Chapter 2

Hot pain fills my stomach as I feel a hand rubbing my back gently, Sofia. I'm laying in the hammock,started feeling bad this afternoon,so laid down in the hammock to take a sleeping off and on for a few hours, she laid with me for a while,but then got up to start dinner,and now she's back to check on me. "Nick, mi amor, I need you to wake up alright,it's about supper time"she murmurs as I roll over to look at her with sleepy brown eyes. "Ok,I'm not all that hungry Sof,but I'll try a little bit"I murmur as I feel her grab my arm to help me sit up,and she get's me to where I'm sitting on the edge of the hammock. I feel her kiss me on the forehead,then place a hand on my cheek,checking for my temperature,and It's looking like I got one. "You definitely have a fever mi amor, I'll I ask is you try to eat a little bit,only as much as you can handle alright,then you can go to bed,I'll have the doctor called for,just to be safe though alright"she murmurs as I let her help me slowly stand up,and I wobble for a second then get my balance back. "Yeah"I murmur as I feel her place a hand on my lower back to steady me."Easy I got you Nicky"she murmurs as we go inside,and we go over to the table.

I sit down,then she goes to the kitchen to get dinner,and she brings it out. It's rice and beans,with some chicken on the side. I let her make my plate,she just puts rice and beans on it,knowing I can't stomach much more than that,then set's it in front of me and a glass of water. She then makes a plate for herself,then comes and sits down beside me. It's just me and her,her father and brother had to work tonight,so we're getting some alone time,thankfully.I start to eat,small bites,too worried about becoming sick to my stomach,and I somehow keep it down,by luck I guess. We eventually finish eating,I eat about half of my plate,then she takes the dishes away,then comes back to me.

"How about we get you showered and in bed alright,while your in the shower I'll call the doctor and get the bed ready"she murmurs hugging me from behind then letting me get up. I feel her hand on my back as we go down the hall and up the stairs,then she guides me to the bathroom,then leaves to go take care of the bed,giving me some privacy.

I close the door behind me,and take a breath in as I feel the pain make it's presence known again. It's bad,worse than she thinks it is,but I can't show her my hand unless I'm desperate,if I show it to her who knows what could happen,I mean I know she'll get me taken care of,but it's a hard pill to swallow,I may have to show her I'm vulnerable,which I hate. I get undressed and some how make it in to the shower,I start the water,nice and hot,and I manage to stand for a bit,enough to wash off,but then have to sit down back against the tile wall.I let the water hit my skin,soothingly,and I lean forward,head against my knees as the water hits my back. I hear the door open, then she opens the glass door to the shower and kneels down in front of me on the tile.

"Everything alright Mi amor, how bad are you hurting"she murmurs softly as I see her reach up and turn off the water. "Pretty bad,worse than earlier,it feels like someone is taking a knife and stabbing me in the stomach repeatedly,and just twisting it"I murmur,finally letting on to just how much I'm hurting. "Oh mi amor,let's get you out of here alright,get you into some Pajamas,I called the doctor,he'll be here shortly"she murmurs putting hands under my arms,helping brace me long enough to get standing. She get's me out,get's me dried off,and into some pajamas. She get's a temp on me,it reads 104,so definitely got a fever,then guides me to the bed,that has been freshly made with new sheets. I get inside,and she pulls the covers over me,then turns on the fan to help keep me cool. Then the doorbell rings,probably the doctor. "I'll be right back alright"she murmurs kissing me on the cheek before she leaves.

She leaves,and I lay there for several minutes,then they come back into the room. The doctor introduces himself,then starts to look me over,asking questions as he goes. He mainly asks me how bad I'm hurting,and where,then asks Sofia about my temperature. Then he has me lay on my back,and he feels my stomach,oh god how that hurts,then he has me roll on my side. He does his thing,then they get me comfortable again. I hear him talk to her in spanish,I make out some of it,enough to know he thinks it's appendicitis,and that we're too far away from a hospital,so he wants to try me on Antibiotics first,see if it clears up that way,and if not in 24 -48 hours they will rush me to the hospital. We agree to it,and he starts an Iv on me with fluids, antibiotics and some pain medication,hanging them on the lamp for the moment. He then gives her directions as far as what we need to do if I need to use the restroom,and for getting around the house with the iv,he leaves a pole with us,so we can put it on there when I need to move. And he tells us that he'll be by in the morning to check in on me,make sure I'm ok. Then he leaves,leaving just me and her,and I just know it's going to be a long night,a hellish night,but we'll make it through.

I feel her sit beside me and I lean into the contact as I feel her lay a damp cloth against the back of my neck. "It'll be ok mi amor,try to get some sleep alright,I'll be right here,just let me know if you need anything"she murmurs as I feel her rub my stomach and I start to become sleepy. The last thing I remember is shutting my eyes and I'm out like a proverbial light,exhausted and in pain.