Riddick has been on many adventures and I feel like this could be one of them, just not a dangerous one. We don't know much about what happened before PITCH BLACK so this could have taken place then or perhaps sometime after RIDDICK. You decide. I do ask that you don't dismiss this story after just reading the prologue. At least read the first chapter. I do have a couple betas but all mistakes are mine. I can't stop adding and editing. Thank you for reading!

Thanks to Victoria for all the support and help! And thanks to Disco-Wing for being my beta. I couldn't have done this without either of you!


Glara Ouzel was meant to be a thriving and prosperous planet, but that was a long time ago. Glara Ouzel, or G.O. as they called it now, was the closest thing to Earth in the Nugreon solar system. In the entire Staolara galaxy really. A lot of work went into recreating old earth vacation hot spots. Promise of jobs drew in hundreds of thousands of lower to middle class workers, hoping to make a better life for themselves and their families. It wasn't long till the targeted consumers realized it wasn't worth the creds, or time to travel to a distant planet that spent more on advertisements than actually amenities.

By the time the job market caught on, they didn't have the funds to leave. Only a lucky few could afford to leave, and those left behind were worse off than when they had arrived. Thankfully, it still had a highly in demand called unobtainium. While unobtainium was plentiful and easy enough to mine, wages were low due to the inability to manufacture or process the precious metal on G.O. itself. The high cost of shipping simply out weighed the high price of the raw material.

Another thing that mad Glara Ouzel so different was the syzygy eclipse that lasted for eight days every three years. When planning the resorts, the investors were concerned that the celestial occurrence would cause them to lose money. The corporations behind the developments reassured them that the eight days every three years would be beneficial to repairs and new construction.

That was decades ago. Now Glara Ouzel was a run down place with very few populated cities. These cities were few and far between due to the location of the mines, over crowded and had high crime rates on a good day.

Now criminals saw the eclipse as prime time to make money and chaos, causing crime rates to sky rocket. Local authorities were helpless in their quest to keep things under control, and it wasn't long till Racnoavis Security, Inc. came to G.O. They offered alarm and security systems to help protect the people and their property. They also took over some of the bigger hotels and made them into secure institutions for those who couldn't afford their various home systems. These institutions offered a varied range of high security options from hotel like rooms and suites to sleep pods. The majority of G.O.'s population preferred the sleep pods where they could, "Sleep the Eclipse Away." Men enjoyed the rest, women liked the weight loss and most of the children hated it. Seeing as how it was the cheapest option Racnoavis offered, it was very popular. RSI could fit hundreds of people into smaller areas and had them surrounded by electric fences and men with automatic weapons. Criminals tended to stay in the city and left these places be.

Still people stayed on G.O. They lived their lives, day to day, in hope of a better tomorrow. But none really expected any change or relief to ever happen. This is how it had been on Glara Ouzel for as long as Aura could remember, but something would change for her today.

Ending AN:

You can skip this if you don't like rambling ANs. This is my first fan fiction since I was quiet young. I've had this idea for well over a year, after meeting my new BFF, I decided I'd do it. This won't be the average Riddick story. No fighting, chases or bad guys, well besides Riddick. I'd love some feed back. Good or bad. I've been working on this for awhile and can't wait to see how people respond.