
Hello everybody! I arrived with a new story called 'Son of the Apocalypse.'. if you read the summary you must have a pretty good idea of what this is about. If you haven't or you forgot, this is a Natsu being raised by Acnologia fic. Also the main paring is already decided and it will be NatsuxMira. I really like that pairing. If you read other of my stories and you wanted to see more, don't worry I'm not dropping any of them. This story is inspired on a storie: 'Story of the Black Dragon Child.'. Now that it is all set and done, Let's go to the story!




"Dragon Talking"

'Dragon Thinking'

Magic Attacks

Prologue: Start of the Chaos

Year: April 30, X770

A town in the kingdom of Fiore that was actually in fire was being watched with amusement a black dragon with blue scales in some parts. He was enjoying his destruction.

This was the black dragon off the book of the Apocalypse, Acnologia. He had no interest in anything but to cause destruction towards all the living. This was his hobby and objective. And who knows, Maybe one day he could find someone that could give him a good fight.

'I doubt it.' The dragon thought.

He stand up and started to walk towards the village to have a closer look. After some minutes with his enhanced hearing he listened a, really annoying in his opinion, cry. So to silence the annoying sound he went towards the cry.

When he arrived he saw a small kid, probably 3 years old, with pink hair and black eyes, crying in the middle of all the destruction.

Acnologia could had blasted him away in one second without a problem, but the kid called his attention by one reason.

His magic pressure.

The kid probably have been releasing a little bit with his crying and the amount was impressive. So Acnologia made up a plan.

"Gaki." The dragon called the attention of the kid who stopped his crying and looked at the dragons blue eyes.

The kid sobbed a little before answering "Y-Yes mister dragon?" At the name Acnologia chuckled.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Seeing the kid shake his head and the look of interest and curiosity in his eyes made the dragon chuckle once again. "Interesting little gaki. What's your name?"

"N-Natsu." The now identified Natsu spluttered out and the dragon nodded his head slowly.

"Do you have any one waiting for you?" Acnologia asked and his answer was given when the kid started to cry once again. Because of that he didn't see the sinister smirk on the dragon's face.

"Natsu, do you want to come with me? I can teach things mortals couldn't imagine." Acnologia offered and Natsu looked at him with surprise.

"Will you take care of me?" Natsu asked with hope.

"That's one way to see this, so yes."

"Will you be my family?"

"Sure, Sure." The dragon said not really caring and was surprised when he felt something hug one of his claws. He looked down and saw that it was Natsu hugging his claw.

"Thank you Mister..." Natsu started but stopped still not knowing the dragons name.

The dragon chuckled "My name is Acnologia, but you may call me father. Natsu Darksoul." Acnologia said giving him his new name.

*One year later*

4 years old Natsu was moving a gigantic boulder to the top of a mountain. Why you ask? Acnologia's training to become a dragon slayer.

When he arrived to the top at his side landed his father looking at him with his penetrating eyes at the small kid.

"You took too much time to move this boulder. You are a disgrace." Acnologia said and Natsu glared at his foster father.

"Have you compared the size of this rock to mine? It is almost the size of your leg!" Natsu complained and the dragon scoffed.

"Almost." He said and started to walk back to their cave. "Today is your birthday, so tomorrow I'll start training you on dragon slaying magic. That's your gift."

Natsu smiled tiredly and then he looked down "Father?"

"What is it?"

"You told me that you were human." Natsu started and Acnologia nodded.

"So what?" The dragon asked with curiosity and a tint of annoyance.

"I was wondering if you could show me your human form?" Natsu asked giving some puppy eyes that usually never work but it's worth a try.

With a sigh Acnologia walked away and said "When you wake up tomorrow you will see me in my human form. Now go to rest." And both left towards their home.

*The Next Day*

Natsu was sleeping in peace when he felt someone softly kicking his stomach.

"Wake up gaki. We got training to do." A man voice told him. Natsu opened his eyes and saw a man with long dark blue hair, green eyes with bags under them and with some blue marks on his forearms. He was wearing baggy grey pants and a sleeves leather brown jacket.

Natsu stand up and got into a defensive position his father taught him "Who are you and where is father?!"

The man let out a 'tch' and said "Idiot, this is my human form, I am Acnlogia." At the revelation Natsu blinked lowered his guard.

"You look like this?" Seeing his father nod he pointed to the bags under his eyes "You don't sleep much, right?"

Acnologia let out a grunt and turned towards the exit "We're starting your dragon slayer training today. It won't be easy, so don't cry. And if you screw up, I will punish you. Understood?" Natsu nodded quickly excited for his training and scared of his father future punishes.

*2 years later*

Natsu was limping across the forest with his clothes almost destroyed. Because of this the many scars across his chest and back.

Then he heard loud sounds coming his way and what he saw a red dragon with his bottom part a yellow color.

"You seem hurt." The dragon asked him and Natsu looked away.

"I can handle it. If father thinks I'm weak, he will punish me again." Natsu answered and the dragon frowned.

"I see. Who is your father?" The dragon asked and Natsu looked at him in the eye with an serious expression.

"The dragon king Acnologia." Natsu answered and the dragon nodded still with his frown present.

"I understand. Then if you are fine, I will leave you to your father." He turned around and was about to walk away when he felt Natsu grab his tail.

The red dragon looked intrigued. "Something wrong?"

"Can we be friends?" Natsu asked surprising the dragon, that looked at the kid's eyes, and saw the pain and loneliness. So he smiled.

"Of course. My name is Igneel."

*4 Years later*

"Chaos Dragon Roar!" Natsu screamed and from his mouth he released a great quantity of bright grey, destructive magic, from his mouth, towards a mountain, destroying it.

Natsu looked at the remains of the mountain without a expression. There was no hint of excitement, joy, rage, sadness. Nothing.

After so many years of living with Acnologia he learned to hide his emotions. To never show them to anyone.

Anyone but Igneel.

Thinking about his first and only friend he sight. It was always sad to think about him.

"I'm back father!" Natsu screamed but he got no response.

"Father!" Natsu screamed again getting inside the cave but still no response.

"FATHER!" Natsu screamed looking around frenetically but nothing. No trace of Acnologia.

"ACNOLOGIA!" Natsu screamed but he didn't got a response. Then he saw it.

A note in the empty cave.

Natsu opened the note and the content made him cry.


I left because you disappointed me with your weakness. Even after all my training you're still useless. But I still don't lose faith in you. I'll wait until you are strong enough to help me. For now, explore the world, join a guild, and become stronger. I'll come back for you one day.

Your father: Acnologia.

He crumbled the letter on his hand and threw away. He once again was alone.

No village. No Igneel. No Acnologia. Just himself.


He grabbed the few clothes that he had that were ragged and old and wrapped around his neck the scarf that Igneel gave him that was impeccable.

He then left the cave for one last time in his path to become stronger.

On the 7 of July of the year x777. The day that all dragons disappeared.

The day that Natsu Darksoul started his legend.

And done! That's the prologue of my new story "Son of the Apocalypse". I hoped you enjoyed and if you found it short it is because it is the prologue. Next chapter will be longer. Till next time.

Roy D. Harper.