Disclaimer: Anything you recognize is owned by JKR.

July 29th, 1995 – 4 Privet Drive, Smallest Bedroom

A lone boy was staring at the bare ceiling from his bed lost in his thoughts. He had been home for the summer for a little over a month now and he was sick of it. His black, normally slightly messy, hair was sticking out in all directions. His usually brilliant emerald eyes were dulled behind his round glasses. This boy appeared to be a typical brooding teenager missing his friends for the summer, but this boy was anything but ordinary. Harry Potter was a wizard and a famous one at that. He was known as the Boy-Who-Lived for stopping the Dark wizard named Voldemort when he was a baby and surviving. Unfortunately for Harry, the Dark wizard just recently regained a body by kidnapping him and using him in a Dark ritual. Harry wasn't the only one kidnapped that dreadful night of the Triwizard Tournament, fellow Hogwarts Champion Cedric Diggory was also taken, but instead of suffering through the ritual and returning like Harry, Cedric was killed because he was "the spare."

Nightmares of this night haunted Harry every day since it had happened. One would think that after witnessing a fellow student's MURDER someone would help him through the trauma, grief, and guilt. Normally this would happen, but again Harry was anything but normal. After weeks of receiving no worthy letters or information from his friends, Harry had given up and was just determined to survive this summer with just his faithful owl, Hedwig, for companionship. He thought that his friends would care more about him to keep him in the loop. From their letters, it appeared as though his two best friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, were together and surrounded by action. Harry knew his friends had gone with him on most of his adventures, but no one other than himself had actually faced Voldemort and survived, other than Dumbledore. It was always Harry at the end, so why was Harry being ignored and deprived of information that could help him if Voldemort sought him out for the fifth time!

As Harry lied in him bed contemplating all this, a dark brown owl tapped on his window demanding his attention. After trying to ignore the incessant tapping thinking it was another useless letter from his friends, Harry opened the window and removed the letter from the owl's leg. When turning the letter to open it, Harry noticed the seal on the letter was the seal of Gringotts. 'Why would Gringotts be sending ME a letter,' he thought. Once his curiosity was too great to ignore, Harry opened the letter and began to read.

Dear Mr. Potter,

It has come to our attention that the wills of your parents James and Lily Potter are due to be read upon your 15th birthday. The wills were illegally sealed by the Wizengamot, but unfortunately due to Gringotts' lack of information we were made unware of this sealing until just recently.

Provided in this letter is a small stone this is to be used as a Portkey on the morning of your birthday at 10 o'clock. It is imperative that you attend this reading so that we may go over the discrepancies regarding your parents' wills. We here at Gringotts take full responsibility for this mishap and wish you the best.



The Potter Family Account Manager, Gringotts

In shock, Harry pocked the small stone that was to be his portkey in two days, well almost one really as it was passing midnight. "Hedwig! My parents had a will! Maybe they didn't want me to be raised at the Dursleys after all!" With a dutiful hoot, Hedwig loyally agreed with her owner. With life and hope in his eyes for the first time since June 24th, Harry Potter fell into a restful sleep thinking about what his parents' wills might have in store for him in the coming days.

The next morning, Harry woke up with a new purpose. Being reminded of his parents and their deaths so he could live, gave him a new spirit and drive in his blood that he had been missing since Cedric's death. Realizing that he was dishonoring the memories of his parents and Cedric by allowing his body to waste away, Harry decided he would begin training hard for his inevitable fight with Voldemort as he appeared to be obsessed with killing Harry.

First, he would have to begin physical training because although he was nowhere close to be overweight, he was in fact severely underweight and he wanted to put some muscle on his body.

He decided he would go on a run every morning for as long as he could go for without completely exhausting his body. Then he would walk back to the park near Privet Drive and start of exercises to build and tone his muscles. After his physical workout, Harry would then study all his textbooks from the past four years to ensure he knew everything he needed to know.

'Maybe after my visit at Gringotts I can go buy some more books to use after I finish my textbooks, as well as my textbooks for fifth year!'

With this thought, Harry began his new regimen and started training his body to last in a fight against the Darkest wizard of the century. Unknowingly to Harry, a guard sent to watch and protect Harry joined him on his run confused as to why the boy was up and moving at this hour. If Harry had known he was forcing an out of shape wizard to train with him, he would have been laughing his ass off. As it was, however, Harry himself noticed he was really out of shape. He had been running for about 20 minutes before collapsing on the grass in order to catch his breath.

"This is gonna suck until I get into shape," he thought out loud.

Picking himself up, Harry walked to the nearby park to start working out his muscles. He did 3 reps of 20 for crunches, push-ups, and pull-ups on the park's monkey bars, as well as a plank for around 2 minutes. 'I'm gonna have to look up more workouts I can do without equipment.'

Finishing his workout, Harry headed back to Number 4 Privet Drive to start his studying of his magical knowledge. Realizing his weakest subject was Potions due to Snape's poor teaching skills, Harry buckled down and prepared for an intense Potions study session. He started with his first-year textbook and started reading. Once he finished that textbook about 2 hours later, he already had a deeper understanding of the subject than after 4 years of instruction. Harry continued with reading all of his Potions textbooks until he finished his fourth-year book around midnight. Deciding to stop in order to wake up the next morning to be ready for Gringotts, Harry went to bed mentally preparing for any discoveries his parents' wills will reveal.

Waking at 8:30 the next morning, Harry got out of bed and prepared himself for his workout for the second day in a row. Already, he was able to run a little further than the day before and do more reps of his chosen exercises which was very encouraging. Heading back to the house at 9:30, he took a quick shower and threw on some robes. At 9:58 exactly, he was prepared to leave with his wand in one hand and the portkey in the other.

Once his clock struck 10, he felt the nauseating pull at his navel and his surroundings spun away. Harry landed with a thud and his back on the ground. With a groan, Harry sat up and noticed he was right outside Gringotts' doors. He pushed himself up and into the building. Once inside, Harry walked over to the nearest open teller.

"Hello. I'm here for a will reading," he explained to the goblin. "I'm not exactly sure what to do, as I've never been to one before. Could you please point me in the right direction?"

With a grunt, the goblin nodded over to a door that was hidden without looking up. Harry hadn't noticed until the door until the goblin pointed it out. "Thank you for your help, sir. I appreciate it," Harry thanked the goblin sincerely.

Looking up with surprise, the goblin glanced at Harry apparently recognizing who he was and said, "You're very welcome Mr. Potter. It was my pleasure." Harry gave the goblin a nod in understanding and walked over to the door. On the door was a plaque saying,

Will Readings

With slight hesitation, Harry pushed open the door. It was a small room with a lone goblin sitting behind a small desk. Walking over to the goblin, Harry stated, "Hi. I was sent a letter a few days ago that discussed the reading of my parents' will from Snoutclaw, my Family Account Manager I think."

"Snoutclaw is the Potter Family Account Manager only. The Potters' died 14 years ago. Why would their will reading be today? I'm afraid I can't help you," replied the goblin without looking up.

"I'm sorry," Harry paused looking at the name plate on the desk, "Sharpnail, but I am Harry Potter and I was informed two days ago about the reading of my parents' wills. If you could call Snoutclaw in here, I'm sure he could help explain why they weren't read earlier."

"Mr. Potter," Sharpnail responded sarcastically, "I am afraid we are unable to read your parents' wills as they have already been read to some members of the Wizengamot. Now if you could stop wasting my time please."

With a passing glare at the goblin, Harry exited the room and returned to the teller he had spoken to earlier. "I talked to Sharpnail in the will reading room and he said that Snoutclaw was wrong and said my parents' wills had already been read. May I please speak with Snoutclaw as he's my account manager?"

"Of course, Mr. Potter! Sharpnail cannot deny one of our largest clients' right to speak with their account manager," retorted the goblin, "I'll go grab him for you!"

"Thank you very much, sir," replied Harry causing the goblin to stumble in surprise as he was walking away. Very shortly, the goblin returned with a slightly larger and pretty scary looking goblin behind him that Harry assumed was Snoutclaw. His snout was slightly larger than the average goblin which only made him look creepier than most goblins. Also, his claws appeared to be a sharp weapon. Overall, Harry could understand why his name emphasized these two features.

The goblin who had been previously helping Harry turned to Snoutclaw and whispered so quietly Harry had to strain to hear it, "I'll bring Sharpnail to Ragnok. He'll deal with him properly for ignoring and disrespecting one of our top clients." With a nod, Snoutclaw sent the other goblin away and turned to Harry.

"Mr. Potter, if you would follow me so we can sort all this out. I hope you won't take offense to Sharpnail's stupidity. His crimes will be dealt with shortly."

"It's okay, sir. He doesn't need to be punished for ignoring me. I'm sure he was just busy," Harry tried to persuade the goblin from hurting Sharpnail, "I'm not at all offended."

With a snort Snoutclaw responded, "His crimes do not just include today's proceedings, he much more to answer for, but I do not want to discuss that out in the open. Follow me to my office for some privacy, please Mr. Potter." Without more protest, Harry followed his account manager to his office. They had to walk down many long, winding hallways. Harry felt as lost in these hallways as he was in the maze last June, until they finally reached Snoutclaw's office. "My office is charmed against any and all listening charms and devices. Only people I allow in my office may enter. The consequences of trying to break into it are quite entertaining," Snoutclaw explained with a feral grin that made Harry very queasy.

"Now, Mr. Potter," here Harry interrupted the goblin, "Please call me Harry, Account Manager Snoutclaw. Mr. Potter makes me feel like I'm in trouble."

With a start of surprise that this wizard called him by the correct title and was encouraging such familiarity Snoutclaw then insisted, "Then just call me Snoutclaw, Mr…Harry. Now, let's get down to business. First, the reading of your parents' wills. Now the wills were sealed the day following your parents' deaths by certain members of the Wizengamot. I'll inform you of who those members were at the end of our meeting because we at Gringotts want to get the logistics taken care of immediately. I've taken the liberty to pre-read the wills and noticed that the first in line to take guardianship of you was your godmother,"

Harry interrupted, "Wait I have a godmother?!"

"Yes, Mr. Po…Harry. You do. I know who your godmother is and I'm aware that she does not have the knowledge of being your godmother as this information was obliviated from her mind by the same ones who sealed your parents' wills so she would not fight for you. Even though she doesn't remember being your godmother, Gringotts is aware that she does love you and wants to be more involved in your life than she currently is," explained Snoutclaw.

"So, I know her and currently have a distant relationship with her?" questioned Harry, "Why didn't she try to create a deeper relation from the beginning? And how in the world do you know this?"

"Harry, this will go a lot faster if you hold all your questions until after we finish everything here. But, to answer those questions, Gringotts is aware of this because we took the liberty to interview many of the adults in your life in order to gain the knowledge necessary to understand you as a client and to answer our questions about the sealing of the wills. Once we learned who your godmother was, we double checked her for any spells that would explain why she didn't confront you. That's how we learned about the Memory Charm. We left it in place for her protection as well as your own. We know she didn't try to deepen your relationship because she didn't think you would want her in your life. She believed you saw her in a certain way and was too nervous to make the first step. Once you learn her identity, we believe you should still remain somewhat distant, but try to slowly deepen the current relationship between the two of you," here Snoutclaw paused to order tea for the two so they would be more comfortable. "Now, let's open your father's will as both his and your mother's wills are very similar."

Snoutclaw then proceeded to open one of the many documents on his desk and read out loud,

"The Last Will and Testimony of Lord James Charlus Potter:

I, Lord James Charlus Potter do declare myself to be of sound body and mind on this date,

October 15, 1981.

Should I pass before my wife, the Lady Lily Marie Potter, I leave all my possessions, monetary wealth, and titles to her to be passed to our son Harry James Potter, The Heir Apparent to the Potter Family, once he reaches his majority of 17.

However, should both Lily and I pass together, as we suspect we will due to the war, everything that I own, possessions, wealth, and titles will be given to our son Harry James Potter once he turns 15 and will be temporarily held by whoever becomes the legal magical guardian of our son of our choosing.

The order of guardianship for Harry James Potter will be as follows:

Minerva Margaret McGonagall, his godmother

Sirius Orion Black, his godfather

Amelia Susan Bones, close family friend

Frank Neville and Alice Rose Longbottom, close family friends

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, close family friend

Any other magical family that has zero association to Lord Voldemort, voluntary or forced

Any kind, well-respected muggle family

A well-respected muggle orphanage

*Under no circumstances whatsoever is our son to be placed with Vernon and Petunia Dursley

In addition, I would like to mention that if my wife and I are murdered by Lord Voldemort, our Secret Keeper was NOT, I repeat NOT, Lord Sirius Orion Black. The true Secret Keeper was Peter Paul Pettigrew. I expect justice to be dealt with accordingly.

Lastly, to my son. Harry, your mother and I both love you very much and if we died protecting you, then I believe I have done my duty as a father and I'm positive your mother will feel the same. Live your life and enjoy it as much as you can! I love you, son."

In complete shock, Harry sat there across from Snoutclaw in silence. "Mr. Potter, are you okay?"

Shaking himself out of it, Harry commented, "I thought I told you to call me Harry, Snoutclaw."

With a slight chuckle Snoutclaw nodded in acknowledgement and asked Harry if he had any questions. "Wait, so you're telling me that my godmother is PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL! What the hell? How? Does this mean we can help Sirius? And what does my father mean by titles?! Why is he Lord James Charlus Potter? What is going on here? I'm so confused," Harry continued to ramble until Snoutclaw banged his desk.

"Harry! I will explain everything to you to the best of my knowledge! Just know that yes Madame McGonagall is in fact your godmother and although the information was stolen from her memory, she does still love you and remembers being with you when you were a baby. The reason she didn't acknowledge knowing you and your parents more personally was because she felt that it would be unprofessional for her to reach out to you, but that doesn't mean that now that you know the truth, you can't reach out to her! Just don't inform her that she is your godmother, yet. We need to keep that you know this secret from certain people. Also, I'm sorry but with the current Ministry administration we will have to tread carefully with how we deal with Lord Black's situation," Snoutclaw paused to take a sip of his tea and watched as Harry's face fell, "That isn't to say we can't help him! We just have to take our time and speak with the right people in the Ministry to grant you godfather a trial in quiet. Now, your father was in fact not just a Lord. Being the Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter requires the head taking on numerous titles including Duke of Wales, Earl of Hogsmeade, and Earl of Godric's Hollow. The main addressee is Lord only to simplify the titles into one token of respect."

"Holy shit! So, when I'm 17 I'll be the Head of the House of Potter and have all these titles," questioned Harry.

"I believe you are mistaken, Harry. According to your father's will you will gain possession of all the titles and wealth upon your 15th birthday which is today. Because of that bequeath, the will needed to be read by your 15th birthday. It's how we got around the sealing forced by the Wizengamot," corrected Snoutclaw, "But before you can take the mantle as Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, I want to do an inheritance test and abilities test to make sure you are 100% healthy and that you have all of your inheritances."

"Alright. What do I need to do, Snoutclaw?" declared Harry with a determined glint in his eyes.

Snoutclaw then proceeded to inform Harry about the procedure to test for potential inheritances and his magical abilities. He would need to prick his finger and drip 5 drops of blood into one potion to determine his inheritance and drip 6 drops of blood into another potion to determine his magical abilities. A quill would then be placed in each potion and placed on parchment. The innate magic within the potions and blood would cause the quill to write out all the pertinent information.

After distributing his blood, Harry waited for the potions to react and for the quills to begin writing. After 5 minutes, Snoutclaw placed both quills on separate pieces of parchment and the began to write. What seemed like hours later, the quills finally dropped and Harry shakily picked up the first parchment.

Inheritances for Harry James Potter

Heir Apparent to Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, paternal

Heir Apparent to Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, from godfather

Heir Apparent to Ancient and Most Noble House of McGonagall, from godmother

Heir Apparent to Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Gryffindor, paternal

Heir Apparent to Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin, right of conquest

Heir Apparent to House of Evans, maternal

Total Monetary Wealth Combined from all inheritances:

874,942,693 galleons, 767,215 sickles, and 65,872 knuts

In shock yet again, Harry picked up the second piece of parchment and prepared himself.

Magical Abilities for Harry James Potter

Natural Animagus Ability: 100% potential, 100% blocked

Wandless Magic: 80% potential, 100% blocked

Wordless Magic: 100% potential, 90% blocked

Natural Occlumency Ability: 100% potential, 100% blocked

Natural Healing Ability: 100% potential, 95% blocked

Parseltongue Ability: 65% potential, 0% blocked

Additional Magical Blocks Placed:

Power Block: Reduces Power by 60%

Intelligence Block: Reduces Intelligence by 70%

Vision Block: Reduces Vision by 60%

Additional Magical Traces Detected:

Foreign Soul Attachment: Parasitic to Magical Power, Reduces power by additional 60%

"Snoutclaw, what does all of this mean? Can you remove all of these blocks?" Harry asked without lifting his eyes from the parchment. Hearing Snoutclaw growl, Harry worriedly backed away from the goblin.

"What do you mean by blocks, Mr. Potter? Of course, we can remove them! It's highly dangerous to place and leave blocks on a wizard! We must have one our goblin healers come in here immediately to determine the magical signature on these blocks. Let me see those parchments," Snoutclaw forced out between growls. Snoutclaw yelled for a healer immediately after reading the Magical Abilities parchment. "Don't worry, Harry. We'll get everything squared away so all the blocks will be removed. We'll also figure out who did this to you. I have my suspicions, but I want to be positive."

Moments later a goblin healer scurried in and immediately began diagnostics on Harry. After patiently sitting through the healer's diagnostics, Harry impatiently waited for the results. The healer whispered something to Snoutclaw and he nodded in agreement before hurrying away.

"Now, Brightaxe confirmed my suspicions. We'll perform the rituals to remove all of the blocks and foreign soul attachment. I'm afraid the rituals will cause you some pain Harry, but the benefits outweigh the pain."

"Don't worry Snoutclaw, I'm unfortunately used to pain. It'll be a snap," reassured Harry, "Can you tell me who performed the blocks?"

"Yes, I will. But first I want to remove them, then we'll sit down and finish our discussion. Come along Harry," ordered Snoutclaw.

Harry was led to a large cavern where several goblins were already assembled. He was instructed to remove all his clothes and with a slight blush, Harry did as he was directed and laid down on the stone altar. The goblins then circled Harry and began chanting. Immediately following the chanting, pain coursed through Harry 100 times more intense than Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse. Several waves of magic were expelled from Harry. What seemed like hours later, the pain began to center itself around his scar. The goblins chanting grew in volume and intensity. With a scream, Harry's scar felt like it exploded. A black tar-like substance dribbled from his scar. Moments later, the pain just disappeared and Harry felt infinitely lighter.

He slowly sat up from the altar and rushed to put his robes back on. The goblins chuckled softly at the wizard's modesty. Snoutclaw reappeared and led Harry back to his office. In a daze, Harry sat down at the chair he had previously occupied. He felt waves of power coursing through his body, but instead of feeling overwhelming, it felt entirely natural. It was as if a haze had been lifted and Harry finally felt like himself. Realizing Snoutclaw was speaking, Harry refocused his attention to the very helpful goblin.

"Now it's time to discuss who actually sealed your parents' wills, who placed all the blocks on your magical abilities, and why you were placed with the Dursleys. The ones who sealed the wills and placed the blocks are the same," Snoutclaw began to explain.

"It wasn't Professor Dumbledore, was it? Because if it was him, I don't know what I'd do," worried Harry.

"No, Harry. Albus Dumbledore was not the one who sealed the wills or placed the blocks. Although he had both the power and the ability to do both, he would never do those things to an innocent child. No, the people who did this tried to gain your wealth and titles for themselves as well as attempt to weaken you magically. The one who I believe orchestrated the entire plot was none other than Dolores Jane Umbridge."

Harry interrupted yet again, "Who the hell is that?"

"Umbridge is the Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic. She used his political influence to seal the wills and attempt to gain guardianship of you. We at Gringotts believe she is an unmarked supporter of You-Know-Who and wanted to influence you to become his apprentice and heir should he return. Dumbledore tried to fight the sealing of the wills, but since he was not yet Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot, Fudge succeeded in his task. In order to prevent Umbridge and other Dark families from petitioning guardianship of you, as Dumbledore was positive Fudge would choose whoever gave him the most gold, Dumbledore had to place you with your only living blood relations, the Dursleys. A blood relation trumps all other attempts for guardianship. Trust me when I say that Albus Dumbledore did not want to place you with the Dursleys, but he had no other choice," explained Snoutclaw.

"So Umbridge wanted to train me to be the next Dark Lord? Then why did she block my magical abilities?"

"Well, she was not the only one who blocked your abilities. She called in backup as she was not magically powerful enough alone to successfully suppress your talents. Lucius Malfoy and herself placed the blocks once she realized you would be going to your muggle relatives. She must have managed to place the blocks right under Dumbledore's nose. I'm not sure how she was successful, but even I do not have all the answers."

"I guess that makes sense…," Harry trailed off in thought.

Quickly changing the subject to get a move on everything, Snoutclaw gently prodded Harry, "Well, Harry would you like to take Headship of the Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Evans Houses as well as the Heirship to the Black and McGonagall Houses? Let me remind you that you will be considered an adult both legally and magically once you become Lord Potter."

"Sure, I might as well. Wait…did you say I'd be an adult both legally and magically? That means I can actually practice magic! YES! Of course, let's do this," shouted Harry in excitement.

Chuckling, Snoutclaw revealed the Headship rings for the Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Evans families as well as the Heir rings for the Black and McGonagall families. "Now, no one will be able to see these rings unless you wish them to, alright?"

"Perfect," breathed Harry.

With anticipation, Harry placed the Potter ring on his left middle finger. A bright gold glow surrounded him as the ring accepted him as Lord Potter. The same happened for each of the other rings with one minor exception. Once he put the Slytherin ring on, the snake on the crest began to glow, "Who daresss put on the mossst noble ring of Ssslytherin?"

Compelled, Harry replied, "I do, oh mossst noble sssnake. I am Lord Harry Jamesss Potter, defeater of Lord Voldemort, alssso known asss Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"You have defeated my previousss heir. Where the Ssslytherin ring in pride young Lord," the ring hissed as a sliver glow encircled Harry instead of the typical gold.

Once the formalities were finished, Harry quickly finished his other business with Snoutclaw. He was given both a money pouch that when spoken to, the amount of gold Harry needed would be directly deposited from his account to the pouch and a muggle wallet that would do the same as the pouch, but with muggle money.

Thanking Snoutclaw for a final time for all his help, Harry finally left Gringotts 5 hours after he arrived to do some much-needed shopping. It was his birthday after all!

A/N: Hi everyone! This is my first fanfiction ever, so please leave reviews! I know there are several cliches in this story what with me making Harry heir to two of the founders and making him super rich, but I have reasons and I hope other factors negate the cliches. I just want to say that I have definite ideas of where I want this story to end, but I will definitely take suggestions for plot points or any constructive criticism you may have. Please read and review!
