Beca turns the corner to head for their small studio apartment. Juggling two boxes and trying to get her keys out at the same time was no easy task. She knocked on the door, hoping Chloe or Amy would be home, but then she remembers that they actually do still have jobs, well, at least Chloe does, and that they wouldn't be home on a Wednesday afternoon. She finally manages to dig her key out from her bag and stumble into the apartment without dropping everything. After setting everything down on the table, she falls dramatically onto the bed with a sigh.

At the time, quitting had seemed like the only option. It really was miserable there, and she didn't know how she'd be able to manage another day listening Pimp-Lo whine about how 'Bend Over' should be left as is.

But now as she lays in her apartment, her very expensive studio apartment that she shares with two other girls, she is on the edge of a full-blown panic attack. What had she been thinking, quitting her job without looking for another first? Sure, the USO Tour would be a great distraction, but as much as she loved the Bellas and as excited as she was to spend a few weeks away with them, she knew that after the tour she'd have to come back to reality. Even if she does find another job quickly, she can only stand this living situation for so much longer.

It was only supposed to be this way for a few weeks. Chloe had been wanting to move to the city so she could be closer to Beca for months, neither of them being big fans of the long distance. Beca was barely affording the place on her own and Chloe had just transferred to NYU as a Pre-Vet student, so it was an easy decision to have her move in. When her landlord jacked up her rent for the third time in two years, they decided to ask Amy if she'd like to move in for a while until they could get some money saved up to look for a nicer apartment.

It was a tight fit, no doubt. Chloe and Beca shared a full-sized bed and on the other side of the studio Amy had a twin, only a clothes rack separating the 'rooms'. They had thought it would be easy to hide their relationship from Amy for a few weeks while she stayed with them. They had wanted to tell all of the Bellas at the reunion at the Brooklyn aquarium, but decided against it when they realized it wasn't actually a reunion. There had always been suspicions from the Bellas at school, and Amy had been jokingly calling them 'Bhloe' for years. There was no real reason to hide their relationship, they knew everyone would be fine with it and be excited for them. Really, Chloe was just nervous to tell Aubrey, and Beca was just fine with keeping things on the down-low.

Knowing Fat Amy, they really should have known better than to try and hide anything. Amy tried to call them out once they told her that they shared one bed 'because the apartment came furnished and they couldn't afford to get another one'. Even still they never really admitted it, but Amy's suspicions were confirmed in a way that Beca and Chloe would never be able excuse as 'just friendship.'

After a day of one too many teasing texts from Chloe, Beca had barely made it into the apartment before dropping her bag to the floor and pushing Chloe against a wall. They stumbled together across the room, lips never leaving one another's and then Beca was basically lifting Chloe onto the kitchen counter.

With the redhead's skirt hiked up and underwear all but ripped off, Beca was descending down her girlfriends body without even a second thought. With Chloe's hands tangled in her hair like that, and those whimpering moans escaping her as she kissed down her bare torso, there were few things in the world that could stop her. It took a lot to get Beca to that state of arousal, where nothing else mattered in the world besides pulling as many sounds out of Chloe as possible. Usually she was very aware of her surroundings, always afraid of getting caught. But in that moment nothing, nothing, had mattered as Chloe's heel dug into the spot between her shoulder blades and she pulled Beca impossibly closer to her. The world around her faded as her mouth met the taller women's center. Chloe let out a throaty moan and Beca looked up at her. It had to be one of the most beautiful sights in the world, Chloe in this state. Her head had fallen back against the cabinet, her eyes closed and lips slightly parted. Her blouse unbuttoned down the middle, her chest heaving. Red curls now a frizzy mess after Beca had roughly pulled her into a kiss just moments before.

"God, Beca.." She moaned into her girlfriend at the sound of her name and it only tightened Chloe's grip in her hair. Then there was a gasp from Chloe that she doesn't recognize, not one of arousal, but surprise. Beca didn't register what was happening until Chloe actually had to nudge Beca's head out from between her thighs. The brunette looked up at her with a puzzling look and saw her girlfriend staring behind her with wide eyes. Beca turned to see Amy standing in the doorway of the apartment, eyes wider than Chloe's. It was silent for a long awkward moment, none of them moving before Amy finally let out a, "Whoomp, there it is" and turned around and walked back out.

Beca had been absoultley mortified. The memory made her chuckle now, but at the time and for weeks after she had been horrified. She still couldn't look at Amy the same. After that there was so such thing as spontaneity between her and Chloe, which they were both getting tired of rather quickly.

Amy was basically always home unless she was on her corner performing 'Fat Amy Winehouse' during the day. There had been one or two occasions where she had met a guy and stayed the night somewhere else, and Beca and Chloe never missed an opportunity to take advantage of Amy being gone for the night. But it had been a long time since that happened, and Beca couldn't remember how long it'd been since they'd been alone without fear of Amy coming home.

After Beca's mortification from the incident in the kitchen had warn off a little, there had been one (or two) nights with Amy asleep on the other side of the room, and a very sexually-frustrated Chloe Beale next to her that had led to some awkward under-the-blanket fumbling of hands and some quiet, desperate moans into pillow cases. They were like teenagers trying to hide it from there parents, and Beca was so over it.

That's just one of the million reasons that this whole jobless thing has her stressed beyond compare. How were they ever supposed to get their own place when she didn't even have an income? She sighs again while bringing both of her hands up to cover her face. For a while she just lays there thinking, trying to calm down.


She moves her hands away from her face and squints as the light hits her. Sitting up, she meets Chloe's bright blue eyes and can't help a smile.

"You're home early."

"I may have said our flight was early in the morning so they'd let me sneak out a little early," Chloe says as she makes her way into the kitchen. "What's all this?" She's gesturing towards the boxes on the table.

"All the stuff I had left at the studio."

Chloe's always-happy demeanor immediately falls after hearing the sadness in Beca's voice and she comes over to sit next to the brunette on the bed, "You did the right thing, you were so unhappy there." She runs her hands lightly over Beca's back, trying to reassure her.

Beca lets out a shaky breath, bringing her palms back up to her face. "I know, I know I just-" She inhales deeply through her nose, "What if I can't find another job when we get back? We can barely afford this place as it is."

Chloe's smile is warm and empathetic. Somehow, just being in Chloe's presence made her feel better, she didn't even have to say anything. Beca had never met anyone else who had that effect on her. Chloe's hands are still grazing her shoulders over her shirt. "You'll have no problem finding a job," She says, bringing up her hands up over Beca's shoulders and around her neck to cup her face and look her in the eyes, "You're the most talented person I've ever met."

"You're my girlfriend," Beca says, smirking, "You have to say that."

"Oh shush," She chirps back, "You know that I've thought you were insanely talented from the moment I heard you sing for the first time. I don't go barging into everyone's showers you know." Chloe's hands move back around the Beca's shoulders, now lightly massaging.

Beca rolls her eyes, "Mmm, I still find it hard to believe that that was only a one time occurance for you Chlo." She winces slightly as thumbs press and knead.

One of Chloe's hands retracts from Beca's back momentarily to cross a finger over her heart, "Only once. Only you. I swear."

Beca chuckles, "If you say so."

"Don't stress so much, okay? We're going to have a great time on the tour and we can worry about everything else when we get back."

Beca wonders how Chloe can always be so cheerful and optimistic. Chloe effortlessly maneuvers her way behind Beca on the bed, now really working out the kinks in her back.

Beca can't help a content sigh, "I just don't want to be stuck in this apartment any longer." Her brow furrows and a small grunt escapes her lips as strong hands work another on another knot. "You're so good at that." It's barely a whisper.

Chloe hums and Beca can feel the breath of a whisper on her neck, "You know, there is another way I could help you relieve some of this tension..." She trails off and places a single kiss on the back of her girlfriends neck. Hands move down from her shoulders to her sides, slightly hesitating before slipping under the cotton barrier of her shirt. Beca's breath hitches as gentle fingers draw circles over bare skin.


"Isn't home," Chloe interrupts.

"But she could come home.." Chloe runs her nails lightly up her sides, Beca swallows, "any minute.."

It had been a long time since they were alone. It would help relieve some stress. And damn, did Chloe look stunning in the jump suit she had worn to her internship that day. But Beca still hesitates, her mind flashing back to when Amy had walked in on them in the kitchen.

She feels Chloe's lips just barely grazing the back of her ear, "What can I do to convince you?" Beca shudders. "When's the last time we had the place ourselves?" Now she's laying slow kisses down her neck, her fingertips toying just above the waistline of Beca's jeans.

Beca's eyes flutter shut, she tries to keep her breathing steady. Usually she has so much control, never letting her sexual frustration get the best of her, and there had been a lot of sexual frustration to go around the last few months. But as Chloe's hands linger, and lips continue to leave burning kisses across her neck and collarbone, Beca has suddenly forgotten how to speak.

Soft lips brush Beca's ear again, "What do you say Becs?"

Beca swears she can hear the pounding of her own heart. Every ounce of self control she has is draining as the lips on her ear move back down to her neck. Teeth graze the sensitive flesh and another whimper escapes Beca's lips. She can feel Chloe grin against her skin. The hands on her abdomen are now dipping just below her waistline so, so close to where she needs them.

Chloe's voice is lower now, "Are you really going to make me wait until we get to our hotel room in Spain?" Teeth don't just just graze this time, they bite, right on the curve between Beca's shoulder and neck. Beca's hands turn to fists, grasping the comforter underneath them. Chloe continues, "That's so far away…"

Beca manages a breathy laugh and somehow finds words, "We'll be there tomorrow."

"So far away…" Chloe insists, continuing her treacherous exploration of Beca's neck with her mouth. At this point Beca is in no place to disagree with her, suddenly tomorrow night felt like it was an eternity away.

Beca pulls away, ignoring the slight mewl of disappointment from Chloe as she turns around to face her girlfriend. The redhead's expression quickly goes from pouting to beaming when Beca surges forward, pushing Chloe down on the bed as their lips meet. Their kisses are feverish, desperate. It really had been too long. Beca hadn't actually taken time to consider how much their accidental abstinence had been affecting her. All of a sudden, nothing else mattered. Not her lack of a job, not the USO tour, or the fact that Amy really could walk in at any moment. She needed this, apparently a lot more than she realized.

Beca's hands reach for Chloe's wrists, pulling them up over her head and pinning them against the bed. Chloe's moan of approval makes her head spin. It's like a drug for her, the sounds Chloe makes. Once she hears it once, she's addicted and will do anything to make it happen over and over again. Their lips part and she hears Chloe's sharp inhale as Beca's mouth descends over Chloe's chin and then to her neck. She has to release her grip on one of Chloe's wrists to give herself leverage and the redhead takes the opportunity to tangle her free hand in Beca's hair.

Now Beca is the one moaning as the grip in her hair tightens. As Chloe's leg makes its way between Beca's thighs, her mouth stills over soft skin and her hips buck without her permission. Then Chloe is sitting up, taking Beca with her. Chloe's hands reach down to the hem of Beca's shirt and begin to lift it over her head when they hear footsteps and then the sound of rummaging keys.

"You've got to be kidding me," Beca hisses, quickly pulling her shirt back down over her body. Their eyes meet for a brief moment and she can see the disdain in Chloe's expression.

They watch as Amy comes barreling through the door, she's wearing her Fat Amy Winehouse wig and is lugging a few boxes full of props and has a red curtain draped over her shoulder.

"No, don't worry about me," Amy says, clearing struggling to hold on to everything, "I've got it!" She stumbles over to her side of the room and drops the boxes onto her bed before she also falls onto it. Then she's pulling off her wig and throwing the curtain off of her shoulder and onto the floor. "Really guys," She takes a winded breathe,"Thanks for all the help."

Beca has to bite her lip to keep from saying something much too harsh. Now Amy glares at them, "I'm sorry, was I interrupting something? You're both looking a little flustered."

Chloe chuckles, "No. We were just talking."

"Mmm, the rustled hair and red cheeks say otherwise."

Beca feels the blush in her cheeks intensify as she reaches up to try and fix her hair nonchalantly. Chloe lets a out a giggle and then bites her lip to stop herself when Beca scowls at her.

"Well lucky for you lezzies," Amy continues, "Bumper is in town to try and win me back again, so I'll be staying at a hotel with him in the city tonight."

Beca rolls her eyes, partly because of the 'lezzy' comment and partly because she really thinks Amy should stop messing with Bumper's heart and sleeping with him literally every time he is in New York.

"We're all supposed to go out tonight," Chloe reminds her.

With their flight to Spain leaving tomorrow, all the Bellas were already in New York and they had decided to go out tonight before they left for the tour. Beca had protested, knowing how the Bellas party and wasn't so sure she trusted them to make an 11 A.M. flight after a night of drinking, but Chloe and Amy insisted.

"Oh I'm still going out," The blonde clarifies, "I'm just staying with Bumper after."

"You know Amy, maybe you shouldn't-" Beca feels the hand that is still resting on her leg squeeze tightly. She meets Chloe's gaze and her her wide eyes and sarcastic smile clearly read 'dear god please stop talking'. And Beca does stop talking, because even though what Amy is doing is kind of fucked up, she really does want to have Chloe alone tonight.

Now Amy is rolling her eyes, obviously noticing what the silent exchange between the two of them means. "Don't get your panties in a bunch Chloe, I'm not changing my mind. The apartment is all yours. Bone away."

Beca's cheeks are then somehow even more red than before and Chloe is giggling again. Beca sighs. At least they'll finally have the apartment to themselves.