This feels cliche and overdone but I keep getting asked for it. So here's a one off as a gift to all my Hiccstrid readers.

Inspired by Geek (I think that's what the prompt said. I get a lot of prompts.)

Here's to more variety and adventure in prompts in 2018.

Seventeen year old Hiccup + Astrid.


Two blue lines stared up at her. Astrid shoved it back in its box, opened the next one and took it. Again, she got two blue lines. The third was the same.


Oh, Astrid was so very screwed.

The door knocked, rattled and Astrid looked at it in panic. Thankfully, she had locked it.

"You gonna be long in there Astrid?"

Her mothers voice called through, and Astrid tried not to stammer her answer.

"Just a minute!"

Panicking, Astrid shoved the tests back in their boxes, flushed the toilet and shoved everything telling in her hoodie pocket and hoping nothing... leaked in there. She washed her hands, then unlocked the door and stepped out with hopefully no noticeable tremor. Her mother looked at her expectantly.

"You've been in there for a while."

"Sorry... cramps, you know?"

With that, she waved Astrid off and the blonde teen escaped. She tossed the positive tests in the bin, panting in panic as she buried them beneath everything else and shoved it where it wouldn't be visible from the doorway, should a parent pass by.

What was she going to do?

Obviously, tell Hiccup. Even if Astrid decided not to keep it, and even though they were not really in a relationship... he deserved to know. Astrid knew it was unfair to hide it from him even if she had an abortion.

But in the more immediate instance of what she was doing... panic, was the word. Astrid was seventeen, and studying for A Levels and thinking about university. Not to mention her parents didn't have the slightest clue about her... stress relief with Hiccup. They would flip. They were pretty conservative, and insisted Astrid was not to even date until she had finished school. Preferably university too.

And definitely not in any shameful way. As her mother said at least once a week - sex was for marriage and babies, not embarrassing herself and disrespecting her body. Her mother had been a virgin until marriage... apparently. And obviously, that meant Astrid wasn't allowed birth control.

Personally, Astrid worried her mother must have missed out. Hiccup respected her body, but he also made it do all sorts of twisting, writhing motions as he wrung exquisite pleasure from it. She had no real basis for comparison, but their sex was pretty spectacular. They weren't dating, it was just sex but damn it was good.

"Mom? I'm going for a run."

She had changed to facilitate that story, but Astrid had a destination rather than exercise in mind.

"Be back before dark. And have your phone on!"

"I'll try."

Scooping up her water bottle, Astrid started a light jog to warm up but every step was taking her to Hiccup's place a good five miles away. The whole run was riddled with mental anguish; Hiccup could totally flip. They were almost kids themselves. Way too early for kids, and they weren't even together.

He was outside his home, wearing overalls and crouching next to his motorcycle. His big black dog Toothless slumbered in a patch of sunshine nearby. He brightened when he spotted her; Astrid was sweaty and in her running gear. Hardly the height of attractiveness but then he saw her sweaty and flushed plenty.

"Hey Astrid. I'd hug you or something but I'm covered in oil. My cousin came over and tried to show he knows about bikes. Busted my brake line."

That sounded terribly annoying for him, but Astrid was anxiously twisted and didn't have the energy to be chatty and sociable.

"We need to talk."

His brow furrowed in thought, looking down at his bike before gesturing toward his home.

"Parents are out, head on in. I gotta put my bike away."

Toothless followed Astrid as she awkwardly let herself into the Haddock home, not a huge lavish building but it was warm, homely. Smelled like cinnamon and firewood. And Astrid had been fucked in almost every room of it. The sofa she perched on had been... repurposed several times. Hiccup came in ten nerve-building moments later, changed and smelling strongly of that mechanic soap that washed off oil.

"You want a drink?"

Astrid shook her head, held up her water bottle. Hiccup nodded in understanding, excusing himself to the kitchen and returned with a glass of juice. He lowered himself into a nearby chair, leant forward slightly. Toothless immediately started nudging his hands, wanting attention and affection.

"So, what did you wanna talk about?"

Twisting the cap of her water bottle up and down as she tried to form words, Astrid felt her throat grow thick.

"I'm.. I'm pregnant."

Never had the resemblance between Hiccup and his mother been clearer than when his eyes widened like hers.

"Y-y-you're pregnant. Mine?"


"Sorry. I didn't know if you were hooking up with someone else. I wouldn't have minded."

"Wait. Are you? With someone else?"

Hiccup shook his head.

"Astrid, it may surprise you to realise I have zero prowess with females. You came on to me, if I recall correctly."

Shaking her head, Astrid felt wasn't getting enough reaction.

"You are far too calm."

"It's a Haddock thing. I'm processing. I'll freak out in a minute, promise."

"Well, don't. I don't think I'm gonna keep it. I just thought you had a right to know."

"You're getting ri- an abortion?"

Astrid nodded.

"I'm seventeen. I want to go to university, have a career. Not be a teen parent because a condom obviously split with the guy I fucked for fun."

They had never noticed a condom break - she would have stormed a pharmacy for the morning after pill - but Astrid knew a small tear might not have been noticeable to post-coital teens, and it would only need to be small. Sperm were microscopic cells after all.

"It's your body. So it's your choice."

His voice was a little saddened. Astrid frowned.

"You don't want me to get rid of it."

Hiccup shook his head.

"Honestly? No. My parents tried for ages to have me, and it took doctors and fertility treatments for it to happen. It sorta feels like I'd be mocking their struggle."

"Hiccup. We are seventeen. We aren't even a couple. I don't think I'm in any way ready to go through pregnancy. Let alone parenthood."

He sighed, looked away.

"Like I said, it's your choice. But if you decided to keep it... I'll be there. Any way I can. And if you want..." he came over all shy "we could try. You know. Dating."

Astrid ran a hand over her face, then grimaced as it came away sweaty. Hiccup twisted toward the window, stood up to peer outside.

"Parents are home. I'll uh, tell them you're a friend from college who stopped by to use the bathroom."

"You can't tell them!"

Hiccup looked at her with that disdainful 'really?' look.

"Yes, I'll totally give them the grandparents talk right before I tell them you got rid of it. Of course I won't."

She forgot he had a cutting wit when he wanted to try. It was part of what attracted her to Hiccup in the first place. Astrid stood up, took a swig from her water bottle and tried not to look too terrified about everything as Hiccup turned back to her.

"Are we... over now?"

"I don't know. Why?"

He shrugged. Smirked a little.

"Been a little while. And we could ditch the condoms until you" he stepped closer, ran a thumb over her jaw and Astrid felt the familiar heat at his touch "decide."

Taking a deep breath, Astrid stepped back. He was acting casual again and it was incredibly disarming, to know the awkward dork who could barely suggest dating was the same guy who made her knees weak when his parents were a minute away.

"I'll call you later."

He was right. She couldn't get pregnant again right now. And giving up their sexual adventures didn't sound appealing... at least right now.

"You had better."

The front door opened and Toothless barked at it, the sounds of Mr and Mrs Haddock greeting their dog filtering through.

"Oh, didn't realise you had company lad."

Gods his dad was enormous. His mother was tall, but his dad was a mountain.

"This is Astrid. Friend from college. Astrid, this is my mom Valka and my dad Stoick."

She knew all of that. But this was less suspect.

"Hi. I'll just be going now."

"Oh, don't leave on out account!"

His mother protested, but Astrid indicated her clothes. Tried not to imagine her stomach rounding with a baby inside it.

"I gotta finish my run and get back before my mom freaks."

"And I need to finish repairing my bike. I'll walk you out."

He did so, and when they got outside Hiccup held his hand up oddly, counted down from ten quietly and then pointed to where his parents were all but pressed up against the window. Once caught, they quickly hid.

"Have I mentioned they are ridiculously nosy?"

"Once or twice."

Hiccup chuckled, heading toward the garage presumably for coveralls and his bike. As Astrid prepared to head back - and get yelled at, she figured as the sky showed the first signs of darkening - he winked. She shook her head, then set off back the way she came. Her mind turned over the possibilities all the way back, keeping a steady eight minute mile pace as she contemplated the potential alternate future Hiccup offerred her.

Could she keep the baby? Would they be able to do it? She knew Hiccup wouldn't be going to university; he was doing some A Levels but after that he was straight into the family mechanics business with his dad, his uncles and his cousin. Any training afterward would be around his job no doubt.

So maybe she could still get an education. They could share responsibilities, right?

Gods, what was she thinking? She hadn't even agreed to go on a date with him and there she was entertaining the idea of parenthood with him. Astrid slowed as she got to her home, catching her breath with a walk as evening began to fall. Expecting a lecture as soon as she opened the door, Astrid was confused by the absence of parents in the kitchen. Mealtimes were as religious as mothers weekly trips to church.

Not that Mrs Hofferson was particularly religious. More for appearances sake. It looked good to say they went to church every week apparently. Astrid had stopped going at fifteen.

Placing her empty bottle by the sink, Astrid wiped her sweaty face with some kitchen roll and headed up toward her room. She stopped off at the bathroom, washed her hands and face before she went to grab clean stuff for a shower. Considering whether to dress for Hiccup's or in pyjamas to ensure un-suspicious parents, Astrid pushed her door open.

Her heart stopped.

Strewn across her bed were the contents of her waste-paper-basket. Central to the mess was her three positive pregnancy tests. A small part of her was livid they had gone through her bin. But more than half of her choked and convulsed in fear. Above the mess?

The faces of two very angry parents.


This will be short. Get a few sporadic updates and be done.


There will be smut.