Sasuke reborn

This story follows the journey of Sasuke Uchiha filled with memories that aren't his own, and what he decides to do with them. Will he use be able to use this gift to help change the ninja world for the greater good, or will he inevitably plunge it further into darkness. You could say it's OOC Sasuke, but I just like to think of this story as a what-if scenario. It will devolve from canon (mainly trying to eliminate most of the overpowered god stuff that happens at the end.) I hope you enjoy.

Speech: " "

Thought: ' '

Chapter one: Blank Slate

Endless Darkness, that was all he could see. No light or any semblance of life could be seen as he gazed off into what seemed like and never ending void. No imagines of his life passed into his consciousness nor could he remember any. But the strange thing about all this was that he didn't care. He didn't care that at this moment there was nothing, actually right now this all seemed too have given him a blissful peace of mind.

He was content to stay like this forever. But then all of a sudden something caught his attention. It was a small spec of light. Normally he wouldn't have noticed such a thing, but it stood out well against the void. He began too focus in on the small light, trying to make out what it was come from. As he did this it began to grow in size and intensity. Soon enough it continued to grow so much that he couldn't even keep his eyes open. The brightness started to hurt his eyes, however the light didn't go away. He could still see the light coming in from through his closed eyelids.

After he figured the light wasn't going to fade he decided to try opening his eyes again. He slowly opened allowing them too adjust, and soon enough he was able fully open them. But it wasn't just light like last time, no this time the void was gone and in its place was a room. Well it looked like it was the ceiling to the room he was starring at. As he stared up he noticed that he was laying on something soft. The only thing that came to mind was that he was probably laying in some sort of bed.

'Have I been sleeping?'

No, whatever that was before it didn't feel like a dream. Whatever that was before didn't matter now. No right now he needed to figure out where he was. With that thought he mustered up all the energy he had and with and prompted himself up on his bed. Though his body felt stiff and the ordeal felt like it took way more effort it than it needed too. But now he could get a good look at his surroundings. It a fairly small white painted room. It gave off the impression of clean and sterile, though as he scanned his surroundings there wasn't much to it. The room seemed to only hold the bare necessities like the bed he was resting on, a small table next to him. However on the other side of the bed there seemed to have some sort of medical equipment.

'Hmm so that would mean I was most likely in a hospital.'

Well now that sorted his first question but left them with so many more in its place. Like how did he end up here and who brought him to this place? While these thoughts were racing through his mind, he started to contemplate whether he should wait for someone here or walk out. In the end he didn't get too decide what he should do, because at that very moment a lady happened to be walking pass his room.

She was walking down the hall, quickly finishing her check ups on some of her patients. She started walking pass the room of the Uchiha child, who she had already checked up on before. As she walked pass, she quickly gazed in not expecting to see anything. She continued walking and almost didn't notice the boy sitting up in the bed and had to quickly had to double back. She was staring into the room of the boy and couldn't believe what she was looking at. The small boy that all the doctors were starting to whisper about never being able to wake up from his coma was awake!

This poor boy had become famous overnight as being the last survivor of the Uchiha clan massacre. She had heard that Itachi Uchiha had slaughtered everyone in his clan, including his own family. But nobody knew why Itachi had suddenly killed all of them. Maybe some of the higher ups knew something she didn't but for right now that would remain a mystery to her. No all she knew was for some reason he left his younger brother alive, though barely. Itachi must have done something horrible, as it left him in a comatose state.

'Poor Kid, for someone so young o have to go through all that.'

She had been in charged of his care for the last week while he slept. She made sure all his vitals were fine and though it wasn't her job in her spare time she kept the boy company. She knew that he didn't know she was there but that didn't matter to her. She was just so heartbroken that beside the doctors nobody checked on him. Right at this moment he was truly all alone in this world. But right now all she couldn't dwell on that, right now she needed too do her job. So with that she quickly stopped her train of thought and walked over to the boy.

"Good evening, it's wonderful to see that you're awake now."

Sasuke looked at who was addressing him, he could tell that she was a medical ninja by the white coat she was wearing. She had brown hair that was neatly tied up to keep out of her face and from what he could tell she was in her early to mid twenties. She had a small friendly smile on her and seemed kind, so he figure he might as well be polite to her.

"Thank you, nice to meet you."

While talking she continued to walk over to him and stood beside his bed.

"Thank you too. Now Sasuke I'm just going to check your vitals and make sure that you're all healthy. "

With that her hands began to glow. He knew that this was a medical technique so he just let her just do her job.

"No problem."

Without further prompting she began her check up. She placed her hands on his chest it didn't seem to be doing anything else, though he could see the concentration on her face so he knew she was working. While he watched her work he thought maybe he shouldn't disturb her while she worked, but eventually his need to get answers won out.

"Umm I'm sorry to disturb you while you're working, but I was wondering if you could tell me how I ended up in here."

He could tell this immediately broke her concentration.

'He doesn't remember'

Horrified was the only word that could describe what she was feeling at this moment. If he was asking this question then that meant he probably doesn't remember what happened that night.

'Oh no, don't tell me I'm going to have to be the one to tell him?'

Standing there still as a rock, this mental conflicted raged on in her mind.

'Maybe I shouldn't tell him just yet and just spare the pain for a while? He did just wake up and doesn't need to deal with it right now.'

When toying with the possibility of not telling him, she looked at the boy in question. He must have been getting suspicious with her not answering yet and reaction to the question. That's when they made eye contact.

'No, he deserves to know. It's not my right to keep that information from him.'

Taking a deep breath in and steadying herself for the conversation she was going to have her dove right into it.

"Sasuke, do you remember what happened to you the other night?"

With the curious look not leaving his gaze, he shook his head.

'So I was right'

"Well Sasuke there was an incidence involving your family and your brother, Itachi."

Memories of his family and brother flashed into his mind.

'That's right, I'm Sasuke of the Uchiha clan. But she said there was an incident, what happened?'

He tried to rack his brain but nothing came too mind.

"I don't know the details, but from what I've heard is that Itachi for whatever reason killed your entire clan the other night and left you in a comatose state afterwards."

Flashes of dead bodies and all the blood, flooded into his mind. He remembered everything, he remembered seeing his family and his entire clan dead in their homes and on the streets. He clutched his head in pain at remembering all this and all the emotions he felt. Disbelief, dread, hopelessness consumed him. Why did he do it? Surely this was all one big mistake and his loving brother was innocent. But then he recalled the memory of seeing his brother standing alone over them and him gloating about killing them all for power.

'No it can't be true!'

Just when it felt like this pit of despair was going to consume him, a flash of new images and memories crossed his mine. But these ones weren't like the ones from before. No these weren't his memories, he couldn't remember and of all this happening to him and there wasn't anything emotions tied to them. Events surrounding himself and his village flashed into his mine. Him graduating from the academy and being placed into team seven. He saw himself with his classmates Sakura, Naruto and their sensei was a man called Kakashi, who possessed the sharingan. Time spent with his spent flashed pass, and soon information about the chunin exams popped up. These images eventually lead to the show his future of receiving the curse mark, the attack on the village and eventually leading too his betrayal and leaving the village. All of this information greatly confused him, but it didn't stop there. He continue too see his life and events of the shinobi world in his head. It all lead up to a great war and the final fight between Naruto and himself.

'What does this all mean? Is this showing me my future?'

Sasuke shook his head at this thought.

'No it can't be my future, there are too many things wrong in those visions.'

The visions had shown that the fourth Hokage had died and that the third had taken his place. But this was wrong, the fourth was still alive and governing the village. Also there had been those giant beasts in the vision.

'The nine tailed beast's I believed they were called.' He remembered.

'But they seemed so real, and the detail within them. What did it all mean?'

The pain and bloodshed within these visions future worried him. What if they held some truth to them? Questions all rushing through his head and once again he was becoming overwhelmed, and caught inside his head. But as unanswered questions continued to rush through his mind, he finally remembered an important fact about those visions.


In those visions he saw it, Itachi slaughtering their own clan. However he also remembers learning that the clan had been planning on rebelling against the leaf and that the Hokage and the village elders had made him killed them all. They were trying to prevent the chaos and destruction that would ensue from the coup.

Blood began to boil in his blood. 'They made him kill our family.' He could feel the pit of sadness beginning to be quickly being replaced with hatred.

He unconsciously made to move out of the bed. He didn't know what he was going to do, but he knew that they had to answer for their crimes and pay. As he shifted out of bed, he felt something embrace him. This shook him out of his trance and finally focusing on what had embraced him he turn and could see a short mess of brown hair.

'What is happening?' That was all he could think to himself. But as he lost focus of the memories, he remembered were he was and who he was talking too.

It was the nurse he was just speaking too before. She seemed to have taken upon herself to hug him.

'She must have seen the look of shock and confusion on my face, and must've sensed the pain I was going through. But why was she doing this? She didn't know me.' From what he knew they had just met and this wasn't part of her job. 'So why was she comforting him now.'

Whatever the reason, he couldn't bring himself to break away from her. And soon he had closed his eyes and felt tears beginning to stream down his face. They continued to stay like this for what seemed like an eternity for Sasuke. Sitting still with the only noise coming from Sasuke.

Soon Sasuke regained some self-control and forced himself to stop crying. Seeing that the woman wasn't making any signing of breaking the hug, he decided he had to do something about it.

"Umm excuse me miss, but can you let go of me now."

He watched as his words caught her attention. She looked at him and saw him no longer crying or hugging her back. She then quickly realised the odd position she was in released the embrace. While she was standing back up she started straightening her uniform and nervously began talking. "I'm sorry about that Mr Uchiha sir, that was very inappropriate of myself and I wont let it happen again."

While he watched her fumble over her apology, he could almost feel a sense of disappointment from hearing those words.

'Snap out of it, she isn't important!'

The nurse went on looking over her charts and checking up again on his vitals. They remained like this for the remainder of the time together she only said the occasional words. What were said were only routine questions and answers about his condition and what would be happening to him now. However he was already not paying attention to anything she was saying. She must have picked up on that so she decided to make herself scarce. Finally leaving she hesitated just before exiting the door wondering too herself if she should say something else. Whatever she might have wanted to say went unsaid, as she finally left without a word. Sasuke didn't notice any of that as thoughts of everything that had happened race through his mind. He didn't know how long he just laded there in bed. The thoughts turned to dreams, and then into nightmares as he fell back to sleep.

The next morning flashed pass all in a blur. Doctors came in and out of his room, asking questions and running all sorts of check ups. However he had noticed that the lady didn't show up again today.

'Its not like a care or anything.'

He just continued too ignore the doctors as they rabble on about medical stuff. After several hours of this, they seemed to have decided that he was healthy enough to be released. Though the doctors offered him to stay longer and seemed like they didn't quite like the idea of him leaving so soon.

'They are probably worried that I would kill myself.'

Even if they didn't like his decision to leave, he wasn't going to stay in this hospital any longer. He couldn't take them all looking at him with that pathetic look of pity whenever they talked to him. He would never be looked down upon he was an Uchiha. They were the strength of the village, feared across the lands for their power and nobody pities them or belittled their pride. And with that he dismissed the doctors and walked out of the hospital.

He was wearing the cloths that he had on during the incidence. They had no blood or dirt on them so they must of took the time and cleaned them for him. But that didn't matter, no now he was finally turning the corner towards the Uchiha compound. It lay on the outskirts of the village, away from the public. And it was there that stood staring down the main road.

This was it, this was the place were he last saw his clan. All of their butchered bodies littering the roads. He silently walked down the street staring at all the spots were he remembered they where. Even if they had already cleared out the bodies, the image of their bloody corpses was still burned into his mind. Soon he had made it to the front door of his house. But as he held out his hand to open the door his body suddenly froze. His hand was hovering just above the door handle, but he couldn't bring himself to open it. Afraid of what he was going to see inside.

He didn't know how long he stood there for. He wanted to stay out here forever. That way he could pretend that it would all be ok. He would open this door and find his mom greeting him with a loving smile. His dad would be there too just as silent as ever. He might have wanted to take him out for some more training. He could still remember the look of pride he shown when he finally was able to perform the Great fireball technique in only a week. He loved it how now he was finally paying attention to him instead of giving all his attention to Itachi.


He had always been the most important person in the world to him. He looked up to him and wanted nothing more then just to spend all the time he could with him. He would be their too when he opened the door and this time he wouldn't be standing over the bodies of their parents.

For it all to be just a terrible dream, that was what he wanted most in the world right now. He would of given anything for that to happen. However he knew better then to believe that the hopes of a child would come true.

It was with that thought he finally brought himself to open the door and face what was inside. Slowly turning the handle open, the small creaking noise seemed to amplify inside the silent house. He could feel the cool air from inside the house as well when he opened the door. Once it was fully opened, he was faced with the spot of where he last saw his family. And just like he knew it would be, their was nobody there. He could make out any signs of bloodstains on the floor or any other types of disturbances in the room.

But that didn't matter. He knew what had just happened there. And so he stood their again just staring at the spot. It had been hours now since he had left the hospital and the sun had started to set now. But as the light faded, he didn't make any moves to turn on any others lights in the house. No he just stood there, with one thought running through his mind.

'I will find out what really happened here that night and make sure whoever is responsible for this pay!'

He had been watching over him for hours now. It had been a simple assignment all the kid had done so far was go home. But he could see the look on his face. He had seen that look all too many times before. He was sure that he must have had a similar look when he found his dad when he hung himself. That haunted stare, when they are closed off to the world around them because of the terrible pain and loss they're going through. He had seen men become broken from that pain, and become just a shell of the person they once were.

He didn't know if this kid was going to make it. And he started feeling a slight pang of guilt. He knew what he was going through, but he didn't know how to help him. No, right now that kid felt completely alone in this world. Even though just was someone just off in the distance watching over him. But it didn't matter, that wasn't his job. All he was meant to do was watch the kid and report in on any of his actions. And so Kakashi continued to watch over the little kid, as he stood there unmoving in his house.

Thank any of you that read all of this. This was my first attempt at writing so I'm looking for any constructive criticism. I'm going to assume I have made some spelling or grammar mistakes, so if you were too point them out then I would gladly fix them right up.

And also I'm probably going to try and update this once a week (Depending on if anyone is interested in it or not).