Harry's smile turned kind as he looked at Sirius, any thoughts of cold-blooded murder gone for the time being. "C'mon Siri, Regulus, let's go upstairs."

He received two nods, one a bit more relieved than the other before turning around and heading back up the stairs to where James had disappeared to. Harry could feel Sirius behind him, walking closer than was most likely appropriate for two seemingly strangers.

When they turned at the top of the stairs, the long hallway leading to James' and his bedrooms, he couldn't help the fond exasperation he felt at seeing his older brother hiding behind the wall closest to the banister. Glaring faintly at the boy, he motioned with a faint jut of his chin towardsthe elder boys bedroom.

James chuckled weakly, a hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck. He waited until everyone was covered from downstairs by the wall before talking. "Eheh, sorry Harry."

Said boy sighed, shaking his head at his brother's antics. "Just go to your room, and take Regulus with you please."

James furrowed his eyebrows, looking slightly confused. "Where are you going to be?"

Harry gave him alook, one that he'd given James many times over the years, smirking when he saw James gulp. "Go."

James quickly grabbed Regulus' hand and lightly but firmlypulled him into his room, the door shutting quietly behind him.

The two stood there a moment, just out of sight from the living room, gazing at each other and ignoring the voices from downstairs that they could barely make out.

Sirius lifted his hand, the look in his eyes Harry could only think to describe assoft,and went to cup his cheek. He froze at the last moment, looking slightly scared, so Harry leaned forward, the feel of Siriusalive and wellafter so many years, even if it was just a hand, was - was everything. He sighed, quietly, his body drooping a bit, a feeling of contentment washing over him, somethinghe hadn'tfelt in years.

"Siri," Harry said, more of a breath than anything, before promptlythrowing himself at the older boy, his arms wrapping tightly around Sirius' neck. He buriedhis face under the older boys chin, and inhaled for a moment, enjoying the feel of Sirius' arms around his middle.

And then the damn broke, any sense of being fine with everything that had happened since the man's death, crashed over him in waves, horrible, vicious waves. He cried then and there, a small hitch in his breath and a few tears falling down his face before it turned into heartwrenching, gasping sobs.

The door a few feet away opened, the two boys inhabiting the room looking a bit comedicwith their heads through the crack stacked on top of each other. The two watched, silent and confused as their brothers embraced, as Sirius sighed, looking so heartbroken for the one in his arms that Regulus almost started crying himself. They watched as Sirius leaneddown a bit, pressing his lips tothe top of the black mop of hair on Harry's head, as he rubs a hand up and down the boysback, doing anything his can to comfort the boy in his arms.

It feels like ages before Harry quiets down, they just stand there, Harry leaning most of his weight on Sirius. James, the Gryffindor of the lot, speaks up first, hesitating only slightly as he keeps his voice just below a whisper. "Harry? Are-are you alright?"

He turns his head slightly, reaching out a hand for both of the boys, "Not right now, but I will be, promise."

Regulus looks up at James who just shrugs. He loves his brother dearly, but there's just -something.His brother may look all of six, but he acts more grown-up than most grown-ups the two know. And for all the promises he made when he was younger about being the best big brother, it feels more like Harry is the big brother or a really cool parent. Not that he would ever tell Harry that.

Regulus leaves the room first, the shorter of the two, to be pulled straight into a hug between Harry and his older brother. James, always up for hugs from Harry, flings himself at the small group, smiling happily at Harry who just laughs quietly at him, smiling fondly at his brother.

"Promise me something you two," Harry says, looking serious while running his hands through the two boys' hair. "Promise me something, ya?"

James, who knows that when Harry looks like this, he's trying to do what's best for him, to protecthim, whether it's from his own choices or from something else, knows to listen and do as told. He nudges Regulus, giving him a look he hopes the older boy understands. "Yes?"

"If something, anything, tries to harm you, or if you ever feel unsafe, you'll come to either me or Sirius." He pulls his hand away from James for a moment to reach into a pocket in his pants to pull out two rings. "Here," he says, handing them both one. "Things are going to start getting more dangerous soon, and I want you two to be safe. They're fancy portkeys. If you want me, say Prongslet and if you want Sirius, say Padfoot."

Regulus looks between his ring and the two they're keyed to, slightly confused but happy.

James, on the other hand, looks at his brother for a moment before dropping his eyes to the ring in his hand. "What do you mean more dangerous?"

Harry pulls James into a hug for a briefmoment, before letting go. "When you turn eleven I'll tell you everything, I swear, but not a moment before."

James looks at him for a moment before nodding. "Okay, Harry."

Sirius closes Regulus' hand around the ring, squeezing his hand slightly. "That goes for you too Reggie. If you feel in danger for any reason, use that and come to one of us."

Regulus looks up at his brother, noting the serious expression on his face. "And the full truth?'

Sirius grins at him, "the full truth when you turn eleven as well."

Regulus sighs at the nickname, gazing fondly at his brother who means the world to him. "Okay, Sirius."