Rose Potter and the Boy-Who-Lived

by coolhacker1025

This is a crossover between my "Rose Potter" stories (preferably "The Adventures of Rose Potter") and semi-canon (EWE, no-Cursed Child, HHr) Harry Potter. It will diverge quickly from both stories

Chapter VIII: Harry's Interlude

While the girls were inside, Harry was meeting with the security force that the Minister had assigned. Unlike their British counterparts who, with very few exceptions were not good at what they did, the French were very good at what they did.

They'd never lost a client.

Harry quickly learned that the French government was not corrupt at all—lobbyists were one of the man classes of people banned from doing business with the government. Also, there was a "Shoot on Sight" order for anyone bearing the name "Malfoy."

Apparently, a couple of generations back, the Malfoys had started a mutiny against the Government, so the Government put down the rebellion hard, and banished the Malfoys. The only reason that Lucius, et al. were held in such high esteem in the British Government was that they were well connected, especially after the marriage to the Blacks.

One of the officers came over to Harry. "Name, Rank, and Intention?" she asked. Harry looked at her. She was wearing a BDU-type uniform, was about 175 cm tall, about 77 kg, with long black hair and blue eyes.

"Harry Evans, Part Time Teacher, Full Time Dark Lord Destroyer," said Harry. "Here as a guardian, bodyguard, and family member to Rose. Who are you?"

"Brigadier Sarah Wagner," the officer replied. "Here as a bodyguard to the VIP."

He noticed that she seemed to be checking him out a little more than was necessary. "So your interest in me is completely professional?"

"Not completely," admitted Sarah. "I noticed you when you entered France."

"If your interest is not completely professional, then what time do you get off duty tonight?" asked Harry.

"I will be relieved of duty at 20:00," responded Sarah.

"Maybe we can get a bite to eat after then?" asked Harry.

"Of course," said Sarah. "I look forward to it."


That night, after Sarah got off duty, Harry flamed them to the Magical Quarter in Paris.

"Wow," said Sarah. "That's over 600 km!"

They ended up going to a good restaurant there, where they talked about themselves.

"Your name doesn't sound French," commented Harry.

"My dad is German," said Sarah. "In fact, I was born in West Berlin."

"How did you merit an invitation to Beauxbatons?" asked Harry. "I thought that Durmstrang was for Germans."

"My mother is French, and we moved back when I was young," she said. "Her name is Renée LaForce."

"And you're an Auror?"

"Got top marks on my International OWLs and NEWTs," said the Auror. "They accepted me straight out of school. My contract is up next month, and I'm trying to figure out if I want to do this for another four years, or whether I want to become a civilian. I know that you said that you are a part-time teacher, but what do you do for a living?"

"That's about it right now," said Harry. "I have a standing offer to join the British Aurors. I may or may not take them up on that. Really, trying to keep Rose out of trouble is a full-time job!"

"She gets into a lot of trouble?"

"It's more that trouble comes looking for her, and it knows her address."

Harry learned that the Wagner/LaForce family was very well connected in France, with both families having seats on the French Wizengamot (the Assemblée Nationale Magique). In fact, her family was almost as well connected as the Delacours. It just happened that the Delacour family had more officials in office.


Soon, one dinner together turned into a date, which turned into many dates in the future. As Sarah's parents wanted her to have a well-rounded education, they taught her about the Muggle world.

On their third date, they went to see The Lion King at a cinema. Fortunately, it was a cinema that showed films in their original language with French subtitles. Harry wasn't confident enough in his French skills to see a dubbed movie.

It was in late July that Harry received a message from Dumbledore, asking him to come to Hogwarts.

"You should come with me," said Harry to Sarah. "When is your day off?"

"Wednesday," she said. "I can start terminal leave in two weeks."

Harry quickly wrote a note asking if Wednesday would be fine.

"Harry, what is our status?" asked Sarah later that day. "I really like you."

"I really like you, too," said Harry. "Should we count our dates as actual dates?"

"That would be acceptable," said Sarah.

"Will you go out with me, Sarah Marie Wagner?"

"Oui!" she exclaimed.


On Wednesday, Harry flamed himself and Sarah to Hogsmeade, and then walked to the castle.

"What do you want?" asked Filch when Harry knocked on the front door.

"We have an appointment with the Headmaster," said Harry to the cantankerous caretaker.

"Come in, then," the man said as he led them to Dumbledore's office. "Mars Bar."

The gargoyle moved aside, allowing Harry and Sarah to go up the staircase to Dumbledore's office.

"What's so funny?"

"The first time I was on the train to school, I didn't know anything about Wizard candies, so I thought that I would buy all of the Mars Bars I had money for," responded Harry. "I ended up liking most Wizard candies a lot better."

"Come in," said Dumbledore's voice right as Harry was about to knock on the door.

They walked in. "Harry, good to see you," he said. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"This is Sarah Wagner," said Harry. "She was part of Rose's protective detail in France. She's looking to possibly quit their Auror Force when her contract is up."

"Ah, I'd always wondered about you, Mr Evans," said the Headmaster. "Seeing as you never seemed interested in anyone around here."

"Most of the people are way too young or way too old for me, sir," said Harry.

"Now, I'd like to offer you a job," said Dumbledore. "Both of you, actually, if that will make your decision easier."

"A job?" asked Harry.

"Once again, I find myself without a Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor," said Dumbledore. "It's getting to the point that the Minister is trying to appoint someone to the job."

"That would be bad, sir," Harry said. "Very bad."

"I looked, and I saw that your NEWTs were off the scale for Defence," continued the Headmaster. "Since you would be teaching Miss Potter and Miss Granger anyway, I thought that I'd make it official."

"I'd be honoured to teach," said Harry. "Are you sure? I don't know if I'd be good at teaching."

"You've done it before," said Dumbledore, tapping his head.

Had he really told Dumbledore about the DA? Harry thought to himself. He couldn't remember either way.

"I'd of course give you accommodations, suitable for two if needed, while you are here," said Dumbledore. "I will need your coursebook selections as soon as possible."

The Headmaster pulled out a sheet of parchment from his desk. "A two-year contract," he said. "Total compensation of ₲6800 a year, plus bonuses for each student that achieves an 'O' on the OWLs or NEWTs."

Harry signed the paper, and handed it to Sarah, who signed it as a witness. He then thought of a couple of good defence texts and wrote them down for Dumbledore, including the Basic Defensive Theory (or How Not To Get Yourself Killed) series by Alastor Moody. He'd written a whole series of them, and then had someone else edit them so that they would be appropriate for different age groups.

Harry had seen the Auror level edition, which was a compilation of the books, and some of Moody's paranoia showed. That, and the language would make a sailor blush.

"Do you want to move here?" asked Harry.

"I would like that," said Sarah. "I know that it's only been a couple of weeks since we met, but I feel a stronger connection with you than anyone else I've ever known."


Rose was having a great time in France with her girlfriend, Hermione, and their friends Fleur and Gabrielle, but unfortunately, sooner than they would have liked, they had to return to Crawley, as the Granger parents had appointments to attend to, and the girls had to get ready for their sixth year.

Harry met them at the Granger household after they got back.

"How are you doing?" asked Dan. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"This is Sarah," replied Harry. "She used to be with the French Aurors, but now is on Terminal Leave. She is also my girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," said Dan shaking her hand. He turned back to Harry. "How did your meeting with Dumbledore go?"

"We talked about the new Defence Professor," said Harry.

"Is he any good?" asked Hermione.

"I'd say so," said Harry.

"Do you know him?"

"Well of course I know him," said Harry, transfiguring himself a brown cloak. "He's me."

"That was a Star Wars reference, right?" asked Sarah. She still hadn't seen all of the Star Wars films yet, but she knew bits and pieces.

"You have to see Star Wars," exclaimed Hermione. "I have it on VHS. I've heard rumours that there's going to be a Special Edition for the Twentieth Anniversary in 1997. It's one of my favourite film series of all time."

The next weekend, they watched all three Star Wars films in a row, with breaks only for the WC and to eat.

"That was so good," said Sarah. Rose was nodding her head.


Snape had a fit when he realised who was going to be teaching that year. It was bad enough that Dumbledore wouldn't give him the damned Defence job, but for Dumbledore to hire someone who looked like James Potter!

"You don't even know his qualifications!" shouted Snape.

"He has proven his abilities," said Dumbledore. "He has proven to me that I can trust him, and I do, Severus, quite possibly even more than I trust you."

"Where did he come from?" asked Snape. "Nobody heard of Harry Evans until a year ago. There is no immigration record for him, nothing!"

"There would not be any record of his immigrating," said Dumbledore. "His method of transportation bypasses all known security systems."

"Like I should be relieved at that?!" shouted Snape. "I should have the Defence Against the Dark Arts job: I know more about the Dark Arts and defences against them than nearly anyone else."

"That is right," admitted Dumbledore. "You do know nearly more than anyone else. Mr Evans has shown himself to be at or beyond your own level."

"That's another thing! Why is he using that name?" asked Snape. "To taunt me and to torture me for all eternity?"

"Harry is not James Potter, Severus," said Dumbledore calmly. "He uses it because it is his name."

Snape went back to his Dungeons to prepare for the upcoming term.


"Sarah, I told you that I was related to Rose through her mother's grandfather's grandfather, correct?" asked Harry. "That's not entirely true."

He took out his wand and cast a spell around the area they were in.

"What was that?"

"Old Soviet privacy spell," said Harry. "Picked it up at the Blacks. The spell is great for privacy, but anyone trained to look for it can see it's there."

"Mr Black told it to you?"

"Sarah, there is no such person as Mr Black," said Harry. "Certainly not an almost immortal, Super Auror."

"Why did you use the spell?"

"There are certain things related to my identity that are very dangerous," said Harry. "Literally, people would be in danger if my identity got 'leaked'."

"Then, I swear on my life and magic that I will not reveal your identity," swore Sarah.

"I'm not from this universe..."


"Did you ever meet me in your world?" asked Sarah.

"No," said Harry. "First, you were in France, and I never went. Second, you were like eight years older than me. The only Auror friend I knew was Nymphadora Tonks, though never call her that if you want to live."

"She's the clumsy Metamorphmagus, right?" she asked. Harry nodded. "The French were in awe about her Metamorph abilities; I mean, there's only like ten in the world at once. We also figured that she was either in a relationship with someone or was well connected."

"She's a member of the Black family, albeit an unofficial cadet branch, as her mum was disowned."

"Who did you end up with in your universe?"

"Well, in both worlds I've been to, Hermione gets a Potter," said Harry. "We got married on Halloween 1998."

"She wasn't..."

"No," said Harry. "She went for guys in my universe. Specifically, me. I rather think that Grangers are Potter-sexuals."

"Attracted to Potters?"



The year at Hogwarts was a rather uneventful one. Due to the fact that Voldemort was dead, there were no attempts on the lives of either Rose or Harry.

Harry decided that he (and his girlfriend) really enjoyed teaching, so they signed a five-year contract when it came time to renew. Sarah was rather good at Arithmancy, so she filled in there a number of times.

The day that Rose left Hogwarts, Harry finally proposed to Sarah.

"Now, after congratulating our leaving Seventh Years, I believe one of our professors has something he needs to say," said Dumbledore at the Leaving Feast. "Or perhaps, ask. Mr Evans and Miss Wagner, please."

"I met you three summers ago, if I am counting correctly," said Harry, getting down on one knee. "Before I met you, I couldn't think of anyone that I would like to spend the rest of my life with. Now, I can't imagine spending time without you. Sarah Marie Wagner, will you marry me?"

With a strength that most didn't realise she had, Sarah pulled Harry from his kneeling position and kissed him. Dumbledore cleared his throat a couple of times when the kiss was starting to go a little overboard.

"OUI!" exclaimed Sarah. "I mean, yes, I will marry you."

Harry put a ring on her finger, and they went back to their positions at the Staff Table. Dumbledore stood up and started to clap, and soon, three-quarters of the school was giving them a standing ovation.

A couple of years later, Rose proposed to Hermione at a fancy restaurant in London, and Hermione accepted. They got married on Harry's fourth wedding anniversary, 31 October 2001. The Headmaster, always happy to see people in love, performed the ceremony himself, as he was still Chief Warlock and Supreme Mugwump.

It was a couple of years later that Harry remembered something. "When I left, the Muggles were experimenting with something called IVF." he said to Sarah.

"I think I remember reading something in the paper about that," responded his wife. "Some Healer has found a way to do it magically. We should send the article to the girls."

They did that, and a year later, both the Evans and the Potter-Granger households were welcoming their first children.


All of the Potter-Granger children were good friends with the Evans children, almost to the point that they were like siblings.

Harry Daniel Potter, who was Hermione's first child, and James Victor Evans, started Hogwarts the same year, and the hat had barely touched either of their heads when it proclaimed them to be Gryffindors.

The next year, James Charles Potter and Stephan Frederick Evans both entered Hogwarts and were sorted to Gryffindor.

Finally, Lily Marie Evans and Sarah Rose Potter were entering Hogwarts, and were understandably nervous. They wanted to live up to their older brothers.

As the families were leaving the platform, Harry and Rose noticed their scars in the mirror. Each was barely there, and most people wouldn't even notice it. They hadn't pained their owners for many years now. All was well.


A Brigadier in the French police force is equivalent to a constable or sergeant in a British police force

I know that in France, the majority of films are dubbed, it's just that I needed Harry to see a movie in English

Reference to Make a Wish by "Rorschach's Blot"