Author's note: This is going to be a little story about Mikey breaking down crying when it's too hard to wear his happy mask….this will happen at the farm house a couple days after the events of "The Croaking" episode took place. Remember I don't own T.M.N.T.

Mikey's happy mask was beginning to be hard to put on these days now. He didn't want to talk to his brothers, April or Casey about it because he feels like they are still mad about him trashing the house.

He even wants to tell them about the nightmares that he's been having since they came to the farmhouse, but he can't bring himself to. (Why bother them with your problems when they have problems of their own?)

He asks himself that question a bunch of times. But he doesn't know how much more he can take until he bursts out with his emotions.

He just wished that his father was here to help guide him, but he wasn't….he wasn't even sure if his dad was alive.

(I wish that I can keep my happy mask up….for them. Got to do it for them….can't break down, need to cheer everyone up…..")

But Mikey isn't aware that today is the day that his mask is going to break and it's not going to be pretty.


Author's note: How was that? I know that it's short but I just wanted to start it out and then go from there. Please R&R but no flames.