
When a hero ends an epic journey, we like to see them raise their glass and drink to the future. We assume that they will settle down to a life of peace and bliss, but sadly, in the ashes of war, there is often no home to return to, no matter how glorious your victory was. Rebuilding after the desolation of war isn't done at the end of a lightsaber. It's done through grueling hours over maps and lists with bad coffee in the small hours, shivering in tents against the rage of a snow storm. Pretty stories make war sound glorious, and the grueling task of rebuilding is ignored, as though cities and crops will spring from the scorched earth beckoned by hope and dreams alone. Treaties are written in blood and dusted with ash. Compromises must be made that turn stomachs, and sometimes what rises from the ashes looks too much like what was torn down. I think people are hoping that Ben and Rey will be able to settle down to domestic bliss. That's not what the dregs of war looks like. If you think it's going to be that easy, you haven't been paying attention. This isn't going to go the way think it's going to. Buckle up.

Iron Twilight, Grey Dawn picks up immediately after the end of Two Sides of the Same Coin.