Language Day

There were days that the Bat Clan were only allowed to speak one language that is not English. It was to help them keep up with their multiple spoken tongues. It would be posted on the fridge by Alfred and by the end of breakfast everyone was speaking it. Today was one of those days. And today is Arabic.

Damian would not stop smirking as Jason groaned into his arms. Arabic was his worse language. Today was going to be hell. The second son just knew it.

It's not like Jason and his other two brothers knew that the youngest of them was a demon spawn; it's just that they didn't fully realize how much of a terror Damian was going to be today.

He was following around each one of his victims, correcting their grammar with perfect Arabic. His nose high in the air, a smug little smirk on his face as he engaged in conversations of highly complicated subjects with Jason. Who was barely keeping up with his youngest brother.

But then Alfred came around the bend and with his normal bland tone, answered Damian's question to an old Arabic tongue twister, in perfect Arabic.

There was a slight up turn to his lip as he announced that dinner is ready. Before stalking off, leaving behind a slightly gaping Damian and a howling in laughter Jason once he saw his little brother's face.

Jason had a mental note to himself that he should get Alfred a special gift for the up coming Father's Day.

I will be taking requests for chapters. Please feel free to leave one and I hope you all enjoy this domestic, funny little brothers thing that I'm making.