Hello everyone,

MESSAGE TO MY READERS!: I am so sorry that I haven't posted this story in so long. I am working on all my stories this weekend so I should be getting some of my stories posted over the weekend. I work a lot now so when I get home I never want to do anything but sleep and eat so I'm really sorry that I haven't posted. But I'm not giving up on any of my stories. BUT I will be taking some stories down I just don't have any inspiration for them so I don't want to write them for now but I do plan on fixing them and posting them all over again. I will write the ones I took down later on when I do it and when I post another chapter for one of my stories. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sun and moon100: I'm sorry it took so long but here it is. I hope you didn't give up on the story.

Guest: Thank you and here it is. Sorry, it took so long.

HeartSNS: Thank you. It's not really that Naruto likes him or dislikes he just found Sasuke really annoying but he knew he could trust him to believe in him. Also the part of him that is fox makes him attracted to strong people for possible mate prospects and he already had a connection with Sasuke because he drinks his blood. There will be some citrus in this story but not for a while. Suigetsu is a bit all over the place in this story. I would say Sasuke is more jealous of Naruto's relationship with his brother.

kiki2222: Thank you. I hope you're still interested in it.

Empress Tatiana: I AM SO SORRY! I kept you waiting for so long. I appreciate you liking my story so much. Here it is. I hope to read another review and that you still like my story.

inuyasha16451: As always thank you.

Enjoy the chapter everyone.

It was a few days later since the first bloodlust incident and Naruto was freaking out about the markings on his back. It wasn't a little mark it was his whole damn back and that freaked him out. He wasn't going to be able to wear beaters anymore or anything revealing too much skin.

"Naruto you have to calm down," Sasuke said trying to drink off a blood pack and cringing the whole time.

Naruto looked at him and couldn't help the chuckle that slipped past his mouth. "You look like you're eating something sour," Naruto said.

"Shit you could say that I am considering this blood taste like a sour patch," Sasuke said.

"That isn't a very good candy," Naruto said cringing.

"I know," Sasuke said throwing the blood pack down.

"You're not going to finish?" Naruto asked.

"No, I will starve," Sasuke said.

"No, you won't now come on," Naruto said gesturing to his neck.

"I'm fine," Sasuke said turning his head.

"Really?" Naruto asked as he pulled out a small needle poking his finger so blood would come out and Sasuke's eyes turned bright red. "So much for not being hungry huh?" Naruto said as he was about to lick his finger.

Sasuke sped to him and licked his finger.

"You're not fair Naruto by no means," Sasuke said dazed from the blood oozing out Naruto's finger.

"True but you need to eat and I still am contracted to feeding you," Naruto said.

"I can't take too much or we can trigger your bloodlust again and we don't want that," Sasuke said as he tipped Naruto's head back and started sucking lightly.

Sasuke only took a little letting Naruto go. Then he licked Naruto's bloody finger. It was weird to see how quickly Naruto healed.

"Thank you," Sasuke said as he pulled away.

"Yeah, so we're going to Kakashi's today?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah and Itachi is going to find out more about these marks hopefully he is back by the time school lets out," Sasuke said as he packed up his bag for the trip.

"BOYS! Are you ready to go?" Fugaku screamed down the steps.

"Yes," Naruto said grabbing his bag and going up the stairs.

Sasuke picked up his blood packet and started drinking while cringing. He didn't like the blood at all and it was starting to upset his stomach in more ways than one.

"So, you are actually drinking the blood packet?" Fugaku asked his son as he walked upstairs in a proud tone.

"Yeah and it's fucking disgusting," Sasuke said cringing.

"Watch your mouth," Fugaku said sternly slapping him on the head. "You know Itachi has been gone now for a week," Fugaku said.

"Has he called you?" Sasuke asked also not hearing from his brother.

"No, but we can ask your mother and Naruto they probably heard from him before we would," Fugaku said.

Sasuke growled at that and went to go find Naruto. He hated that his brother and Naruto had such a close relationship when he barely had one with Naruto himself. He was slowly working on it though. Hopefully, that is.

"Naruto have you heard from my brother?" Sasuke asked as he finished the blood packet.

"He texted me this morning just to let me know he is okay," Naruto said as he ate his toast.

"Why hasn't he called me or my father?" Sasuke asked.

"Because he is busy, he just made sure I was okay this morning," Naruto said as he walked to get his bookbag.

"Because of the incident?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, he also asked if they were bigger now," Naruto said.

Sasuke cringed as he finished the blood bag. Naruto was shocked to see him finish the whole thing because he didn't think he would.

By the time Sasuke and Naruto got to school, Naruto was a lot calmer than before and Sasuke felt woozy. He didn't feel right and the blood from the morning seem to be upsetting his stomach.

"Okay class lunch break," the teacher said and at that exact moment, Sasuke threw up blood coughing and fell right out of his desk.

"SASUKE!" Naruto screamed running to him.

Sasuke threw up again this time on Naruto.

"Ew," Naruto mumbled but picked him up anyway and ran to the nurse's office ignoring everyone around him. "Obito?" Naruto called out as he opened the door.

"Naruto? Is something... oh my god," Obito said after seeing Sasuke making him get up immediately just as Sasuke was puking again. "Kakashi comes and sees this," Obito said helping the boys in the room.

"What's wrong with him?" Naruto asked worried not caring about his clothes anymore.

"Go and get a bucket," Obito said as Kakashi came into view seeing Sasuke.

"What the hell happened? Is he being weaned off fresh blood or something?" Kakashi asked.

"From what my uncle said he isn't used to blood bags," Obito said.

Sasuke started to groan in his knocked out state as he held his stomach. Sasuke threw up again and it was all blood. It smelt like copper and metal and it was making Naruto feel nauseous being in the room. His sense of smell was good before his abilities came and now that they awakened they felt worse.

Obito started to take off Sasuke's uniform and that made Naruto nervous.

"Don't," Naruto said pushing Obito's hand away from Sasuke only to get in close proximity to Sasuke who needed blood.

Sasuke slowly slid up and grabbed Naruto only to bite him hard. Naruto cringed and nearly cried out but kept it together. After a while, Sasuke kept going Naruto was surprisingly getting dizzy.

"Sasuke stops your going to kill him," Kakashi said pushing Sasuke but Sasuke wouldn't move only growled but then he looked at Naruto's eyes glazing over and that seemed to bring him back to reality.

"Naruto," Sasuke said pulling his fangs out of Naruto and Naruto collapsed right on top of Sasuke.

"Sasuke now you've done it," Kakashi said sighing as he went to go get a blood packet and IV to hook to Naruto.

It wasn't long before Naruto was on top of Sasuke biting at his throat making Obito jump back scaring Kakashi that he dropped the blood packet.

"What's happening?" Obito whispered scared because no matter how long he has lived he never saw this before.

"Naruto slow down," Sasuke said but it was laced with arousal.

"I think we should get out of here and lock the door for them," Obito said pulling Kakashi with him.

As soon as they went out the door Naruto was thrown onto the bed as blood dripped from his mouth Sasuke licked the blood off the side of Naruto's mouth. Sasuke kissed Naruto hard both their eyes blood red and it was intoxicating for both of them. Sasuke was pushed over the edge just as Naruto was. They were both panting heavily and close to ripping their clothes off until Kakashi came back into the room and stopped them.

"Calm down you two," Kakashi said smelling them both clearly.

Naruto seemed to be the first one back and he brought Sasuke back with him. It was the connection that kept them together.

"Damn Naruto I am so sorry," Sasuke said leaning off of him but was rubbing on his neck.

"It's okay just take blood from me every day, okay?" Naruto said looking in Sasuke's eyes.

"What is going on between you two? It seems more than just your blood contract," Kakashi said.

Naruto bit his lip and looked at Sasuke for what they would say. Naruto didn't really know everything involving the supernatural community as Sasuke knew a lot more than him.

"We think we might be mates," Sasuke said.

"What?" Kakashi asked shocked almost falling over.

Sasuke looked at Naruto and Naruto started to take off his shirt to show his back and Kakashi almost fell over when he saw the ancient writings on Naruto's back.

"Oh my god," Kakashi said about to touch Naruto's back only to get smacked away by Sasuke who's eyes were flashing red. "This is ancient. Did you tell your father?" Kakashi asked looking at Sasuke.

"No and I would appreciate you not telling them until Itachi gets back," Sasuke said.

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asked.

"Itachi went to go look for more information for us. He is the one that saw the marks first," Naruto explained.

"We have been hiding it for a while," Sasuke said.

"Since when?" Kakashi asked.

"The beginning of the week," Naruto answered as he sat back down.

"Can I see them on your back and take a photo? I think I have seen these same markings on one of my old teachers," Kakashi said.

"Are you talking about Minato again? We don't even know what happened to him," Obito said.

"Wait..." Naruto said confused. "As in Minato Namikaze?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah... hang on how do you know that name?" Kakashi asked.

"That's my father," Naruto said.

"But my uncle said you were an orphan," Obito answered.

"You do have a resemblance to him if he is your father who is your mother?" Kakashi asked not believing completely.

"Kushina Uzumaki," Naruto said.

"Oh my god, where is your father? We haven't heard from him in years," Obito said recovering quicker than Kakashi.

"My parents are dead," Naruto said.

Sasuke pulled the blonde closer to him. He felt some sadness as Naruto said that and he noticed how Naruto really did have a way of hiding his feelings from everyone.

"Do you have the marks to Sasuke?" Kakashi asked knowing this was important putting his feelings to the side for the moment.

"Yes," Sasuke said.

"Can I see them?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke sighed but started to take his shirt off anyway. His mark was on his back completely and was starting to go to his chest and below the belt.

"It kind of feels like its crawling all over my skin. I have marks on my lower half too if you want to see," Sasuke said getting a growl from Naruto. "I was just kidding," Sasuke said smirking at the thought of Naruto being jealous.

He knew it was the bond they had but still, he couldn't help but like it. He kissed Naruto on the head only to make Naruto swat him.

"Naruto do you think I can talk to Sasuke privately?" Kakashi asked.

"I don't mind," Naruto said confused.

"I will go with you Naruto that way you can tell me how cool your powers are," Obito said.

"I guess," Naruto said shrugging his shoulders glancing at Sasuke who nodded at him.

"Lock the door Obi," Kakashi said.

"Yup," Obito said and they were gone.

"I didn't want to ask this in front of Naruto because I don't know how much he knows but do you like the boy?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes," Sasuke said not denying it.

"That explains why your mark is growing while he is staying on his back," Kakashi said.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked.

"This kind of mark is going to take over your whole body until it consumes you. You like him a lot more than he likes you and it shows all over your body. He is definitely the center of the mating bond but you're the catalyst to it," Kakashi said.

"What do you mean the catalyst?" Sasuke asked his head tilting to the side.

"It means it's affecting you more than him," Kakashi said.

"Why?" Sasuke asked.

"I am assuming because you already had feelings for him before the mating bond. He is just letting you in after you gave him your blood to save him am I correct?" Kakashi asked.

"It wasn't until the next day in the night time did we see the marks," Sasuke said.

"So basically your first real day here?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah pretty much," Sasuke said.

"A mating bond like this one is very difficult to get out of it's not normal and Kitsune tend to stay with the person that they mate with. Yes the bond can be broken but that is really rare," Kakashi said.

"So it can be broken?" Sasuke asked for knowing purposes, to say the least.

"It can but the moment it reaches a certain spot for the both of you the connection won't be able to be broken. I think it would be best to keep this a secret until it needs to be said. Once the mark goes on your whole body last being your face it will disappear to only a mark on your neck but the problem with that is only yours seems to be growing," Kakashi said.

"No his is growing too just slower than mine," Sasuke said feeling offended for that comment.

He wants Naruto to like him and the mark is giving him some hope especially after what Kakashi just told him just now.

"I don't plan on telling anyone about this so can you not tell my family either?" Sasuke asked.

"I don't want to keep this from your father but I will seeing as even Itachi didn't think it was wise to tell your father," Kakashi said. "How long has Itachi known for?" Kakashi asked.

"He is the one that noticed it on Naruto," Sasuke said looking away.

"Why'd you make that face?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke bit his lip, "I don't... I feel like Naruto likes Itachi way more than he likes me and I kind of think if Itachi didn't think of Naruto as a brother he would try to be with him," Sasuke said.

"That's not how the mate mark works Sasuke if he had any feelings for Itachi the mark would have went on him," Kakashi said making Sasuke smile. "But don't get me wrong that doesn't mean he automatically likes you he just has a special connection with you from being your feeder," Kakashi said.

"God damn it Kakashi stop fucking up my mood," Sasuke snapped annoyed. "One moment you reassure me then the next you crush my fucking feelings. Jeez just stick a knife in my back," Sasuke snapped as he walked around the office.

"Sorry but I thought you should know all the possibilities and speaking of those possibilities you should change your uniform," Kakashi said getting up to grab an extra uniform. "So what type of Kitsune is he?" Kakashi asked.

"A blood one," Sasuke said sighing.

"And you said that he drank your blood and wouldn't let anyone drink his own blood?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah Kakashi, what's your point?" Sasuke asked.

"That is probably what linked you two and his abilities saw you as a worthy mate but the part of him that is human is the same as his Nagual part of him. They don't choose mates they just fall in love normally. Kitsune are creatures that choose people based on strength and loyalty to them." Kakashi explained.

"So what are you saying?" Sasuke asked.

"I'm saying he trusts you and knows your loyal to him. It's not just about your strength. I don't know what happened at the other house when you weren't living here but he has a lot of faith in you." Kakashi said.

"Why do you assume that?" Sasuke asked as he got his shirt back on.

"Because Kitsune never mate with someone they don't trust even if it's on an unconscious level. Their instincts will never steer them in the wrong direction," Kakashi said.

"AHHHH!" a scream from the hallway made them more alert.

"Sorry, Kakashi I am opening the door. We forgot to change Naruto," Obito said laughing as he pushed Naruto into the room.

Naruto was bright red making Sasuke think of tomatoes and blood. He was now hungry.

"Sasuke stops fucking staring at me like you want to eat me," Naruto growled out.

"Sorry for a moment there you looked edible," Sasuke said with a smirk as he continued to button his shirt up.

"Shut the hell up," Naruto growled and grabbed the clothes Obito handed him.

Luckily only his shirt was thrown up on. As he was putting on his clothes his phone started ringing making him look at it quickly to see Itachi was calling him and he answered it without hesitation.

"Itachi where are you?" Naruto asked.

"I am in school right now where are you?" Itachi asked.

"Nurse's office Sasuke puked all over me," Naruto said getting a scoff from Sasuke.

"I will be there in a second," Itachi said.

"Itachi is here," Naruto said excitedly and ran to the door to unlock it just as Itachi got to the door.

Itachi hugged Naruto and then walked deeper into the room grabbing his brother.

"Let me see the marks from both of you," Itachi whispered.

"We already saw them Itachi I am curious about why you don't want your parents to know though?" Kakashi said as a question.

"I can't tell you that but it could save both of them later on if something is to happen if no one knows about their marks," Itachi said grabbing Naruto's arm and pulling him to his brother.

Obito locked the door once again so no one could come in. Naruto looked at Itachi and knew there was a meaning behind what he said just then. He was actually starting to get worried about what he was talking about.

"Don't worry Naruto," Sasuke whispered squeezing his hand.

"Take off your shirts I need to see something," Itachi said.

Itachi was shocked by how much it grew on both of them even if Sasuke's was much more.

"I need to see everything you two," Itachi said.

"Mine is only on my back and slightly on my chest," Naruto said making Sasuke blush remembering his conversation with Kakashi.

"Let me see Sasuke," Itachi said.

"In front of everyone?" Sasuke asked.

"Fine you two go behind the shade," Kakashi said.

"Can I see?" Naruto asked shocking them all making Sasuke blush and nod his head yes.

The three went behind the curtain as the other two stayed outside of it.

"Damn this is growing quickly," Itachi said as his brother took off only his pants.

"Do you want my boxers off too?" Sasuke asked blushing as he said it.

"No, it's fine," Itachi said making them both turn around. "Okay so from what I got the time I was researching all these ancient letterings it's a story about the two of you and why you two are mates and right for one another," Itachi said then took a picture of their backs to show them what was written there. "See look at this," Itachi said moving into the picture.

They both leaned over him to look at the picture but Sasuke put on his pants.

"What does it say?" Naruto asked but for some reason unknown to him he felt like he could understand it. "Hang on can I see it?" Naruto asked.

Itachi handed him the phone and continued what he was explaining to them.

"It's your own personal stories about how you met and your whole life," Itachi said.

"This part says how I met Sasuke and how he set me up to meet him that day," Naruto said glaring at Sasuke who looked away quickly.

"No way you can read that," Sasuke said shifting on his feet.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that isn't true?" Naruto said firmly.

Sasuke bit his lip and turned away.

"Just tell him and we can get passed it," Itachi said sighing in his hand.

"Fine yes not because I wanted your blood though it was because of I... I liked you and I wanted you near me," Sasuke said.

Naruto for some reason felt a blush rise on his cheeks making him look away.

"So why is our life stories appearing on our body?" Naruto asked looking at Itachi.

"At the end of the ritual you are going to know literally everything about each other," Itachi explained. "You can already read what is written on your backs but once it reaches the point on your head it will let you know everything about your mate whether you like it or not," Itachi said.

"What about if one of their marks are moving faster than the other?" Kakashi asked from the other side.

"Sasuke is ahead right now but Naruto's just moved on his chest so that shows that they are both moving just differently. As for when Sasuke's is completed Sasuke will know everything about Naruto," Itachi said shocking both of them.

"Would if I don't want to know everything?" Naruto asked.

"It's a part of being a mate with your kind. You know everything about your partner," Itachi said.

"What's wrong with knowing everything about me?" Sasuke snapped at Naruto.

"Nothing I was just asking," Naruto said calmly to Sasuke then looked back at Itachi.

"What is it?" Itachi asked.

"Would if I don't want him to know everything about me?" Naruto asked.

"I can't help you with that one buddy," Itachi said ruffling Naruto's hair.

"Yeah," Naruto said looking toward the window.

"Naruto there is a way out of this but I'm not confident in getting both of you out of it alive," Itachi said making Naruto cringe.

Sasuke looked away putting on his shirt. He was sad at the thought of Naruto wanting to break the bond.

"As of right now the bond is fragile but it is strong," Itachi said.

"What does that even mean?" Sasuke snapped.

"Calm down," Naruto said patting Sasuke's arm shocking both brothers. "What do you mean by that?" Naruto asked.

"When I say it's fragile it's because it's not complete but since you already have such a strong blood connection it is strong," Itachi explains. "Stronger than the stories I heard or read about while researching. It's probably because you know that Sasuke needs you and now you need him. No one else blood is going to appeal to you the same way Sasuke does. I want to test something but I don't have a problem if you don't agree will you do it?" Itachi asked.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

"I want you to taste my blood and tell me what happens," Itachi said.

"I'm..." Naruto started until Sasuke got in front of him.

"Hell no he won't drink anyone's blood but mine," Sasuke snapped his teeth growing and his eyes red.

"Calm down I was going to say no," Naruto said hugging Sasuke which shocked them all in the room. "Sorry Itachi the thought of drinking someone else's blood actually makes me sick," Naruto said as he put his chin on Sasuke's shoulder.

Sasuke was relieved to hear that and he couldn't believe what was happening because Naruto never cuddled into him like this. It was probably to appease him but he was relieved at the moment that Naruto would do the very gesture.

"Like I said it's fine if you don't want to," Itachi said not offended at all.

"But I can do this," Naruto said and got bright red making Sasuke get bright red too.

"What the hell?" Kakashi said shocked.

"A blood Kitsune fits with red cloak I guess?" Naruto said.

"Naruto I never have seen this before," Sasuke said looking around the cloak-like fox around them.

"Yeah, I did it a few times during the week while you slept and sometimes when I took a shower. Honestly, it was hard to control at first," Naruto said.

"It's so warm in here," Sasuke whispered making Naruto smile.

"Wow that is actually a cloak in the shape of a fox," Kakashi said shocked as he walked around it.

Obito unknowingly tried to touch it only to get shocked a few feet back making his teeth long and his eyes turn red.

"Sorry I wouldn't touch it if I was you guys. It is meant to protect me and I guess whoever I am holding," Naruto said as Obito calmed down.

"What happened?" Obito growled out as he watched his hand heal.

"It's a barrier for him it protects him from attacks. It's not that he saw you as a threat but he can't help it yet that's why he needs proper training for his abilities," Itachi said gesturing to Naruto to put his cloak down from around them. "Listen this mating mark needs to remain hidden by all means. If you can't keep it a secret then have a witch erase your memory because this will save your lives in the long run if no one knows," Itachi said.

"Itachi how will we hide it when it gets to our arms and face?" Naruto asked.

"I will figure it out when that time comes so for now let's just worry about your training," Itachi said.

Naruto and Sasuke both realized that Itachi was most definitely right because they didn't want the worst to happen. Not only that but they didn't know what the worst was going to be and that scared them. They were going to listen even if they didn't understand it. They knew Itachi wasn't going to be scared for no reason so they knew it was serious.


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