Hey! So this is my Ninjago tv show series fanfics. Each chapter will be a oneshot.

This oneshot can be taken in whichever season you'd like.

Lloyd had been sick before, just like everyone else, but he had never been sick as the Green Ninja before. The first time that he did.. Well, it was pretty bad.

It had started out like any other normal morning for the Ninja. Kai was training alone, Jay was playing some video games, Nya was fixing up the mechs that got damaged from their last battle, Zane was baking, and Cole was out for a ride on his dragon. After a little while, Zane called them all over to the kitchen for breakfast. As they sat down, they noticed that one of the Ninja was missing. "Hey, have you guys seen Lloyd this morning?" Kai asked the others. They all shook their heads. "No. He's probably still asleep or something," Jay replied as he started to dig into breakfast. Nya frowned slightly. "Lloyd never wakes up late though. He's usually one of the first to wake up." Cole frowned a little too. "That's right.. Do you think we should go check on him?" "I-"

Just then, a very exhausted Lloyd walked in, still in pajamas. He had dark bags under his eyes and he seemed paler than usual. "Um.. Lloyd? Did you get any sleep at all last night?" Kai asked, somewhat joking. Lloyd didn't reply, too exhausted, and sat down on the couch in the living room. "Breakfast is ready if you would like some," Zane told the green ninja. Lloyd shook his head. "N-no I'm fine. I feel a little out of it right now," he said, sounding congested.

Kai walked over to Lloyd, his breakfast sitting at the table completely forgotten. "I hate to break it to you Lloyd, but I think you're sick."

Lloyd shook his head then winced slightly. "I'm not sick. I just have a slight headache and I'm a bit tired.. That's all," he said. Kai raised an eyebrow. "Lloyd it's okay. Everyone gets sick sometimes."

"Yeah, and training when you're sick will just make things worse," Jay said. Cole nodded. "Just take today off and rest a bit."

Lloyd stubbornly stood up, ignoring everyone else. "No. I'm not sick, okay? I don't need to rest or take a break or anything. I'm completely fine." Just then, Lloyd sneezed. Less than half a moment later, he started collapsing. Kai quickly caught him though. "Are you okay?" the fire ninja asked, concerned for his friend. Kai wasn't sure if he was imagining it, but Lloyd seemed even paler and more tired looking than he had a moment earlier. Surprisingly, Lloyd shook his head weakly. "N-no.. I feel like all of my energy has just vanished.." Kai put an arm around Lloyd to support him since he was having trouble standing on his own.

"Come on. It's bed for you Green Ninja. You're definitely not doing any training today."

Lloyd let Kai escort him to his room, then sighed as he laid down in his bed. A minute later, he was passed out.

Kai walked away. He wondered if when Lloyd got sick, his elemental powers kinda turned against him. That would explain how he suddenly felt drained of energy after one sneeze. Kai was glad that he convinced Lloyd to rest, and just hoped that he wouldn't be sick anytime soon again.

Sorry, this isn't my best piece of work. I was about half asleep when I wrote the last half (and I still am) but I really wanted to post this today. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Please, PLEASE request some oneshot sand I'll be sure to write them!