Author's Notes:

A few days ago I mentioned to Bearhow that I had several half-done one-shots that I had begun, abandoned and then completely forgot where I was going with them. I sent him one example and he got back to me with his thoughts of how it could have concluded. His idea was interesting, but slightly different from mine. And then I had an epiphany.

I was going to post that same beginning, and then we were going to finish it separately, each one with his own ending. Of course, now the cat was out of the bag and we figured we could get even more people on board! We already have an expression of interest from a few more authors, and I hope we'll have their endings up soon also.

FanFiction site rules don't allow me to request interaction through a story, so please PM me if you have any questions.



High Stakes

"You should give up right away and save yourselves a lot of pain, dudes!" Beast Boy boasted. "I'm the king!"

His character ran and rolled under a burst of bullets, sprang up and sent a perfectly aimed headshot at Cyborg, then ducked behind a wall before Robin could riddle him. He pulled the pin from a hand grenade and bounced it off the side wall. It exploded a moment later, sending pieces of Robin's character all around.

"YEAH! Two frags ahead, nine more minutes to go!" he chortled while pumping his fist victoriously. "I ain't doin' the dishes today, that's for sure!"

Cyborg and Robin fumed while they waited impatiently for their characters to respawn. This was a high-stakes deathmatch; the loser would have to do the dishes that day. The two older Titans glanced and nodded almost imperceptibly at each other, having reached an unspoken, silent agreement.

The next three minutes they tried outflanking, pincer movements, baiting out and even a plain old frontal assault, but Beast Boy held his own against both of them combined, and even increased his lead to four frags. His opponents scowled in impotent anger and exchanged another quick, meaningful glance.

The stakes were high, indeed. High enough for Robin and Cyborg to recall the old saying that the end justifies the means. And if the rules and mechanics of the game were not supplying the proper means…

"Yo, Greenbean!" Cyborg fired the first shot with an evil smirk on his face. "Didya ever kiss a girl?"

[The alternate endings go here]