Hey! Sorry for the long wait! Again! You know, schoolwork, other stories, Ninjago episodes!

Let's get into the story!


Shocked faces formed on the bleaches as Lloyd finished talking. He smiled lightly and laughed. "It's true."

Kai was the first one to speak. "Lloyd, that is impossible, no one can have elemental powers!?"

"I'm telling you guys the truth!"

"Why should we believe you? I mean, I just meet you!" Harumi shouted.

"I have an elemental as well, energy."

"What the hell is energy? Can you suck the energy out of people and things?" Nya asked, he second question asked with a lot of sarcasm.

"No, it's sort of an energy blast thing, I don't really know what it is."

"So, show us." Cole declared.


"Show us you have 'energy' and we will believe you."

"Ok…" Lloyd breathed in, he didn't think he had to show them his elemental power. Last time he used it was to…well he didn't mean to!

He concreated, putting his hands together and closing his eyes. He could hear how everyone was scoffing, but that didn't break his confidence.

Slowly, the green blast started to form in his hands, gasps formed as Lloyd shot it towards a tree.

It hit, everyone went dead silent.

"Now do you believe me?" Lloyd smirked, he actually did it!

No one said anything, they were still all too shocked.

"So, what are our elements?" Skylor asked shakily, trying to calm herself.

Lloyd took out the note from his pocket and read off their element. He looked at the person when he spoke his name.

"Kai Smith: Fire. Nya Smith: Water. Jay Walker: Lighting. Cole Bucket: Earth. Skylor Chen: Amber. Zane Julien: Ice. Harumi Royal: Telekinesis. Pixal Borg: Illusion. Morro Storm: Wind."

"How did you know my last name?" Skylor asked. "And what is Amber!?"

"It's on this note." Lloyd showed them the note. "I don't know what Amber is."

"Amber is a crystal that can absorb energy," Zane stated and turned to Skylor. "So your element must have something to do with absorption."

Nya huffed. "This is all crazy, I don't want an element, and if I did, I wouldn't want water."

"You can't choose your element; you were born with it." Lloyd said as a few of this groaned.

"I knew that note was bothering you! Why did you lie!?" Morro spat.

"I needed everyone here, we need to form a team."

"Are you crazy?!" Jay's eyes grew a little wider. "I just met some of these people and found out I am a freak with the power of thunder!"

"Yours is lighting and," Lloyd sighed. "You guys aren't freaks and neither am I. Think of all the things you could do with your element, I bet there isn't one person here who hasn't wished for a power."

No one said anything, so Lloyd continued. "No one can know about your elements, do not tell anyone! Even your closest friends and family! Can you all just think about it? Please."

A few people nodded. "If you want to be on this team, meet me in my dorm tomorrow at 4:15."

"Nope, sorry. I have soccer tryouts." Morro said sourly, and walked off.

"Morro!" Lloyd sighed. "4:15, my dorm tomorrow, team!" With that done, Lloyd ran off to catch up with his friend.

"Since when do you care about soccer? I thought you would want to miss it!"

"I'm not so on board for this whole team thing, I don't like being on a team."

"But you are trying out to get on a soccer team! You aren't telling me something!" Lloyd pulled on Morro's arm so he would stop.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Seriously? I just found out I have an elemental power! I am supposed to be chill about this!?" Morro shouted.

"Shh, Morro, be quiet!" Lloyd said in a whisper voice.

"This is ridiculous! How did you even find out about your element!?"

Lloyd said nothing. He couldn't tell him, his mouth went dry, no excuses.

Morro scoffed. "Whatever, guess you can't trust me." Morro stomped off leaving Lloyd standing alone.

That went great…


Lloyd slammed his books shut and threw them on the floor. He groaned and flopped down on his bed. Stupid homework. He thought as his gaze drifted towards Morro's side.

Morro was gone, he didn't know where, but he was gone. He had to come back eventually, this is his dorm.

Lloyd slowly sat up and forced himself off the bed, picking up his science textbook.

He grabbed his backpack and shoved it in.

Done. Now time to sleep.

The blond quickly changed into some pajamas and sat down on his bed. He loved sleeping, but he couldn't do it knowing that there were others, with elements, just like him and they were going to form a team.


Lloyd glanced at his phone, and shivered a little, who was it?

He grabbed his phone and sighed when it was only Kai.

Kai: Nice job getting everyone together, I knew I could count on you.


Lloyd read the text again, it was from Kai but it made no sense. He quickly dialed his number, but it went straight to voice mail.

Without thinking, Lloyd jumped off of his bed and ran out of his dorm to his friend's dorm.

When he got there, he banged on the door. "Kai! Come on man! Open up!"

The door flew open. "Lloyd? What are you doing here?"

"Oh…uh it's Zane right? Hey."

Zane let out a small wave but his face didn't change, he was scared. "Are you ok?"

"Uh yeah, just looking for Kai, you know where he is?"

"He left about 20 minutes ago with Harumi."

"Oh, you know where he is…with Harumi?"

Zane shook his head. "Wanna come in?"

"Erm…no thanks…I guess I'll see him tomorrow…bye." Lloyd slightly turned around, but then turned back. "Will I see you at my dorm tomorrow?"

"I still have to think about it." He said and closed the door.

Ok. He was not going back to his dorm until he finds out what that text meant.

He pulled out his phone and went through his texts with Kai.

"No! No!"

Lloyd threw his phone onto the carpet and slid down the wall, burying his head into his knees.

A door flew open and Zane came running out. "Lloyd! Come on, let's get you back to your dorm."

Zane helped Lloyd get up, and couldn't help notice he was shaking. Zane grabbed Lloyd's phone and carried both back to the dorm.

Once they got there, Zane placed the teen onto his bed and sighed. "Get some rest…"

He placed the phone down on the night stand, turned off the lights and walked out.

In a few moments, Lloyd went out just like the lights.

2:30 AM…

He slowly climbed into the dorm, quietly and carefully.

Quickly, he made his way into his own bed and laid down on it, but he sat straight up when his roommates phone went off.

Out of pure curiosity, he walked over to the phone and clicked it on. It was from Kai.

Kai: Hello Morro, lovely night, isn't it?

Morro staggered back, how?

The phone went off once again.

Kai: Lloyd wants to know your secret and you want to know his, I can tell you. But I can't promise I won't tell Lloyd yours.

Morro picked up the phone and quickly typed.

Morro: How do you know?!

Kai: That is an answer for another day, do you want to know his secret.

He stopped for a second, Lloyd kept this large secret from him, time to find out his other secret.

Morro: I do.

Kai: I won't just tell you, I'll show you.

Morro gained a confused look when he got a link to a video, he sat down on his bed and clicked the video.

He watched the entire video, when it ended, he dropped the phone. "Y-You killed someone!"


Lloyd groggily woke up and looked around the room, no Morro. Was he still mad at him?

"Why is my phone on the floor?" He pushed himself out of bed and walked over to his phone, he picked up and gasped. 8:30 AM.

"Shit! I am so late!"

Lloyd scrambled up from the floor, grabbed his clothes and rushed into the bathroom. Why didn't Morro wake him up!?

Once he got out of the bathroom, he threw his backpack, grabbed his phone and flew out of his room.

He ran down the hall, down the stairs and to English Class. Mrs. Leo was going to kill him!

Lloyd kicked open the door, all faces turned to him. He stopped he laughed. "Uh hi everyone…"

"Mr. Garmadon, care to explain why you were late?" Mrs. Leo was putting the cap on the dry erase marker.

"I slept pass my alarm…" At that moment, Lloyd glanced over to Morro's seat, he wasn't there.

"Excuses, sit down Mr. Garmadon." Mrs. Leo pointer her marker to his chair, he quickly moved to his chair. She turned back around to the white board.

"Where's Morro?"

Mrs. Leo turned around to face Lloyd. "He wasn't feeling well, I sent him to the nurse."


"Oh and Mr. Garmadon, I don't know if this is clear or not, but you have after school detention."


"If you are late, you get after school detention! Do you want lunch detention as well?"

"No ma'am, I understand…"

"Good, now that the disruption is done, we can get back to our lesson." She turned back around, took the cap off of her marker and started to speak.

Lloyd zoned out. He couldn't believe he got detention on the second day of school. What if everyone comes to his dorm and he isn't there!? No team!

He turned to look at Zane and Pixal who were to engaged in the lesson to notice him.

Then, he looked at Harumi who had a blank stare, her eyes move down to the floor, but Lloyd nodded when he saw a paper. He took the paper, and making sure Mrs. Leo wasn't watching, he read it.

Since you got detention, how about we meet somewhere at lunch? Oh and I will be there! It sounds exciting! :)

Lloyd grabbed his pencil and quickly wrote back.

Good idea! Let's meet by that large cherry blossom tree at lunch! We can tell everyone who was at that meeting yesterday. Also, I am glad to hear you are coming! :)

Lloyd gave the paper back to Harumi, a few seconds later, she gave it back.

Great! At the large cherry blossom! I am excited to be a part of something exciting! Let's actually pay attention now. –Harumi.

He put the paper in his desk and looked back towards the front, Mrs. Leo was speaking about boring English stuff.

"Ok, make sure you wrote this all down, we will have a test on it next Friday!" As Lloyd quickly tried to grab a piece of paper to write everything down, Mrs. Leo erased the board.

He frowned. Great.


"Why did you need to see me?"

"I would like to report a murder."

"Ah, write who you suspect the murderer is and who was the victim."

"Oh, I don't suspect, I know."

He wrote down the two names and placed a phone down on the desk.

"On this phone is proof Lloyd Garmadon killed Michael Reece."


How did you like this chapter? :D Sorry it took so long! A lot of stuff happened this chapter! Morro knows Lloyd's secret and so does Kai! Also, someone reported Lloyd to the police!

Until next time! BYEE