I need to stop making new fics when I still have ongoing ones - but I can't resist~

Not gonna lie, this first chapter is gonna be dark, probably the only really dark chapter of this fic, so please heed the warnings down below if you would like to avoid this one.

Warnings for Blood, language, torture, mutilation, implied rape and some religious themes.


She's only heard about that dreadful place called hell. Never seen it, never been to it and never plans too.

But if there was ever a place similar to hell.

Then she was sure this was it.

"Thought you could escape again, huh?" The dark chuckle sent chills flying throughout her quaking body, unable to see her captor only made it even worse as she struggled fruitlessly, trembling hands grasped weakly around a tensed wrist, powerful fingers tightening around the silky strands in response and dragging the harmless being on her bare bottom along the hard floor until they reached that familiar, freezing room that she's grown to hate despite her reluctance to hate anything.

Large, pure white wings flapped wildly in response to being brought to what is basically her prison. Tears bubbled along the edges of frightened lavender eyes as her sobbing lips shaped pleading words over and over in the hopes of avoiding what her captor is planning to do to her now.

He tossed her forward roughly, smirk growing at the terrified squeak that escaped his favorite test subject. Those beautiful wings instinctively curled over her, blocking her naked body from his wandering sight - though it proved to be useless once he straddled her and peeled the feathery appendages away.

Lowering his face to her horrified visage, he smiled and pointed to a cut along his neck, "And here I thought you angels would never bring harm to your 'god's' favorite creation."

It delighted him to see her innocent face scrunch up in agony at his words - he's learned that this is a creature that couldn't stand to disobey her father. But, from what he knows, she's already disobeyed her father by wandering to earth in the first place - curious about these wonderful humans. It's just too bad she ran into the wrong one.

"I'm s-sorry." She sobbed and he wasn't sure if it was meant to be directed to him or her father or maybe both - but he could care less either way.

"I think it's time for your punishment." He purred, dark eyes narrowing lustfully behind his glasses in a way that she has grown much too familiar with in the past month in his care.

Her trembling arms pressed futilely at his hard chest, legs pressing close in knowing fear but it was all in vain when he flipped her over onto her stomach. One hand gripped her hip, lifting her bottom in the air and squeezing milky flesh unmercifully as the other pushed down between the space of her wings, keeping her pinned to the ground.

His silver bangs hung around his panting face as he dropped his hold on her hip to release himself from his pants, pressing the mushroom-like tip to her entrance. The ends of his lips curled up sadistically at the garbled cries escaping her, begging for mercy that he didn't have, "Don't worry Hinata, we're just gonna commit some carnal sin again - you should be enjoying it by this point...it's much better then me cutting you open again, hm?"


He pulled out once he's finished, tucking himself away in his pants. His middle finger pushed up his glasses on his now moist with sweat nose, dark eyes roamed over the shivering mess on the cold, steel floor. The exhausted angel could hardly move despite the puddle of tears and drool soaking against her red face, she felt disgusted at the too familiar warm fluids tainting her inner thighs.

This is his creations. The creations that they were meant to love and protect, the creations that were made in his image.

Another tear dribbled along her betrayed face - how could humans created by her father be so cruel?

She jolted when cold hands touched her wings, the man stretched it up, running the palm of his hand along it gently - taking in the soft almost pillowy texture of it despite it looking like a bunch of rough feathers. His jaw tightened, fingernails digging into the majestic wings - they looked gorgeous on her, one of the first things that caught his eye when he first saw her...but - a scene of them flapping powerfully, almost letting her escape from him forever - flashed in his mind. They would be her inevitable chance to get away from him and never return.

And with that in mind, he wrapped his hands around one wing and stretched it to its limit, one booted foot slamming down onto the space between the wings as he began to yank on the fragile appendage violently. That roused movement back into the exhausted being, her fingers dug into the steel floor as the most agonized, blood curdling scream was ripped from her parched throat.

Her back! It was like it was on fire! It was almost akin to a limb being ripped slowly from her body.

A fresh wave of tears streamed down her horrified face. What did she ever do to deserve this treatment?

The free wing flapped wildly, hitting him a few times and hindering his progress. But the silver haired man merely grunted and stomped his other foot down onto the struggling wing to get it out of the way. This was probably the most his angel's ever screamed before - and he was enjoying it immensely.

Nothing could come out of her mouth but ragged screeches and sobs, nails digging into the freezing floor and she could swear the sound of ripping was flooding her ears as warmth began to steadily cover her back.

Her tormented cries finally died down once the wing came off, the man smiled, stroking it fondly before dropping it to the ground and immediately moving onto the next one much to his subject's horror who could only writhe in burning pain at the torture he was so gleefully bestowing upon her.

Panting, the silver haired man stepped back from the bloody, trembling mess on the floor in favor of picking up the discarded wings. Knowing that she can't die, he didn't bother patching her up as he left the room with his prizes in hand; he'll have to examine them closer while she's passed out on his floor. Maybe they'll give him a clue to her immortality and how he could transfer that too humans; he is a scientist after all, learning more is always a win for him.

What he didn't realize, however, was that his test subject did not pass out from the pain like he assumed. With an agonized whine, the female pushed her damaged body up on shaking arms, peeling her scarred skin off the icy floor.

Heavy pants mixed with hoarse whimpers escaped her pink lips with each shuddering breath she took, lungs and throat burning from overuse. Slick warmth coated the entirety of her throbbing back and she reached a trembling hand behind her.

Scarlet coated her palm when she brought her hand back in front, another wave of tears lined her lavender eyes as she laid that soaked hand to her abdomen where she could feel the rough bumps of stitches threaded along her abdomen. She could still vividly recall the heart pounding sight of her captor cutting her open, body numbed so she couldn't feel him poking around her insides but mind fully aware of every little thing he was doing. The bastard is relentless in his pursuit of immortality for humans that he was so sure lied in her delicate body once he realized that she couldn't die when he decided to experimentally inject her with poison.

Her vision was blurry from the blood loss, she is sure to pass out soon so her body could begin to repair itself.


The head of blue drowsily turned to the open door with a flutter of hope in her chest. He was careless in thinking that she had so little stamina in enduring his torture and didn't think to close and lock the door; so very sure that she wouldn't escape after the damage that he dealt.

However, Hinata was a very determined being, she absolutely refused to just pass out and stay trapped forever in this prison. With some help of the walls and nearby tables, the tainted angel was able to stand on quacking legs.

The two spots on her back was pounding furiously, stinging at being so exposed to the air. Liquid dribbled out of the open wounds with each wobbly step forward. Her hands splayed along the wall, bracing herself so she didn't fall back down to the floor like her tired body demanded her to do.

It didn't take her long to locate the front door after how many times she's attempted to escape. Thankfully, her captor was nowhere to be found - probably examining her wings in his own personal lab; her chest ached at the thought of her missing wings, back feeling empty and naked without them - her precious wings...now she has no hope of going home.

She pushed aside the thought and stumbled out the door, breaking out into a clumsy run; she has no idea where she was going or what she was going to do but she didn't care as long as she gets away from that damn house.

Her heart was pounding furiously from the exertion only serving to pump the warm blood through her veins faster and unfortunately for her, caused it to leak out of the open wounds at a much quicker pace. Everything was so hazy and she doesn't know how long she had been running for but eventually her body gave up and collapsed from exhaustion and lack of blood.

She could vaguely hear a voice swimming around in her spinning head and desperately hoped that it wasn't her tormentor already. Hands gripped her arms, carefully turning her trembling body so they could cradle her blood soaked body gently.

Warmth cupped her cheek and tilted her head up until her blurry vision settled onto an unknown face, she blinked blearily, registering the hard pinch of their eyebrows as their lips moved but no word was registering in her mind at the moment.

The last thing she recalled was eyes, dark as night, watching her with a hint of concern as her lips eventually parted to form whispered words before finally passing out.
