Disclaimer: I don't own anything, it all belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling.

Hermione led Draco out of the store and down the street.

"We have to take the bus to get to my street. It will only take about ten minutes or so." Hermione informed Draco.

He only nodded. Draco has in deep thought at the moment. 'What will happen when she finds out? Will she inform the Ministry? She can't do that, then my father will surely finish me off then.'

As they walked down the street to the bus stop, Hermione noticed that Draco was straggling behind so she slowed down to see what was wrong. Draco had his head down and looked to be in deep thought.

"Is everything ok?"

"Huh? Oh..yeah, yeah I'm ok, just thinking." He reply softly.

"Alright then." Hermione said with a smile but not really convinced that everything was ok. "Its only a little bit further."

Draco again only nodded his head in reply.

Once they reached the bus stop Hermione lead Draco inside and paid their way, then found them an empty seat to sit in.

Draco sat down and tried to keep his back away from the seat without looking too strange. Again Hermione noticed, but like before didn't want to push anything so she let it pass.

"So...did you make it as a Prefect this year?" Hermione thought that talking would ease his mind a bit.

"Yeah, I got a letter about it a week before I left." He said while turning to look at her.

"Congratulations. I also made Prefect. I was so excited when I found out." Hermione smiled at the thought of being a Prefect. It was one of her dreams, along with being Head Girl.

"I kind of thought that you'd make it. You'd be perfect for the job I'm sure." Draco said with a smile also.

"Thanks." She said in return. She turned to the window still smiling. 'I would have never thought that someday I'd be sitting in a bus with Draco Malfoy and actually have him complement me. Lets just hope this nice streak of his lasts.' Hermione looked through the window and down the street and saw that her house was coming up.

She turned to Draco and informed him that they were almost there. Draco was getting a little nervous. He just then thought about what her parents would think of him. He was almost positive that Hermione would have said something about him, since he was the one to make her school life hell most of the time.

"Are your parents going to be home? I don't really think that they would appreciate it much if I stayed-" He would have finished but Hermione cut in.

"Their both at work, but they will be home later." Hermione contemplated weather or not to say the next part. "They do know about you...but I'll try to explain things to them the best I can. To be completely honest with you Draco, I'm not sure I can completely trust you..yet. I can tell that there is something different about you, but it'll just take time to settle in." Hermione finished while looking at her lap the whole time. "Please don't take it the wrong way." She said as an afterthought.

Draco completely understood her point of view. He won't trust himself quite yet either if he was her. "Its ok, I know what you mean, and I'm fine with it. I know it must be difficult for you to do all this, being that its me your taking in and all." Draco smiled at her to make her see that he was fine with her decision. Draco was starting to calm down some, and relax enough to be somewhat comfortable with the situation.

"This is our stop." Hermione said when the bus came to a holt.

She led Draco off the bus and to the sidewalk. "You see that white house with the blue shutters? That's my house." Hermione told Draco.

"It looks really nice. I've never been inside a muggle house before, all I've ever been in is mansions and castles."

"Yeah, I can imagine. Its nice and cozy, nothing to fancy, but it's home to me." Hermione said with a satisfied smile.

"I wish I could have grown up in houses like these." He said softly as he looked around at the neighborhood. "My home is just so cold and uninviting."

"Well I guess this means that you'll have to take advantage of this situation, and try to enjoy it while it lasts." Hermione turned and smiled at him as they walked up to the steps and unlocked the door.

Draco smiled in return and followed her into the house. "Yes, I suppose your right."

"Of course I'm right." She said with a smile.

Draco chuckled and shook his head. It amazed him how well she was taking all this. He was sure glad of it too. For many reasons really. For one it's a place to stay till he sorted things out, and two, he would finally be able to repair the damage he had caused in the past with Hermione. Draco had never really hated her or her friends, it was just that he learned early in life that the first thing to do is make sure that his father was happy. And being evil and cruel to the Golden Trio was what made him bearable when he got home.

Hermione led him to the kitchen and got him something to eat. Come to find out he hadn't eaten since he's left the mansion. After he got done devouring his meal, Hermione showed him around the house and showed him various muggle things. One of which being the T.V. Draco had heard of it before from some of the kids at Hogwarts but was never quite sure what it was. Hermione put in a movie that she thought he might like, then settle back down on the couch and waited till her parents got home.

Hermione was wondering what she was going to tell them. She was sure that they would at least let him stay a night or two, but she wasn't so sure about what to tell them, since she herself didn't know exactly what was going on. 'Oh well. I guess its no use worrying now, I still have a couple more hours till they arrived, and in the mean time I can just ask Draco what he wants me to do about it.' After that conclusion was solved for the moment, she sat back and enjoyed the movie while watching the amazed face of Draco Malfoy.

~Man. It sure did take me a while to get this sucker out. I kind of forgot about it..:S oops! It's a short one but at least I got something out, right? I'm not quite sure how I want this to go, so if anyone has any ideas feel free to let me know, I would really appreciate it. And by the way, thanx a bunch to the two people who reviewed. :D Sorry I didn't make it clear as to what grade they were in. They will be going into 5th year. Sorry midnight dream that they're not older. Although that would be a cool idea. :) But not this time. I went back and made some changes to the first chapter, fixed my spelling errors that you pointed out to me Halfling, thanx for letting me know, I just miss some things when I get into writing. :) If I get more reviews this time around I might actually get the next chapter out before next year rolls around. :P ~Fae