Triptych 9


Supergirl is the property of DC comics and the CW. I am borrowing the characters for a little fun and storytelling. After All, what better way to show the love for hero's than to extend their adventures. This chapter is a tad bit risque and for mature readers. You have been warned. Sorry this is short.

"Hmmm, mmmm." Hours later Lena woke to the sound of water dripping and soft humming. She looked across the bed to see Cat still sound asleep. The CEO's face held no tension and there was a gentle smile on her face. Lena rolled over quietly so as not to disturb Cat, but to also see the occupant of the bath. The CEO's eyes widen as she watched Kara, the reporters back to her, nibble on grapes and cheese in one hand while on the other hand a soapy sponge scrubbed up and down a leg that hung on the side of the bath. Lena rose slowly attempting to sneak up on the Super. Kara smiled hearing her mate clearly after turning off the red sun lamps. When Lena was one step away Kara dropped the sponge, turned, and pulled her into the bath. The youngest Luthor didn't even have a chance to scream as her mouth was covered in warm, silky lips that pulled her down into a deep slow kiss. Lena's knees came to settle on either side of Kara's lap straddling her thighs. Kara grabbed the sponge while still kissing her mate making slow circular movements on the young woman's back. Their kiss broke as Lena rested her against Kara's shoulder while she was bathed.

"Hey, I love you." Lena whispered as she heard movement in the bed. Kara smiled brightly as she pulled Lena into a harder kiss demanding and receiving entry into her mouth. The kiss went on for some time until Kara finally ended it nibbling along Lena's jaw and neck. "Kara, please we need to eat. Especially you. You haven't eaten for a full day. Oh God." Cat who had moved over to the beverage and food area smiled. There was no jealousy. In fact she was enjoying the show. She grabbed a bottle of white wine and poured three glasses as she watched Kara consume Lena slowly. Kara was really remarkable. Cat watched the exact moment Kara entered Lena with her fingers moving slowly and gently. Cat carried the glasses setting them on the low table to the side of the tub. She sat back into a plush chair and watched Lena submit to their mates will.

"How is she my love? Does Lena please you?" Cat asked as she sipped and watched her mates in the most primal way. Kara held Lena around the waist as she slowly thrust up into her.

"Oh yes, my Cat. Lena pleases me well. Don't you my love?" Kara asked as she added a second finger with a gentle vibration. Lena didn't know how to respond to the insistent loving attention from Kara.

"Yes!" Lena cried out in pleasure.

"Your only purpose right now is to let me please you. You will let me please you? Won't you Zhoa?" Kara inquired in a sultry voice as she nipped Lena's nipple and thrust in deeper. Kara's index finger and center finger massaged that rough pleasurable spot within Lena not pulling back. Kara increased the vibrations against the most loving spot causing Lena to arch even more. Lena braced her arms on Kara's shoulders as the vibrations and thrusting again caused her to cry out. Cat dropped her robe and sat her glass down. Once again she had an idea to heighten Lena's pleasure. The Media Queen came up behind Lena while she was still outside the bath. Cat stepped into the bath behind Lena. Kara watches as Cat wrapped her hand around the long strands of Lena's beautiful dark locks. The Media mogul pulled Lena's head back stretching her out so Kara could feast on her breasts while Cat plundered her mouth. Lena had become their feast being taken in almost every orifice. Cat's other hand strayed down to Lena's nether lips covering her fingers in fluid. She then runs her hands over Lena's ass with the fluid. Kara's knees are arched holding her lover up.

"Cat?" Lena stutters for a moment. Her movement almost completely stopping. She suddenly felt so deeply vulnerable where Cat ran her fingers on her body.

"Permission to enter Lena." Cat inquires even as she loops her fingers for more viscous fluid to coat the other hole. Lena's face reflected fear back to Cat. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Color Lena?" Cat questions even as Kara causes the CEO to scream it out.

"Green, but careful Cat." Lena says as Cat pulled her mouth back for plundering. Cat's eyes catch Kara's and the Super begins thrusting slowly, deeply while vibrating a little faster distracting Lena. Cat begins playing with Lena's ass pressing and pulling to get the sphincter to loosen up. Then when Lena eyes begin to glaze as she pulls closer to her orgasm Cat slides into her ass with her index finger causing such a dirty moan from Lena that Kara begins to suck, pull, and massage the breasts in front of her a little harder. Lena's doesn't know what to think. She feels pleasure from so many places that she can't tell where it begins and ends. Then her orgasm rolls over her as her body locks up. Lena is sure she screams and babbles in ecstasy, but she cannot tell as all she feels is an ethereal pleasure. Then her mind is floating freely. She feels completely safe and satiated. When she comes to she is cradled in Kara's arms as gentle words sweep over her. She feels as boneless as before when Kara ate her out. "I thought the plan was to get Kara to relax. I feel like there is a conspiracy here." Lena murmured as Kara kissed her forehead from where she was now turned facing Cat. Lena saw a soapy washcloth nearby Cat. The Queen of Media grabbed the washcloth and began washing Lena's feet and began working on Lena's front. "Not fair."

"Shhh, my love. Just rest." Kara whispered as Cat and the Super pampered Lena. Soon enough all three ladies were out of the bath and relaxed on the couches and chairs. Cat was feeding Lena while Kara was consuming a huge amount of food. Both women were relieved though that the Super was eating well again.