"I'll be good for you."

Tom's quill stilled and he swallowed thickly at the sound of his fellow head's voice from the other side of the bookcase.

Surely she knew he was there?

He had sat in the same spot for seven years and she had glared at him for it for almost as long. Yes, she definitely knew he was there, so she definitely knew what hearing her say those words to someone else would do to him.

Did she think that just because they'd had an argument that that meant they weren't together anymore? That he would stand for her to be with anyone other than him?

He quietly gathered his belongings and put them away before he stood and moved to the end of the aisle and peeked around the corner. He could see her leaning back against the shelves, bottom lip pulled between her teeth, her hand tugging on Anthony Goldsteins navy blue Ravenclaw tie as he pressed himself against her, his hands caging her in beneath him.

Tom felt his fingernails dig into the palm of his hand and when Goldstein dropped one hand and brushed a lock of hair behind Hermione's ear -

"Thirty Points from Ravenclaw for snogging in the library," he said, finally intervening before any actual snogging could occur.

Goldstein's head snapped up and Tom smirked when he saw the other boy gulp from the corner of his eye, never taking them off Hermione who could only glare at him.

"Riddle. I-"

"I think you should leave," Tom said as he stepped aside, his voice deadly calm, "before you lose even more house points."

Goldstein flicked his eyes in Hermione's direction quickly before he nodded and practically bolted out of the aisle.

Neither Tom nor Hermione moved and it was only when Madam Pince rounded the corner, a stack of books in hand that their staring contest was broken.

"Goodness . Miss Granger. You startled me. Shouldn't you be in class?"

"We were just leaving," Hermione said, flicking her gaze to the librarians and smiling widely at her. "Thank you for reminding us of the time."

"Of course dear," she said, giving her a warm smile in return. She looked between the two of them and seemed to remember how they had, mere seconds ago, been glaring at one another. "Is everything alright?"

"It is," Tom answered, "we'll just be going."

He followed Hermione from the library and the pair of them walked quickly and quietly towards Transfiguration.

McGonagall simply raised an eyebrow at the pair of them when they shuffled into the class, but she didn't say anything. Tom knew it was only because Hermione was a Gryffindor and Head Girl that their tartness was excused.

They slipped into their seats beside one another towards the back of the class and opened their textbooks. And when Tom slid his hand onto her bare knee, to remind her exactly who she belonged to and he saw her lips twitch into a smirk, he knew she knew exactly what she was playing at.

She flounced right past him when she returned to the common room later that night and he'd had enough. It had been one argument (about something completely stupid in Tom's opinion) and she'd flown off the handle at him like he was the worst person in the world, which, to be fair - he was - but still, she wasn't exactly the perfect golden girl that most people thought she was either.

"Granger," he growled. She stopped mid stride and flicking her hair over her shoulder, turned to glare at him. He set his book aside and leaned back into the comfort of their shared sofa. "Come here."

She continued to glare at him but did not move an inch and Tom felt his dick twitch at her behaviour. Oh she was really asking for it tonight. "Now," he grit out, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "Don't make me tell you again Hermione."

She pursed her lips but finally crossed the room until she was standing in front of him, her arms folded defiantly across her chest.

Tom lifted his hands and rested them on her bare legs, smoothing them up her thigh and skirt until they rested at the top of her legs. "What the hell was that in the library?" He asked, letting his fingertips graze the top of her underwear. He pressed his thumbs into her hips when she didn't answer and smirked when she whimpered. "Well?" He asked again, letting his fingertips hook into the waistband of the knickers and began to pull them down her legs, "are you going to answe-"

"Tom," she said harshly, dropping her hands to his and stopping him in his tracks. He glared up at her.


"I- We - I'm angry at you!"

"Well I'm not exactly thrilled with you either princess," he grit out, shaking her grip from his wrists and continuing in his goal to remove her underwear. "Did you enjoy having Goldstein slobbering all over you earlier?" He asked, tossing her underwear to the side and pulling her between his knees. "I know you know I was there," he moved one hand to the bare skin of her ass as the other slid between her legs and pressed against her wet cunt, "I know you know I heard you," he slid one, two fingers into her and held her tight as she arched in his grip, "offering to be 'good' for him Hermione?" He glared up at his girlfriend even as his fingers curled inside of her, "that was harsh. Even for you."

"Tom," she whispered, her hands gripping Tom's shoulders as he continued to pump his fingers into her sopping cunt. "Dadd-"

Tom ignored her plea for mercy.

"I thought you were my good girl Hermione. I thought I was your Daddy?"

She was practically sobbing now, tears streaming down her face as he added another digit and fingered her mercilessly, one arm wrapped tightly around her waist to stop her from falling at his feet. He pressed the palm of his hand tight against her clit and simply let her ride his fingers until he felt her begin to clench around them. He swiftly removed his hand, pushed her to her knees and rammed the fingers coated in her into her mouth when she opened it to protest the loss of her orgasm.

"Look at you," he murmured, using his free hand to sweep the hair that had fallen from the messy bun she'd piled it into during potions earlier out of her face. "So eager."

All she could do was blink up at him as she wrapped both hands around his wrist to make sure he didn't remove his fingers from her mouth like he had her cunt. He cricked his neck as he watched her greedily suck them clean, her tongue swirling up and down and around each of his fingers in an attempt to make sure she didn't miss a drop. "Are you going to behave now?"

She nodded and let his fingers pop from her mouth, not before she sucked each one of them one last time. "I'll be good. I promise daddy," she whispered, her hands falling into her lap. Tom leaned forward and pulled her bottom lip from between her teeth and groaned when she nipped the pad of his thumb.

"Such a good girl," he murmured, ducking his head forward to press a quick kiss against her forehead when she preened under the compliment, just like she did every other time he told her how good she was.

How well she took his cock in her pretty pink pussy.

How good she was at draining him dry when she sucked him into her hot, wet mouth.

He began to unbuckle his school trousers but Hermione stopped him. "Let me?" He could only nod and sat back as she carefully unzipped him and pulled both the trousers and his boxers down his legs until he was sitting in only his shirt and jumper on the sofa before her. She took his cock in her hand and Tom hissed when she slowly moved her hand up the length of him and smeared the precome that had already dripped from the tip with her thumb before she gingerly leant forward and her tongue darted out to taste him.

"Hermione," he warned and she grinned up at him, entirely too innocent, before she nodded and opening her mouth took him down her throat to the hilt - till her nose was pressed against his groin and Tom was gripping the edges of the sofa in an attempt not to ram his hands into her hair like he really wanted to.

Praises fell from his lips, unbidden and without thought as she sucked his cock and his hips thrust up to meet her mouth.

"Good girl," he grit out when he felt her tongue wrap around the head of his cock.

"So fucking good princess," he murmured when she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and worked the head of it with her mouth, her tongue dipping into his slit, teasing him.

"Fuck fuck fuck," he panted when she knelt back and invited him, never letting his cock fall from her mouth in the process, to stand up and fuck her mouth like she knew he wanted to.

He wrapped his hands into her hair and when she tapped two fingers against his thigh, the way she always did when she wanted to reassure him that she was ok, he jerked his hips against her face and fucked her mouth hard and fast. It was when he felt her hands leave his thighs that he opened his eyes, only to be met with the sight of them between her legs, her skirt flipped up so he could see her fucking herself on her fingers whilst her other hand pressed against her clit.

"Does that feel good baby?" She nodded as well as she could given her predicament. Tom closed his eyes. "Are you gonna come? Are you going to be a good girl and come for Daddy?" She hummed her agreement around his cock and Tom felt that familiar tingle that signalled his own approaching end. "What about Daddy?" He grit out. "Are you going to make Daddy come?"

He knew her so well. Knew exactly what to say to her because her lips seemed to tighten around his cock and it was only one more, two more thrusts before he was spilling himself down her throat and she was a shivering mess at his feet. Tom dropped to his knees in front of her, his cock slapping against his thigh as he wrapped one arm around her and pressed his other hand between her legs, slowly stroking his fingers inside her as she came back down from her high.

They sat there pressed together. "So good baby," Tom murmured, slanting his lips against hers and kissing her way more gently than he had all evening. "Always so fucking good."

Hermione tilted her head back, smiled and blinked tiredly up at him. "Hi."