
Although it was his name, he could never really understand the reason that all those who had met him would insist on calling him the colour.

That was a lie, of course. He knew all too well why they called him that name.

But that didn't matter.

He chose to ignore it.

Contrary to popular belief, Red had only ever felt the burning emotion that he knew went hand in hand with the colour he was named after few times in his life. He had seen it enough times to know when one felt it, though. Cosmo had never really been one to keep his feelings to himself, no. He made sure everyone knew, especially Red.

But that was ok.

He chose to ignore it.

As time went on, Red became more aware of why red was such an important colour when you lived in the circus. It was a warning, for one thing. If he ever saw the blinding red that signified Cosmos rage, he made sure he was out of sight.

Yet another misfortune he was blessed with at birth was, what he could only assume, a metaphorical sign above his head screaming "I am weak, you should beat me up!"

Although it wasn't the best, he could manage.

He could ignore that too.

Maybe, god just hated him, and maybe, he was ok with it. Well, not really, but he had made it this far already, why give up now?

Surprisingly, it wouldn't be long until he would find that reason.

Sadly, though, as once told to him by one of the other helpers.

Life's a bitch