Chapter 1:

"Oi, Zoro! It's time to get up! We've reached an island." Chopper gently shook him awake. Zoro groaned and sat up in his bed, wiping the sweat off his brow. He clutched the side of his aching stomach. "Z-Zoro... You don't look so good..."

"I'm fine. Don't worry," Zoro smiled faintly at the reindeer. He grinned back and nodded.

"That's good. But don't hesitate to come to me if you ever feel sick," Chopper said. "Anyway, Nami wants you to go out with Sanji and stock up on food."

"Tsk. Why do I have to go with him? Can't Luffy go instead?"

"Because he'll probably cause an avalanche. We're at a winter island. It won't be for too long, don't worry." Chopper beamed up at the swordsman, who sighed in return.

"Alright then. Let's get this over with," Zoro said, grabbing his katanas and walking out of the room. He was met with a familiar, annoying voice.

"Oi, moss-head. You're coming with me," said Sanji. He took a long drag from his cigarette and tossed a bag toward Zoro. "We have to hunt for food here because there don't seem to be any towns around." Zoro caught the bag and jumped off the ship, snow crunching beneath his boots as he landed. He stumbled and gripped Sanji's arm, wincing at the dull ache in his stomach. "Careful, mosshead." The cook placed a steady hand on Zoro's shoulder.

"Be back by dark," Nami shouted as she waved at the two men.

"Yes, Nami-swaaaan~!" Sanji waved back, eyes blinded with love. He then turned back to Zoro. "Follow me and don't get lost," he said, lighting a new cigarette.

The pair trudged through the snow, their bags heavy on their shoulders. Zoro stared at the blanket of snow glistening in the orange sunlight. It was snowing pretty heavily now, but Zoro hardly noticed. Every step he took made the sharp, stabbing pain in his stomach worse. "It's getting dark..."

"We still have time, Moss-head. I want these bags filled."

"Fine. B-but let's have a break." Zoro slid down against a tree trunk, dropping his bag to the side.

"It's not like you to have a break," Sanji said as he eyed the swordsman.

"Sh-Shut up... I c-can... I can have a nap if I want!" He took in a shaky breath, hand pressed against his forehead. His eyes were squeezed shut, his other hand clutching his stomach. He grit his teeth, taking in another shallow breath.

"Zoro..." Sanji's cigarette began to slip out from his mouth. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!" Sweat ran down his flushed face. He half opened an eye to glare at the cook. "S-stop... Stop acting w-worried... S-stupid curly br-brow," he said in-between pants. The cook dropped his bag and bent down to Zoro's level. He gently pushed Zoro's hand off his forehead and replaced it with his own. Zoro sighed at the cool touch.

"Zoro. You're burning up."

"Sh-shut up! I-I'm... fine..." Zoro gazed up at Sanji's worried face through bleary eyes. Black dots swarmed his vision. "Nngh..." He twisted sharply to the side and proceeded to vomit. Sanji watched the ordeal through wide eyes; his cigarette slipped from his lips and landed in the snow with a hiss. After the bout of vomiting, Zoro slumped back against the tree trunk, gasping.

"Zoro! You're not okay! It's okay to admit that, you shit-head!" Sanji's voice was faint. Zoro could hardly hear what he was saying, despite how close his face was to his. He wiped the traces of vomit from his lips and gripped his stomach again. Tears stung his eyes.

"J-j-just lemme s-sleep, s-stupid c-c-cook..." He closed his heavy eyelids, losing all sense of reality.

Sanji shook Zoro's limp body roughly. "Wake up!" No response. He flicked his red cheek. "Oi, mosshead. Wakey, wakey! Rise 'n' shine!" Zoro's eyes remained closed. "This has to happen to me, doesn't it. I have to get stuck with the sick shitty swordsman, don't I. Whatever. I better get you back to the ship..." Sanji hauled him onto his back and grabbed the two hunting bags in one hand. As he began to walk back, the previously heavy snowfall turned into a vicious flurry that stung his cheeks. "For fuck's sake! Why me?!"

It was now beginning to get dark. The snowstorm picked up speed, whipping at Zoro and Sanji's cheeks. Sanji peered around, but the snow was much too thick to see more than a few feet ahead. He sighed, realising that getting back to the ship would be almost impossible. The silhouette of a mountain in the distance towered over the two men and Sanji gazed up at it. Zoro whimpered and then shivered, his hair caked with snowflakes. Hot, shallow breaths tickled Sanji's neck. He sighed, laid Zoro down and slid off his coat. Zoro needed it more than he did now. When Zoro had been wrapped up, Sanji slung him over his back in a loose piggyback and began trudging towards his destination. The mountain.

Sorry it's so short, but this is the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it!