, bokken held tightly in both hands, "I feel it..."

"Huh?" Salamon asked, astonished at his words.

Clutching the wooden handle tightly, Kuramamon held it over his head, Naruto taking full control as he felt his energy boiling inside, "Spirit... FIRE!"

From his blade, Kuramamon shot out a jet of azure flames shaped like a crescent moon. The fire blade flew at Kuwagamon's head and nailing the oversized beetle on the noggin, sending it straight to the floor. After it crashed – quite loudly – and left a crater in the shape of its upper body on the ground, Kuramamon landed beside him, his preteen sized body glowing... And then Salamon yelped when she was back on Naruto's head, the blond falling flat on his butt while an exhausted Kitmon panted beside him.

"What...was that...?" Naruto asked between ragged breaths, propping his body up with both hands.

"Don't know... But we're alright, at least..." Kitmon groaned.

"Such a thing..." Salamon started, observing Naruto's Digivice, "Who or what are you, boy?"

Smirking at her, he gave the tiny Digimon a thumb up, "Name's Naruto Uzumaki, the guy who's going to be the strongest shinobi in history."

A twitch attacked her right eyelid, "Are you taking me for a fool with such jesting?" she asked tiredly.

Grinning, he let himself fall flat on his back, "Better believe what I say, Salamon-chan. I'm-"

A roar made him sit up straight to see Kuwagamon flying high into the sky, "Not now!" Salamon ground her teeth, "That brute took such an attack and still keeps going!? Wait, is that Kuramamon form the same level as me? But that strength is..." she heard the bug Digimon approaching, halting her thoughts when it came too close.

Fear overwhelmed her. Her legs froze, her entire body was paralyzed at the imposing doom... And as quickly as it came, surprise replaced it when Naruto didn't think, he acted. Grabbing her, the boy tossed the tiny puppy-like Digimon out of Kuwagamon's way.

"Naruto!" Kitmon screamed when the giant stag beetle took the blond in one hand and flew up, crushing it high above the ground with its four hands.

"Guh..." the boy grunted, but glared at the enormous Digimon, "D-Do your worst!" it squeezed harder, "Ack! Ah! Y-You..." he groaned and glared again, "...think that's enough!?" Stubborn as he was, Naruto kicked Kuwagamon's head once again, infuriating it beyond limits! With a primal roar of rage, it threw the boy down!

"No, Naruto!" Kitmon yelled as he saw the boy plummet to his doom.

Salamon merely stared, unsure of what to say or do, "He did that to protect me... Why?" her eyes started to well up the closer he got to the ground, "Why...why does this hurt me!?"

A tear dripped down her cheek, just as Naruto's Digivice glowed with a purple light...


Just like with Kitmon and Naruto, Salamon's body changed quite a lot. Her appearance was similar to a black Egyptian cat wearing large purple gloves with three big black claws sticking out of them. Its ears were large with tufts of purple hair on the tips reminiscent of a caracal. Its tail has purple stripes with a tuft on the end, and it swished menacingly behind her, though not as threatening as her amber-eyed glare.

Seeing her new body, BlackGatomon clenched her claws, "What a troublesome partner he is." She whispered to herself before leaping into the air, slashing Kuwagamon's back.

It shrieked in pain, ignoring Naruto, whose black-furred partner caught after using the stag beetle monster's head as a step to jump after him. Upon grabbing him, she had no trouble landing on the ground without a problem, "Salamon-chan?"

"That's BlackGatomon now, boy. Remember the name... and add a more proper suffix." She mumbled the last part as Kuwagamon flew at them, putting down her partner, "Thanks to you, I've a stronger body. However, it's still not enough." Jumping into the air, she waited for the enormous bug to attack her, and just when it moved its pincers to cut her in two, the black cat kicked them to propel herself at its face and leave three nasty scars.

Upon landing, she merely licked her claws and smirked coolly at the sound of the far bigger Digimon crashing behind her, beaten.

"What the-" Naruto gaped, and then noted Kitmon on the ground. "Hey, are you alright!?" he held the round fox Digimon in his hands.

"Do you believe we're strong now?" the still exhausted fur ball asked to the human.

"I... am still working on that..." the blond admitted with a sheepish smile. Then, he looked at BlackGatomon, "But you used to be Salamon-chan, right? What happened?"

She scoffed, "I evolved. Simple as that. We Digimon can achieve more powerful forms by doing so. For countless of us it takes too much time, but for those who are fortunate enough to have chosen human partners... Well, you've seen a fraction of what can happen."

"But, I'm no Digimon... I think." Naruto stroked his whiskered cheeks, "Could these mean I'm part Digimon? Wait, if so, was my dad or mom into-"

"Do not entertain such thoughts!" the black cat hissed, "I needn't such mental images! Now, you're quite the odd deal! To see you become one with a Digimon, something that should be impossible... What are you supposed to be? That Digivice, that power, and your body acting as a host for such a change... It appears we need to find answers this island surely lacks."

"Y-you said you wanted to go outside this File Island, right?" Kitmon asked, still exhausted, "But you wanted more power."

"That I do, but curiosity is in my nature. Besides..." she looked at Naruto, "Having two partners, becoming a Digimon, and the origins to this... Surely, there's more to our meeting than fate."

"For now, let's eat." Naruto grumbled, the monster inside his stomach roaring in approval, "I could use some ramen."

"While I do agree we need food to keep our energy and be able to fight..." BlackGatomon sweated a little, "...what is this ramen you speak of?"

Eyes wide as dinner plates, Naruto cried, "You don't have ramen here!? What place is this!?"

Groaning with a paw on her forehead, the cat Digimon spoke to herself, "This shall be a nightmarish ordeal, I can see that."

But watching everything was a towering, slim entity, cross-armed and watching everything from the shadows, using its large black wings to cover its body.

"Bonds mean nothing, foolish ones." He spoke softly and merged with the shadows, "However, I'll admit she found an interesting human. If that Digivice is anything to go by, I could use him to gain power. Soon, all that remains hidden from this island will be mine."


And that's my rap!

What compelled me to do this? I was bored and decided to do some nostalgia trip, watched Digimon Adventure, realized most Digimon/Naruto crossovers are with Digimon Tamers or have the Digimon in his world, and... Well, I think I had one too many cookies one morning and thought that LadyDevimon and Angewomon needed more loving.

Sugar rush and childhood crushes on sexy angels and devil women aside, this'd be a simple fic to make. Naruto's Digivice is - obviously - a dark one. His world and the Digiworld do share a connection which you'll see later on, and no, there's NO furry action going to happen. I've bad experiences with furry-addicts, so none of that.

Anyhoo, as for pairings for Naruto, if it's a harem, I'm obviously putting in LadyDevimon, perhaps also Angewomon for a fun rivalry. If I wanted to go crazy, perhaps a Ranamon, as in the mermaid Digimon from the fourth season which I admit inspired the Alpha Evolution bit (I'm oddly okay with alien looking women like Twi'lek). If it's a single pairing only, then only LadyDevimon.

Swordslinger out!