Heads up this is unedited, I literally did it thirty mins before my last class today and really its a three show cross over but meh. It's also posted over on AO3... also another heads up, I was trying something different with my writing style soooooo...

There was a thud when they landed. It wasn't the usual sounds they were use too but both of them shrugged it off. The sensors weren't picking up anything on the outside of the tardis. They seemed busted but that didn't stop either of the two to travel outside, though they both were disconcerted, About their current situation. While the Doctor went one way Clara went another. She was maybe ten steps going straight when she heard some type of crash in front of her.

She heard shots, that was all. She knew it was in front of her but she froze. She froze for multiple reasons, the shots were always alarming but never quite so to stop her in her tracks. The fire was, well it added to the intensity in the area. Then, then the man. The man was perhaps not the shocking part but, the uniform, the uniform told her one to many things.

The ricochet sounds were coming from him, the shots that rang through the street. That was him. There was blood off of his face and the weapon was now raised at her. It was the moment that her head snapped towards the rest of him. She knew him. Or she thought she did. The man squinted at her, his head tilted. If there was ever in question the look of disbelievence, it came from the man.

Clara noticed the pistol raised at her was lowering, against the man's instinct.

It was shaking, he didn't want to lower the weapon. But how could he have it raised against her?

She stared, she knew him but from where. She knew him. Yes she knew him, she had only been telling herself that since she saw him. But she couldn't find her voice.


The eyes, she remembered the eyes, she remembered falling asleep to them in a bedroom that wasn't hers. How could she ever forget those eyes. They always reassured her when she was in question of herself. But that wasn't her and this could not be the same man… Could it?

Her shoulder was being pull, a hand slipped into hers and the man raised the offending object back up.

"No! Don't, please don't." She yelled it. And she didn't exactly know who she was pleading to. In another life the man across from her was important but in this life the man pulling along was just as important if not more.

He listened, he didn't think he had a chose… did he?

"Clara, we need to move. We need to get back to the Tardis."

She didn't even know how she got to the doors but she stared at the man. "Doctor, I know him. Lord!-" the doors were shut on her, she couldn't yell back. He wouldn't be able to hear her.

"Clara, I doubt you know a Nazi in another universe. This isn't right."

It dawned on her. He knew her first, he recognized her first. "He knew me… Doctor, I knew him."

Let me know what ya think!