WARNING! Contains spoilers for season 8 of Ninjago, and the latest episode, episode 81. Also, chapter is a little more violent than usual, so yeah. You have been warned.

Lloyd didn't want to believe it.. Was Harumi really the Quiet One? No..No.. She couldn't.. She just couldn't.. She was his first crush.. His first kiss (if you count a kiss on the cheek). Earlier, she seemed genuinely concerned for him.. But.. It all added up. Everything made sense now.. Lloyd just didn't know why.. Why was Harumi doing this?

When Harumi started going towards him, knife in hand, Lloyd started backing up. Though he was deeply hurt by all of this, and he didn't know if Harumi actually had feelings for him, or if it was just an act-

He still loved her.. And that meant that he wanted to avoids fighting her if possible.

"Rumi.. Come on.. Think about this.. You don't really want to bring back Lord Garmadon do you?"

Harumi sneered. "Of course I do! Why else do you think I would go through all this trouble to make sure my plan worked! And I know you Lloyd. I know that you want your father back. And I also know that you wouldn't hurt me. You love me." She said the last part in a dramatic way, obviously trying to get Lloyd to see her as before. Lloyd stared at her. He did love her.. And he hated to admit it but.. A part of him did want to see his father come back. He shook his head though.

"No. Even if I do love you, it doesn't matter now."

Harumi came closer with the knife. Harumi grinned.

"Fine. And when Lord Garmadon does come back, he wouldn't be the same person you remembered before anyway. His soul will be gone."

Lloyd held back tears. He was a Ninja. He wasn't weak.. Just because Harumi broke his heart and the thought of his father coming back, soulless.. It didn't mean he should get all emotion filled with it.. No.. He had to clear his mind.. Rumi was trying to deceive him.

"No…" Lloyd said.

Harumi wrinkled her nose. "Give me the mask Lloyd! Now!"

She swung the knife at him, but Lloyd dodged out of the way just in time.

Lloyd frowned. "I will never do that. You can beat me up all you'd like, but you're not getting this mask. You are not going to bring back my dad."

Harumi snarled. "Very well then," she said. She swung the knife at Lloyd again, this time cutting his shoulder. Lloyd grimaced by the sudden and sharp pain, but it was just a cut. He'd be fine. Harumi was NOT getting the mask.

"That won't stop me. Now you stop, right here, right now, or say goodbye to the mask," Lloyd said, daingeling it over.

Harumi's eyes widened. "No!" She wasn't going to stop though. Not after everything she'd worked for to get her revenge.. She narrowed her eyes at Lloyd. "It was because of you that my parents died. I'm not letting go of my revenge that easily. You will give me that mask, or I will kill you and take it from you."

A part of Harumi knew that this wasn't true.. Deep inside, she truly had feelings for Lloyd. Before, it was an act, but as time went on…

Still. She needed that mask. It was the key to avenging her parents' death. She jabbed the knife again at Lloyd. Lloyd, being distracted by his emotions, failed to move in time. This time, the knife entered his side before Harumi quickly pulled it out. Kill him? No. Seriously injure him? That was the best option.

Lloyd staggered to the side. His vision was getting blurry, and the pain was too great to bear. He couldn't think.. He couldn't-

Lloyd tried to hold himself together. He could not let Harumi get away with this.

"That..Won't...Stop me…" he said through jagged breaths. Harumi shook her head. What did it take to stop this boy?

Lloyd was now on the ground, doing his best to stay conscious from both the pain and the blood loss. The wound felt deep. He was too scared to look at it though. Harumi sighed and went over to the defenseless Green Ninja. Lloyd was now too weak to do anything.. He didn't put up a struggle. The last thing he was was the face of the girl who broke his heart, before Harumi picked up his head and smashed it against the ground, knocking Lloyd out.

Dang. Sorry if this was kind violent. Anyway, what's the deal with me? This is a series of oneshots supposed to be focused upon the whole team, not Lloyd getting injured every chapter :p

Should I start doing less hurt oneshots?

Also, I'm seriously obsessed with season 8, which is why I posted so many chapters on it. I can't believe Harumi is the Quiet One though.. Aww.. Poor Lloyd ;(

Anyway, what do you think of my oneshot series so far? Should all chapters focus on Lloyd, or do ya wanna see the other Ninja getting their time in the spotlight?