Triptych 1

By Deanlu

Supergirl is the property of DC Comics and the CW. I am just using them for entertainment purposes. This just came to me the other night. Sorry its not completed yet.

"Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge." -Plato

Kara watched from across the hall where she was stationed for security. Supergirl had been asked to be present to assure security for LCorp/Catco Innovation Conference in National City. All the technology hard hitters and cutting edge scientists of the industry were at the conference. Lena and Cat had spared no expense on making this a ground breaking event. Unbeknownst to Kara LCorp and Catco had been planning this for over a year even drawing the DEO in quietly to help with security which was why Supergirl was present. The Conference was truly a work of art and planning. It was divided into Education, Medical, Business, Home, Entertainment, and Defense. National City had to build additions on to its civic center by the water to house all the different workshop and presentation rooms needed. Four thousand top tier innovators, hundreds of future party and tech demos, innovation and trend keynotes, advisory meetings, innovation workshops, and more than a hundred trend setters were present. The DEO had called in extra help from it's other locations and there were several aliens with special abilities helping throughout the conference.

However, Supergirl had been requested personally by Lena Luthor and Cat Grant as a personal bodyguard. Since Cat Grant's return three months ago both Lena and Cat had made it a point to have lunch, dinners, weekend planning sessions, and multiple other meetings with Kara to help plan the event. It was also during this time that both women informed Kara they knew she was Supergirl and there was no reason to deny it. NDA's had been signed, Jonn and Alex had both threatened the women with their lives and livelihood. Both CEO's had looked them in the face laughing and turned around threatening them back. Kara hadn't been privy to the entire meeting, but from what Winn and Vasquez had told her it had been explosive and scary. Now both sides held a mutual respect for each other.

However, it was also after this that both women had seemed to come to some agreement on Kara as now the Catco reporter noticed that their presence in her life increased along with their concern. This had led to a collaboration between the DEO and LCorp on new weapons and medical equipment that could help aliens. It also led to more intensive lobbying of senators and representatives in state and national legislatures by Catco to change laws that discriminated against aliens. While Kara loved that her two favorite C.E.O.'s were pushing for equality and help among the alien population she didn't know what to think about the two ladies keen interest in her.. She was confused, frustrated, and more than a little horny from the two womens overtures. Still neither had asked her to be with them. Cat and Lena also still went out on dates with people, though these normally didn't last beyond one or two. So Kara was conflicted. She had said as much to Winn, her best friend. The conversation over a night together playing Call of Duty had been reassuring and thoughtful.

"So which would you want to be with?" Winn asked inquisitively as he reached for another beer in the kitchen. Kara leaned against the center counter running her hands over her face.

"I don't know. I'm not sure I can choose anymore. ARGH!" Kara groaned out as Winn set a glass of wine in front of her. "They're both driving me crazy. I mean… Yes, I see them separately, but even more they are meeting with me together for dinners, lunches. It's weird. It's almost like they have a plan in store about me." Winn smiled as his reporter friend dropped her head to the counter. He had seen the sly looks and nods from Cat and Lena when they would show up at the DEO. He was pretty sure Kara was right in her assumptions.

"Would it be bad if they both want you?" Winn inquired as reached across the counter taking Karas hand. Kara's head rose off the counter looking at him. "Kara, we're friends. I know how happy Cat and Lena make you. There is nothing wrong with loving both of them. Especially if they are agreeable to a three way relationship. You could finally have it all." Kara smiled softly and turned away. When she turned back there were tears in her eyes.

"What if it all goes wrong Winn? They are two powerful women. I couldn't stay here. I would have to leave to save my heart and mind. What then?" Kara's voice whispered as Winn saw the truth in her eyes. She was totally, irrevocably besotted with both women. Winn released Kara's hand coming around the counter. He wrapped his friend in a hug.

"Isn't it better to have tried Kara, then to have never tried? Isn't that what you keep telling us all." Winn said finally releasing Kara from the hug. "It's your choice. No matter what you choose I will be here to support you." Kara hugged Winn tightly again.

"Come on, let's go kill something!" Kara said finally breaking the hug and heading back to where their controllers laid abandoned. Winn nodded and followed knowing Kara would take some time yet to decide. When she did though, he believed things would get interesting.

Kara's attention was drawn back to the present. It was the third day of the event. Both women had been highly flirtatious with her almost to the point of risque. To say Kara was sexually frustrated and confused too would not be an understatement. It was so bad that Kara had requested a week off from the DEO and CATCO when this was done. She had already set up a retreat to the mountains near a quiet lake. Neither women knew and most of her friends didn't know.

"Supergirl, status update on Tech Nerd1 and Queen of All media?" Winn called through on her comms. Kara looked across the room watching as Cat schmoozed two gentlemen. A streak of anger shooting through her as Cat touched one of more handsome gentlemen's arm and laughed at something that was said to her. She shook her head and then looked across where Lena seemed to be arguing with one of Maxwell Lord's scientists.

"All is okay Winn, however, you might want to check out the scientist from Lord industries that Lena is speaking to right now. Lena looks like she is about to punch him in the face or kick him in the balls." A slight sound of exasperation in her voice coming through. Kara took a deep breath and let it out. She didn't need to take her frustration and anger out on Winn. There had been issues with one of the presenters on the first day. Kara had intervened a little more aggressively than normal. She had been told in no uncertain terms by both Lena and Cat on the first evening that she was not to act like a jilted lover coming to the rescue. Kara frustration had boiled over. Supergirl had argued back that if they wanted a normal bodyguard they should have requested one and as for being a jilted lover she knew she would never get that pleasure. Both women had let her have it with both barrels even calling into question her Kryptonian diplomacy skills. Kara had just shut her mouth moving outside the suite the two women had taken for the conference to take up her station. She had made a quick escape when agent Vasquez and Lopez had shown up to relieve her for the day. Things had been tense since so Kara had resorted to playing the strong silent type. She knew that was frustrating her two friends even more.

"Hey little Supes, What's wrong? Sounds like you need break." Winn asked. He switched over to the monitors in the room where Cat and Lena were now located. He began a facial recognition check with the scientist Lena was talking with currently. He watched as both women flirted and cajoled the men and women around them. They were definitely on their game. He could also tell it was wearing on Kara. Winn knew this game between the three women needed to come to an end soon. While Lena and Cat might find it amusing, his friend, Kara, was being pushed beyond her limits.

"Nothing, everything is fine. I'm going to need a break soon though. Do you think Lucy and Alex would be willing to relieve me." Kara just need a short fifteen or twenty minutes in the clouds to relax. Just those moments feeling the sun without constraint would help greatly.

"Sorry, no can do. Alex is currently watching over Tim Cook's presentation on 3D keyboard control innovations and Lucy is with the CEO of Lockheed Martin who is doing a presentation on the global missile defense system. I could send up Jonn though?" Winn watched as the facial recognition program came back with an all clear for the scientist Lena was arguing with. "Lord's scientist is all clear." Kara completed a quick scan of the area and watched as both women seemed to be wrapping up there discussions.

"I believe we will be leaving here in the next fifteen Winn. Could you have Jonn meet us at the LCorp/Catco Lounge that has been set up? I think they're both in need of a break. It would help to keep me from being lectured from them again." Kara said suddenly taking on a strong, self-assured stance as both women turned toward her. Both signalled they were ready to go. "We're leaving." Kara spoke quickly as she took up a position next to Cat and Lena as they left the conference room. They passed several scientists and leaders of industry whom lingered in the hallway talking and making quiet deals. Supergirl could tell both ladies were tired as they ignored those around them. Cat and Lena were ready to relax for a while before the formal dinner tonight.

"Jonn is on his way. He will meet you outside the corridor to the suite." Winn responded, suddenly hearing an alarm that drew his attention. Quickly rolling over to the computer that had set off the alarm and flipping the camera's. He watched the women leave the conference room while he studied what had set off the alarm. "Kara, we have a situation. They're are four bogies moving through corridor 15-7. Take route B. Security has been notified as well as Jonn. They are moving to intercept. Be prepared." Winn's voice rose in excitement and worry as he watched Supergirl stop the two business leaders.

"Cat...Lena… I need you to come this way. Please trust me and don't argue." Kara said quickly and calmly. Both women nodded taking a quick left and headed up a nearby staircase they hadn't seen before. Just as they came the 2nd level door it slammed open and the sounds of shots being fired echoed in the stairwell. Supergirl was their taking bullet after bullet protecting the two C.E.O.'s. She then kicked the gunmen back through the doorway and slammed it shut. Using her heat vision she welded it shut. She turned to Cat and Lena looking up and shouted, "Run!" Both women exploded upward taking the stairs two at a time as Supergirl turned to join them. Kara met them on the third level wrapping her arms around their waists as the door below exploded inward. Kara tightened her hold and lifted them running faster, carrying both women up to the roof.

"Kara..?" Cat asked trembling even as she heard shots below them as another door slammed open nearby. Kara used her x-ray vision to look below. Lena looked shaken, but was already searching for an escape route with her eyes.

"I don't know, but I will get you out of here. I will protect you." Kara assured the shaken women. The door to the roof slammed open as Kara released both women taking the lead to make sure there was not a waiting ambush. The DEO helicopter waited on the helipad. Kara rushed both women to it. Vasquez was inside waiting. Vasquez pulled both women inside even as Kara turned to defend them from the approaching danger.

"Go!" Kara yelled as she took off toward the enemy that poured out of the building. She made sure the helicopter got away even as she battled and was hit by bullet after bullet. Kara could hear the chatter through her comms. Alex and Lucy's voice ringing through they were on their way. Jonn asking for status update. Lena and Cat were safe and had reached lock down. It was then she discovered not all of the bullets were lead. Two Kryptonite bullets hit her. One in her left thigh. The second in right shoulder. The pain was excruciating. Kara powered through it taking out the last of the gunmen.

"Winn, thirty bogies down on roof, stairwell has collapsed between 4th and 5th level. Status of Queen of all media and Tech Nerd1?" Supergirl slumped against the edge of the roof looking toward the direction Lena and Cat had been taken.

"Queen of all media and Tech Nerd1 are safe and in lock down in absolute location." Winn responded. Kara had to think a minute the pain causing her to lose thought. Absolute location? Oh, they had taken them to the DEO. It was as safe as it got. "Status Supergirl?" Kara tried to breath slowly as the poison from the Kryptonite made its way through her system. "Kara, status!" Winn's voice started to rise as all he heard was gasps and deep breaths from other side. Kara used what little strength she had left to xray her leg. She used her fingers to dig down and remove the kryptonite bullet. Winn heard the most excruciating scream come through the comms from Supergirl. Quickly he clicked the comm over.

"Agent Danvers and Agent Lane proceed to the roof immediately. Supergirl is down. Repeat, Supergirl is down!" Once he received the affirmative from both agents Winn then clicked to another channel. "Emergency Medical team ready for incoming injured agents and Super." Lena and Cat had just walked into the main area with DEO bodyguards. They listened to the chaos coming through the comms and the DEO's organizing of intercession in each area. Lena stepped up to approach Winn, but was intercepted by a Agent.

"Please stay back. They are trying to rescue and save people. They need to be able to focus on their jobs. I'll help and answer your questions if I can." The agent was young. Lena looked at his name tag. Agent Lopez. He moved them out of the way of the agents working, but kept them nearby. "Agent Lopez, did he say Supergirl is down?"

"Yes." The agent responded calmly. Cat and Lena's face changed to deep concern. Cat could hear through the broadcast chatter Alex calling for Kara, but getting no response. Agent Lane responded that they would have to use the Grapplers to get above the floor collapse. Grapplers were special strong tension cord that could be use to shoot into rock or cement and then pull as agent up.

"What does that mean exactly?" Cat asked anxiously. Notifications from Agents continued to come over the speakers. The section of the convention center had been locked down. Seven bogies had been taken into custody. Alex was asking for status on Supergirl.

"While protecting your escape and responding to the ongoing terrorist situation Supergirl has become incapacitated. We do not know how right now." Agent Lopez responded in a calm voice even while listening to what was happening around him in the situation room and keeping an eye on the two ladies.

"Is she going to be okay?"Lena and Cat both asked. Just as agent Lopez was about to respond Kara's voice came over the speakers.

"Winn?" It was haggard and there were little gasps that followed.

"Supergirl, talk to me. What's your status?" Winn responded pulling up the camera on the roof that gave him a partial view of Kara.

"One Kryptonite bullet removed from right leg. I'm not the best surgeon." Kara chuckled grimly. "One bullet remains in my left shoulder area. There is also.." Winn could hear her grunting as she attempted to move around to brace her back against the edge of the building. "...a graze along my right rib cage. I don't know if the bullet remains. My x-ray vision has given out. Status of conference?"

"Supergirl, Agents Danvers and Lane are on their way to your location. DEO is has seventy five percent control." Winn watched as Kara slid down the edge of the building to the floor of the roof. Supergirl now laid on the roof looking up at the sky. Lena and Cat now watched in mock horror as one of the nearby bodies Kara had taken out started to move. "Kara hold on?" Winn clicked something on the comms. "Agent Danvers and Agent Lane time is of the essence. We have further movement on the roof. Hostiles still in motion. Supergirl cannot respond to threat. Supergirl is target. Repeat Supergirl is target."

"Understood! We are moving as quickly as possible." Agent Lane responded. It was like watching a movie in slow motion. Kara not moving on the roof staring up at the blue sky. The nearby enemy crawling toward his gun.

"Move faster!" Winn shouted watching as the threat to his friend became more real by the second.

"Winn, I don't think I'm going to be able to fly for a long time after this. No more late night taco runs while gaming." Kara chuckled then gasped in pain. Winn shook his head knowing Kara was talking about their Tuesday nights when they spent time playing online games and Kara would run for late night tacos from Ferdinands.

"Kara, there is a bogie moving toward you. He is attempting to get a gun. You have to move." Winn responded.

"I'm afraid that I'm stuck Winn. I can't move. There's too much pain and I've lost feeling in my arms. You tell Alex I'm sorry. She is a great sister. Tell Lena and Cat that I protected them best I could. Tell them I love them." Kara saw the shadow of the enemy. He was suddenly there standing over her.

"You ruined everything. Don't worry though, we will get those two bitches. Only this time you won't be there to stop us." The bogie yelled at Supergirl. Winn and the entire situation room watched as the enemy went to fire his gun. There was a loud shot that rang out.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!" Lena and Cat shouted. The video continued as the enemy wavered on his feet and then collapsed dead next to Supergirl.

"Bogie eliminated. Repeat Bogie eliminated." The voice of Lucy Lane came through the entire situation room breathed a sigh of relief. They then saw Alex come running and sliding onto her knees next to Supergirl.

"Kara? Come on Kara, open your eyes." Alex began doing a catalogue of injuries. " Bullet wound upper left femur, massive blood loss, bullet in left shoulder. It is still lodged inside, repeat it is still inside. Bullet lodged in left rib cage area. I can see it. Shallow breathing. Blood pressure rising. Winn, where is medevac copter?" Alex asked as she and Lucy tried to stabilize Kara.

"ETA five minutes. Repeat ETA five minutes." Winn repeated while he forwarded information to the medical unit and cleared the surgical bays to be ready. Notifications were sent to Eliza, James Olsen, and Superman. Winn then watched as the receiving bay received the first of the injured agents. Notice came across his board that hundred percent containment of sight of event. He kept reading even as more agents arrived to assist Lane and Danvers. "Situation contained to Section one of building. Sections two through five continue with conference. Section one is now on isolation and recovery. Danger has been neutralized. "

"Kara, come on speak to me." Alex had stabilized the Kryptonian as best she could. The chopper had landed and they were now in transport.

"Hey. I'm going to have to cancel sister night." Kara's voice came through the comm. Alex was shaking her head. Even as they ran an IV line. Alex knew it was bad. Kara was without powers if they could puncture her skin. Which meant her healing abilities were not functional.

"Oh no you don't. You have to tell me all about those two ladies who want you. You aren't getting out of it that easily." Alex responded grabbing hold of Kara's face. "Open your eyes Kara. Come on, Open them." Then the situation room heard something they never thought they'd hear. Kara's voice echoed through the speakers.

"I'm sorry Alex...Astra says she forgives you...They want me to come home." Kara's voice trembled through the line. Cat and Lena grasped each others hands.

"They can't have you! You're ours Kara Zor-El! You're mine! You're Winn's. You're Lena's. You're Cat's." Alex's firm voice responded vehemently looking up at Lucy and the medic.

"I'm tired Alex. I'm tired of losing. I'm tired of fighting." Kara's voice whispered. Her body beginning to let go. Suddenly Cat's voice rang out over the Comms.

"You will not give up Kara! You belong to me! You belong to Lena! We do not release you. You made a promise and we expect you to keep it. You will fight. That is an order Kara!" Cat's voice shouted through the comm. Cat fearing that her warning had come too late. She feared she'd lost Kara before they even started. That could not be allowed to happen. She turned to Lena imploring her to help her fight for Kara.

"You hear that Kara! We refuse to let you go. You have been ordered to stay. Do you understand?" Alex asked gripping Kara's head a little tighter to let her know she expected an answer. Tears leaked from Kara's eyes. She wanted to deny them. She wanted to let go so badly.

"You will not go Kara!" Lena's voice now came through the comms. "You, Kara Zor-El are the strongest person I know. You will fight. You will stay. We are not going to abandon you and leave you alone. I am ordering you to stay!" Kara couldn't fight against these women. She couldn't deny them.

"Yes," came the resigned, but firm answer from Supergirl. Suddenly there was an explosion of noise as the medevac landed and Supergirl was rushed down the hallways to surgery. Lena and Cat arrived moments later at the doors where Alex and Lucy were leaning against the wall. The four women embraced tightly as they waited for the doctors to being them an update. Jonn arrived an hour later having contained the situation and left the appropriate agents in charge at the scene. Jimmy Olsen had contacted Winn and would be arriving as soon as possible.

The doors swung open three hours later. Dr. Hamilton walked out as the group rose to hear the results of the surgery. Hamilton's scrubs were covered in blood. Kara's blood.

"It was touch and go for a while. We removed the Kryptonite bullet from her leg with no problem. The bullet in her rib cage had shattered. It was a slow process of removing the shards." Dr Hamilton responded warily. She then sighed deeply gripping her hands tightly together. "There's no way of saying this easier. The kryptonite bullet Supergirl took to the left should broke apart once it penetrated her skin. One piece nicked her spinal cord, another nicked her jugular vein. The rest spread through the upper chest." Cat cried out softly turning into Lena's arms. While Jonn shook his head pulling Alex into a hug. "If this was anyone else they would be dead already. But she is alive and with time she will I believe return to full health." Eliza arrived at that moment with Winn following.

"With time?" Cat asked looking up. Dr. Hamilton looked the Media mogul in the eyes.

"Supergirl is paralyzed right now from the waist down. We believe that with time and sun the damage will heal. However, as with everything Kryptonian we are not sure." Lucy turned toward the wall leaning her arm against it and closing her eyes. She didn't believe in a creator, but right now she prayed softly to Kara's god, Rao, that he would heal her friend. Eliza gazed at Dr. Hamilton. There was something not being said.

"What else?" Eliza asked firmly. Dr. Hamilton nodded realizing she would not be able to keep anything hidden from the Danver women. Alex pulled out of Jonn's hug.

"There's something your not telling us about Kara's condition. Something worse?" Alex asked just as the doors to the operating theater opened. Kara was wheeled passed the Superfamily. She looked pale, small. A nasal cannula helped her get more oxygen while IV's delivered medicine to the young Kryptonian. After the nurses had taken her to the sun room, the family and friends turned to listen.

"Supergirl has repeatedly been exposed to kryptonite. She's done well up to now with healing from its effects and recovering. This time though there was cellular damage. We know Kara's all but human right now. We aren't sure of her powers will return. We aren't sure if her healing can repair the damage. We are also worried that there may be a build up effect being exposed to kryptonite. We just don't know." Cat and Lena looked toward Alex and Eliza. Alex looked at Eliza shaking her head.

"We have been monitoring this problem Dr. Hamilton since Kara was exposed the first time to kryptonite. There has been subtle changes to her system after each exposure. However, each time her systems have recovered. The amount of time depends greatly on the amount of exposure and length of exposure. However, you could be right this time. We will monitor closely." Eliza said as Alex nodded nearby. Lena stepped forward right then turning toward Eliza.

"If LCorp can do anything to help we here and ready to assist. I would do anything to help Kara." Eliza nodded.

"Lena and Cat, I know you are concerned about Kara. But you have a major formal dinner you must appear at tonight. It's important to make sure everyone knows your safe." Jonn stated. "I have arranged special security tonight for you." Jonn turned waving toward someone down the hall. Superman stepped out from the shadows. Cat was shaking her head no. No she couldn't do this while Kara laid in the sunroom in critical condition.

"No!" Cat said firmly. Alex stepped up to Cat grabbing her shoulders.

"You have to. It's the only way to keep her safe right now." Alex stated. "Please Cat. Show those who tried to put you all down that they can't. We will bring you back here right after the formal dinner." Lena walked over and lifted Cat's chin.

"We will see her now. Then go to the dinner, but we will come straight back to her. She is ours. We won't let her leave." Lena told Cat softly. Cat nodded with tears in her eyes. Lena looked at Alex. "Promise she will not be left alone. Promise that one of us here will be with her all the time." Lena stated firmly. Alex nodded as did the other family and friends around her. Winn watched as Lena and Cat struggled to do what they needed too while wanting to be with Kara.

"You have my word." Alex said hugging both women. "I promise Cat. She will be safe here. Just you be safe for her. I know she is going to need you both." Cat nodded. Both Lena and Cat moved down the hall with Alex toward the sun room.

Four days. Four long days of not knowing if Kara Danvers would wake up. Four days after the end of the conference which was hailed as a success even though there had been the terrorist attack against Lena Luthor and Cat Grant. Yet, it had been contained due to Supergirl and the agents of the DEO which allowed the conference to go on and finish with small change of venue for those events in section one. The DEO's investigation determined Cadimus had attempted to kill Lena Luthor and Cat Grant because there work was turning people against them and their anti-alien agenda. Two of the Cadimus personnel had been outfitted specifically to kill Supergirl. It had almost worked. Lillian Luthor and her cronies had forgotten a few things. One, Kara would protect those she loved with her life. Two, those who loved Supergirl would fight for her and make her stay. Supergirl was alive and healing. The spinal damage was repairing itself. Kara's powers weren't totally gone, but they were severely depleted. The kryptonite levels within her body were falling and the cell damage was repairing itself. The sun lamps were helping. Now she just needed to wake up.

Lena and Cat walked into the DEO heading toward the medical bays. Since the attack they had been a staple of life around the DEO. Only leaving to attend to work, otherwise they were by Kara's side, watching over Alex and forcing her to care for herself, or just working on their laptops. Eliza had worked side by side with Dr. Hamilton making small changes for medication, but fr the most part she wait too.

"Dr. Hamilton, good to see you better rested. How's our patient?" Cat asked as she stepped into the room. She could see the new sun bed had been brought in and Kara had been moved onto it. When Alex had spoken with the two women after Kara's surgery she had told them about Kara complaining about how uncomfortable she was when on the bed for long periods of time. Alex also explained that if they could increase the output from the sunbed lamps, Kara's recovery time would be quicker. Lena had latched onto a way to help while others waited. So she had been given the specs and begun work. Two days was all it took the genius, though she had been working around the clock. She and Cat then placed all the resources of LCorp and Catco to build it. The bed had been brought in just that afternoon. Two more were being manufactured at a slower rate. They had more than doubled the output of the previous sun lamps, plus they had made it more comfortable with an alien polymer that would withstand the heat and shift to make the user more comfortable. The polymer had been donated by Lockheed Martin. Lena had been extremely grateful. She had donated 50 million dollars toward one of their projects they were having trouble getting funding for from donors.

"There are indications she is trying to wake up. I believe if you and Lena talk to her it might be enough for her to break through and wake her. We can only hope." Hamilton adjusted the drip on the reporters IV and then turned to Lena. "I think though we need to talk. Kara is healing at a slow rate. The bullet that hit her in the shoulder shattered like I told you. A piece became lodged in her spinal cord. While it is definitely healing since the surgery, Kara is not going to be able to move around a lot for another two weeks at least. It's also not a good idea to give her an adrenaline injection to speed up recovery. Alex is in agreement with me. Kara needs someplace quiet and without stress to heal. Somewhere that is away from National City." Both ladies looked at each other smiling. Alex walked in shaking her head and swearing. All three women turned toward her.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Hamilton inquired seeing how angry and aggravated the older Danvers was at the moment.

"She is!" Alex said pointing toward the bed. "I knew that she was frustrated and confused these last few months. I just never knew she would take it to this level." Lena and Cat looked at each other then back at Alex.

"What are you talking about?" Lena asked softly. "What did Kara do?" Alex should have never brought it up, but she was angry that Kara hadn't told her. Hadn't even consulted her.

"Kara booked two weeks of vacation away from National City. She had planned to go to a house up in the mountains near Midvale. I found out from Pam in HR that she was going because she wanted to know if she should move Supergirls vacation to after her recovery time. I also received a phone call from Susan at Catco HR asking if she got the date messed up for Kara's two week vacation." Alex said running her hands over her hair and looking toward the bed.

"She was leaving without telling anyone." Lena turned toward Cat. "I told you we were pushing to hard. I told you we should have just told her we both wanted her." Lena grabbed hold of Cat's shoulders. "We should have told her. We should have let her know that we wanted her together. We shouldn't have been scared." Cat was nodding. They had definitely pushed too hard. They should have come straight out and let Kara know they were ready to be with her. But it had been fun teasing and flirting with Kara causing the strong persona too become bumbling and stumbling with a whispered word or a gentle touch from one of them. That needed to change now.

"I know. I know." Cat looked at Lena. "I'm sorry. We will make this right. I promise. We will tell her when she wakes." Cat said pulling Lena into a hug.

"What if…" Lena whispered.

"No! You don't get to think that. She will wake up. She will be with us. We will explain." Cat whispered back fiercely.

"It's not totally your fault. We're all to blame too. We've been pushing Kara too hard since Reign. Kara was desperate to redeem Sam. How she found a way I will never understand, but she did." Alex shook her head and looked up to the ceiling. "She's been different since then. Almost driven to protect, to do her job right, an resistant to talking about what is going on in her mind. I was so excited when you two started pulling her into your little circle and plan. I thought for sure it would heal some of the holes inside. I'd even have welcomed this vacation she asked for if she hadn't done it in secret.

"I didn't want to bother you, Alex." Kara's voice cracked as she spoke from not being used. All eyes turned to the sun bed. Immediately Dr. Hamilton was by her side.

"Kara open your eyes. I need you to open your eyes." Dr. Hamilton said while the other three women came to the other side of the bed. Kara struggled to open them.

"So tired. Too hard." Kara's voice cracked again. Lena grabbed Kara's hand and Cat grabbed her wrist.

"Come on, you can do this. It's just like flying Kara. You can do it with no thought." Lena spoke desperate to see the blue of her friends eyes.

"Open those baby blues for me Kara. I miss them." Cat Grant stated pouring all the love she felt for this extraordinary women before her.

"Now Kara, that's an order from your big sister." Alex said sternly. Kara's eyes fluttered open. She smiled slightly until the pain hit her. She bit her lip trying not to moan.

"Kara. On a scale of one to ten, with one being the least pain. Tell me how bad." Hamilton stated as she moved away opening a drawer and returning with a syringe and bottle.

"A five." Kara strained voice rang through.

"Kara." Cats voice growled. Kara closed her eyes briefly. Why was it that Cat could tell when she lying.

"An 8." Hamilton nodded and added the pain medicine to the IV drip. She set aside the bottle and syringe and then began her check on Kara. All three women watched in tense anticipation. Finally Hamilton went to the bottom of the bed. She raised the covers where Kara' feet were located.

"Do you feel this?" Hamilton asked poking a pin into her skin. A small flinch from Kara's foot.

"Yes." Kara responded. Lena smiled encouragingly down at Kara.

"How about this?" Hamilton said withholding the pin.

"No." Kara said worriedly. Hamilton continued on a few more times before getting a few notes down.

"Well, your recovering steadily. The spinal damage is healing well too. Your shoulder while looking like a mess still, is healing right on track for a human. I am going to run some tests to make sure the repairs to the jugular are healing steadily. It will be several weeks yet Kara. Would you like something to eat?" Hamilton inquired watching a queasy look come over her face.

"As long as it is something light." Kara said softly. She was tiring again. Hamilton nodded and left.

"So good to have you back." Cat said softly kissing her on the lips. Lena leaned forward doing the same. "We have a lot to talk about." Alex came up on the other side placing her hand on her sisters cheek.

"You scared me badly this time. I thought I lost you." Alex stated even as her voice wavered.

"You almost did." Kara didn't equivocate at all. Letting all three women know how hard the choice had been. Kara closed her eyes."There was a moment watching my mom and dad, Astra, Uncle Jor-El laugh and smile...I wanted so badly to just walk forward…" Tears began to leak down Kara's face, "But your voices echoed in my heart and mind so deeply." Kara whispered now. "I just couldn't. No matter how badly I wanted too. You three are worth remaining. You are all worth staying and fighting for in this life." Alex smiled kissing her forehead softly. Lena and Cat reached over hugging Supergirl as Alex moved out of the way.

"Now about trying to slink away and hide." Alex said even as Cat moved away and made a call letting Lena guide the situation. Kara closed her eyes trying to figure out what she should say. She was tired of lying. She was tired of hiding certain things. She was just tired.

"I asked Alfonso several weeks ago if the house by the lake was still available. He told me it was always open for a Danvers. I needed a break Alex. I feel frustrated and confused most of the time. Then with everything with Samantha/Reign. I felt like I was failing everyone." Kara said softly looking at Cat who was across the room and then glancing up to Lena who was holding her hand.

"No!" Alex said firmly with some anger. "You saved Sam. You brought her back to the light. Do you know how thankful Ruby is that her mom is not the bad guy anymore?" Lena nodded.

"And yet she is here at the DEO in a cell while you, Lena and Eliza are taking care of Ruby. Tell me how I didn't fail Alex! Tell me how I should have figured it out sooner!" Kara argued back stirring enough to send a flash of white hot agony through her body. Kara swallowed down the pain and continued her rant. "Cat's here because of Reign. I know she is keeping an eye on her, me, and the DEO for the government. People who dive don't come back for…" Kara swallowed letting go of what she was going to say. "I couldn't protect Lena when Reign came after her and Edge. Edge is dead. Lena almost…" Kara closed her eyes now as images of that night rose up. Lena jumping off the edge of LCorp trusting that someone would catch her, but not letting Reign get her. It had been luck that Jonn had made it in time catching Lena even as Kara was thrown through two other buildings after Edge's head was crushed between Reigns hands. Alex glanced at Lena remembering the battered body now healed. Alex would not let Kara wallow though

"Now who's lying Kara? You did everything possible to figure out what was going on. You had the resources of the DEO, LCorp, and Catco. No one could have prevented Reign from reeking havoc on National City. Some things you can't control. Sometimes you can't protect those you love. You have to have faith things will work out.

"Kara, you are not failing anyone. I should have told you. Cat should have told you." Alex moved away from the bed to give Lena and Cat some privacy, but she didn't leave the room. "We weren't exactly honest with you. We should have been. Cat and I spoke shortly after she returned. Cat came back for you. She came back because she couldn't live across the country and not be with you. We both expressed our desire for you. Our love for you. At first we wanted to have you make a choice between us, but then it occurred to us that you are Kryptonian. Monogamy may not be what you want or how you were. We decided to pursue you together. Just to see if you were open to us both. We were shocked and delighted when we discovered you were. However, you kept holding back on us. So we started to play with you. Tease you to try and get you to give in. We should have known your Kryptonian Honor would outlast us." Cat and Lena leaned in close each gently caressing Kara's arms and her face. Attempting to convey how much they loved the young Kryptonian. "But we grew use to playing with you. We should have asked you right away if you would be interested in both of us. Even more we should have known how much you were hurting inside. We knew something was bothering you beyond our little game. I'm sorry Kara. We love you so very much." Lena whispered softly kissing the Superhero's face as tears leaked down onto the pillowcase below.

"It wasn't our brightest moment. You know once I start a pln I see it through to the end. The night of the formal dinner was to be the pinnacle moment. We were going to ask you to be with us. More like seduce you to be with us. We never thought there was any real danger to us. We just wanted you near. We didn't want to let other near you without the both of us present." Cat softly burred. She moved a hair behind the young reporters ear. "I'm sorry Kara. I love you so much. Please forgive me."

"Why? Why would you even want me?" Kara was softly sobbing now.

(to be continued)