Fear has always been eating me whenever I thought of getting to this part. Now that I'm here, I'm not sure if it'll even be good enough, but I'll try my best.


"Kuramamon, why are you in that form without Naruto-san!?"

Ranamon was nearly hysterical, confusing the bokken wielder, "Why do you sound disappointed?"

Grumbling, she crossed her arms, "I like that form, but when Naruto-san isn't part of it something feels off, hollow."

BlackGatomon growled as she jumped over a bone club swinging, then kicked the offending ogre, "Less talk, more action!" her yell returned them to the matter at hand as they and the other Digimon dealt with an army. Projectiles flew, strikes were traded, and the swarm of Ogremon started to dwindle. The real one was huffing as he saw his other selves vanish against such powerful enemies.

"Dammit, those kids are well-protected thanks to those Digimon. At this rate, perhaps I should retreat..." the dastardly ogre pondered his next course of action.

"Hey, ugly! Take me to Naruto-san!" Ranamon shouted as a cry of "Whipping Waves!" blasted the next line back.

"Ugh, running away it is." The wicked Digimon growled under his breath, only to hear a voice that chilled his spine.

"Killing them is your only option to remain alive." Devimon's voice rang in his head, "Delay them. I don't care how, use your own lifeless body if needed, or I will show you a fate worse than death."

Gulping as he knew the devil was a Digimon of his word when it came to pain, Oregmon nodded, "A-As you wish, Devimon-sama."

While a platoon of his clones was blasted into the air and vanished from Birdramon and Kabuterimon's attacks, the black-clad Digimon moved forward. Impmon was waiting for him, beside her was a shackled blond. Blue eyes locked with purely crimson ones, both burning with deep hatred. Yet the boy didn't hide his smirk, and proudly bared his teeth despite the female imp keeping her foot on his back.

"Told you they'd come ruin your day." Naruto whispered, weak but still conscious and inwardly strong.

Devimon's claw shot forward and wrapped itself around his throat, lifting the boy to carry him forward, "And I'll snuff that fire of hope. I've planned to kill you from the start once you outlived your usefulness. Now, I'll make you watch them die before ending your life myself." The two glared at each other harsher, as if trying to burn the other's very soul with their burning hatred.

With his other hand, the devil gripped the boy's Digivice and the bizarre tag. Impmon eyed them carefully, observing as the towering devil blended into the shadows. However, she was shaken out of her thoughts at the sound of something cutting the air with its speed. The special black gear that Devimon had manufactured by torturing other Digimon sunk into its creator's back!

"What're you-" the human asked, only for the black-clad tyrant to grab him by the neck to choke him hard.

"Silence, for you will witness...true darkness." Devimon's voice grew distorted as he and Naruto disappeared into the shadows.

Down with the other kids, everyone started to panic at what they were seeing. Darkness clouded the once sunny day with unnaturally black clouds. The kids and Digimon stopped fighting Ogremon and his army of clones to see a figure atop Infinity Mountain. And it was nothing short of titanic in size for a giant Devimon stood atop it, glaring at the children with Naruto held in a fist.

"N-No way, we have to fight that...?" Mimi gasped, knees wobbling.

"Using those gears to power himself, he's even more power-hungry than before." BlackGatomon growled, sharpening her claws.

"How do we even fight that guy!?" Joe yelled, desperate for an answer.

"We're just gonna have to give it our all!" Greymon exclaimed.

Ogremon laughed madly, "Like you'd stand a chance!" All the green ogres readied their signature attack, and the chosen children and their partners dreaded what was to come. It felt unfair, cruel, but they had no choice but to fight if they wanted to see another day. When all of the ogres lunged at them, their fists reared back with dark energy flowing through them, they prepared themselves for the worst.

It was a good thing that they had friends, though. "Get going!" shouted the electric rabbit Kuramamon had befriended, frying several of the clones and opening a small path, "You've gotta save someone, don't you kids!? Just run through these clowns!" he shouted, but the Ogremon grew madder.

"Pummel Whack!" several shouted, their dark blast aimed at the Elecmon.

"Spiral Sword!" only for the combined attack to be blown out of the air by Andromon's! "Chosen children, you're about to face many hardships, but worry not, you are not alone!" he said and backhanded three of the five ogres when they tried to strike him, sending them crashing through several trees each.

"Grr, quit ruining my fun!" Ogremon shouted, "How did you even get here!?"

"I've found him on my walk!" said a familiar voice to the fox Digimon and soon ten of the clones were burning to a crisp.

"Meramon!" Kuramamon exclaimed.

"We're not going to stand by when our world is at risk!" exclaimed a giant bear, heart-shaped bubbles of his had captured several of the clones.

"Everyone…" Sora smiled brightly.

"Digidestined, your trials will be hard, but us Digimon are your allies!" added the centaur, blasting a bigger path for them.

"And we owe you one, so no arguing!" a certain ice bear added, the yeti on his back jumping up to kick several Ogremon on their face while the snow Digimon delivered a powerful uppercut to send another into a deep sleep. Seeing all of them trying so hard to help the human children and fighting with all they had made a certain fiery imp clench his fist.

"I-I'm staying!" Flamemon yelled, baring his teeth despite the slight fear in his eyes, "Everyone, please save Aniki! I'm gonna do my part and help here so he can see I'm a lot stronger!" he tried to sound brave even if he knew it'd be a tough battle, but he didn't care, 'I'll become a better me through my own hands!'

The kids were stunned by the Digimon's bravery, most of all BlackGatomon, "You all…" she remembered her partner was in need and closed her eyes, "Thank you."

Tai nodded in agreement, "Make sure to be alive when we get back! Then we can celebrate our victory!"

"You got it!" the Digimon shouted back while the kids ran off.




Naruto gasped as he opened his eyes, dangling in the middle of absolute darkness. Groggily, he shook his head to recover his senses. All he could tell was that his body wasn't touching anything. It just floated in an endless emptiness. Shadows, silhouettes and macabre shapes danced all around him in several shades of black and purple. Due to his bright hair and pants he stood out like a sore thumb.

Because of that darkness, it was a shock to see two piercing red eyes at first, but he immediately recognized them, "Devimon… Where am I?" The eyes stared, not once breaking contact with his gaze, "Answer me! If you think I'm falling for some trick, you're mistaken!" he didn't like the idea of being defenseless and got into a fighting stance.

Suddenly, a shadow darker and larger than all others appeared, eclipsing them and towering over him, "There is no escape from this realm, boy. Do you understand what this place is?" the devil Digimon told him as the boy took a step back instinctively, "Welcome to darkness itself. In here, no light can guide you or let you escape. Here, I am your god."

Naruto hated how weak he felt, and thus swiped his thumb over his nose, "Good thing I don't pray."

"Be as insolent as you want." Devimon grinned, a crooked smile spread under the eyes, "For now that I found your partner, your existence can blend into the shadows."

"What?" Naruto stepped forward, but felt his feet sink into a dark pool, "Dammit, let go!"

As he struggled, Devimon grew amused, "Become part of the darkness, forget your own existence. You are too weak to fight back."

"Like…Hell…I am!" Naruto grunted, but the devil was right. Impmon's 'tender' touch had drained him despite how hard he resisted the abuse. Not only that, he had been denied food, rest, or even a chance to plan a way to get back at the imp girl. Thus, when his knees touched the dark matter, he was forced to admit the dark Digimon was right.

And soon, voices came.

"Pathetic…" said a snarky dark-haired voice, his image showing disgust.

"Leave me alone!" yelled a pink-haired girl, growing tired of him.

"Monster…" a woman whispered harshly.

"Why does he have to be here?" growled a man.

"Loser, loser, loser dead last!" chanted a group of kids.

"None would miss you…" said the man that got him in this mess, a silver-haired traitor.

At the sight of those memories, the boy started to tremble, "N-No…I'm not… I'm not giving up!" he screamed at them.

"Naruto, you're a monster…" and that face was Iruka's, looking at him with deep hatred. All Naruto felt was cold, his face frozen in horror as the man he thought treated him nice said that to his face. Tears he had fought back threatened to fall down, and it just amused Devimon too much. The devil smiled wider, and couldn't contain himself.

"I wished not to resort to this, to not let your power be tainted by darkness. Such a pure source of rage and sorrow is best kept untouched. Alas, you really tried my patience." The devil gained a rather smarmy smirk on his shadowy figure, "I will make sure your partner sees what a pathetic shadow you become, that diva finds your body to cry over, and my daughter experiences this."

Suddenly, all energy returned tenfold! Images of them with him, traveling, cheering him on, and meeting new friends. Flamemon's energy, Kitmon's loyalty, Ranamon's love and BlackGatomon's concern. None of those things were fake. They were genuine, they were pure, and they wanted him to be happy. He was going to make sure they were, too!

He was going to fight! "YOU!" Naruto snapped, the illusion he was in shattering, revealing himself still shackled in Devimon's lair, "WILL NOT!" he roared and broke free of the shackles as the devil stood before him, utterly shocked that his powers had lost all effect, "MAKE THEM CRY!" and the boy leapt at the stunned devil, punching his face only to be swatted aside.

"Cursed brat!" Devimon roared, holding up the crest, "Why won't you succumb to-" his words died in his throat as a red aura coated Naruto and he began to change. Dark marks covered his birthmarks, changing a silly looking set of whiskers into feral marks. His canines grew sharper and longer, thus his bared teeth became those of a beast. And his eyes were crimson, their slit pupils those of a monster!

"If all I'm good for is fighting and being angry, I'll make sure to punch the likes of you, bastards who only take for themselves while using others!" Devimon felt a nervousness that he hadn't before, Naruto's teeth bared furiously as he raged hard. "You…won't put me down, that easily!" He roared at him, making the dark Digimon swallow as the dark landscape around them started to shake.

'He's breaking out of my illusion!' the devil Digimon gasped in his head, his own anger boiling hotter at the sight of an insignificant human brat challenging him, "I'll remind you of your place, impudent demon child!" Devimon roared, holding the crest and tag in one fist tightly, "Submit to ultimate darkness, alone and powerless as you truly are!"

Shadows leapt from the floor and grabbed a hold of Naruto, dragging him down and forcing him to sink into the darkness, "I told you..." Naruto growled, letting his arms hang limply at his sides while his features, even his voice, became more animalistic, "I...I..." he started as his Digivice glowed darkly, the power engulfing the boy was also powering up the small, magical device.

And not far off, the others surrounding Kuramamon gasped when the fox Digimon's body glowed, "Naruto...?" he asked, then gripped his bokken, "I see... He really wants to fight with everything he has." He said as a smile spread on his face.

"What is happening to Naruto-san?" Ranamon asked worriedly.

"He is going to fight, but not alone." The fox said, "I'll see you sooner or later."



"YO!" Said both the fox and the boy as one, Kagemon hefting the large sword on his shoulder, "Missed me?" they asked each other and Devimon, chortling.

Impmon watched everything from a corner as Devimon's illusion broke, "This is my chance."

Devimon ground his teeth, eyes wide and body trembling, "How...How do you not submit to such rage and fall into darkness!? Why do you resist it!?"

"Here's the thing, asshat." The fox said, aiming the sword at the devil, "Naruto's got one thing straight. He should be angry at you, and he doesn't hold that anger back. However, he is not alone, and..." the boy took over and kept going, "I'm smart enough to know I have to take you out for good. So, there's no way I'm losing even to my own anger until you're dead and Black-chan is free if you!"

"That failure of a daughter?" Devimon growled, angering the werefox.

"Bastard, she's the only good thing to ever be associated with you!" Naruto had given away his sensitive nerve.

Grinning, Devimon extended his arms to his sides, "If so, I am glad she sided against me, it'll make it easier to discard her existence."

Baring his fangs, Naruto took full control of Kagemon, "I am taking you out of her life." He dashed forward, delivering a wide swing which Devimon had to parry with his own strike. Summoning dark power to both wings, the devil Digimon stopped the fox man's blade inches from his face, the two warriors showing their deep hatred for each other in their eyes.

"Insolent, impudent brat!" Devimon snarled and shoved him back, "You still think you can stand against me with only your rage!?"

"I know so!" the were-fox roared and raised his blade high over his head, "Soul Flame!" the swordsman exclaimed, slashing the ground to summon a blast of azure fire which went directly to the devil.

"Death Hand!" the black-clad Digimon summoned a dark blast of energy which collided and stopped the flames on their tracks, both attacks creating an explosion! Using his wings, the devil shielded himself while the fox humanoid had to keep his sword nailed to the floor, "Bloody Wing!" once again, Devimon summoned dark red energy to his wings, morphing them into blades.

"Arrogant bastard!" Naruto sneered and swung his sword, Devimon's bladed energy wings clashed against his. None gave an inch! Every time the fox swordsman swung the large piece of steel he used as a sword, a furious Devimon used his wings to stop the attack! However, before he could use his free wing, the were-fox had another swing ready to push back and keep the winged Digimon on his toes! It was truly a heated, downright surreal battle where both combatants were too furious to stop striking the other!

Of course, one had trouble, "WEAK!" Devimon exclaimed and slashed Kagemon across the chest, sending him tumbling back with a cruel smirk, "Did you think I had you tortured for nothing!? Hah! Give me credit, boy! You're running on fumes, your anger will have limits which you'll soon see once that adrenaline runs out!"

Kagemon did his best to stand up...only to fall on one knee, "D-dammit!" said Kuramamon, groaning in pain, "Naruto, what's wrong? Why is your body so slow!?"

Shaking his head, the boy stabbed the sword on the floor to get up, "I haven't eaten for an entire day...and some crazy midget had fun with me." he spat on the floor and gripped his sword even tighter, "It doesn't matter. We're still bagging this son of a bitch, right, partner?"

"Bravo, you can bluff." Devimon taunted, spreading his arms to his sides, palms open, "Do your best to strike me now, boy. If you can, that is."

"Naruto!" Kuramamon called the boy, but he was too furious, "Spirit Blade!" the were-fox thrust his sword forward, an arrow of blue fire shooting straight at Devimon. Smirking wider, the devil slapped it aside just by using one of his reddened wings. Growing angrier, Naruto was about to run, but his body was starting to shake.

"Such anger, but such a weak body." Devimon mocked him with a massive grin, "I need you alive, I need your power, that much is true. However, if you're this weak, I may as well see if you have other uses after taking everything from you and your friends." He walked casually to him, slowly. "And what a nice gift your corpse will do; a shame you and those others will be forgotten."

"Tsk..." clicking his tongue didn't help Kagemon any. Both sides of him were already put through enough stress. Devimon had been smart by exhausting Naruto first and foremost.

"I have won, and you will die! This world will be mine! My daughter and those worthless cretins you call your allies!"

"NOVA FLARE!" Naruto gasped when seeing everyone had already arrived, and the Digimon were charging at his opponent.

Devimon turned, snarling furiously as he used his wings to block Greymon's mighty fireball, "Do not interrupt me!"

"Everyone!" Naruto gasped in shock, but Devimon was furious. He whirled around with his hand shooting out, pinning Greymon against a rock wall. The devil Digimon ran forward and grinded the giant dinosaur across it as he did so. Then, Devimon threw him at Garurumon, his other fist smashing Ikakumon into the earth painfully.

"Arrogant, dastardly bast-" BlackGatomon shouted, only to be side-kicked by her father.

"Draining Rain!" Ranamon chanted, her rain falling down on Devimon...but it didn't slow him down as his arm grew and gripped her throat, "Gah!" she gasped while Naruto tried to get to her, but she was tossed, just like a ragdoll, in front of the human children to an unceremonious stop. All other Digimon were wearier of the dark lord of File Island.

And he had had enough of them, "Weak, pathetic, useless! You humans and your trash Digimon will be the first sacrificial monuments for my empire of darkness!" Devimon cackled insanely, his hands held up to the sky. "I am Devimon! I am the one above you swine!" his voice heralded a figure leaping from a cliff, her clawed fist being blocked by his hand! "And you, my treacherous daughter, will be among the only remaining few to witness my ascension!" He held her painfully in his grip, squeezing her near half to deletion.

"You…Dastard…No…BASTARD!" She screamed, moments before he tossed her skywards, letting her drop onto the ground. The Digidestined all witnessed the monstrous beatdown. Birdramon almost casually being backhanded out of the sky, crashing right into Togemon. With an even more brutal swing, Kabuterimon was squashed against the stone walls of the ravine they had been fighting in.

"I am the God of this world!" Devimon's mad laughter brought with it a feeling of despair and terror. But for Kagemon, only raw anger surged through him.

"You're an asshole!" Naruto shouted out and lunged at him, only for Devimon to finish the fight easily.

"Bloody Wing!" with both wings charged with crimson energy, he delivered a solid cross slash against Kagemon, sending the vulpine Digimon crashing back first on the floor with a mad cackle, "This is it! This is what I struggled so long for!" he shouted and kicked the were-fox on the face, making him flip backwards several times, "Now, I can claim a proper vessel!"

With a wicked grin, he lifted his hand...and stabbed Kagemon on the chest, "NO!" BlackGatomon cried as Devimon twisted his hand in the fusion's chest. Tears rolled down her face as well as a shocked Ranamon's. All the Digidestined couldn't believe what they were seeing. The one Digimon who kept their partners at bay had been so easily defeated by Devimon.

Mimi fell to her knees, hugging herself as she trembled "No, no, no! W-what do we do!?"

Joe ruffled his hair with both hands slowly as his eyes went blank, "It's...hopeless."

Tai ground his teeth, "Devimon, you'll pay for this!"

"Kitmon!" TK and Patamon yelled, tears of their own streaming down their cheeks.

"It's...a joke, right? He's...dead?" Matt felt his heart skip a beat.

Devimon turned to them, smirking as he pulled back his hand, the fusion split into their original selves. An unconscious Kitmon fell with a dull thud on the floor, "Witness this, the body of a human, a gateway into a world beyond this one. I am the Digimon who shall make legends start with this new body." He chortled as darkness spread from his hand inside Naruto's chest all over his body dangling limply on it.

Shadows engulfed the boy, his eyes losing all brightness as he saw the devil smirk, 'I...I...' he felt his mind get foggier, every thought vanishing slowly, 'What...am I doing...? What...did I...fight for? Is this all I can do? Am I...going to die like this...?' sorrow tugged at his slowing down heartstrings, 'Why am I...so sad? What's...this pain?'

"NARUTO!" BlackGatomon shouted and broke down, sobbing like a child.

Finally, he understood: 'This is...HER sorrow...' was his only thought as the shadows fully engulfed him.

"Now...to truly use your full power, User of the Dark Digivice." Devimon cackled as his body glowed.

"Everyone, your Digivices!" Tai cried, aiming his at Devimon.

Light erupted from it, making the horned Digimon snap in his moment of triumph, "What? You think you'll stop me with such miserable-" and the moment was further ruined when Naruto's own hand gripped his wrist. Everyone did as Tai, the light of their Digivices combining as one, Kitmon's small body glowing as the Digimon reverted to their previous evolutions! "No... NO, NO, NO! I AM THE MASTER OF DARK-"

Crimson dark energy erupted from Naruto's Digivice, shattering the shadows around him as he gripped Devimon's wrist tight enough to make him scream in pain, "I'm not..." the boy growled, blood dripping down his chin as he spoke, "...dying... Not...until I get...YOU OUT OF THEIR LIVES!"

In a flash, Kagemon was back with Naruto in full control! Devimon was nearly speechless, "HOW!? HOW ARE YOU STILL GO-" he was knocked back by the Digimon punching him on the face!

"N-Naruto!" BlackGatomon smiled, tears of joy rolling down her face.

"Sit back, Black-chan, this time...I can tell what you feel towards him." He said, facing her briefly. Before she could reply, she saw the wound Devimon delivered. Pitch-black darkness oozed out, a dark purple aura swirling from his wound and somehow keeping it closed. "Trust me, all he's put you through, he'll feel it ten times over."

"What're you..." Devimon growled, nursing his jaw.

"You said so yourself, bastard." Kagemon growled, drawing his sword from his back, "I use the Digivice of Darkness. Anger isn't the only emotion to remind us why we fight." He pointed his blade at him, "This despair you've put them through, I'll use it to free them of you! You're not a master of darkness, you're just as empty as a shadow!"

"ENOUGH!" Devimon snapped, "Bloody Wing!" charging at the were-fox, he slashed wildly with one darkness-infused wing, which Kagemon deflected with a swing of his sword. Once again, Devimon used his other to keep on the attack, but the fusion countered with another swing of the enormous blade, "You're weak! WEAK, WEAK, WEAK!" he screamed in madness, "DIE ALREADY, YOU DAMN BRAT!" he sneered and finally cut into the were-fox's side with a wicked grin.

Naruto, however, didn't even slow down, "GET BENT!" he screamed and ripped off Devimon's remaining horn, using it to stab him on the gut!

"GRRRAAAAHHH!" the devil screamed as both fell to their knees, pulling out the objects embedded on their torsos.

Ranamon gasped, "Naruto-san isn't going to slow down... He's accepting pain without caring how he's harming his body!"

"No!" Izzy exclaimed in horror, eyes wide and mouth agape in utter shock as he his laptop out to study what just happened, "It's more like the darkness is keeping him together, regardless of how injured he is!" True to his words, the kids observed how the shadows stitched his new wound.

Baring his teeth, Naruto asked, "Do you feel regret yet?"

"For allowing you to live?" Devimon retorted.

That made the boy snap, "Of what you put my friend through, asshole!"

Flying high, Devimon decided to use his aerial advantage and circled the Digidestined and their Rookie-level Digimon. Naruto didn't need to hear him talk to know his plans, "Then do you regret putting them on the line?" he taunted, but his rage made it obvious that he was done playing. Looking down, he targeted Mimi instantly, flying at her, "Bloody Wing!" Rushing at her side, the were-fox stopped Devimon's wings from slicing her, their blades creating sparks while Tai and Izzy quickly helped their friend up and away.

Naruto growled, using Kitmon's full power and his own to push back the devil, "Do you think targeting those who don't fight back makes you strong!?"

"The weak are food for the strong, brat! Always have been and always will-" he was shut up when the fox humanoid slammed his forehead on his for a headbutt!

"Shut it with your fancy talk crap!" Kagemon roared and went back to the offensive, leaving little time for Devimon to nurse his nose and forcing him to use both wings to block his attacks.

"They make you weak, you rely on the strength they gave you, and leave you defenseless against my at-" Devimon's angry boasting was cut short when a brutal swing broke through his defenses, cutting his wings! "GRRAAAAHHH!" his blood-curdling scream of agony rung through everyone's ears.

As he staggered back, Naruto was ready to end it, "If all you have is that stupid thirst for power," he started as his blade burst with azure flames, "you've got nothing!" and then stabbed Devimon through the heart! "SOUL FLAME!" a geyser of blue fire shot through Devimon's body, past the wall behind him, and illuminated the sky for everyone to see!

"No...this wasn't...supposed to happen." Devimon gasped, the lower half of his body hung limp from the strips at the sides of his chest which made the hole Naruto burnt through him. As his lips trembled and his eyes widened in realization, he clung to the blade with one hand.

Naruto had a few words for the tyrant, "If I am a demon, I'll never be anything like you."

Yanking his blade from the devil's body, he cut him in two, letting him disappear, "I...I...Piedmon-sama..." were Devimon's last words as he reached for the skies, "My kingdom..."

Letting his knees hit the ground, Naruto returned to normal, a slowly stirring Kitmon grumbling, "What a rush..." the fox head said.

The others were different, "Naruto-san did it!" Ranamon cheered, running to her not-secret crush.

"Great job!" Patamon cheered while the others rested, allowing themselves to feel relief.

"He did it...he really did it..." BlackGatomon smiled, warm tears of joy coating her furry cheeks.

"W-wait!" Izzy reminded them of something important, "Is he...is he still alive!?" Everyone immediately rushed to his side, just to see Naruto crash on his back, exhausted and fully unconscious. Humans and Digimon alike were horrified when blood started to pool around his body from the large wounds Devimon inflicted him. To their growing shock, he was still alive!


And that's my rap!

Sorry for the shortness, but I'm guessing this is what you wanted to see without it dragging out. Also, of course Naruto's not going to die on the first arc! However, using dark powers based on anger and despair does take its toll on his body. Putting it simply, you could put it as the Berserker armor for Guts in Berserk, which doesn't heal him but just puts and holds him together like a gingerbread man with cheap glue.

Anyway, the reason it took me this long to update this, aside from my other fics, real life hitting me hard with my dad's current illness, and my job being a bitch, is that I wanted this to feel raw. Like true anger, I'm making this fic by trying to portray savage and barely rational thoughts into the mindset of a kid who wants to be loved. And I wanted it to feel as raw as possible. Does that make sense?

Possibly not, but I wanted to feel that and to convey it as well as I could.

Swordslinger out!