Hello everybody! Or, three people that will see this. Yes, I'm talking about you, yes, you, don't look behind you, it's you. So, I've had this lemon scene in my mind for a while now, haunting me day and night, so I just decided "Screw this! I'm writing it down!". Sooo, here we are, me writing and you reading. I hope it doesn't make you want to wash your eyes out with bleach - and I apologize in advance, I've never written smut before, so it will probably be awful and cringe-worthy. Still, thank you so so much for making it through it - or not, that's alright too, no one's judging. Thanks for reading this and thanks for choosing my story over everything else out there. And there is some spectacularly good stuff out there, like, I am so amazed every single time by what the human brain can come up with.

Anyways, i'm rambling, I tend to do that, yay... *awkward silence, crickets in the distance* So, um, I really hope you like this. If it turns out I got my writing mojo back, I'm planning to continue my other story, Haunted Love, and maybe post some other new stuff too. If anyone is feeling uncertain about it but wants to attempt to write, I would love a co-writer because everything is awesome when you're part of a team (yeah, I slightly hate myself for that reference, oh well) That's it for now, go on, enjoy the story! Or don't, I don't mind. I mean, I do, but you will never know about my low self esteem issues and my desperate need for approval, am i right? He he, nope, I am not funny at all. What a surprise. Please review if you have any feedback you'd like me to take note of and maybe follow my account to feed my unhealthy addiction to internet people and get notified for whenever I get off of my ass and actually write!

None of these beautiful and fascinating characters are mine, sadly; they all belong to the wonderful mind of our savior J.K. Rowling. The plot will probably not be original and there will be an evident use of cheesy lines and multiple cliches. You've been warned.

So, that is it! On to the story then! ALLONS-Y ALONSO!

So, you know how sometimes you think you have everything figured out and then out of the blue comes this really big and unexpected tidal wave of unforeseen events and just floods everything with puzzling questions and crippling doubts that overshadow your every move and thought? Happens to the best of us, am I right? Even the Golden Girl of Gryffindor, the one to always be composed, to always have all the answers, to have backup plan after backup plan. But not even Hermione Granger could have seen this coming, not even she could have been prepared for such a turn of events. Even though they took such a long time to unfold...

5 years ago, day after the Battle of Hogwards

The Golden Trio found themselves in the new makeshift dining room, located in what used to be the Hufflepuff common room. Due to the damages to the castle, Professor McGonagall had chosen to disband the houses for the time being and use the former Gryffindor common room as an extension of the hospital wing due to being so close to Madame Pomfrey to have easy access to all the wounded in need of attention, the former Slytherin common room as a morgue of sorts, a quiet place for the dead to rest and their families to mourn, the former Hufflepuff common room as a new dining room due to its proximity to the kitchens and the former Ravenclaw common room as a conference room for whatever was left of the Order, the Ministry and anyone important who had a say in what was going to happen next.

Hermione sat between Harry and Ron, the ginger hand's gripping her knee as if she was the only thing keeping him grounded. Harry stared at the Golden Snitch, his mind travelling at light speed, trying to process all the pain, destruction and death as well as the fact that it was finally over. It was all over. And Hermione? Her mind was just blank. Her head was quiet for the first time in forever. So she just sat there, between her best friend and her apparently new boyfriend and she finally took a moment to just be.

The moment was quickly over when what was left of the Weasley family entered, the room falling silent in muted compassion. Ron got up on wobbly legs and made a bee line to his younger sister, the two grasping onto each other for support just like George was being comforted by his equally devastated mother. Harry barely looked up to give them an apologetic and sympathetic smile before turning his eyes back to the floor, not wanting anyone to see the sadness in his usually bright but now lifeless eyes. Hermione could barely manage a nod before they left, heading back to the Slytherin room. Fred's body had just been transported and they needed to be on their own for now.

McGonagall came soon to get Harry, something about the Boy Who Lived Twice being "well deserving of a say of what on Earth we do next". Hermione couldn't really disagree with that, he knew what went on with the normal people and he could offer the point of view of the ones who just wanted to put this dark chapter behind them and get their lives back together and as close to normal as possible. And that was how she found herself alone in the Hufflepuff dining room, finally able to close her eyes and enjoy the silence of her mind. Obviously not for long; it was still Hogwarts after all and no quiet ever lasted, but for now she could lean back against the cool stone wall and take a break from the world.

Not that the world would allow her, though. No, the world had to remind her that she couldn't get peace amidst all the responsibilities she had to face in the form of the most infuriating blonde she had ever had the displeasure of facing. She barely could crack her eyes open to watch as Draco Lucius Malfoy, let alone flinch away in defense. Not that the boy was in any better shape. His usually perfectly combed hair fell carelessly on his forehead, shadowing his steel grey eyes. He was covered head to toe in dust and grime and dirt, his robes ripped and torn apart in places, scratches and gushes covering his bare arm and neck. It took her a second to realize a Death Eater was sitting next to her, no wands drawn, no loud fighting. No noises at all. And she had lived through enough to know that was never a good sign. She sat up straight, back rigid, hand reflexively on her wand. But Malfoy just sat there, hunched over as if the weight of the world on his shoulders was crushing him, his hands on his knees holding his head as if he had a terrible headache.

"What... What are you doing here? How can you even be here? I-I... I thought you left with your family?" Yes, she barely made sense of all the thoughts that suddenly flooded her brain and her throat felt like sandpaper but she was proud to be able to make out a coherent sentence, even such a short one. Draco took his time straightening up, maybe in an attempt to use his towering height to scare her. The thought made the lion in her growl defiantly; no one could intimidate Hermione Jean Granger. "The Aurors caught us when we were trying to leave. Father vowed to testify against other... members and give the Ministry names in order to get a better sentence for us. Mother prove her lack of involvement in most matters so she is being let off with two years of house arrest. Father got five years in Azkaban - 10 if his information doesn't prove to be useful. And I... They think I should go with him. Five years in Azkaban. They're trying to change that, I couldn't just stand there and wait for the executioner to chose my damnation. I... I'm not here to fight, Granger. I can't fight anymore."

His silver eyes were just so full of pain and guilt, she couldn't keep her hostile stance even if she could. Letting out a breath, she tentatively reached out to give him a gentle pat on the shoulder. "No more fighting. No more petty rivalries. I'm really sorry about your sentencing. I wish they can do something. McGonagall will be on your side, she knows you're not bad. A-And Harry too. He... You helped him. You helped me. You helped us all end this. Harry will be on your side too. And if someone can change the Ministry's mind, it's the Boy Who Lived." Her hand lingered on his shoulder, a soothing, reassuring caress, barely even there. She didn't notice, it was subconscious, instinctual. But he did. His eyes flickered to her dirtied, bloodied hand on his dark green robes before giving her a small but genuine smile. Not a smirk, no sarcasm and snark, only heartfelt gratitude.

"Mr. Malfoy." Just like that the moment was gone. Hermione pulled her hand back as if she had been electrocuted and Draco's face darkened, the smile gone. Minister Kingley Shacklebolt stood there, Minerva McGonagall and Harry Potter on his left side and Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy on his right. Draco stood up and bowed his head to the Minister, the bloodshot eyes and the tear-streaked face of his mother alarming him that the news were not going to be good. "After talking extensively with your parents, your teacher and Mr Potter, the Ministry has decided on your sentence. Two years in Azkaban prison - one if your family provides us with vital information - followed by a year of house arrest along your mother. That is the Ministry's final answer. You will be notified with your trial date."

The dining room had fallen silent upon the minister's entrance. Glares filled with hatred and disgust were aimed their way from all around the small room, some people even starting to vocalize their feelings against the Malfoy family. Draco nodded in understanding and stood up tall, Hermione following behind him. Harry rushed over to her side, steadying her with an arm around her waist. The blonde turned to look at them both, nodding towards his former arch nemesis in silent thanks before drifting over to the small brunette bookworm that had always made sure to keep him and his attitude in check. "It's been real fun. Thank you for trying. I hope everything turns out okay for you all." And with that, they were gone, off to the apparition point. Now who could have ever predicted that?

Sooo, done with what turned out to be Chapter one! I wanted to make this into a one-shot so that I'd be sure to finish it but turns out, I don't have the patience to. There won't be too many chapters, I'll try to make it five, four that tell the story and the epilogue. If you want to stay with me on this, follow the story to know when I'll update it (which will be hopefully soon) and please please review cause it means a lot to know what people think! Maybe that way you can save this story from being trash by notifying me of my awful writing, yay! Ah, enough self-deprecating jokes for one time. Hope you liked it, see you soon!