The Prophecy of these Stories

The Horsemen cometh

One from a place where light is dark and dark is light

One from the mind of a fiend turned friend

One from a dimension that is a multiple of 7 and whose digits add up to 18

One who attacks weak points in the tree of time

They all serve the one nearly as old as time

To revive him they need the three books older than he

The book where this was first written down

The book of Cthulhu, the one that governs the dead

And finally the book entombed with an evil pharaoh

Chapter One


"C'mon One, get up," Kurt prodded One, "everyone else is up and ready to go to your guys first field trip." It had been about a month since the experiment's quest into the Labyrinth, an ancient, sentient maze. With the fact that time there was 12 times slower, they had jet lag like symptoms. It affected all of them, but none more than One. It might of been his animalistic features that caused for him to be suffering the worst from it. Most of the symptoms seemed to have worn off though, he just tired because of it.

"All right," One yawned. Kurt would have been a little bit more impatient about him, but One had managed to make his eyes look normal on his own without Kurt's help. Since humans were animals he could easily change his eyes to make them look human. One got dressed, turned into a cheetah, and ran out of the dojo to the others.

"Finally," Grant, the dojo's resident scientist, grumbled. Today was Grant's day to bring the experiments and Lix to school. They would be joined later on be joined by Tritanium and Embry, in her adult form, to help chaperone the field trip. "It has been a while since I went to the CT Science Center," Grant commented. "It will be good to see the different exhibits."

"Yeah," Nine commented. "It was nice last time. Too bad our previous mission there was to steal some xeno skin that had shedded. Good thing Kurt is extremely good at illusions. We should look nothing like we did then."

"When did you two go to the Science Center?" Nine's girlfriend, Two, asked, her black hair streaked green blowing in the wind.

"About a year before you guys joined us a xeno escaped into the real world, shed its skin, and then was killed by being run over. The skin was found by the Center, so Grant and I had to go collect it and destroy it. The personas we used then are now wanted for destroying an unknown specimen," Nine explained.

"C'mon we are going to be late," One stated. He was starting to get impatient. Another characteristic that he developed thanks to his power to turn into animals was that he didn't like wasting time.

"Yeah let's go," Lix agreed. With that they all teleported to the school.

When they were all there they noticed that the six new kids, Cham and his lackeys, were there. "Look what the cat dragged in!" Cham sneered. "13 orphans and the doctor for their sickly 'father!'" This caused all of his lackeys to howl in laughter.

"Can I please fight them?" Seven asked. He normally tried to avoid fights because he was immune to damage, but Cham really got under his skin. "They might be new kids, but they are downright bullies."

"I wish we could Set," Lix answered, "but they are just mortals. We would have an unfair advantage with our powers."

"I don't know Lix," Six interrupted. "ETKOL did appear just last week saying that the six maximum security prisoners from his world escaped here with the help of the Horsemen."

"Also there smell is a little bit off putting," One added. With his heightened sense of smell he could easily tell if someone was a monster or not. "It might just their bad karma, but they smell a lot like a reptilian and five leprechauns, the exact smells that ETKOL told us about."

"You two are probably right," Grant commented. "But for now we can't jump to conclusions. They will make themselves known." Then the first bell rang, announcing the start of their field trip.

Side Note: Cham and his lackeys are some of my creations that have less creative names.